Let’s talk about repealing the Second Amendment

Name those infringements.
Are too fucking stupid as to not know what infringements have been put into place by the goddamn Democrats?

Do you even know what the Heller, McDonald and Bruen cases were all about?

Heller was about the fucking Democrat shitheads in DC infringing upon Dick Heller's right to have a firearm in his own home.

McDonald was about the fucking shithead Democrats in Chicago denying Otis McDonald the right to carry a firearm.

Bruen was about the goddamn Democrats in New York saying that a person could not carry a firearm out of their own home.

Because of the filthy "SAFE" Act in New York (that was touted as being reasonable gun control) a decorated veteran was arrested for having an empty 30 rd AR magazine in the trunk of his vehicle. Another man had the jackbooted thugs show up at his door and confiscate his hunting rifles because he went to see a doctor for insomnia.

In New Jersey a mother with a child was arrested for having a handgun her vehicle. She was traveling from Texas to Maine and wanted to have protection. We all know what the crime is like in that state.

There are many more examples of the Libtards infringing upon our rights; gun bans, magazine bans, impossible or oppressive licensing requirements. Those shithead Democrats in California even are restricting ammo purchases.

If you don't understand what the filthy Libtards are doing to infringing upon our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms then you are even dumber than we think you already are.
Well, its good to know that at least SOME people on the left understand the 2nd - as intended - is in the way of what they want to do:
To wit:

Well no - it means exactly that - the law abiding all over the country would lose their right to keep and bear arms at the simplest level.
Beside the point.

The point:
Why don't more of your advocate for this?
Why don't ALL pf you advocate for this?
If you are --serious-- about "gun safety", why are you wasting your time and effort to push for laws you know will be struck as a violation of the 2nd?
The pro-gun side often claims you aren't --serious-- about gun safety -- that your goal is to simply harass and limit the rights of the law abiding in whatever way you can; so long as you push for laws you know will be struck, this is a sound point.

C'mon. Do the work, Spend the time and make the effort.
Convince Congress to pass an amendment to repeal the 2nd.
Convince 38 states to ratify it - the fact 25 states do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm shouldn't daunt you here - right?
Because otherwise you're just wasting time, needlessly harassing the law abiding, and making lawyers rich.
Why repeal the 2nd Amendment? You fuckers should be allowed to own MUSKUTS.
Lets just go with the high points:

Ban on 'assault weapons'
Ban on "high capacity" magazines
Requirement to obtain a permit to purchase a firearm
Requirement to register firearms

When the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest. Rather, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. Only if a firearm regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s “unqualified command.”
Good. That is a start. Keeping lives from being lost by people who should not own those guns is a primary move to end up with people's body's riddled with bullets and unrecognizable.

I know. Why should you care what an AR-15 does to anyone's body.

By all means do not understand what the 2nd amendment was all about, and still is. It does NOT give anyone to have guns. Only in the need of a Militia to fight FOREIGN enemies at the time, aka, England.
Are too fucking stupid as to not know what infringements have been put into place by the goddamn Democrats?

Do you even know what the Heller, McDonald and Bruen cases were all about?

Heller was about the fucking Democrat shitheads in DC infringing upon Dick Heller's right to have a firearm in his own home.

McDonald was about the fucking shithead Democrats in Chicago denying Otis McDonald the right to carry a firearm.

Bruen was about the goddamn Democrats in New York saying that a person could not carry a firearm out of their own home.

Because of the filthy "SAFE" Act in New York (that was touted as being reasonable gun control) a decorated veteran was arrested for having an empty 30 rd AR magazine in the trunk of his vehicle. Another man had the jackbooted thugs show up at his door and confiscate his hunting rifles because he went to see a doctor for insomnia.

In New Jersey a mother with a child was arrested for having a handgun her vehicle. She was traveling from Texas to Maine and wanted to have protection. We all know what the crime is like in that state.

There are many more examples of the Libtards infringing upon our rights; gun bans, magazine bans, impossible or oppressive licensing requirements. Those shithead Democrats in California even are restricting ammo purchases.

If you don't understand what the filthy Libtards are doing to infringing upon our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms then you are even dumber than we think you already are.
You keep with your foul language all you like. That is what passes for Americans in the Republican circle these days.

When you do finally understand WHY the 2nd amendment was written back then, you will figure out that truly, you.....have no rights to own arms, period.
Lets just go with the high points:

Ban on 'assault weapons'
Ban on "high capacity" magazines
Requirement to obtain a permit to purchase a firearm
Requirement to register firearms

When the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest. Rather, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. Only if a firearm regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s “unqualified command.”
Eight states (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York), as well as the District of Columbia, have enacted laws that generally ban the sale, manufacture, and transfer of assault weapons.

