Let's talk about "Communism"

If you say so. It's not really something I've noticed unless the topic is republicans and their too close relationship with the white supremacist movement. Is it proper to call them Nazis?
"Too close relationship?" OK I'll mark you down as a communist (or authoritarian, if you prefer).
Lots of Red Baiting by the wingers. Old discredited tactic.
To a certain extent? I agree.

OTH? Communism was an early form of technocracy, and it is where we are headed.

Social engineering SHOULD NOT be what non-profit foundations are used for. The minds of Americans should be free of indoctrination and propaganda, manipulated mass media events and the like.

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The traditional definition of communism is economic: Collective ownership of the means of production. However, this definition has become as archaic as mercantilism. In modern application, communism means centralized control of people's lives through a one-party political system. This is the model for virtually every "communist" country in the world.

This means that the definition of being a "communist" is not so much that of economic ownership but rather that of enforced uniformity through a centralized control apparatus. In this context, it is easy to determine who is a communist and who is not. Which are you?
State ownership of the "means of production" IS centralized control of people's lives. People are the ultimate "means of production".
If you say so. It's not really something I've noticed unless the topic is republicans and their too close relationship with the white supremacist movement. Is it proper to call them Nazis?
"Too close relationship?" OK I'll mark you down as a communist (or authoritarian, if you prefer).
Yeah? . . . Like, meanwhile. . . . the DNC has high profile members and folks in their party bailing folk out of jail that are participating in riots?

What is worse. . . rhetoric. . . . . or burning, looting and assault? :dunno:
If you say so. It's not really something I've noticed unless the topic is republicans and their too close relationship with the white supremacist movement. Is it proper to call them Nazis?
"Too close relationship?" OK I'll mark you down as a communist (or authoritarian, if you prefer).
Not sure what problem you have with my statement. You can't say that the White Supremacists feel unwelcome in the republican party. It must be the "too close" statement. Maybe you feel that it's not close enough?
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

You of course mean like you do with "Hitler", "Nazi", and "Bown Shirts"
I say nazi when I am talking about actual nazis or white supremacists. When I am talking about right wing social policy I usually say fascist or authoritarian.

I believe we're talking about "sides" here. There is no denying Progs toss those words around like candy.
If you say so. It's not really something I've noticed unless the topic is republicans and their too close relationship with the white supremacist movement. Is it proper to call them Nazis?

Nice try. Once again your side likes to use that broad brush and say that because Supremacists endorse Rump then that makes all righties supremacists. I'm not a hack like you are, I don't feel the need to toss labels around.
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

You of course mean like you do with "Hitler", "Nazi", and "Bown Shirts"
I say nazi when I am talking about actual nazis or white supremacists. When I am talking about right wing social policy I usually say fascist or authoritarian.

I believe we're talking about "sides" here. There is no denying Progs toss those words around like candy.
If you say so. It's not really something I've noticed unless the topic is republicans and their too close relationship with the white supremacist movement. Is it proper to call them Nazis?

Nice try. Once again your side likes to use that broad brush and say that because Supremacists endorse Rump then that makes all righties supremacists. I'm not a hack like you are, I don't feel the need to toss labels around.
I didn't say that at all. When I said the republican party has a too close relationship to white supremacy it implies that there are republicans that do not identify as such but are not really trying to differentiate themselves that much.
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The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

It's absurd that there are still people defending communism after the murder fests. Some people truly are incapable of learning.

Or perhaps they just love Lucifer too much.
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

You of course mean like you do with "Hitler", "Nazi", and "Bown Shirts"
I say nazi when I am talking about actual nazis or white supremacists. When I am talking about right wing social policy I usually say fascist or authoritarian.

I believe we're talking about "sides" here. There is no denying Progs toss those words around like candy.
If you say so. It's not really something I've noticed unless the topic is republicans and their too close relationship with the white supremacist movement. Is it proper to call them Nazis?

Nice try. Once again your side likes to use that broad brush and say that because Supremacists endorse Rump then that makes all righties supremacists. I'm not a hack like you are, I don't feel the need to toss labels around.
I didn't say that at all. When I said the republican party has a too close relationship to white supremacy it implies that there are republicans that do not identify as such but are not really trying to differentiate themselves that much.

This guy did not try to differentiate from KKK too much. White power fist, while holding a hand of an ex-KKK member.


