Let’s talk about repealing the Second Amendment

[ Which one of your beliefs are nothing but misconceptions about the 2nd Amendment? ]
3. Myth: The Second Amendment permits ownership of any type of firearm.
The 2nd protects the right to own and use "all bearable arms" - those in common use for traditionally lawful purposes.
DC v Heller
Caetano v Massachusetts

If Miller had shown up to defend himself then the NFA would have been determined as unconstitutional back in the 1930s. The Court said that the Second protects firearms in general use by the military. They made a mistake about Miller's sawed off shotgun by saying it was not protected because it was not used by the military. In fact the military used them in WWI.

What else you got Moon Bat?
Your rational is irrational. It comes from wanting all guns and all ammunitions you "think" you have the right to.

You do not. Anymore than in any other country where there is no 2nd amendment allowing people to buy some guns.

Educate yourself:

The violence that is mostly Prog driven proves the 2nd Amendment is needed. People in those areas need to balance if it is better to stay there or leave. Protesting/rioting groups, vicious attacks on people with the perps let go, endless stealing and a quality of life dropping.
Good. That is a start. Keeping lives from being lost by people who should not own those guns is a primary move to end up with people's body's riddled with bullets and unrecognizable.

I know. Why should you care what an AR-15 does to anyone's body.

By all means do not understand what the 2nd amendment was all about, and still is. It does NOT give anyone to have guns. Only in the need of a Militia to fight FOREIGN enemies at the time, aka, England.

The MAIN cause of loss of life is obviously the War on Drugs.
Look at a graph of murders by year, and it is obvious the spike came from Prohibition and the War on Drugs.

And it is insanely wrong to claim that the point of a "militia" was to fight England.
England was NOT an external invader, but our past government that had gone corrupt.
So the immediate danger is from corrupt central government, not England necessarily.
That should be obvious since the whole point of the 2nd amendment was to prevent federal firearms laws.
Since England could no longer pass any firearm laws, the 2nd amendment then could not possibly have been to protect from England.
After the revolution, England was no more of a threat than was France, Spain, Mexico, Pirates, gangs, natives, etc.
A corrupt US government is even more dangerous and likely than any foreign invader.
The Supreme Court determined that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right protected the same as other Constititonal rights and you idot confused Moon Bats can't stand it. Bruen even determined that now the courts have to use a much higher standard when ruling on infringements of the right to keep and bear arms. That means that a lot of oppressive shit that you stupid Moon Bats think are "reasonable" will be thrown out.
Not ALL weapons.

You are being asked to give up ONE out of hundreds of weapons because it causes too many deaths and the bodies become unrecognizable.

And you cannot do THAT one simple thing.
If Miller had shown up to defend himself then the NFA would have been determined as unconstitutional back in the 1930s. The Court said that the Second protects firearms in general use by the military. They made a mistake about Miller's sawed off shotgun by saying it was not protected because it was not used by the military. In fact the military used them in WWI.

What else you got Moon Bat?
Nothing that will make you stop playing with laws you may not understand.

I keep bringing up AR-15. All you guys do is cry about ALL weapons which are not going to be banned.

The violence that is mostly Prog driven proves the 2nd Amendment is needed. People in those areas need to balance if it is better to stay there or leave. Protesting/rioting groups, vicious attacks on people with the perps let go, endless stealing and a quality of life dropping.
Lie, keep lying.
The Republicans incite you into believing what is not true, but the "violence" is coming from the Democrats.

You poor thing.
Not ALL weapons.

You are being asked to give up ONE out of hundreds of weapons because it causes too many deaths and the bodies become unrecognizable.

And you cannot do THAT one simple thing.

No, I won't. Because the "recognizableness" of the body after being shot is not a determinizing factor in whether it's ok to possess or not.
Not ALL weapons.

You are being asked to give up ONE out of hundreds of weapons because it causes too many deaths and the bodies become unrecognizable.

And you cannot do THAT one simple thing.

