Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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I have seen plenty of Orientals in professional and managerial positions. They deserved their positions.
Really, Frankly, I've never seen a rug in a managerial position. I've seen managers with bad rugs, but that's another topic.


(yeah, that looks totally real!)

You have never refuted a single one of my statements.
Actually, I've refuted all of them.
If you knew much about genetics you would know about a commonly understood genetic phenomenon called "reversion to the average."
Oh, where's your degree in genetics from?
Really, Frankly, I've never seen a rug in a managerial position. I've seen managers with bad rugs, but that's another topic.

View attachment 794809
(yeah, that looks totally real!)

Actually, I've refuted all of them.

Do it again. Post a comment I posted, and explain why it is not true.
Oh, where's your degree in genetics from?

Unlike some people I have done a lot of reading since I graduated from college. That is where I learned about the genetic fact of reversion to the average.
Post a comment I posted, and explain why it is not true.
Trudging through your racist drivel is agonizing enough the first time.

I'll just keep pointing it out as you do it.

Unlike some people I have done a lot of reading since I graduated from college. That is where I learned about the genetic fact of reversion to the average.
So you don't really know what you are talking about, then?

Well, that's kind of obvious.
Not really.

Let's start with SS. As you say, half of that is paid by employers, not the employee. So it really isn't earned. As Rick Perry pointed out, SS is really a pyramid scheme, which is why it is running out of money now. Eventually, it will have to be propped up with General Fund dollars. More to the point, you will get everything you paid into SS back if you live to be 72. The average life expectancy is 78 now. It really sucks if you die at 66.

Unemployment Insurance isn't paid by the Employee, it's paid by the Employer, and what they pay is actually a pittance (a few hundred dollars a year per employee.) When the country has a brain fart and lets a Republican run up unemployment, the government ALWAYS has to tap into General Fund to pay those benefits. So again- something the rest of us are paying for.

Veteran's benefits. Well, let's look at that. I was in for 11 years. I get the exact same benefits as someone who served for two years gets. I never got shot at by a testy foreigner. I get the same benefit as someone who served in a war. (Which is why I've been reluctant to cash in on most of the benefits I might be entitled to... I really don't think I merit them.)

Nope. These are entitlements that benefit middle class white people, which VASTLY exceed the pittance we spend on poverty relief. But they are politically popular, and while the Republicans might sit up at night wanking off at the thought of gutting them to give more tax breaks to rich people, they really don't have the guts to, which is why we've been running Trillion Dollar Deficits since the Aughts.
No, the part of SS paid by the employer, just like the unemployment insurance is part of the employees' wages.
No, the part of SS paid by the employer, just like the unemployment insurance is part of the employees' wages.
Right... So it's welfare. Thanks for pointing that out.

SOmeone who only works for a couple of years at the end of their life (let's say a housewife in her 40's getting into the workforce late) is going to get a lot more out of it than someone who started working when he was 16, because they only count your last few years in calculating your benefit.

Conversely, if you die at 66, you get completely ripped off.

But this is welfare for white folks, so they don't mind it.
Right... So it's welfare. Thanks for pointing that out.

SOmeone who only works for a couple of years at the end of their life (let's say a housewife in her 40's getting into the workforce late) is going to get a lot more out of it than someone who started working when he was 16, because they only count your last few years in calculating your benefit.

Conversely, if you die at 66, you get completely ripped off.

But this is welfare for white folks, so they don't mind it.
It isn't welfare no matter how you try to shift the argument. It's an earned benefit. Yes, it's skewed towards people working few years, but how do you change that? Most people pay into SS and Medicare for over fifty years before retiring. At compound interest, they pay in more than they draw. That's what people who claim that people draw more than they pay overlook. Personally I knew I was getting ripped off in 1973 when I was twenty-one. If the government had been willing to let me take what little I paid in at that point and continue to make contributions to a safe investment account (something like T Bills or state bonds) I'd have multiple millions today that would yield at least what I'm getting from SS today AND leave the principal for me to pass on to my daughter untouched as a nest egg for her.
Trudging through your racist drivel is agonizing enough the first time.

I'll just keep pointing it out as you do it.

So you don't really know what you are talking about, then?

Well, that's kind of obvious.

Nope, that is caused by racism.

First, that the white kids get the better schools. When they tried to integrate the schools, white people absolutely lost their shit.