You need to obsess less about white supremacists and more about people who are relevant. Then maybe people will find your posts relevant and not full of cringe.
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

You of course mean like you do with "Hitler", "Nazi", and "Bown Shirts"
I say nazi when I am talking about actual nazis or white supremacists. When I am talking about right wing social policy I usually say fascist or authoritarian.

I believe we're talking about "sides" here. There is no denying Progs toss those words around like candy.
If you say so. It's not really something I've noticed unless the topic is republicans and their too close relationship with the white supremacist movement. Is it proper to call them Nazis?

Nice try. Once again your side likes to use that broad brush and say that because Supremacists endorse Rump then that makes all righties supremacists. I'm not a hack like you are, I don't feel the need to toss labels around.
I didn't say that at all. When I said the republican party has a too close relationship to white supremacy it implies that there are republicans that do not identify as such but are not really trying to differentiate themselves that much.

No such relationship exists, you are drawing conclusions that cannot be substantiated. Having said that I am not a Pub. I am a Conservative without a Political home.
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

You of course mean like you do with "Hitler", "Nazi", and "Bown Shirts"
I say nazi when I am talking about actual nazis or white supremacists. When I am talking about right wing social policy I usually say fascist or authoritarian.

I believe we're talking about "sides" here. There is no denying Progs toss those words around like candy.
If you say so. It's not really something I've noticed unless the topic is republicans and their too close relationship with the white supremacist movement. Is it proper to call them Nazis?

Nice try. Once again your side likes to use that broad brush and say that because Supremacists endorse Rump then that makes all righties supremacists. I'm not a hack like you are, I don't feel the need to toss labels around.
I didn't say that at all. When I said the republican party has a too close relationship to white supremacy it implies that there are republicans that do not identify as such but are not really trying to differentiate themselves that much.

No such relationship exists, you are drawing conclusions that cannot be substantiated. Having said that I am not a Pub. I am a Conservative without a Political home.
Course it does. The white supremacists along with the evangelicals are among Trump's most motivated followers. It's not even debatable.
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

You of course mean like you do with "Hitler", "Nazi", and "Bown Shirts"
I say nazi when I am talking about actual nazis or white supremacists. When I am talking about right wing social policy I usually say fascist or authoritarian.

I believe we're talking about "sides" here. There is no denying Progs toss those words around like candy.
If you say so. It's not really something I've noticed unless the topic is republicans and their too close relationship with the white supremacist movement. Is it proper to call them Nazis?

Nice try. Once again your side likes to use that broad brush and say that because Supremacists endorse Rump then that makes all righties supremacists. I'm not a hack like you are, I don't feel the need to toss labels around.
I didn't say that at all. When I said the republican party has a too close relationship to white supremacy it implies that there are republicans that do not identify as such but are not really trying to differentiate themselves that much.

No such relationship exists, you are drawing conclusions that cannot be substantiated. Having said that I am not a Pub. I am a Conservative without a Political home.
Course it does. The white supremacists along with the evangelicals are among Trump's most motivated followers. It's not even debatable.

LOL, you're just another hack kid.
You people and your communism . . .
They have been completely duped, and they're absolutely terrified.
You have a plethora of job classifications and depending who the employer is, who run the gamut of the employee being very good or not good at all and can not be fired. This has been around for a long time. Salaries are even the same or better with rules that can be different for men and women in the same job classifications which are advantageous to the woman. To experience things is different then being duped. Plus you have people that may be in diverse or not diverse settings not having anyone interfere with their positions and way of doing things and will destroy another person to protect their fiefdoms. Somewhere people lose in that situation.
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

It's absurd that there are still people defending communism after the murder fests. Some people truly are incapable of learning.

Or perhaps they just love Lucifer too much.
As a political system Communism failed and no one thinks that shit is preferable to what we have now. People like their Western decadence way too much. If anything the left is preoccupied with making sure poor people can still afford some Western decadence for themselves.
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.
Name a utopian Communist country.
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

It's absurd that there are still people defending communism after the murder fests. Some people truly are incapable of learning.

Or perhaps they just love Lucifer too much.
As a political system Communism failed and no one thinks that shit is preferable to what we have now. People like their Western decadence way too much. If anything the left is preoccupied with making sure poor people can still afford some Western decadence for themselves.
Biden has gotten the endorsement of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA

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