Let's talk about the rioters

It's obvious that the Representatives LibBots vote into office are succeeding at ruining their neighborhoods.

If us decent Americans allow the destruction of our communities, allow the violent rioters to take over, who's going to protect the liberals? Because the rioters don't care who they attack.
There's video of a car lot in Kenosha, with a big sign out front, that the owners put up (sign lettering) that says "Black Lives Matter." The building was torched as well as the vehicles destroyed.

So again, the rioters don't care who they destroy. And the leftist who support the rioters, don't care that the rioters are creating enemies out of people that support them. It's insane to support your own kind, when your own kind is making things worse. But that's the way the left does things.
Are you guys going to help stop the violent rioting? No. You're going to continue to ignore it. And bash those decent Americans who do try to stop the violent rioters.

There is no rioting where I live and I don't plan on driving hundreds of miles to get involved in it one way or another.
You are confusing media and pundits. The news media is supposed to report things, not condemn or support. Pundits, they can say whatever they want I guess these days.

I'm not going to address the rest of your babbling. In fact, you are going on ignore for continuing to say I'm defending the riots. You're fucking mentally ill.

The left leaning media has went out of their way to portray the rioters as less violent as they really are. As in the CNN reporter, standing in front a fire, started by rioters saying "it's mostly peaceful."
As if the rioting was not important to discuss.

When there's a real danger, news is supposed to report those dangers, not overlook or make the dangers seem less than they really are.
CNN and MSNBC make Kyle out to be a bigger threat than the rioters. Tell that to the many business owners who lost their businesses. Tell that to the old man who was knocked unconscious trying to defend his business with a fire extinguisher.
There is no rioting where I live and I don't plan on driving hundreds of miles to get involved in it one way or another.

Like most people.
But that's not really the subject here. It's why the left won't acknowledge or speak out against their own violent rioters.
Here we are, almost 50 posts into this, and not one lefty has even tried to explain why they won't stand up against the violent rioters on their side.
Are you guys going to help stop the violent rioting? No. You're going to continue to ignore it. And bash those decent Americans who do try to stop the violent rioters.

There is nothing I can do. Just like there is nothing you can do.
I think you're wrong. There are people who are addressing what they think are real problems in this country. But they're doing it in lock step with MLK's advise, no violence or rioting.
Then there's the people that this thread is about. The violent rioters, who don't care about MLK's advise. They don't care about the innocent people they physically or financially destroy. They just want to tear up stuff. Burn stuff. Hurt people. They don't have enough of a life to be victims of injustice.
Take Rosenbaum for example. Everything wrong with his life, came from his own actions. His abusing of innocent people, including children. His attempted attack on Kyle that night. Those were his actions.
And those who burned down and destroyed people cars and buildings, those were their actions.
That is the subject of this thread. And the question is why does the left not hold their own accountable for those violent actions.
Your problem is you just keep repeating your dumb shit even after you've been told over 250 people have been arrested. Some are up on fed arson charges, which carry a mandatory minimum of 5 years for each count. You dont fucking listen. What else do you want?

Say it one more time that nobody is being held accountable to show your fucking stupidity. I dare you.
Burning down the businesses of completely innocent people in order to intimidate the populace into accepting a political agenda is the very definition of terrorism. Despite this, our fifth column media calls them "protestors". This media does this quite intentionally as their word choice is quite intentional and designed to sell a false narrative.

It is our media that has created this monster. They have been trying to start a race war for quite some time, now, as they are little more than a tool for the Democrat party to whip up a false sense of resentment among the various sub-groups to which they craft their appeal simply in order to get elected. It's just demagoguery 101 here, folks, and once elected, their own personal enrichment ensues. Just look at the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens, and any sane person should realize that politics is a VERY lucrative business.
You are fucking stupid. You obviously want to hear what you want to hear. You're on ignore.
John, honey, your calling somebody stupid is like Miley Cyrus calling somebody slutty.

All you know in this world is that you are an authoritarian leftist and must march in lockstep with your little peeps or else they will call you names.

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