Debate Now Let's Talk About Gender

I. N. S. A. N. I. T. Y.

I tried to turn a stupid ass OP into an actual discussion about gender. I should have realized the futility of that given the preponderance of willful ignorance and bigiotry on this forum. You people are like 3rd grade special ed school yard bullies who can't, and never will be able to learn anything. You have no ability to respect or appreciate diversity of any kind. You can't deal with anything or anyone who does not conform to your narrow and moronic idea of what is normal. I might have to share the earth, and breath the same air as you, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses everyday that I AM NOT YOU!

CC FJB Fucking morons!
Male and female are the only two scientifically proven sexes of humans on this planet.

There are "considerations" to male and female though.......
Hermaphrodite and Intersex or Ambiguous Genitalia.

Although literally still having male/female sexes.........these two aberrations of DNA cause one to be born with BOTH male AND female parts (Hermaphrodite), or being born with NO physical sex features or discernable sex organs (Intersex or Ambiguous Genitalia).

Regardless of aberrations, medical science still states there are only 2 sexes in the human world.
The answer is that there is more to gender than than the readily visible genitalia. Having said that, it is indeed possible to have both male and female parts. Some have a condition known as ambiguous genitalia. Toady, the medical community is hesitent to perfom surgury inorder to make the child into a male or female. Rather the advise is often to waite until that person is old enough to express what they feel that they are. Sometimes tney chose to do nothing and remain biologically intersexed. In most cases there are other factors playing a role in gender identity on the hormonal and genetic level. Hope that helps

Thank you so much for that scholarly and thoughtful dissertation on human sexuality, gender identity, sociology and biology . You must have advanced degrees in all of those fields from the finest universities. Once again you have raised the bar on the level of civil discourse on the USMB. I will be looking forward to more of your pearls of wisdom. Clearly the is much to be learned fron [sic] you

That's one of your favorite retorts.

So tell us all, what credentials you have, what degrees from what universities, that qualify you as an expert on any of the subjects on which you spew such absurd kwanzaa?

Given how you consistently fail to display even a grade-school level of basic literacy, I have to call kwanzaa on you having any college degree at all, from any reputable college.

What credentials could an illiterate, uneducated, batshit-crazy pervert such as yourself have to qualify you to cast aspersions on anyone else's education?
I thank the Gods and Goddesses everyday that I AM NOT YOU!

The one genuine God gave all of us our free agency, to choose what path we would follow.

You chose the path of madness and evil, and now on a nearly daily basis, you demonstrate to us where this folly has led you.

God is not to blame. The choice was yours, and so are the consequences.
Male and female are the only two scientifically proven sexes of humans on this planet.

There are "considerations" to male and female though.......
Hermaphrodite and Intersex or Ambiguous Genitalia.

Although literally still having male/female sexes.........these two aberrations of DNA cause one to be born with BOTH male AND female parts (Hermaphrodite), or being born with NO physical sex features or discernable sex organs (Intersex or Ambiguous Genitalia).

Regardless of aberrations, medical science still states there are only 2 sexes in the human world.

I doubt if there has ever been a genuine true human hermaphrodite. By my understanding, fully functional male and female reproductive systems cannot both exist in the same body at the same time, due to different hormonal balances required by each to function.

I have a rather bizarre movie in my collection, titled Predestinaton, which is based on a short story by Robert Heinlein titled All You Zombies. The protagonist in this story could be described, I suppose, as a serial hermaphrodite. The character is presumed to be a girl, when she is found as a baby abandoned on the doorstep of an orphanage in 1945. Her girl parts are ruined by a botched C-section in 1964, but in the process, the doctors discover complete boy parts in her as well, and begin the process of rebuilding her as a man.

Time travel is involved, which leads the story of this character in some very weird directions. The male version of this character travels back in time and meets the female version, knocks her up, and then leaves her. A few weeks after the healthy baby girl is born via the aforementioned botched C-section, a much older version of the same character kidnaps the baby and takes her back to 1945 and leaves her on the doorstep of an orphanage.

