Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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That they are genetically inferior.

That their status in the world has to do with that inferiority and not the awful shit white people have done to them over the centuries.

It's not complicated. And, no, I don't want to see more 50 year old articles from debunked racists that should have been fired from their jobs.
I asked for a quote from me. You gave me a distortion of my opinion. This is known as the Straw Man Fallacy.

You cannot post a comment by me where I said "Blacks are genetically inferior." That would imply that all blacks are genetically inferior and it begs the question of : "What do we mean by 'inferior'?" Blacks usually look good on the dance floor and the basketball court.

The so called "racists" of whom you speak were never debunked. A growing body of genetic research confirms their claims.

Although efforts were made to get Professor's Richard Herrnstein, Arthur Jensen, and J. Philippe Rushton fired, I am pleased to state that the efforts failed. Charles Murray and Jared Taylor make good livings off of book royalties.
Sorry, SS is paid for from the retirees wages and contributions from his/her employer. Unemployment INSURANCE the same. Veterans benefits are earned with sweat, blood, long hours and danger at low pay. They are all EARNED, not given.

Not really.

Let's start with SS. As you say, half of that is paid by employers, not the employee. So it really isn't earned. As Rick Perry pointed out, SS is really a pyramid scheme, which is why it is running out of money now. Eventually, it will have to be propped up with General Fund dollars. More to the point, you will get everything you paid into SS back if you live to be 72. The average life expectancy is 78 now. It really sucks if you die at 66.

Unemployment Insurance isn't paid by the Employee, it's paid by the Employer, and what they pay is actually a pittance (a few hundred dollars a year per employee.) When the country has a brain fart and lets a Republican run up unemployment, the government ALWAYS has to tap into General Fund to pay those benefits. So again- something the rest of us are paying for.

Veteran's benefits. Well, let's look at that. I was in for 11 years. I get the exact same benefits as someone who served for two years gets. I never got shot at by a testy foreigner. I get the same benefit as someone who served in a war. (Which is why I've been reluctant to cash in on most of the benefits I might be entitled to... I really don't think I merit them.)

Nope. These are entitlements that benefit middle class white people, which VASTLY exceed the pittance we spend on poverty relief. But they are politically popular, and while the Republicans might sit up at night wanking off at the thought of gutting them to give more tax breaks to rich people, they really don't have the guts to, which is why we've been running Trillion Dollar Deficits since the Aughts.
I asked for a quote from me. You gave me a distortion of my opinion. This is known as the Straw Man Fallacy.

You cannot post a comment by me where I said "Blacks are genetically inferior." That would imply that all blacks are genetically inferior and it begs the question of : "What do we mean by 'inferior'?" Blacks usually look good on the dance floor and the basketball court.

No, you just babble on about Alleles and cold weather being an evolutionary advantage (why haven't the Eskimos conquered us yet riding in on polar bear calvary?)

The so called "racists" of whom you speak were never debunked. A growing body of genetic research confirms their claims.

They've been totally debunked, and they just push junk science.

Although efforts were made to get Professor's Richard Herrnstein, Arthur Jensen, and J. Philippe Rushton fired, I am pleased to state that the efforts failed. Charles Murray and Jared Taylor make good livings off of book royalties.

Yes, there are always racists who need to feel better about themselves. The world is full of grifters. This is why I kind of think the first Amendment is a mistake, as it allows hate speech, grifters, and cults to exist because "Freedom".
No, you just babble on about Alleles and cold weather being an evolutionary advantage (why haven't the Eskimos conquered us yet riding in on polar bear calvary?)

* Cold climates select genetically for intelligence. So does civilization. *

They've been totally debunked, and they just push junk science.

* How have they been debunked? Where is there evidence of average intrinsic racial equality in intelligence? Post it. Let's discuss it. *

Yes, there are always racists who need to feel better about themselves. The world is full of grifters. This is why I kind of think the first Amendment is a mistake, as it allows hate speech, grifters, and cults to exist because "Freedom".
Hate speech laws can prohibit the propagation of unflattering facts about Negroes. Consequently they prevent the dialogue on race President Clinton called for and which the American people need to have.

