Lets talk REALITY on the Corona virus economically for once

Stupidity is more contagious and faster moving than this virus.

Rumors and conspiracy theories are almost as deadly as this virus.

Cut the shit!

What are the conspiracy theories?
COVID-19 was hatched in a Chinese lab and (accidentally) released.

Don't tell me you haven't heard that one!

Based on memos released by the Chinese government before the outbreak, it sounds like the most likely possibility.
Funny how a month ago Chinese scientists were reassuring the world there was nothing to worry about:

. David Hui Shu-cheong, a respiratory expert and chairman of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at Chinese University of Hong Kong, told NBC News he felt that "the risk to Hong Kong and other parts of the world is low” as long as health authorities in Wuhan can contain it there.

"They are much better than in 2003 in handling severe infections in terms of transparency and timeliness,” he added.


“It is reassuring that after a month the total number of cases is fairly limited and the absence of healthcare worker infections supports the idea that there hasn't been sustained human to human transmission,” she added

China reports first death from outbreak of mystery virus

Funny how so many US news agencies cover for China.
And now Trump is telling the US there is nothing to worry about. That it isn't that bad.

Just heard that any further announcement or government information put out by any federal government organization, regarding Coron Virus will have to be cleared by Mike Pence. Guess we are going back to top down management and information control. Good luck everybody.
Hopefully Mike's response is better than what he displayed during Indiana's opioid/HIV crisis:

“Pence Is Not a Medical Expert”: Is the Trump Admin Ready to Stop a U.S. Coronavirus Pandemic? | Democracy Now!

"Pence is not a medical expert, and he certainly is not someone who’s demonstrated particularly great amount of respect for science.

"When he was governor of the state of Indiana, the opioid crisis started in southern Indiana. And suddenly people were injecting opioids.

"He went to his god and came back and told the Legislature that he did not believe that any human being should receive sterile syringes to assist them in being a drug addict.

"His own Legislature countered him; he vetoed.

"Countered, vetoed.

"Meanwhile, according to a study published by Yale University, at least 250 people got infected with HIV as a result of this crazy policy."

Trump Taps Anti-Science Mike Pence To Lead U.S. Coronavirus Response
I hope so. I do not feel like they politicized it much yesterday at the briefing. I felt that might be because the Pres is a germaphobe, and decided to trust experts on this one, but with todays announcement as Pence being an information door keeper, not so sure.
I hope so. I do not feel like they politicized it much yesterday at the briefing. I felt that might be because the Pres is a germaphobe, and decided to trust experts on this one, but with todays announcement as Pence being an information door keeper, not so sure.
Perhaps COVID-19 needs a re-branding?

Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging

"'Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the country’s leading experts on viruses and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases, told associates that the White House had instructed him not to say anything else without clearance.'"

"Gail Collins: Let’s call it Trumpvirus."
Well, crap! Here we go. Thanks for the link. I only heard a talking head mention it. Guess it is going to be like white house hurricane prediction.
Funny how a month ago Chinese scientists were reassuring the world there was nothing to worry about:

. David Hui Shu-cheong, a respiratory expert and chairman of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at Chinese University of Hong Kong, told NBC News he felt that "the risk to Hong Kong and other parts of the world is low” as long as health authorities in Wuhan can contain it there.

"They are much better than in 2003 in handling severe infections in terms of transparency and timeliness,” he added.


“It is reassuring that after a month the total number of cases is fairly limited and the absence of healthcare worker infections supports the idea that there hasn't been sustained human to human transmission,” she added

China reports first death from outbreak of mystery virus

Funny how so many US news agencies cover for China.

Who would've thought that watching CNN could lead to your death? :backpedal:
Just heard that any further announcement or government information put out by any federal government organization, regarding Coron Virus will have to be cleared by Mike Pence. Guess we are going back to top down management and information control. Good luck everybody.
Hopefully Mike's response is better than what he displayed during Indiana's opioid/HIV crisis:

“Pence Is Not a Medical Expert”: Is the Trump Admin Ready to Stop a U.S. Coronavirus Pandemic? | Democracy Now!