Could such a character exist? I mean, aside from the weirdness that time travel infuses into the story, could a person exist, who had both male and female reproductive parts, with one side working, and then, after one side had been destroyed, the other side could be made to work? I can think of a way that it might be possible. Sexual morphism is largely controlled by hormones, but my understanding is that the gonads, which are at the key to the distinction between male and female, and the key to the ability to function in the reproductive roles of either, are strictly genetic-based. In mammals, including humans, if a gonad has XY chromosomes, then it will develop into a testicle, and if it becomes functional, it will produce sperm cells. If it has XX chromosomes, then it will develop into an ovary, and if it becomes functional, it will produce ova, or egg cells. The various improper conditions that have extra X or Y cells will usually produce gonads that simply won't function fully; if they do produce games, then those gametes will be sperm if thee is at least one Y chromosome, and ova is there is not; but usually, these other combinations are sterile.

So, a normal, monozygotic human cannot possibly have both ovaries and testicles. The way that I can see it being possible was that if the individual was a chimera, one person composed of what were supposed to be two different fraternal twins, one male, and one female, in which, in the course of fusing into one person, both sets of gonads were persevered. Which ever set of gonads ended up dominant in the early stages of development would get to control the hormonal balance, which would determine the sexual morphology that would develop, but the other set would still be there, inactive, and could possibly be activated if the hormonal balance was changed.
I doubt if there has ever been a genuine true human hermaphrodite. By my understanding, fully functional male and female reproductive systems cannot both exist in the same body at the same time, due to different hormonal balances required by each to function.

I have a rather bizarre movie in my collection, titled Predestinaton, which is based on a short story by Robert Heinlein titled All You Zombies. The protagonist in this story could be described, I suppose, as a serial hermaphrodite. The character is presumed to be a girl, when she is found as a baby abandoned on the doorstep of an orphanage in 1945. Her girl parts are ruined by a botched C-section in 1964, but in the process, the doctors discover complete boy parts in her as well, and begin the process of rebuilding her as a man.

Time travel is involved, which leads the story of this character in some very weird directions. The male version of this character travels back in time and meets the female version, knocks her up, and then leaves her. A few weeks after the healthy baby girl is born via the aforementioned botched C-section, a much older version of the same character kidnaps the baby and takes her back to 1945 and leaves her on the doorstep of an orphanage.

Could such a character exist? I mean, aside from the weirdness that time travel infuses into the story, could a person exist, who had both male and female reproductive parts, with one side working, and then, after one side had been destroyed, the other side could be made to work? I can think of a way that it might be possible. Sexual morphism is largely controlled by hormones, but my understanding is that the gonads, which are at the key to the distinction between male and female, and the key to the ability to function in the reproductive roles of either, are strictly genetic-based. In mammals, including humans, if a gonad has XY chromosomes, then it will develop into a testicle, and if it becomes functional, it will produce sperm cells. If it has XX chromosomes, then it will develop into an ovary, and if it becomes functional, it will produce ova, or egg cells. The various improper conditions that have extra X or Y cells will usually produce gonads that simply won't function fully; if they do produce games, then those gametes will be sperm if thee is at least one Y chromosome, and ova is there is not; but usually, these other combinations are sterile.

So, a normal, monozygotic human cannot possibly have both ovaries and testicles. The way that I can see it being possible was that if the individual was a chimera, one person composed of what were supposed to be two different fraternal twins, one male, and one female, in which, in the course of fusing into one person, both sets of gonads were persevered. Which ever set of gonads ended up dominant in the early stages of development would get to control the hormonal balance, which would determine the sexual morphology that would develop, but the other set would still be there, inactive, and could possibly be activated if the hormonal balance was changed.

I'm only going on what I've heard and seen in documentaries from when I was younger.
Back in the 70's, "gender reassignment" was getting very popular, and there were many medical documentaries on the subject.

One such documentary was about a hermaphrodite. I don't remember much about it, but I know this person did not have the best life they could have had. This persons parents should have made a decision very early on regarding the kids sex parts, had the doctors bring out those parts, remove the others, and have never told the kid about it later on in life.

From what I remember, hermaphrodites have both male and female parts, but they aren't "usable" by any means. Since they have both parts, they were not fully developed, so they were sexually non-functional. This doesn't mean they have both parts inside AND out.......they may have one more predominantly over the other, but still have "both parts".

