Let's talk about the rioters

Over 250 arrests were made following the events in Kenosha. What more do you want?

But as usual, people like you cant put yourself in other peoples position. But I'll tell you one thing. If the 3 dudes that murdered Arbery are let off the hook this week, you are going to see rioting across this country like you've never seen before.
Well maybe we want the media to condem the riots and rioters
We want the media to stop incinting hate and racism with their bullshit and lying
We want the people like you to quit defending this shit
We want people to wait for facts before attacking people, especially young kids like Rittenhouse and Nick Sandman

There is a bunch more, but we can start with that.
Three white men chased down a black jogger who stopped at a construction site to get some water. They then proceeded to shoot and kill him.

What people are protesting is the disparity in justice. Pretty simple.
What are you talking about? Aren't those 3 men on trial right now?
And again, how do you know the facts of the case?
Has their been a verdict?
You guys said Rittenhouse chased down and killed black people, but now the media has more blood on their hands, the tune has changed abit, it should never have been that way to begin.
In essence, the underlying elements of the Safari Principle narrative begin with a pretense that victims of the mob, any mob or individual predator, have no one except themselves to blame because they did not follow the rules of the safari. When in the proximity of any person, event or situation that is engaged in an unlawful act supported by the political left, you are not permitted to exit your vehicle or engage in activity that will lead to your targeting.
Well maybe we want the media to condem the riots and rioters
We want the media to stop incinting hate and racism with their bullshit and lying
We want the people like you to quit defending this shit
We want people to wait for facts before attacking people, especially young kids like Rittenhouse and Nick Sandman

There is a bunch more, but we can start with that.
You are confusing media and pundits. The news media is supposed to report things, not condemn or support. Pundits, they can say whatever they want I guess these days.

I'm not going to address the rest of your babbling. In fact, you are going on ignore for continuing to say I'm defending the riots. You're fucking mentally ill.
You are confusing media and pundits. The news media is supposed to report things, not condemn or support. Pundits, they can say whatever they want I guess these days.

I'm not going to address the rest of your babbling. In fact, you are going on ignore for continuing to say I'm defending the riots. You're fucking mentally ill.
Evidently, you have never worked in media because they have been biased and have given opinions since this nation was created.
What are you talking about? Aren't those 3 men on trial right now?
And again, how do you know the facts of the case?
Has their been a verdict?
You guys said Rittenhouse chased down and killed black people, but now the media has more blood on their hands, the tune has changed abit, it should never have been that way to begin.
How do I know the facts of the case? Because I've been following it. If chasing down and killing an unarmed black man because he was trespassing on a construction site that wasnt even theirs is legal in the United States, then this country is gone.
The jury deliberates starting on Monday.
"You guys"....again. I never said Kyle chased down and killed black people. But that is why you're on ignore because you're a dumb piece of shit.
All the facts you post will be ignored and ignored and ignored by the media who will only double down now to protect themselves. Your really spot on. Regular citizens have more right to be on the street than rioters do... and somehow the left turns that on its head and make it the other way around. If your a concerned citizen during a BLM riot. it makes you anti black and a racist apparently. Rittenhouse carried a gun to protect himself because there was a RIOT going on... something conveniently overlooked by everyone on the left. The only way he could legaly carry a gun to protect himself would be to bring a long rifle.... It was also his community and he had every right to be there.
Had there been MORE armed citizens out in the street.. Rosenbaum perhaps never would have attacked. The fault lies with the adults in the room who let this shit take place in the first place. Now they want to lay it all on a 17 year old who reacted to the shit they created.

And this comes from Biden on down.... his only fucking job as president is to uphold the rule of law.... not to give his opinion on a kid being a white supremacist... without having FACTS..and without an investigation having taken place. and now... he barely accepts the decision of a lawful jury....

Good points.

There's a cell phone video of an elderly man who was trying to defend his business with a fire extinguisher. He was spraying the looters and rioters with it. One of the thugs sucker punched him, knocking him out.
You can hear thug laughing in the background. A couple of people came to help him one. One young lady was screaming at the rioters about how wrong this was.
But she was completely outnumbered by thugs who got a kick out of watching that innocent victim laying there unconscious.

The left ignores these innocent victims, as if they have no conscious at all. Like they don't even care. Like rioting and creating innocent victims is all part of some master plan to bring chaos to this country.
part of some master plan to bring chaos to this country.
It's just a natural outcome for all the shit that has been happening, both economic and social, in America. Nobody is listening. So these people figure the only way anybody is going to listen is through violence.
, it should never have been that way to begin.

Why does the left support the way Kenosha went down? Why do they support the rioting and and rioters who created so many innocent victims. And why does the left ignore the fact that there were so many innocent victims?
These are questions they refuse to answer. These are topics they refuse it acknowledge.

There's a deep down reason for this. And I'm trying to get a straight answer from them.
Over 250 arrests were made following the events in Kenosha. What more do you want?

But as usual, people like you cant put yourself in other peoples position. But I'll tell you one thing. If the 3 dudes that murdered Arbery are let off the hook this week, you are going to see rioting across this country like you've never seen before.
Over 250 arrests were made following the events in Kenosha. What more do you want?

Because the thugs don't learn their lesson.
It's just a natural outcome for all the shit that has been happening, both economic and social, in America. Nobody is listening. So these people figure the only way anybody is going to listen is through violence.

I think you're wrong. There are people who are addressing what they think are real problems in this country. But they're doing it in lock step with MLK's advise, no violence or rioting.
Then there's the people that this thread is about. The violent rioters, who don't care about MLK's advise. They don't care about the innocent people they physically or financially destroy. They just want to tear up stuff. Burn stuff. Hurt people. They don't have enough of a life to be victims of injustice.
Take Rosenbaum for example. Everything wrong with his life, came from his own actions. His abusing of innocent people, including children. His attempted attack on Kyle that night. Those were his actions.
And those who burned down and destroyed people cars and buildings, those were their actions.
That is the subject of this thread. And the question is why does the left not hold their own accountable for those violent actions.
Are you going to teach them a lesson?

Are you guys going to help stop the violent rioting? No. You're going to continue to ignore it. And bash those decent Americans who do try to stop the violent rioters.


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