Assault Weapons | Giffords

May more States follow suit.
Good. That is a start.
Yes - this list is just a start - innumerable other examples can be listed.
"Shall not be infringed",
By all means do not understand what the 2nd amendment was all about, and still is. I
It is -very- clear you do not understand but thank you for the admission.
It does NOT give anyone to have guns.
No one claims it does.
Only in the need of a Militia to fight FOREIGN enemies at the time, aka, England.
And thus, and example of your lack of understanding.
Well done
Your rational is irrational. It comes from wanting all guns and all ammunitions you "think" you have the right to.

You do not. Anymore than in any other country where there is no 2nd amendment allowing people to buy some guns.

I love how you guys are busy out there trying to pass off this hysterical idea that a round from an AR is somehow this magic bullet that can kill and destroy far more than other firearm platforms.
If I had to choose, I would rather have AR rounds coming at me, than 30-30's that have been coming out of semi-auto platforms for well over 100 years.
Well, its good to know that at least SOME people on the left understand the 2nd - as intended - is in the way of what they want to do:
To wit:

Well no - it means exactly that - the law abiding all over the country would lose their right to keep and bear arms at the simplest level.
Beside the point.

The point:
Why don't more of your advocate for this?
Why don't ALL pf you advocate for this?
If you are --serious-- about "gun safety", why are you wasting your time and effort to push for laws you know will be struck as a violation of the 2nd?
The pro-gun side often claims you aren't --serious-- about gun safety -- that your goal is to simply harass and limit the rights of the law abiding in whatever way you can; so long as you push for laws you know will be struck, this is a sound point.

C'mon. Do the work, Spend the time and make the effort.
Convince Congress to pass an amendment to repeal the 2nd.
Convince 38 states to ratify it - the fact 25 states do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm shouldn't daunt you here - right?
Because otherwise you're just wasting time, needlessly harassing the law abiding, and making lawyers rich.
Every time someone on the Right talks about/demands a Constitutional Convention, I always think to myself, "Be careful what you wish for."

Because you can be sure there will be a large contingent of attendees who will seek to abolish the Second Amendment.
Hellar is just a court case. It can be overturned like any other court cases.

Most court cases are about something either subjective or impossible to know for sure.
Like intent, guilt, timelines, etc.
The 2nd amendment is not at all like that.
It is clearly saying that only states with armed populations are free, and that feds were to have no jurisdiction over arms.
That is not something it is possible to "overturn" unless you have such a corrupt government that rebellion is warranted.
Eight states (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York), as well as the District of Columbia, have enacted laws that generally ban the sale, manufacture, and transfer of assault weapons.
And all of these, absent the demonstration that these regulations are consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation, violate the constitution - only if a firearm regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s “unqualified command.”
“To be clear, a ‘Repeal the Second Amendment’ campaign would not be to argue that nobody should have guns, but that not everyone should be able to have assault weapons on demand. It would not mean competitive shooters and hunters and people in need of personal protection should not have guns, but it could mean that the principal obstacle to any reasonable laws would be removed.

We might not get repeal for decades, if ever…”

In which case there’s no point in ‘repealing’ the Second Amendment.

In the coming decades the political climate will likely change where the composition of the Supreme Court will be such that Heller, McDonald, and Bruen will be overturned, well before the political climate will be such to support amending the Constitution to repeal the Second Amendment.

Does not matter how one tries to illegally implement a draconian police state that tries to disarm the public.
No matter how it is attempted, it must be resisted by any means necessary, and it will be defeated.
That is not only because those with guns will have a vast advantage, but because those in the police and military inherently favor public firearm ownership.
True – but that’s not going to happen.

Conservatives will continue to lie about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ that will never happen.

It’s how the dishonest right keeps the Republican base ignorant, angry, and going to the polls, by lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations.’

I do not get your point, since there was a federal assault weapons ban in 1994 and dozens of state or city bans on private firearms, magazines, etc. ?
All these bans were inherently illegal and it is obvious there will be another attempt on the federal level soon.
Its it not at all like the 2nd amendment is just arbitrary.
It is inherent, based on the inherent right of self defense.
Every time someone on the Right talks about/demands a Constitutional Convention, I always think to myself, "Be careful what you wish for."
Because you can be sure there will be a large contingent of attendees who will seek to abolish the Second Amendment.
Still need 38 states.
Good luck with that.
You keep with your foul language all you like. That is what passes for Americans in the Republican circle these days.

When you do finally understand WHY the 2nd amendment was written back then, you will figure out that truly, you.....have no rights to own arms, period.

The Supreme Court determined that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right protected the same as other Constititonal rights and you idot confused Moon Bats can't stand it. Bruen even determined that now the courts have to use a much higher standard when ruling on infringements of the right to keep and bear arms. That means that a lot of oppressive shit that you stupid Moon Bats think are "reasonable" will be thrown out.

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