Regardless of any of this mishmash..............there are still only TWO sexes.........or in this case only TWO sexes to choose from in order to get things straightened out medically.
Gender is just purely a play on words. Dressing up and either sticking bits on or cutting bits off will not alter who you are at birth. A tractor with a NASCAR body kit is a tractor.

Slapping some lipstick on a pig, doesn't make it anything's still a pig.

Removing ones sex organs and genetalia doesn't negate the FACT of what your DNA says.
This procedure is ONLY cosmetic.
Virtue signaling.
Nuff said

Lets talk about why the fuck this is even a topic. Why are people wringing their hands, , and clutching their pearls and obsessing about how and why people identify in terms of their gender. And make no mistake about, they are people. Thety are real, multi faceted human beings but that seems tio be lost on those who focus soley on sexuality or gender identity

They are complex individuals who are part of the fabric of society. They are real and live among us. They always have but now they have become more visable and for some reason that is beyound me, people are freaking out as though they pose some existential threat to the social order. The fact is that on any given day you will not encounter a transgender person and if you do, you will probably not know it

There is no useful purpose in ruminating about questions of whether or not a trans person is a separate gender or how many genders there are. The fact is that there are people who are not clearly male or female but fall somewher on a contiuum in between, much the same way that many people are not entirely gay or straight. So what? They are what they are and they are who they are. We as a society need to get the fuck over it.

In both the case of sexual orientaion and gender identity, there are psychological, genetic and other biological factors involved. The fact is that regadless of the reason, their sexuality is an innate and immutable characteristic and should be respected and yes, valued. Doing so costs us nothing but makes us a more just and civilised society. When someone identifies as gay or bisexual, transgender, non binary, pan sexual or whatever, it is no ones business but their own, and effects no one else. We need to put this shit behind us and get on with things that really matter., I'm not about to respect crazy. This mentally disturbed anti-social problem is affecting society in a negative way. The Penn swimmer that is stealing victories from women is just one consequence of looking the other way and believing your crap. I guess you are wanting society to go back to when women did not have separate opportunities in sports and jobs and let the men just push them back into submission out of sports and the work place. This is not a civilized society allowing this nonsense. It's the beginning of anarchy., I'm not about to respect crazy. This mentally disturbed anti-social problem is affecting society in a negative way. The Penn swimmer that is stealing victories from women is just one consequence of looking the other way and believing your crap. I guess you are wanting society to go back to when women did not have separate opportunities in sports and jobs and let the men just push them back into submission out of sports and the work place. This is not a civilized society allowing this nonsense. It's the beginning of anarchy.
Get a fucking grip! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. We both know it is not about sports. The issue of sports is just a convenient was of punishing and demeaning trans people. There are not that many trans women in sports and they are not necessarily bigger or stronger then the cisgender women. You have a hell of a nerve talking about pushing women into submission when you want to do exactly that to trans WOMEN
Get a fucking grip! Wipe the spit off of your chin and calm the fuck down. We both know it is not about sports. The issue of sports is just a convenient was of punishing and demeaning trans people. There are not that many trans women in sports and they are not necessarily bigger or stronger then the cisgender women. You have a hell of a nerve talking about pushing women into submission when you want to do exactly that to trans WOMEN
That's a weird way to say, "I can't answer those questions." Using four letter one syllable words is typical of one who cannot come back with an answer that makes sense. Instead, you run to the usual Democrat liberal talking points of making the trans. athletes the heroes and those women and girls who want to be the best and set women's records the villains. It is about sports and jobs. It's like women's libers have disappeared. They are afraid of the LGBT activists. Title 9 was to give women the same opportunities in sports and employment that men have. The fact is, there should be no Transgendered men in any women's sports if they are following the laws of the land. And, you are clueless about who is bigger, stronger and faster. The male swimmer breaking, no smashing records in women's swimming is just one clue.
When someone identifies as gay or bisexual, transgender, non binary, pan sexual or whatever, it is no ones business but their own, and effects no one else
And most, save for the diehard 'effed in the head religmo's, whould have no problem with that PP

The real problem starts when those 'alternate lifestyle' folks want a leg up (pun unintentional) on the rest of humanity

That's where it DOES 'affect everyone else'


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