Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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Natural selection works the same way animal breeding does. Civilization and cold climates select genetically for intelligence. Until very recently prosperous people were more prolific than poor people.

If that was the case, we'd be dominated by the Inuit.


I never dated anyone named Sally. I never dated anyone who would have wanted to be in the same room with a black ghetto thug like your imaginary friend Jamal. You see they were not impressed with semi literate high school dropouts with no work history, and with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children they did nothing to support.
Yup, that sounds awfully specific, honestly. Next you'll be telling me about Jamal's corn-rows that you never saw.
If that was the case, we'd be dominated by the Inuit.


Yup, that sounds awfully specific, honestly. Next you'll be telling me about Jamal's corn-rows that you never saw.
Cold climates are one of the factors selecting for intelligence. Civilization is the other.

Jamal is your invention. It is up to you to give him corn-rows or not. I do not know what corn-rows are, but they sound disgusting.
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0.3 isn't a big gap. It's kind of a small one. And if you are going to let legacies and people who donate big money get in over kids with a 3.6, then you need to let the black kids in, too.
This would only be true of the parents of those black kids could give large donations to the college that admits their children. They rarely can.
Then don't whine when it gets balanced out by affirmative action.

Well, to start with, the Federal Government shouldn't be micromanaging admissions to that degree, anyway. But the colleges themselves should be doing this.

The problem is, those animals have no say in the matter. People do. Unless you are going to practice actual eugenics and not let the "undesirables" breed, such factors really don't exist in humans.
People have been exercising selective breeding for as long as there have been humans. Women have bred to be attractive to men and men have bred to be strong hunters and protectors of women. The successful ones survive to pass their genes on to their children, the unsuccessful ones die.
Cold climates are one of the factors selecting for intelligence. Civilization is the other.

Except white people didn't start "Civilization". People of color in Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and China did.

Jamal is your invention. It is up to you to give him corn-rows or not. I do not know what corn-rows are, but they sound disgusting.

Come on, man, you keep painting yourself as an expert on black people, and you don't know what corn-rows are.

Affirmative action does not reduce opportunities for rich whites; it reduces opportunities for working class whites.

White folks still have plenty of opportunities. But I'm all for getting rid of the Affirmative Action for rich white people.

This would only be true of the parents of those black kids could give large donations to the college that admits their children. They rarely can.
See above.

People have been exercising selective breeding for as long as there have been humans. Women have bred to be attractive to men and men have bred to be strong hunters and protectors of women.

You obviously haven't been around a trailer park recently.
0.3 isn't a big gap. It's kind of a small one. And if you are going to let legacies and people who donate big money get in over kids with a 3.6, then you need to let the black kids in, too.
At the highest levels, where competition is fierce, yes….0.3 is a BIG gap. Just like a second is a big deal in a 50-yard race is a big deal.

White valedictorians with 4.0 averages are rejected all the time by Harvard, while your Jamal gets in with a 3.6 and in the upper 10%. In the meantime, a Black valedictorian with a 4.0 would get into every single Ivy.

Time for liberals to stop insisting on racist policies, where who gets in and who doesn’t Is determined by whether you belong to the “correct” race.

You just made a dig against trailer parks. Why should a bright, motivated white student who grew up in a poor area have to take a back seat to a black middle-class student with poorer scores and grades?

You just made a dig against trailer parks. Why should a bright, motivated white student who grew up in a poor area have to take a back seat to a black middle-class student with poorer scores and grades?

Because, honestly, if you have all this white privilege and you STILL end up in the trailer park, that's on you. Or your parents.

You miss the point of WHY we need representation at the Ivy League. It's not so we can reward every sob story. It is because the Ivy League has disproportionate influence in business and government. Shouldn't be that way, but let's be honest, a guy with a Harvard Degree is going to be considered more seriously than my degree from UIC, just as my degree from UIC is going to be considered more seriously than a degree from the University of Phoenix diploma mill.

Since we have already established the "best of the best" isn't a factor here with Legacies, Athletics, Dean's Interest and Children of Staff making up 43% of the white kids who get into Harvard, then it just becomes about the representation.
At the highest levels, where competition is fierce, yes….0.3 is a BIG gap. Just like a second is a big deal in a 50-yard race is a big deal.

White valedictorians with 4.0 averages are rejected all the time by Harvard, while your Jamal gets in with a 3.6 and in the upper 10%. In the meantime, a Black valedictorian with a 4.0 would get into every single Ivy.