"Pence is not a medical expert, and he certainly is not someone who’s demonstrated particularly great amount of respect for science.

"When he was governor of the state of Indiana, the opioid crisis started in southern Indiana. And suddenly people were injecting opioids.

"He went to his god and came back and told the Legislature that he did not believe that any human being should receive sterile syringes to assist them in being a drug addict.

"His own Legislature countered him; he vetoed.

"Countered, vetoed.

"Meanwhile, according to a study published by Yale University, at least 250 people got infected with HIV as a result of this crazy policy."

Trump Taps Anti-Science Mike Pence To Lead U.S. Coronavirus Response
Don't underestimate Pence. Pence is better at crossing the T's and dotting the I's then Trump and he will make Progs a little happier. But from the tone of Nancy it seems they are taking their foot off the Trump is no good accelerator a bit because of this virus issue. These people are murderers. Just like the media/entertainment shills. And you guys keep asking for more gruel.
Hope you're right, but I never lost anything by not trusting anybody in my whole life.
Just heard that any further announcement or government information put out by any federal government organization, regarding Coron Virus will have to be cleared by Mike Pence. Guess we are going back to top down management and information control. Good luck everybody.
Hopefully Mike's response is better than what he displayed during Indiana's opioid/HIV crisis:

“Pence Is Not a Medical Expert”: Is the Trump Admin Ready to Stop a U.S. Coronavirus Pandemic? | Democracy Now!

"Pence is not a medical expert, and he certainly is not someone who’s demonstrated particularly great amount of respect for science.

"When he was governor of the state of Indiana, the opioid crisis started in southern Indiana. And suddenly people were injecting opioids.

"He went to his god and came back and told the Legislature that he did not believe that any human being should receive sterile syringes to assist them in being a drug addict.

"His own Legislature countered him; he vetoed.

"Countered, vetoed.

"Meanwhile, according to a study published by Yale University, at least 250 people got infected with HIV as a result of this crazy policy."

Trump Taps Anti-Science Mike Pence To Lead U.S. Coronavirus Response
Don't underestimate Pence. Pence is better at crossing the T's and dotting the I's then Trump and he will make Progs a little happier. But from the tone of Nancy it seems they are taking their foot off the Trump is no good accelerator a bit because of this virus issue. These people are murderers. Just like the media/entertainment shills. And you guys keep asking for more gruel.
Hope you're right, but I never lost anything by not trusting anybody in my whole life.
You have no idea what you have missed by not trusting anybody.
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
Trump did not cause the virus and there is no conspiracy behind the virus. Trump can fuck up the response to the virus but that remains to be seen. Will he takes some lumps for the virus,yes. When you are in charge you blamed for things you had nothing to do with and get credit for things you had nothing to do with. It has never been any different.
Just as an aside, who is this guy?

Every time the Dow has had a bad day for the last several years, the news will post a picture of this guy in a bad news story. Never the same photo twice, but always the same guy.


Pneumonia effects 12 million Americans each year, 1 million hospitalization , 50,000 deaths.
The corona new kid in town is just another on the list of end of mankind that liberals cherish. West Nile, Ebola, SARS, bird flu, and more. Proportionality would normally prevail but not in a fake media led progoganda. Yes it’s new, yes pay attention to it but back at the onset of those other viruses the media was not in free fall fakery and there really was little voice for malcontents who espouse that Americans, particularly white, deserve to suffer.
Why do you think Trump has not proposed testing every single pneumonia patient currently hospitalized in the US?

“Pence Is Not a Medical Expert”: Is the Trump Admin Ready to Stop a U.S. Coronavirus Pandemic? | Democracy Now!

