CDZ Let's tolerate the growth of the GSA - Global Socialist Alliance


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
politics - Google Drive

From that folder on Google Drive :
File : GSA - Global Socialist Alliance

GSA - Global Socialist Alliance

Author : Rene AJM Veerman ( Rene Veerman )
See also my youtube channels
Cheetah Kung Fu Founder’s homepage Cheetah Kung-Fu - Founder's homepage
And my Personal Diary entries over at youtube (channel Seductive Apps )

It’s August 2020 when i write this, and from my many years of experience debating matters of life, death, and the most horrible forms of suffering from the relatively luxuriously comfortable home with fast internet on online forums,

I conclude that Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and now Turkey too, have embraced each other in an uprising against capitalism, but in a way that most who were raised as pure capitalists can not trust yet, while i *can* trust this new alliance.

My discussion adversaries have educated me, patiently and strictly and wisely, to tolerate socialist countries with real military and economic power.

In exchange, and effectively, we educate each other in the arts of creating and maintaining peace through the application of strength and will power.

The essence of what created the wars between capitalism, socialism and which then drew in the hardliners of the Muslim faiths, has been war, which is discussed in my document ‘Humane Capitalism’, which can be found at Humane Capitalism in the folder politics - Google Drive , is the tendency of the dumber members of the human youthful people, to actually end up in real fights with each other.

The fact that these dumber members learn, like we all have as souls at some point in our careers as souls, that real violence is very ugly and to be avoided, because of it’s consequences.

Meanwhile, the smarter humans which in my view encompass all of the law-abiding and the peaceful humans, are protected by police and military forces, from these young humans who are constantly mis-informed by those who choose to work for the evil. And i haven’t yet figured out why evil does as evil does. Maybe it’s their instincts and their reflexes, maybe it’s more than that, maybe it’s something else than that.
What i do know for sure is that emotions can get toxic if consumed/enjoyed in harmful quantities or combinations.

Greed, for instance, can lead entire countries worth of valuable human souls, into the total misery of large scale war.

But discipline, is not much better. Enforcing discipline on a population can lead quickly to authoritarianism, to a police state where the politicians and their police and media forces become plain lazy and numb and dumb enough to enforce plan after plan onto that population, until a revolution by the people resets the rich and the politicians and the police forces to actually serve the population again.

In short, i believe that ANY excesses of mantras or slogans to live by, even in dynamic combinations thereof, have a huge potential to create large scale suffering, as surely as a medical pandemic does, but less quickly than a medical pandemic.

Excesses of slogans are a more gradual growth of a healthy or semi-healthy society (regional, like a city or province) or country, into a toxic society or country.


Even if this does take decades more, we are now moving from a uni-polar world with only 1 policing country (the USA) into a multi-polar world (geo-politically speaking),
with the new Global Socialist Alliance, as i call it, as only the 2nd pole.

To end the suffering, capitalist countries (which are mostly Christian, and Jewish) also have to make peace with the Muslims, and with the Atheists as well. Because, if you think about it for a second or two, Atheism is a way of life, a ‘religion in and of itself’, a religion which simply has a strong desire not to have their life influenced by any of the Gods, nor by Angels.


We need to practice our kung fu, our debating skills, and our money making skills.
Unfortunately, i can not predict when we’ll get at our destination (a strong yet peaceful human home world (Earth)). Not yet at least. But i’m only 43 when i wrote this, with a very healthy body that should last me at least 3 to 5 decades more.

I wrote this myself.
Your thoughts and comments, please?
Have grandchildren .... stop "debating matters of life, death, and the most horrible forms of suffering" ...

The next generation will do what they'll do ... best for us old people to stay out of the way ... because they will run us over ...

Yes, you are old ... and in the way ... in just twenty short years, you can be a burden to society ... it's fun laughing at the working class as they speed away to their pathetic jobs ... margarita in hand at 8 am ...

You did your best, time to start thinking about how much further the SS check goes in Mexico ...
God wants me to dedicate my life to ease the suffering of those who do pro create.

I won't be doing that (pro creating i mean), and i'm at peace with my fate (to die alone, and return to Heaven).