Secondly, the "high paying jobs" are the ones that are gained through nepotism and connections... not intelligence. It's why most bosses and managers are real fucking morons. Something even Scott Adams noted before he went racist crazy.
It isn't welfare no matter how you try to shift the argument. It's an earned benefit. Yes, it's skewed towards people working few years, but how do you change that? Most people pay into SS and Medicare for over fifty years before retiring. At compound interest, they pay in more than they draw. That's what people who claim that people draw more than they pay overlook. Personally I knew I was getting ripped off in 1973 when I was twenty-one. If the government had been willing to let me take what little I paid in at that point and continue to make contributions to a safe investment account (something like T Bills or state bonds) I'd have multiple millions today that would yield at least what I'm getting from SS today AND leave the principal for me to pass on to my daughter untouched as a nest egg for her.

Every one of you wingnuts thinks you're a master investor. "Oh, if only I had been able to invest that money"... you'd have probably lost it. Wall Street is a rigged casino, and you people are the suckers.

Social Security is welfare. Medicare is welfare. But it's welfare for middle class white people, who would probably be demanding socialism if the family finances were wiped out when Aunt Tilly got cancer and sucked up all the family savings. You clowns claim that "them welfare people" are living off of welfare for life, but the reality is many of them have jobs and most of them are only on assistance for a few years. But Aunt Tilly is sucking up benefits from the minute she retires from her job until she keels over at 80.

The one expense I left off my original list was Medicaid. It clocks in at $460 Billion a year, more than TANF, SNAP, Section 8 combined. And while most of you think of it as insurance for poor people, the reality is, most of it goes to paying for nursing homes for middle class white people as well.

Welfare for me, but not for thee.
Nope, that is caused by racism.

First, that the white kids get the better schools. When they tried to integrate the schools, white people absolutely lost their shit.

Secondly, the "high paying jobs" are the ones that are gained through nepotism and connections... not intelligence. It's why most bosses and managers are real fucking morons. Something even Scott Adams noted before he went racist crazy.

Arthur Jensen

Arthur Jensen gave this interview in 1992. It is still as timely and relevant as the day it was recorded.

Arthur Jensen: I think that World War II was really the main turning point in this. We’d been headed in that direction [egalitarianism], but the turning point, I think, was the revulsion against the Nazi Holocaust. People pointed to that as an example of what would happen if we recognized differences.

Of course it’s very inapplicable really, because the group that was persecuted there was the group that was doing very well in Germany and around the world. It had a larger percentage of Nobel Prize winners and members of the National Academy of Sciences and Fellows of Royal Societies than any other group...

When my book Bias in Mental Testing came out in 1980, Time magazine ran a full-page story about it. Then they got so many complaints about that article because it didn’t tear down my position at all. The same writer called me and said that they had gotten so many complaints that they had promised people they would bring out another article on the same subject after a certain amount of opinion had accumulated about my book. They would report this and it would satisfy the opposition.
Then they called me perhaps a month later and asked me if I could suggest anyone who might disagree with the main conclusions of this book, because they hadn’t been able to find anyone. I said, “Well, have you contacted Kamin?” And I mentioned a couple of other people. They said, “Yes, we thought of them first, but what they have to say sounds so weak that it wouldn’t satisfy our readership that we’ve done a job on this thing. Is there anyone else you could suggest?”
So I mentioned a couple of very competent psychometricians around the country. I didn’t know quite what their stands were, but I knew they were competent people who would be capable of criticizing this type of work and would likely have seen my book by that time. They called them, but they got nothing that they could use against me, so they never did the article...

I used to have to be accompanied around campus by two campus policemen...

Now what if you had different racial groups that are compatible in abilities, general values and standards of living, as the [East] Asians here seem to be? I mean, they’ve been conspicuously successful in our society, and what problems they’ve had have largely stemmed from their success...

Where the differences in basic characteristics are not conspicuous, as in the case of [East] Asians and whites, and when persons can fit in and do the same kinds of jobs and do them as well as anyone else, it may work. See, there are blacks who fit in this way too — who do all right.

But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.
Every one of you wingnuts thinks you're a master investor. "Oh, if only I had been able to invest that money"... you'd have probably lost it. Wall Street is a rigged casino, and you people are the suckers.