I suspect that you being a confused asshole Libtard Moon Bat your idea of what should be restricted and Supreme Court's is different. Now, under Bruen, the threshold for determining that is pretty high. Don't expect ARs or other what you idiots refer to as "assault weapons" or 30 round magazines will be included.

However, nobody will stop you idiots from wishing that the Second would go away.
I suspect that you being a confused asshole Libtard Moon Bat your idea of what should be restricted and Supreme Court's is different. Now, under Bruen, the threshold for determining that is pretty high. Don't expect ARs or other what you idiots refer to as "assault weapons" or 30 round magazines will be included.

However, nobody will stop you idiots from wishing that the Second would go away.
We idiots are not wishing the 2nd amendment to go away. Only that necessary weapons not end up in civilian hands.

But keep repeating the lies, and keep working yourselves to a lather.
Most court cases are about something either subjective or impossible to know for sure.
Like intent, guilt, timelines, etc.
The 2nd amendment is not at all like that.
It is clearly saying that only states with armed populations are free, and that feds were to have no jurisdiction over arms.
That is not something it is possible to "overturn" unless you have such a corrupt government that rebellion is warranted.
No rights are absolute and yes it is possible to overturn a court decision.
Not ALL weapons.

You are being asked to give up ONE out of hundreds of weapons because it causes too many deaths and the bodies become unrecognizable.

And you cannot do THAT one simple thing.

The assault weapons ban it aimed at the most common, practical, popular, easiest to use, inexpensive, with the most parts accessibility, etc.
There are already over 30 million ARs privately owned.
And there is no reason at all to ban them.
They fire about the weakest bullet made for rifles.
Here is a comparison of the .223 with the common hunting and WWII std rifle bullet, the .308.
Here is the formula(for killing power):

(in foot pounds) x Sectional Density (taken from reloading manuals) x cross-sectional Area (in square inches) = Killing Power Score. (Round off to one decimal place for convenience.)

  • E x SD x A = KPS

The list that follows is intended to suggest the relative killing power of various hunting cartridges and loads at 100 yards when those cartridges are used appropriately. (Cartridge, bullet weight in grains, muzzle velocity in feet per second - killing power score at 100 yards.)

  • .223 Remington (60 grain at 3000 fps) - 6.3
  • ...
  • .308 Winchester (180 grain at 2620 fps) - 46.2

So obviously anyone claiming the .223 of the ARs is "powerful", is simply ignorant.
The standard hunting rifle and rifles used in WWII, are almost 8 times more powerful.
You are passing nonsense for fact.

I want to ban your nonsense, only.

Got no rebuttal, huh?

You talk about "nonsense" then use some arbitrary "can't recognize the body" bullshit to say a gun should be banned? Yea, you're a fucking idiot.

Thanks for playing.
Well, its good to know that at least SOME people on the left understand the 2nd - as intended - is in the way of what they want to do:
To wit:

Well no - it means exactly that - the law abiding all over the country would lose their right to keep and bear arms at the simplest level.
Beside the point.

The point:
Why don't more of your advocate for this?
Why don't ALL pf you advocate for this?
If you are --serious-- about "gun safety", why are you wasting your time and effort to push for laws you know will be struck as a violation of the 2nd?
The pro-gun side often claims you aren't --serious-- about gun safety -- that your goal is to simply harass and limit the rights of the law abiding in whatever way you can; so long as you push for laws you know will be struck, this is a sound point.

C'mon. Do the work, Spend the time and make the effort.
Convince Congress to pass an amendment to repeal the 2nd.
Convince 38 states to ratify it - the fact 25 states do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm shouldn't daunt you here - right?
Because otherwise you're just wasting time, needlessly harassing the law abiding, and making lawyers rich.

Repealing the 2nd Amendment shouldn't even be open to discussion!!

Once the 1st amendment gets compromised out of existence (occurring now!), repealing the 2nd Amendment is the final hill to die on before total totalitarianism takes root!!!

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