I welcome challenges to my opinions because I am confident in my ability to defend them. I would like a ban on obscene words however. They are never useful. They reveal lack of breeding, and a limited vocabulary.

I would appreciate a more worthy adversary than you, however. All you can do are insults, name calling, and various logical fallacies, like the Straw Man Fallacy, the Guilt by Association Fallacy, the Consequences of a Belief Fallacy, and the Slippery Slope Fallacy.
Hate speech laws can prohibit the propagation of unflattering facts about Negroes. Consequently they prevent the dialogue on race President Clinton called for and which the American people need to have.

Hate speech laws are necessary to keep the trolls scared. Frankly, the Germans have this right. Someone goes cosplaying Nazis in Germany today, they get their asses thrown in jail. We need to do that.

I welcome challenges to my opinions because I am confident in my ability to defend them. I would like a ban on obscene words however. They are never useful. They reveal lack of breeding, and a limited vocabulary.

You just keep repeating the same debunked garbage from weird-beard racists who've managed to gain tenure somewhere, which just shows why tenure needs to go.

I would appreciate a more worthy adversary than you, however. All you can do are insults, name calling, and various logical fallacies, like the Straw Man Fallacy, the Guilt by Association Fallacy, the Consequences of a Belief Fallacy, and the Slippery Slope Fallacy.
Most people ignore you because you are a repulsive troll.

I just enjoy having fun at your expense. You know, just like Jamal did when he kept stuffing you into your locker.
Not really.

Let's start with SS. As you say, half of that is paid by employers, not the employee. So it really isn't earned. As Rick Perry pointed out, SS is really a pyramid scheme, which is why it is running out of money now. Eventually, it will have to be propped up with General Fund dollars. More to the point, you will get everything you paid into SS back if you live to be 72. The average life expectancy is 78 now. It really sucks if you die at 66.

Unemployment Insurance isn't paid by the Employee, it's paid by the Employer, and what they pay is actually a pittance (a few hundred dollars a year per employee.) When the country has a brain fart and lets a Republican run up unemployment, the government ALWAYS has to tap into General Fund to pay those benefits. So again- something the rest of us are paying for.

Veteran's benefits. Well, let's look at that. I was in for 11 years. I get the exact same benefits as someone who served for two years gets. I never got shot at by a testy foreigner. I get the same benefit as someone who served in a war. (Which is why I've been reluctant to cash in on most of the benefits I might be entitled to... I really don't think I merit them.)

Nope. These are entitlements that benefit middle class white people, which VASTLY exceed the pittance we spend on poverty relief. But they are politically popular, and while the Republicans might sit up at night wanking off at the thought of gutting them to give more tax breaks to rich people, they really don't have the guts to, which is why we've been running Trillion Dollar Deficits since the Aughts.

The easy way to insure the solvency of Social Security is to sell 20% of the bonds and invest them in Big Cap indexes each year for the next 4 years.

Problem solved
The easy way to insure the solvency of Social Security is to sell 20% of the bonds and invest them in Big Cap indexes each year for the next 4 years.

Problem solved
And hope the stock market doesn't crash.

Here's the big question- do you really want the government to have that kind of power in the markets?

If the government becomes the majority owner of some big companies or even has seats on their boards due to a huge amount of stock owned, do you really trust them to NOT misuse it?
And hope the stock market doesn't crash.

Here's the big question- do you really want the government to have that kind of power in the markets?

If the government becomes the majority owner of some big companies or even has seats on their boards due to a huge amount of stock owned, do you really trust them to NOT misuse it?

So what? The market crashed only once in a while. US Equities historically outperform bonds, which are guaranteed to lose value due to Bidenflation
Not really.

Let's start with SS. As you say, half of that is paid by employers, not the employee. So it really isn't earned. As Rick Perry pointed out, SS is really a pyramid scheme, which is why it is running out of money now. Eventually, it will have to be propped up with General Fund dollars. More to the point, you will get everything you paid into SS back if you live to be 72. The average life expectancy is 78 now. It really sucks if you die at 66.