Time for liberals to stop insisting on racist policies, where who gets in and who doesn’t Is determined by whether you belong to the “correct” race.

Okay, Karen, you are kind of making my point.

White Valedictorians are also rejected in favor of legacies, athlete's, Dean's interest or Children of Staff. But frankly, anyone with a 3.6 GPA is probably qualified.

GPA and SAT Scores aren't everything.
Except white people didn't start "Civilization". People of color in Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and China did.
Civilization was started in the Tigris Euphrates Valley and the Nile Valley by Caucasians.
It started in many locations on the own when hunter-gatherers figured out that growing food was easier than hunting it.

Agriculture began in the Fertile Crescent nearly eleven thousand years ago. The Bantu did not adopt it until about four thousand years ago.

Agriculture selects genetically for characteristics that are not valuable in a Paleolithic environment. For example, one must defer gratification. No matter how hungry one gets one cannot butcher all of one's farm animals. Some must remain to give birth to more generations of farm animals. One cannot eat all of one's grain. Some must be preserved for the next growing season.

What Paleolithic hunters do not eat spoils, so there is not reason to save it.

This explains why, when blacks and whites earn the same incomes, blacks are less likely to save money, and more likely to go into debt.

Also, when farmers butcher a farm animal, they must dispose of the remains, so that they do not spread disease. Paleolithic hunters stay on the move, so that when the remains of a hunted animal decay the hunters will be somewhere else. This explains why litter is more likely to be found in black neighborhoods than white neighborhoods.

The Bantu never developed indigenous systems of writing and mathematics. This explains why Negroes are more likely to have trouble learning reading, writing, and arithmetic than whites and Orientals The Bantu ancestors of Negroes were not genetically selected for the ability to learn these.
Agriculture began in the Fertile Crescent nearly eleven thousand years ago. The Bantu did not adopt it until about four thousand years ago.

Agriculture selects genetically for characteristics that are not valuable in a Paleolithic environment. For example, one must defer gratification. No matter how hungry one gets one cannot butcher all of one's farm animals. Some must remain to give birth to more generations of farm animals. One cannot eat all of one's grain. Some must be preserved for the next growing season.

Or they simply lived in an enviroment that provided plenty of food, and didn't need to. Duh.

Also, when farmers butcher a farm animal, they must dispose of the remains, so that they do not spread disease. Paleolithic hunters stay on the move, so that when the remains of a hunted animal decay the hunters will be somewhere else. This explains why litter is more likely to be found in black neighborhoods than white neighborhoods.

Wow? Seriously? I mean, you say this stuff out loud without being laughed at?
The reason why you are more likely to find litter in poor areas of any race is that no one owns that space to clean it up.

The Bantu never developed indigenous systems of writing and mathematics. This explains why Negroes are more likely to have trouble learning reading, writing, and arithmetic than whites and Orientals The Bantu ancestors of Negroes were not genetically selected for the ability to learn these.

Jesus, still saying "Orientals"?

ASIANS. Why is it such a big problem for you to say that?

Look, man, I know you need to work very hard every day to rationalize your racism, but the reality is, "civilization" is a relatively recent development and white Europeans didn't get there first.

You complain that the Bantu didn't have complex writing systems. You know what, neither did the Celts, the Germanic tribes, or any of the other ancestors of white folks until fairly recently.
Cold climates are one of the factors selecting for intelligence. Civilization is the other.

Jamal is your invention. It is up to you to give him corn-rows or not. I do not know what corn-rows are, but they sound disgusting.
Cornrows. They are actually pretty.


Or they simply lived in an enviroment that provided plenty of food, and didn't need to. Duh.

Wow? Seriously? I mean, you say this stuff out loud without being laughed at?
The reason why you are more likely to find litter in poor areas of any race is that no one owns that space to clean it up.

Jesus, still saying "Orientals"?

ASIANS. Why is it such a big problem for you to say that?

Look, man, I know you need to work very hard every day to rationalize your racism, but the reality is, "civilization" is a relatively recent development and white Europeans didn't get there first.

You complain that the Bantu didn't have complex writing systems. You know what, neither did the Celts, the Germanic tribes, or any of the other ancestors of white folks until fairly recently.
Whites and Orientals have had benefited from several thousand years of being selected genetically for the ability to master reading, writing, and arithmetic. Negroes have not.
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Or they simply lived in an enviroment that provided plenty of food, and didn't need to. Duh.
Harsh environments select genetically for the ability to survive the environments. That is why persecution has bred the Ashkenazim to be the most intelligent race in existence.
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