And i don't have the option of moving to a country where my social security check is worth more.
I live in Amsterdam, Netherlands, which btw has a large, assertive yet peaceful immigrant population of blacks and muslims and jews.
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To tolerate evil is itself evil. Pretty stupid to tolerate that which will not tolerate you.
Socialism is not evil, although Fox News might have you believing differently.
Socialism is a stepping stone to communism

and ALL communists are evil
First, and as a general disclaimer intended to avoid long wars of words : Let's agree to disagree, shall we?...

however, on the flip-side of that coin i just passed you...
when asked the question 'which system of government is better, capitalism or socialism', i'm gonna have to answer it with a firm, stand your ground, 'capitalism' answer.

the reason for this is simple : socialism produces police states, even if they *do* manage to properly fund the social welfare 'nanny state' that one sees in Russia and China.

and i like my freedom of speech. i would not want to give it up, even though the real answer to the question should *perhaps* be that both socialism and capitalism can successfully form the basis of governing a country or group of countries.

both have their advantages, and their flaws.
the real key to ending suffering of the populations, does not revolve around only free speech and funding and how money is spent.
the real key is about finding ways (for your self, your family, and your close friends) to live in peace with people you don't agree with, with people you instinctively hate because you were taught to hate them from the time you were an infant, and because you are kept in that hate all throughout your life.
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I conclude that Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and now Turkey too, have embraced each other in an uprising against capitalism, but in a way that most who were raised as pure capitalists can not trust yet, while i *can* trust this new alliance.
I think you have it fundamentally wrong. These countries are not anti-capitalism, they are anti-democracy and can only be understood that way. Each of these countries, like our country is a mix of economic models; they all have forms of communism, socialism, and capitalism, just as the US does. The difference between these countries and the US and Europe, is that we in the West are much more democratic.
" Political tags--such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and. so forth--are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort. " Robert Heinlein
" Political tags--such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and. so forth--are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort. " Robert Heinlein
i'm offended by these definitions.. idealist acting from the highest of motives? and the others are scrooges?
you are one brainwashed individual, Robert
politics - Google Drive

From that folder on Google Drive :
File : GSA - Global Socialist Alliance

GSA - Global Socialist Alliance

Author : Rene AJM Veerman ( Rene Veerman )
See also my youtube channels
Cheetah Kung Fu Founder’s homepage Cheetah Kung-Fu - Founder's homepage
And my Personal Diary entries over at youtube (channel Seductive Apps )

It’s August 2020 when i write this, and from my many years of experience debating matters of life, death, and the most horrible forms of suffering from the relatively luxuriously comfortable home with fast internet on online forums,

I conclude that Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and now Turkey too, have embraced each other in an uprising against capitalism, but in a way that most who were raised as pure capitalists can not trust yet, while i *can* trust this new alliance.

My discussion adversaries have educated me, patiently and strictly and wisely, to tolerate socialist countries with real military and economic power.

In exchange, and effectively, we educate each other in the arts of creating and maintaining peace through the application of strength and will power.

The essence of what created the wars between capitalism, socialism and which then drew in the hardliners of the Muslim faiths, has been war, which is discussed in my document ‘Humane Capitalism’, which can be found at Humane Capitalism in the folder politics - Google Drive , is the tendency of the dumber members of the human youthful people, to actually end up in real fights with each other.

The fact that these dumber members learn, like we all have as souls at some point in our careers as souls, that real violence is very ugly and to be avoided, because of it’s consequences.

Meanwhile, the smarter humans which in my view encompass all of the law-abiding and the peaceful humans, are protected by police and military forces, from these young humans who are constantly mis-informed by those who choose to work for the evil. And i haven’t yet figured out why evil does as evil does. Maybe it’s their instincts and their reflexes, maybe it’s more than that, maybe it’s something else than that.
What i do know for sure is that emotions can get toxic if consumed/enjoyed in harmful quantities or combinations.

Greed, for instance, can lead entire countries worth of valuable human souls, into the total misery of large scale war.

But discipline, is not much better. Enforcing discipline on a population can lead quickly to authoritarianism, to a police state where the politicians and their police and media forces become plain lazy and numb and dumb enough to enforce plan after plan onto that population, until a revolution by the people resets the rich and the politicians and the police forces to actually serve the population again.

In short, i believe that ANY excesses of mantras or slogans to live by, even in dynamic combinations thereof, have a huge potential to create large scale suffering, as surely as a medical pandemic does, but less quickly than a medical pandemic.

