Debate Now Let's Talk About Gender

Lets talk about why the fuck this is even a topic. Why are people wringing their hands, , and clutching their pearls and obsessing about how and why people identify in terms of their gender. And make no mistake about, they are people. Thety are real, multi faceted human beings but that seems tio be lost on those who focus soley on sexuality or gender identity

They are complex individuals who are part of the fabric of society. They are real and live among us. They always have but now they have become more visable and for some reason that is beyound me, people are freaking out as though they pose some existential threat to the social order. The fact is that on any given day you will not encounter a transgender person and if you do, you will probably not know it

There is no useful purpose in ruminating about questions of whether or not a trans person is a separate gender or how many genders there are. The fact is that there are people who are not clearly male or female but fall somewher on a contiuum in between, much the same way that many people are not entirely gay or straight. So what? They are what they are and they are who they are. We as a society need to get the fuck over it.

In both the case of sexual orientaion and gender identity, there are psychological, genetic and other biological factors involved. The fact is that regadless of the reason, their sexuality is an innate and immutable characteristic and should be respected and yes, valued. Doing so costs us nothing but makes us a more just and civilised society. When someone identifies as gay or bisexual, transgender, non binary, pan sexual or whatever, it is no ones business but their own, and effects no one else. We need to put this shit behind us and get on with things that really matter.

Appeal to tradition, appeal to authority and an appeal y to ignorance logical fallacy Well done! Three fallacies in one paragraph. Maybe now you would like to try your hand at actually debating the topic

Appealing to objective, observable, proven facts is no fallacy, when used to refute madness and lies.
Lets talk about why the fuck this is even a topic. Why are people wringing their hands, , and clutching their pearls and obsessing about how and why people identify in terms of their gender. And make no mistake about, they are people. Thety are real, multi faceted human beings but that seems tio be lost on those who focus soley on sexuality or gender identity

They are complex individuals who are part of the fabric of society. They are real and live among us. They always have but now they have become more visable and for some reason that is beyound me, people are freaking out as though they pose some existential threat to the social order. The fact is that on any given day you will not encounter a transgender person and if you do, you will probably not know it

There is no useful purpose in ruminating about questions of whether or not a trans person is a separate gender or how many genders there are. The fact is that there are people who are not clearly male or female but fall somewher on a contiuum in between, much the same way that many people are not entirely gay or straight. So what? They are what they are and they are who they are. We as a society need to get the fuck over it.

In both the case of sexual orientaion and gender identity, there are psychological, genetic and other biological factors involved. The fact is that regadless of the reason, their sexuality is an innate and immutable characteristic and should be respected and yes, valued. Doing so costs us nothing but makes us a more just and civilised society. When someone identifies as gay or bisexual, transgender, non binary, pan sexual or whatever, it is no ones business but their own, and effects no one else. We need to put this shit behind us and get on with things that really matter.
Sensible folks don't respect or value insanity.
This is about what I expected given your inane OP

So then what's the answer? How can you be somewhere in-between of being a male and being a female? Unless you were born with both male and female parts as far as I know that's not possible.
So then what's the answer? How can you be somewhere in-between of being a male and being a female? Unless you were born with both male and female parts as far as I know that's not possible.
The answer is that there is more to gender than than the readily visible genitalia. Having said that, it is indeed possible to have both male and female parts. Some have a condition known as ambiguous genitalia. Toady, the medical community is hesitent to perfom surgury inorder to make the child into a male or female. Rather the advise is often to waite until that person is old enough to express what they feel that they are. Sometimes tney chose to do nothing and remain biologically intersexed. In most cases there are other factors playing a role in gender identity on the hormonal and genetic level. Hope that helps
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The answer is that there is more to gender than than the readily visible genitalia. Having said that, it is indeed possible to have both male and female parts. Some have a condition known as ambiguous genitalia. Toady, the medical community is hesitent to perfom surgury inorder to make the child into a male or female. Rather the advise is often to waite until that person is old enough to express what they feel that they are. Sometimes tney chose to do nothing and remain biologically intersexed. In most cases there are other factors playing a role in gender identity on the hormonal and genetic level.
You are one retarded Moonbat
The answer is that there is more to gender than than the readily visible genitalia. Having said that, it is indeed possible to have both male and female parts. Some have a condition known as ambiguous genitalia. Toady, the medical community is hesitent to perfom surgury inorder to make the child into a male or female. Rather the advise is often to waite until that person is old enough to express what they feel that they are. Sometimes tney chose to do nothing and remain biologically intersexed. In most cases there are other factors playing a role in gender identity on the hormonal and genetic level.

You know there are times that I feel like I'm a cat,.. because I can't stand to be around people. People such as yourself anyways.
You said that you wanted to discuss gender, but clearly you have no interest in learning anything. You're just looking for an excuse to troll.

I wanted to discuss how idiotic people like you are LMFAO if that's considered trolling then bring it on! :biggrin:
You are one retarded Moonbat
Thank you so much for that scholarly and thoughtful dissertation on human sexuality, gender identity, sociology and biology . You must have advanced degrees in all of those fields from the finest universities. Once again you have raised the bar on the level of civil discourse on the USMB. I will be looking forward to more of your pearls of wisdom. Clearly the is much to be learned fron you
Thank you so much for that scholarly and thoughtful dissertation on human sexuality, gender identity, sociology and biology . You must have advanced degrees in all of those fields from the finest universities. Once again you have raised the bar on the level of civil discourse on the USMB. I will be looking forward to more of your pearls of wisdom. Clearly the is much to be learned fron you
If you got a wanker........You are a guy.......class dismissed.
So then what's the answer? How can you be somewhere in-between of being a male and being a female? Unless you were born with both male and female parts as far as I know that's not possible.
Well, homosexual males are sort of in-between; they act like it, often.

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