Let's Talk About The Choke Hold

... the reference to my son was simply to shove your "you hate cops" attitude right up ...
That is not my attitude. My attitude is "you're an empty big mouth calling this particular police officer a coward despite the fact that you have never put yourself in the same situation."

And unless your family is Vulcan, the work experience of a relative does NOT mean you have had the same experience. I also have to wonder if you asked permission first before putting words in the mouth of a relative by insinuating that he considers the fellow officer in this case a "coward." If you didn't, perhaps you owe someone an apology.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
He would be alive were he not shot in the back twice.

The officer has since been fired and is now facing felony murder charges.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
He would be alive were he not shot in the back twice.

The officer has since been fired and is now facing felony murder charges.
There is 0% chance the officer in this instance gets convicted of murder.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
There’s a reason the choke hold is the most prized advantage to get in MMA. It takes the fight right out of the toughest combatant.

You’re right. A choke hold would have ended it with everyone alive. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. The good thing that did happen was the rampage was ended before anyone else got hurt.
Simply not shooting Brooks in the back would have left everyone alive as well.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
There’s a reason the choke hold is the most prized advantage to get in MMA. It takes the fight right out of the toughest combatant.

You’re right. A choke hold would have ended it with everyone alive. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. The good thing that did happen was the rampage was ended before anyone else got hurt.
Simply not shooting Brooks in the back would have left everyone alive as well.
Really? That is where the situation turned bad in your opinion? Not when he resisted arrest? Not when he fought with the police officers? Not when he stole the officer's taser? Not when he fired the weapon at the officer? You KNOW you are full of shit.
He did not deserve to die unless ....

If you resist arrest, take a weapon from a police officer and fire it at him, you cannot reasonably expect any other outcome.

How far can a taser reach?

I keep seeing called a taser but it looks like a stun gun from the video. Those have a reach of 15 feet or so. Not exactly sure what specific piece of equipment this was.

I keep seeing called a taser but it looks like a stun gun from the video. Those have a reach of 15 feet or so. Not exactly sure what specific piece of equipment this was
He did not deserve to die unless ....

If you resist arrest, take a weapon from a police officer and fire it at him, you cannot reasonably expect any other outcome.

How far can a taser reach?

What does that matter? Is someone out there measuring during the fight?

It does make a difference if there's no way the distance would have made the taser effective.
I just don't have practical knowledge of tasers.

The problem is trying to apply logic established in the safety of your home in a comfy chair to a situation with a violent suspect using a weapon against you. Have you ever been in a situation where your life may end due to inaction or hesitation? I have, simple logic like firing range of a tazer does not really apply.

There's no field training for the police who wield these weapons?
Unless the officer thought he pulled out another weapon but didn't the officers already realize he didn't have a gun?

Who the fuck cares? He had a weapon. He could use it on a cop dropping their team in half or even use it on an innocent bystander.

Who the fuck cares? He had a weapon. He could use it on a cop dropping their team in half or even use it on an innocent bystander.
The Brooks family cares. I care. Why don't you?
The taser had already been discharged when the officer fired.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
There’s a reason the choke hold is the most prized advantage to get in MMA. It takes the fight right out of the toughest combatant.

You’re right. A choke hold would have ended it with everyone alive. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. The good thing that did happen was the rampage was ended before anyone else got hurt.
Simply not shooting Brooks in the back would have left everyone alive as well.
Really? That is where the situation turned bad in your opinion? Not when he resisted arrest? Not when he fought with the police officers? Not when he stole the officer's taser? Not when he fired the weapon at the officer? You KNOW you are full of shit.

Sorry, pal. The nation is making changes.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
There’s a reason the choke hold is the most prized advantage to get in MMA. It takes the fight right out of the toughest combatant.

You’re right. A choke hold would have ended it with everyone alive. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. The good thing that did happen was the rampage was ended before anyone else got hurt.
Simply not shooting Brooks in the back would have left everyone alive as well.
Really? That is where the situation turned bad in your opinion? Not when he resisted arrest? Not when he fought with the police officers? Not when he stole the officer's taser? Not when he fired the weapon at the officer? You KNOW you are full of shit.

Sorry, pal. The nation is making changes.
Why sorry?
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
There’s a reason the choke hold is the most prized advantage to get in MMA. It takes the fight right out of the toughest combatant.

You’re right. A choke hold would have ended it with everyone alive. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. The good thing that did happen was the rampage was ended before anyone else got hurt.
Simply not shooting Brooks in the back would have left everyone alive as well.
Really? That is where the situation turned bad in your opinion? Not when he resisted arrest? Not when he fought with the police officers? Not when he stole the officer's taser? Not when he fired the weapon at the officer? You KNOW you are full of shit.
Really? That is where the situation turned bad in your opinion? Not when he resisted arrest? Not when he fought with the police officers? Not when he stole the officer's taser? Not when he fired the weapon at the officer? You KNOW you are full of shit
The DA is having a presser. You should watch it. The officer was in violation of dept. policies and procedures. His partner will be testifying against him.

I seem to know what's going on while you are full of shit.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
There’s a reason the choke hold is the most prized advantage to get in MMA. It takes the fight right out of the toughest combatant.