Excesses of slogans are a more gradual growth of a healthy or semi-healthy society (regional, like a city or province) or country, into a toxic society or country.


Even if this does take decades more, we are now moving from a uni-polar world with only 1 policing country (the USA) into a multi-polar world (geo-politically speaking),
with the new Global Socialist Alliance, as i call it, as only the 2nd pole.

To end the suffering, capitalist countries (which are mostly Christian, and Jewish) also have to make peace with the Muslims, and with the Atheists as well. Because, if you think about it for a second or two, Atheism is a way of life, a ‘religion in and of itself’, a religion which simply has a strong desire not to have their life influenced by any of the Gods, nor by Angels.


We need to practice our kung fu, our debating skills, and our money making skills.
Unfortunately, i can not predict when we’ll get at our destination (a strong yet peaceful human home world (Earth)). Not yet at least. But i’m only 43 when i wrote this, with a very healthy body that should last me at least 3 to 5 decades more.

I wrote this myself.
Your thoughts and comments, please?
The writing is clunky English, but I believe you said English was a second language, in that case it’s impressive (writing wise).

It’s August 2020 when i write this, and from my many years of experience debating matters of life, death, and the most horrible forms of suffering from the relatively luxuriously comfortable home with fast internet on online forums
First paragraph is a run on sentence. Find a way to break it up. The phrase “fast internet” is insufficiently redundant. We all know the internet is fast, and fast is such a bland word. Either use a better synonym than fast, or use a different adjective entirely, such as “seamless internet”. Also, I recommend getting rid of the phrase “when I write this”. The trick of great writing is eliminating redundancy while maintaining descriptive power. You have to do so in a natural way that the reader can mentally hear your voice as smoothly as if you were having a conversation with them telepathically. You will hear me use the word redundant a lot in this proof reading. This efficiency of words is something that all great communicators, both orators and writers, all have in common. Redundancy and unnecessary words subconsciously causes the readers attention to be interrupted.

I conclude that Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and now Turkey too, have embraced each other in an uprising against capitalism, but in a way that most who were raised as pure capitalists can not trust yet, while i *can* trust this new alliance
Another run-on sentence. This can be easily broken up into more easily digested sentences. You “conclude”? Is this an opinion piece or a scientific study. “Concluding” suggests you’re embarking on scientific or scholastic endeavor. People see that and they want to see how you came to that conclusion. Of course if you want to take the easy way out you could just use the word “believe” instead of “conclude”., which suggests it’s your feeling instead of where a hard analysis of facts, unannounced to the reader, has taken you. They, the readers, are also not sure how this paragraph relates to the first where you are talking about suffering. You need to link these two paragraphs. Is the suffering caused by the fact that capitalist countries don’t trust these countries? Don’t they have good reason not to trust these countries?
My discussion adversaries have educated me, patiently and strictly and wisely, to tolerate socialist countries with real military and economic power.
Who are your discussion adversaries? Which side are you on? Which side are they on? Get rid of the comma after “me,”. Get rid of the “and” after patiently. Insert a comma between “patiently” and “strictly”.

In exchange, and effectively, we educate each other in the arts of creating and maintaining peace through the application of strength and will power.
Remember to be efficient with your words. Instead say “in exchange, we effectively educate”. Also, the reader isn’t quite sure who the “we” is that you’re referring too. I assume it’s your conversational adversaries. What strength and whose strength are you referring too? Military strength? Metaphorical strength? You and your compatriots? I honestly have no clue. Will power also doesn’t seem to apply when it comes to matters of world peace. Maybe if your running up a mountain. Will power is a struggle against yourself, not a collective struggle involving extremely diverse governments with different objectives.

The essence of what created the wars between capitalism, socialism and which then drew in the hardliners of the Muslim faiths, has been war, which is discussed in my document ‘Humane Capitalism’, which can be found at Humane Capitalism in the folder politics - Google Drive , is the tendency of the dumber members of the human youthful people, to actually end up in real fights with each other
The essence of what created wars has been war? Circular logic. Fix it. “Tendency of the dumber members of the human youthful people” reeks of elitism so much you can taste the spoiled white blogger.
The fact that these dumber members learn, like we all have as souls at some point in our careers as souls, that real violence is very ugly and to be avoided, because of it’s consequences
Very clunky. Incorrect placement of commas. Run-on sentence. Break it up. Read it out loud to yourself. Shed some words and make it sound more natural. Then, place the commas where you’d naturally pause if you were speaking. However, DO NOT OVER USE COMMAS. It’s a fine line to walk.