Unemployment Insurance isn't paid by the Employee, it's paid by the Employer, and what they pay is actually a pittance (a few hundred dollars a year per employee.) When the country has a brain fart and lets a Republican run up unemployment, the government ALWAYS has to tap into General Fund to pay those benefits. So again- something the rest of us are paying for.

Veteran's benefits. Well, let's look at that. I was in for 11 years. I get the exact same benefits as someone who served for two years gets. I never got shot at by a testy foreigner. I get the same benefit as someone who served in a war. (Which is why I've been reluctant to cash in on most of the benefits I might be entitled to... I really don't think I merit them.)

Nope. These are entitlements that benefit middle class white people, which VASTLY exceed the pittance we spend on poverty relief. But they are politically popular, and while the Republicans might sit up at night wanking off at the thought of gutting them to give more tax breaks to rich people, they really don't have the guts to, which is why we've been running Trillion Dollar Deficits since the Aughts.
Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation are entitlements which benefit people of all races who work for a living. Welfare checks benefit parasites who do not work for a living. Usually they are unemployable. Nevertheless, they have lots of illegitimate children who inherit their genetic deficiencies.
Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation are entitlements which benefit people of all races who work for a living.

Well, I am glad we agree that they are entitlements... So it's the government paying middle class people to keep them from becoming poor people. Otherwise, we'd all be bankrupted when our loved ones got old and sick, or when we lose our jobs and have to take that burger flipping job to pay the bills.

Welfare checks benefit parasites who do not work for a living. Usually they are unemployable.

That's not true, either. In fact, 40% of families receiving food stamps have at least one family member who works. The problem is they end up working for outfits like McDonalds or Walmart who don't pay a living wage. (Or they didn't until the employment shortage forced them to.) Same with Section 8 and other supplements. These folks have jobs.. just menial ones.

Others are retired people who can't get by on what Social Security provides, and need these benefits to pay the rent and buy food.

In many ways, they lock people into poverty. Do you try for the promotion or the better paying job that gets you an extra $100 a week, but you have to give up $500 a week in benefits your family depends on?

Nevertheless, they have lots of illegitimate children who inherit their genetic deficiencies.

Hey, don't talk about your fellow white southerners in the trailer park whose family trees don't fork.

Eugenics is a debunked science, guy. You should probably stop embracing it.
Hate speech laws are necessary to keep the trolls scared. Frankly, the Germans have this right. Someone goes cosplaying Nazis in Germany today, they get their asses thrown in jail. We need to do that.
Hate speech laws inhibit the dissemination of facts that have legitimate policy implications. For example, the average Negro IQ in the United States is 85. The average white IQ in the United States is 100. This fact, rather than systemic racism, explains the paucity of blacks in professional and managerial positions. Consequently, affirmative action policies aiming at "equity" - which means "equal results" - elevate many Negroes to positions where they lack the intelligence to perform adequately.

Thomas Jefferson wrote, "There is not a truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world.”

Why are you afraid of the truth?
You just keep repeating the same debunked garbage from weird-beard racists who've managed to gain tenure somewhere, which just shows why tenure needs to go.
I have already asked: What have I said about blacks that is not true? Quote my exact words. I ask again.
Most people ignore you because you are a repulsive troll.
My total number of messages is 1,784.
My total reaction score is 1,052.
My total number of points is 893.

Your total number of messages is 155,142.
Your total reaction score is 24,656.
Your total number of points is 2,220.

Correct my arithmetic if you need to. According to my calculations, my percentages are vastly higher than yours, disproving your first statement, and indicating that your second statement is true of you, rather than me.

In calculating percentages my products, quotients, and percentages are rounded.

1,052 / 1,784 = .5896
.5896 * 100 = 58.96%
893/ 1,784 = .5005
.5005 * 100 = 50.05%

Now, let's look at your percentages:

24,656 / 155,142 = .1589
.1589 * 100 = 15.89%
2,220 / 155,142 = .0143
.0143 * 100 = 1.43 %

Do I need to add that 58.96 percent is greater than 15.89 percent and 50.05 percent is greater than 1.43 percent?