Social Security is welfare. Medicare is welfare. But it's welfare for middle class white people, who would probably be demanding socialism if the family finances were wiped out when Aunt Tilly got cancer and sucked up all the family savings. You clowns claim that "them welfare people" are living off of welfare for life, but the reality is many of them have jobs and most of them are only on assistance for a few years. But Aunt Tilly is sucking up benefits from the minute she retires from her job until she keels over at 80.

The one expense I left off my original list was Medicaid. It clocks in at $460 Billion a year, more than TANF, SNAP, Section 8 combined. And while most of you think of it as insurance for poor people, the reality is, most of it goes to paying for nursing homes for middle class white people as well.

Welfare for me, but not for thee.
you're an idiot, there is no point talking to you.
But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.

Okay, let's look at that.

Let's start with the fact that a lot of these kid probably don't get adequate nutrition.
They often have to live in houses with environmental issues like lead paint.
The schools they go to are often sub-standard by design. (Although I also blame Democratic politicians and the Teacher Unions for a large chunk of that.)
Their parents are more likely to have substance abuse issues, because unlike white people, they can't just check into Betty Ford.

But of course, you and Imperial Wizard Jensen will ignore all this, because it fits your objective.
Cato Institute- No Credibility... brought to you by the Billionaire class to keep you from asking questions.
The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank. Consequently it opposes business subsidies. I oppose business subsidies too. Nevertheless, I often disagree with stands Cato takes on various issues. Even so, I respect Cato's integrity. If they make a factual assertion I will assume it is accurate, unless someone proves otherwise.

It is impossible to have a civil, erudite debate with you because you disregard facts that are inconsistent with what you want believe.

On racial issues the facts are on my side. You have nothing but anger, hatred, obscene words, and logical fallacies that are easy to identify.
If blacks do not get adequate nutrition, how can so many of them excel athletically?

By "so many", you are talking about less than 1%.

The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank.
Exactly, no credibility. The Libertarians would be nothing if they didn't have rich billionaires trying to let the foxes into the henhouse by getting rid of the guard dogs.

It is impossible to have a civil, erudite debate with you because you disregard facts that are inconsistent with what you want believe.
Racists don't get civility from me. THey get mockery.

On racial issues the facts are on my side.
Yes, I know Jamal did you dirty when he took your girl. I get the anger, man, but you got to let it go.
By "so many", you are talking about less than 1%.

Exactly, no credibility. The Libertarians would be nothing if they didn't have rich billionaires trying to let the foxes into the henhouse by getting rid of the guard dogs.

Racists don't get civility from me. THey get mockery.

Yes, I know Jamal did you dirty when he took your girl. I get the anger, man, but you got to let it go.
By your definition of racist a racist is anyone who draws attention to unflattering facts about Negroes. Your mockery is so crude it deprives you of the right to be taken seriously.

Negroes have had two generations to prove that they are intrinsically equal to whites and Orientals. They have not even indicated it.

Sure, there are decent blacks. They deserve respect because they were probably ostracized and may have been beaten up by Jamal types for "acting white."

This talk about an imaginary Jamal exposes your coarse, low class mentality.
By your definition of racist a racist is anyone who draws attention to unflattering facts about Negroes.

Exactly. Because people are more than their ethnic group. I never great a black person with, "Hey, Negro!" I usually use their name, if I know it. The fact that the first thing you see when you encounter a black person is their race and assume they are your inferior because Jamal spanked you on the playing field once, that's kind of on you.

Your mockery is so crude it deprives you of the right to be taken seriously.
Which means I hit close to home. No one is this hateful without a reason.
Something very bad happened to your self-esteem you haven't gotten over it, and you need to dig up old useless racists like Jensen and Murray to feel better about yourself.

A bit of wisdom, for what little it will profit you.
As Malachy McCourt once said, “Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”

Negroes have had two generations to prove that they are intrinsically equal to whites and Orientals. They have not even indicated it.
Which two generations were those? Certainly not the last two, where things have actually kind of gotten worse for them. There was maybe a whole decade where White people weren't acting like complete shits before Ronnie Ray-gun came along and started appealing to the worst in people like you.

This talk about an imaginary Jamal exposes your coarse, low class mentality.

Naw, it hits the nail on the head. I'm guessing a woman was involved.
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