Meanwhile, the smarter humans which in my view encompass all of the law-abiding and the peaceful humans, are protected by police and military forces, from these young humans who are constantly mis-informed by those who choose to work for the evil. And i haven’t yet figured out why evil does as evil does. Maybe it’s their instincts and their reflexes, maybe it’s more than that, maybe it’s something else than that.
What i do know for sure is that emotions can get toxic if consumed/enjoyed in harmful quantities or combinations.
Read aloud. Shed words as needed. It needs to flow naturally. I understand this may be difficult as English is a second language for you. But it’s important when brains are subconsciously wincing while trying to figure out your point. A point that is still escaping me at this time. You’ve jumped from world powers to angry least I think. I am not entirely sure who the “dumb” are and who the “smart” are. Which on a separate note, again bland adjectives. Either switch them out for better synonyms, or different (less elitist) adjectives altogether. Unrelated to the editing, if you haven’t figured out evil...isn’t that a vital part of contemplating world peace?
Greed, for instance, can lead entire countries worth of valuable human souls, into the total misery of large scale war.
Get rid of comma after “souls,”. There is no natural pause there.

My apologies but it’s getting late, and I have to stop for now. I will try to continue later if you wish. I know I went hard in the paint but I hope you appreciate how much time I put into honestly critiquing the writing.
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My apologies but it’s getting late, and I have to stop for now. I will try to continue later if you wish. I know I went hard in the paint but I hope you appreciate how much time I put into honestly critiquing the writing.
Thank you for these lessons in 'how to write more eloquently'! :)
I'll re-read your post a few times, over the next few days, to properly absorb and remember them :)
Who are your discussion adversaries? Which side are you on? Which side are they on? Get rid of the comma after “me,”. Get rid of the “and” after patiently. Insert a comma between “patiently” and “strictly”.
my discussion adversaries are 'the stupid', and 'the violent'. they're on the side of 'gaining power over others', in most cases.
i, on the other hand, am on the side of 'life'. human life most of all, of course.

and ehm, i'm going to keep most of my writing as foreign sounding as it is now, because i don't want to be accused of election tampering later on, by 'the stupid' or 'the manipulative' or 'the oppressive' or 'the wealthy' in the country or countries that i'm writing my articles for.
i hope you can appreciate this.
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the reason for this is simple : socialism produces police states, even if they *do* manage to properly fund the social welfare 'nanny state' that one sees in Russia and China.
There is no nanny state in China.

they have a communist dictatorship but few social welfare programs

its literally the worst of all political systems
the real key is about finding ways (for your self, your family, and your close friends) to live in peace with people you don't agree with, with people you instinctively hate because you were taught to hate them from the time you were an infant, and because you are kept in that hate all throughout your life.
speaking of hate, who do the Dutch people hate?
the real key is about finding ways (for your self, your family, and your close friends) to live in peace with people you don't agree with, with people you instinctively hate because you were taught to hate them from the time you were an infant, and because you are kept in that hate all throughout your life.
speaking of hate, who do the Dutch people hate?
i wouldn't know. as far as i know, we don't really hate anyone except unjustifiedly aggressive people..
"...unjustifiedly aggressive people.."
Which says nothing because justice and aggression are matters of opinion.
i wouldn't know. as far as i know, we don't really hate anyone except unjustifiedly aggressive people..
You are the one who is on a forum in America babbling about “instinctive hate because you were taught to hate them from the time you were an infant”

Do the dutch not teach values to their children?

is that your idea of being open minded?
"...unjustifiedly aggressive people.."
Which says nothing because justice and aggression are matters of opinion.

only to an extent.
some justice values, we can all agree on. such as : robbery is bad or evil.

i wouldn't know. as far as i know, we don't really hate anyone except unjustifiedly aggressive people..
You are the one who is on a forum in America babbling about “instinctive hate because you were taught to hate them from the time you were an infant”

Do the dutch not teach values to their children?

is that your idea of being open minded?
we do teach values to our children, even to our teenagers, young adults, adults and elderly.
after highschool and professional school, we get our education from indoctrination shoved down our throats via essential mass media news outlets and advertisements, just like you Americans do.

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