"...the most urgent thing we should be doing — is testing every single pneumonia patient that is hospitalized, because if there’s likely to be a sneak-through of this epidemic, it’s going to come through as a pneumonia patient.

"It’s going to be diagnosed as flu or some other cause.

"And it’s actually going to be this coronavirus, and COVID-19 will break out in the hospital ward.

"This is what we’ve seen all over the world so far, is these outbreaks really explode when they hit one of two things: a religious site, where you have large concentrations of people coming in for a religious festival of some sort, or a hospital."
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
Trump did not cause the virus and there is no conspiracy behind the virus. Trump can fuck up the response to the virus but that remains to be seen. Will he takes some lumps for the virus,yes. When you are in charge you blamed for things you had nothing to do with and get credit for things you had nothing to do with. It has never been any different.
Even flow What are you talking about ?
This is a good example of a MORON

Who is to blame?

ANSWER--------> REALLY, seriously? The human condition is to blame, unless you tie this virus to a country that purposely constructed it, then released it, for the purpose of screwing you, then look at your body and ask it what is up with this!
Obviously China didn't want this to happen but their lack of regulation of open wild animal markets they allowed to operate certainly means they should be recognized as being responsible.
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
Trump did not cause the virus and there is no conspiracy behind the virus. Trump can fuck up the response to the virus but that remains to be seen. Will he takes some lumps for the virus,yes. When you are in charge you blamed for things you had nothing to do with and get credit for things you had nothing to do with. It has never been any different.

Thank you.
Black Swan events are best handled in a bi-partisan effort; but the Dimms hate Trump so much that it ain't happening!
Stupidity is more contagious and faster moving than this virus.

Rumors and conspiracy theories are almost as deadly as this virus.

Cut the shit!

What are the conspiracy theories?
COVID-19 was hatched in a Chinese lab and (accidentally) released.

Don't tell me you haven't heard that one!

Based on memos released by the Chinese government before the outbreak, it sounds like the most likely possibility.

Horseshit? This is a third world communist country. The BSL-4 lab in Wuhan is specifically the place they test and study these viruses, which include injecting the viruses into animals. When the workers are done with the animals, they take them to the local markets and sell them for extra money.

But hey, I understand. We can’t say anything negative about communist regimes. These people are “really smart” and trustworthy.
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
Trump did not cause the virus and there is no conspiracy behind the virus. Trump can fuck up the response to the virus but that remains to be seen. Will he takes some lumps for the virus,yes. When you are in charge you blamed for things you had nothing to do with and get credit for things you had nothing to do with. It has never been any different.
Even flow What are you talking about ?
This is a good example of a MORON

Moron? Yes you are. Quit crying. Any time any leader had a crisis in the past people placed blame on the person in charge it is the way it is.It has never been diferent. Do you have no reading comprehension? JC was complaining they would make it all about trump. I say quit crying about it it has always been that way.
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
Trump did not cause the virus and there is no conspiracy behind the virus. Trump can fuck up the response to the virus but that remains to be seen. Will he takes some lumps for the virus,yes. When you are in charge you blamed for things you had nothing to do with and get credit for things you had nothing to do with. It has never been any different.

Thank you.
Black Swan events are best handled in a bi-partisan effort; but the Dimms hate Trump so much that it ain't happening!
When someone shits all over you you call for bi partisanship? Trump is a scumbag that has called out anyone who doesn't kiss his ass both dem and repub and now he wants bi partisanship???
Found him!

Peter Tuchman - Wikipedia

Peter Tuchman (born 1957) is a stock trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) known for being the most photographed stock trader.

Tuchman's photo is widely recognized for its affiliation to market news. Tuchman has strong, emotional expressions of anguish, anticipation, desperation, and triumph which he says are genuine. His photo is often chosen for news about Wall Street particularly on days of market volatility. Some say that he resembles Albert Einstein and that this is what makes his photo intriguing.

Whew! Mystery solved.

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