If you think I made a mistake in my arithmetic, ask your friend Jamal to check it for you.

Ha Ha. That's a joke, get it?
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I just enjoy having fun at your expense. You know, just like Jamal did when he kept stuffing you into your locker.
No one ever stuffed me into my locker. That sounds like what police call "A TNA." TNA stands for "typical Negro action."
Hate speech laws inhibit the dissemination of facts that have legitimate policy implications. For example, the average Negro IQ

Again, has more to do with systematic racism than genetics. Blacks have been systematically oppressed for centuries in this country. It's like breaking someone's legs and then bitching they can't run a marathon.

You didn't answer the question- If you had a game of Jeopardy! and your contestants were Bush, Obama and Trump, who would win, if you were being honest. The two sons of privilege who fell ass-backwards into their positions, or the son of working class folks who worked hard to succeed.

This fact, rather than systemic racism, explains the paucity of blacks in professional and managerial positions.

Oh, really? I thought it was because for the most part, it's other white people doing the hiring. I frankly haven't seen a lot of Asians in management positions, except for that time I worked for the Japanese company (which I will never do again.)

Consequently, affirmative action policies aiming at "equity" - which means "equal results" - elevate many Negroes to positions where they lack the intelligence to perform adequately.

Um, okay. As I've said, I've met one black person who was elevated to a position she might not have merited.

I've seen dozens of idiot nephews, drinking buddies and bed partners elevated to positions they didn't merit. A few of them even managed to damage my career progression when I called them out on their bad ideas or screwups.

Check your privilege.

I have already asked: What have I said about blacks that is not true? Quote my exact words. I ask again.
I don't have the stomach to go through your racist drivel... but I think I would leave it to the fact that the racists here support you and sensible people call you out as proof enough.
Correct my arithmetic if you need to. According to my calculations, my percentages are vastly higher than yours, disproving your first statement, and indicating that your second statement is true of you, rather than me.

Here's the thing, you haven't been here that long and it's only a matter of time before you get permabanned.
I've seen them come and go in the 13 years I've been on USMB. You won't last. That a few racists enjoy your posts doesn't mean much.

Eugenics is not a science, but a movement based on the science of genetics.
It's a movement based on a misunderstanding of genetics. again, if genetics were key, why do you not have second and third generation geniuses?

No one ever stuffed me into my locker. That sounds like what police call "A TNA." TNA stands for "typical Negro action."
Oh, come on, you know what the "N" really stands for... don't be shy. I'm sure you use that word all the time.
Oh, really? I thought it was because for the most part, it's other white people doing the hiring. I frankly haven't seen a lot of Asians in management positions, except for that time I worked for the Japanese company (which I will never do again.)
I have seen plenty of Orientals in professional and managerial positions. They deserved their positions.
I don't have the stomach to go through your racist drivel... but I think I would leave it to the fact that the racists here support you and sensible people call you out as proof enough.

Here's the thing, you haven't been here that long and it's only a matter of time before you get permabanned.
I've seen them come and go in the 13 years I've been on USMB. You won't last. That a few racists enjoy your posts doesn't mean much.
I can be banned. I have been banned on white nationalist sites for expressing my admiration for Jews and Orientals. I cannot be refuted.
I don't have the stomach to go through your racist drivel... but I think I would leave it to the fact that the racists here support you and sensible people call you out as proof enough.
You have never refuted a single one of my statements. You resort to insults, name calling, and logical fallacies.
[Eugenics] is a movement based on a misunderstanding of genetics. again, if genetics were key, why do you not have second and third generation geniuses?
If you knew much about genetics you would know about a commonly understood genetic phenomenon called "reversion to the average."

Exceptional characteristics are based on recessive gene alleles that rarely match in the offspring of exceptional parents.

Consider a brilliant father with the following gene alleles for intelligence:


Now consider the brilliant mother with the following gene alleles for intelligence:


The children have XA, YB, and ZC.

Because Z, Y, Z, and A, B, C are recessive, the effect is lost.
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