The Great Global Pushback

It would be (very) wrong to look at other important parts of the world right now, and not draw some possible parallels.

Seems (to me) that those parallels are pretty clear: A pushback against what is perceived as anti-nationalism (or, the dilution of nations by immigration and cultural norms). And to get more specific, it's immigration without expectation/requirements of assimilation. There are other issues as well, mostly centering around cultural topics.

We can pretend this isn't happening, or we can consider the possibility that there is a significant number of people who feel this way. To ignore it would be a mistake. To mock it would be a mistake. To attack and punish it would CONTINUE to be a mistake.

Seems to me the concerns are reasonable, even if they are advanced in (very) counterproductive ways. THIS is REAL.


Change hurts.
Lol. Voluntarily giving up power, because your party got trounced in an election, because you don't feel you have a mandate anymore is refusing to accept the outcome of an election.

How do you square that hole?
Simple. I follow the facts. The alleged 'far right', meaning the centrists in Europe, all decided to vote for a different parliament and Macron and many of the leftists in power in Europe are simply discounting the votes and declaring that they'll hold a 'special' election to get a better outcome.

How do you failures plan on doing that? :dunno:

So you're ok with the mass immigration from Islamic nations into the West?

The left is always saying, we must always look forward, and not in backwards.
Explain to me, how importing more and more fundamentalists into our countries, is a good thing for the people who have always prided themselves on creating a culture where individual freedoms are paramount?
Then no, you don't follow facts, you discard them and make things up.

French President Emmanuel Macron was crushed by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, which is set to become the country’s largest political party.

“The rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation and for Europe,” Macron said. “After this day, I cannot go on as though nothing has happened.”

Now, go waste your time ignoring the fact that Macron said he wouldn't allow this to stand. I'm sure you'll find it if you truly cared, which you don't since facts seem to be your nemesis.

A large portion of the EU is in a panic today.
French President Emmanuel Macron was crushed by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, which is set to become the country’s largest political party.

“The rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation and for Europe,” Macron said. “After this day, I cannot go on as though nothing has happened.”

Now, go waste your time ignoring the fact that Macron said he wouldn't allow this to stand. I'm sure you'll find it if you truly cared, which you don't since facts seem to be your nemesis.

A large portion of the EU is in a panic today.

These are right wing peole, not centrists. Or you can say "white wing".

These are right wing peole, not centrists. Or you can say "white wing".
They would be considered left leaning centrists in the 1980s, as I stated. Their policies and ideology match that very closely.

The problem isn't them. The problem is the radicalized left in Europe AND Ameirica.

As for accepting elections, well, no one ever said that the French would accept any kind of democracy.

President Emmanuel Macron of France, battered by a crushing defeat from the extreme right in European elections, dissolved the lower house of Parliament on Sunday and called for legislative elections beginning on June 30.

His decision, announced in a television broadcast to the nation, was a measure of the tumult created by Mr. Macron’s severe defeat in elections to the European Parliament.

Simple. I follow the facts. The alleged 'far right', meaning the centrists in Europe, all decided to vote for a different parliament and Macron and many of the leftists in power in Europe are simply discounting the votes and declaring that they'll hold a 'special' election to get a better outcome.
What better outcome? He already IS president. He would remain that way unless an election decides otherwise.

You don't know what the facts are. What his party lost was the European election and parliamentary election, NOT the presidential one.

If you want to correlate it, it would be like a president asking for a new presidential election because his party lost the midterms.
French President Emmanuel Macron was crushed by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, which is set to become the country’s largest political party.

“The rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation and for Europe,” Macron said. “After this day, I cannot go on as though nothing has happened.”

Now, go waste your time ignoring the fact that Macron said he wouldn't allow this to stand. I'm sure you'll find it if you truly cared, which you don't since facts seem to be your nemesis.

A large portion of the EU is in a panic today.
Not really...

Ireland had a vote on Friday and resoundingly rejected Right wing politics... Moderates were the big winners...

Out of 913 seats so far, The hard left won 13 seats and hard right won 2, yep 2... this is after having rallies and a riot on the main street in Dublin, they got 2 seats..

Far Right politics is seen the politics of loosers who want the wealth of the country to be held by a few and the rest can starve...
So you're ok with the mass immigration from Islamic nations into the West?

The left is always saying, we must always look forward, and not in backwards.
Explain to me, how importing more and more fundamentalists into our countries, is a good thing for the people who have always prided themselves on creating a culture where individual freedoms are paramount?
Been traveling Europe for a quarter of a century and met many Muslims... No one fundamentalist...

If anything, Europe softens them up... A lot intermarry with christians. One of friend is married to a muslim, she drinks and smokes... Muslim culture is generally pretty mellow especially in areas of high integration.
You get the odd high profile case but it generally happy days, everyone respects what they have going on..

The rise of far right in Europe has always been a concern but Le Penn is more anti-EU and Immigration. France is not leaving EU, well not for a long while, Brexit was a pro EU advert. UK has been in a mess since and now wants back..
What better outcome? He already IS president. He would remain that way unless an election decides otherwise.

You don't know what the facts are. What his party lost was the European election and parliamentary election, NOT the presidential one.

If you want to correlate it, it would be like a president asking for a new presidential election because his party lost the midterms.
I think we have to get context...

France has 81 Seats in EU parliment...

The National Rally won 30 seats...

That right v centre in votes was 35% v 65%...

Le Penn won 41% of vote in 2022 presidential which seems close to the ceiling they got...

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