You’re right. A choke hold would have ended it with everyone alive. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. The good thing that did happen was the rampage was ended before anyone else got hurt.
Simply not shooting Brooks in the back would have left everyone alive as well.
Really? That is where the situation turned bad in your opinion? Not when he resisted arrest? Not when he fought with the police officers? Not when he stole the officer's taser? Not when he fired the weapon at the officer? You KNOW you are full of shit.
Really? That is where the situation turned bad in your opinion? Not when he resisted arrest? Not when he fought with the police officers? Not when he stole the officer's taser? Not when he fired the weapon at the officer? You KNOW you are full of shit
The DA is having a presser. You should watch it. The officer was in violation of dept. policies and procedures. His partner will be testifying against him.

I seem to know what's going on while you are full of shit.
Start working on your apology now so you won't be quite as busy after the trial.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.

It has come out at the hearing that they did not advise Brooks that he was under arrest nor did they read him his Miranda rights.
Couple of very badly trained cops, the shooter has previous complaints.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.

He'd also be alive if the coward hadn't shot him in the back while he was running away.

This is a lie, he was shot because he fired a taser at a cop. The ONLY reason he was shot in the back is because he got himself turned around before the rounds struck him, that is crystal clear from the video.

The lying has to stop.
This is a lie, he was shot because he fired a taser at a cop. The ONLY reason he was shot in the back is because he got himself turned around before the rounds struck him, that is crystal clear from the video.

The lying has to stop
You are the liar.
The taser was never pointed or fired at a cop. It was easily at least 20 degrees off target. It was discharged and no longer a threat to anyone at the time the officer fired.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
He would be alive were he not shot in the back twice.

The officer has since been fired and is now facing felony murder charges.
There is 0% chance the officer in this instance gets convicted of murder.
There is 0% chance the officer in this instance gets convicted of murder
Based on what?
You obviously have no knowledge of the case against him.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
There’s a reason the choke hold is the most prized advantage to get in MMA. It takes the fight right out of the toughest combatant.

You’re right. A choke hold would have ended it with everyone alive. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. The good thing that did happen was the rampage was ended before anyone else got hurt.
Well, it's not like the guy was still behind the wheel, and it's not like the cops didn't know where he lived.

It was a mistake to shoot him, but I understand how the cop's adrenaline was pumping after struggling with the dude and having his taser taken from him. The cop reacted to something being pointed at him while his blood was up.

Or they are supposed to be trained for tense situations as this one.
The cop was only 20 feet away, he could have shot him in the leg.
But he went straight for his back.

The police system in America is fucked up. This shit goes back decades.
One of my closest friends was the news director for a national network affiliate here in Philly.
For twenty years he saw the worse sort of abuse of power and violence perpetrated by cops, especially on blacks.
If he had put that footage on the air, NAPO would have sued the station, not to mention harass and ban his camera men from crime scenes. He said they actually got warnings from the chief of police and mayor, too.

Police system needs a complete overhaul.
Another black guy was killed this past weekend.

The dude was drunk and passed out in his car in a Wendy's parking lot, blocking the drive-thru.

When the cops showed up, they spent 40 minutes dealing with him.

40 minutes. That's a long time to tie up two policemen.

The cops were very patient with this guy. And the guy was cooperative during that 40 minutes.

But the second a pair of handcuffs touched his wrists, the dude went crazy. The two cops spent the next several minutes struggling with this guy.

The cops were fit. And yet they could not get this guy under control. He got the better of them despite being drunk.

This is not a reflection on the cops. A maniac can take up to 5 people to subdue him. Especially if you don't allow them to use a choke hold.

If you watch the video of the fight, the cops refrained from using a choke hold on the dude, and he was able to not only get away, he was able to disarm them of their taser. It's just luck that is what they had in their hands for him to take and not a gun.

As I watched, I said to my son, "If they used a choke hold on him, that dude would be alive today."

My son hates the cops. He's had some run-ins with them. :D

But he saw my point.

I've never had an opinion of the choke hold. I know some people have been hurt by choke holds, and I know the rare person has been killed by the choke hold.

But that fight would have been over in seconds if those cops used it. And the dude would be alive.

He would be alive if he didn't put up a fight, too, but that's another discussion.
There’s a reason the choke hold is the most prized advantage to get in MMA. It takes the fight right out of the toughest combatant.

You’re right. A choke hold would have ended it with everyone alive. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. The good thing that did happen was the rampage was ended before anyone else got hurt.
Simply not shooting Brooks in the back would have left everyone alive as well.
Really? That is where the situation turned bad in your opinion? Not when he resisted arrest? Not when he fought with the police officers? Not when he stole the officer's taser? Not when he fired the weapon at the officer? You KNOW you are full of shit.
Really? That is where the situation turned bad in your opinion? Not when he resisted arrest? Not when he fought with the police officers? Not when he stole the officer's taser? Not when he fired the weapon at the officer? You KNOW you are full of shit
The DA is having a presser. You should watch it. The officer was in violation of dept. policies and procedures. His partner will be testifying against him.

I seem to know what's going on while you are full of shit.
Start working on your apology now so you won't be quite as busy after the trial.
Start working on your apology now so you won't be quite as busy after the trial.
Lord, you're an arrogant, dope.
You know nothing of the case against this officer.

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