Let's talk about "Communism"

The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

It's absurd that there are still people defending communism after the murder fests. Some people truly are incapable of learning.

Or perhaps they just love Lucifer too much.
As a political system Communism failed and no one thinks that shit is preferable to what we have now. People like their Western decadence way too much. If anything the left is preoccupied with making sure poor people can still afford some Western decadence for themselves.

The biggest problem of the poor people in the USA is that they are too fat.

The left is a joke. We would be in Mars by now if they would just stop the screeching and focus on self-improvement like the rest of us. That is what they are absolutely not doing anyway, they are preoccupied with invading their own nation as they are too dumb to not abort their children. Here is a newflash, a 3rd world immigrant is not your child even if he temporarily votes with you out of convenience.
Soviet Union is part one of two.

The United States was part two of one 2009 to 2017.

Infact American's are less socialists than Nordic.

American's are more progressive left Democrat's.

Nordic people are more socialists of Democrat's.

Communism and socialism

Since the 1840s, communism has usually been distinguished from socialism. The modern definition and usage of the latter would be settled by the 1860s, becoming the predominant term over the words associationist, co-operative and mutualist which had previously been used as synonyms. Instead, communism fell out of use during this period.

An early distinction between communism and socialism was that the latter aimed to only socialise production, whereas the former aimed to socialise both production and consumption (in the form of free access to final goods). By 1888, Marxists employed socialism in place of communism which had come to be considered an old-fashioned synonym for the former. It was not until 1917, with the Bolshevik Revolution, that socialism came to refer to a distinct stage between capitalism and communism, introduced by Vladimir Lenin as a means to defend the Bolshevik seizure of power against traditional Marxist criticism that Russia's productive forces were not sufficiently developed for socialist revolution. A distinction between communist and socialist as descriptors of political ideologies arose in 1918 after the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party renamed itself to the All-Russian Communist Party, where communist came to specifically refer to socialists who supported the politics and theories of Bolshevism, Leninism and later in the 1920s of Marxism–Leninism, although communist parties continued to describe themselves as socialists dedicated to socialism.

Both communism and socialism eventually accorded with the cultural attitude of adherents and opponents towards religion. In Christian Europe, communism was believed to be the atheist way of life. In Protestant England, the word communism was too phonetically similar to the Roman Catholic communion rite, hence English atheists denoted themselves socialists. Friedrich Engels argued that in 1848, at the time when The Communist Manifesto was first published, "socialism was respectable on the continent, while communism was not". The Owenites in England and the Fourierists in France were considered respectable socialists while working-class movements that "proclaimed the necessity of total social change" denoted themselves communists. This latter branch of socialism produced the communist work of Étienne Cabet in France and Wilhelm Weitling in Germany. While democrats looked to the Revolutions of 1848 as a democratic revolution which in the long run ensured liberty, equality and fraternity, Marxists denounced 1848 as a betrayal of working-class ideals by a bourgeoisie indifferent to the legitimate demands of the proletariat.
The traditional definition of communism is economic: Collective ownership of the means of production. However, this definition has become as archaic as mercantilism. In modern application, communism means centralized control of people's lives through a one-party political system. This is the model for virtually every "communist" country in the world.

This means that the definition of being a "communist" is not so much that of economic ownership but rather that of enforced uniformity through a centralized control apparatus. In this context, it is easy to determine who is a communist and who is not. Which are you?
But what you are describing is totalitarianism.

If we keep our guns, totalitarians cannot rule.

Machine guns for Valhalla!!! Repeal the Hughes Amendment (and all other gun laws)!!!
I've always wanted a Tommy gun.
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

You of course mean like you do with "Hitler", "Nazi", and "Bown Shirts"
I say nazi when I am talking about actual nazis or white supremacists. When I am talking about right wing social policy I usually say fascist or authoritarian.
Turns out Hitler said a lot of things that he didn't mean, especially when he was trying to get the support of the labor movement. If Hitler was honest he would have said you working stiffs are not invited to the Nazi party and the labor movement is doomed.
Um...dumbass? I looked it up. That quote is not by Hitler.

The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

You of course mean like you do with "Hitler", "Nazi", and "Bown Shirts"
I say nazi when I am talking about actual nazis or white supremacists. When I am talking about right wing social policy I usually say fascist or authoritarian.
Your quote is fake. It is astounding how often you dumb fucks drink piss without checking.

Here is a real quote by Hitler:

That is the point when I saw two dangers approaching. Previously, I did not truly understand their names or their importance to the German people’s existence. Their names were Marxism and Jewry. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

It helps to have actually read Mein Kampf as I have. Then you would have no doubt Hitler was far Right.

The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.

You of course mean like you do with "Hitler", "Nazi", and "Bown Shirts"
I say nazi when I am talking about actual nazis or white supremacists. When I am talking about right wing social policy I usually say fascist or authoritarian.
The person who actually said those words was a rival of Hitler's. He also said this:

The spirit of our National Socialist idea has to overpower the spirit of liberalism and false democracy if there is to be a third Reich at all! Deeply rooted in organic life, we have realized that the false belief in the equality of man is the deadly threat with which liberalism destroys people and nation, culture and morals. violating the deepest levels of our being!

We have to reject with fanatical zeal the frequent lie that people are basically equal and equal in regard to their influence in the state and their share of power! People are unequal, they are unequal from birth, become more unequal in life and are therefore to be valued unequally in their positions in society and in the state!
The word still means what it always did in spite of Trumpbots slapping that label on everything they don't like. There are also several flavors of communism with differing ideals running the gamut from utopian to totalitarian.
There’s only one flavor and it’s misery.
The traditional definition of communism is economic: Collective ownership of the means of production. However, this definition has become as archaic as mercantilism. In modern application, communism means centralized control of people's lives through a one-party political system. This is the model for virtually every "communist" country in the world.

This means that the definition of being a "communist" is not so much that of economic ownership but rather that of enforced uniformity through a centralized control apparatus. In this context, it is easy to determine who is a communist and who is not. Which are you?

Any system that seeks to control our economic transactions will grossly violate individual liberty. I see no way around it. Socialists seem to see economic interactions as somehow limited and special. But pretty much anything we do can fall under this umbrella, and a government that controls trade controls pretty much everything.
That every political had economic in it subject left political like Communism like Socialism and right political like Capitalism like Nazism in ordinary four political subject. :up:

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