The Great Global Pushback

What you don't understand is that I don't care about the difference. I think anyone who wants to come here should be allowed to and luckily for me your capitalist leaders feel the same way. They don't give a shit if you and your culture get replaced. Not if they're going to earn a buck doing it. :itsok: :laugh:
You are a good example of why minorities like you are not desirable immigrants

Better to keep angry foreigners as far away from our country as possible

As far as legal immigrants as opposed to illegal aliens , they are as different as having an account at a bank that you withdraw from or sticking a gun in the teller’s face and saying “gimme the money or I’ll shoot”
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You claim I'm making shit up but then go on to express the very bigotry I accuse you of. You are one of the dumbest MAGAts and that's saying something. :laugh:
I spoke facts. I asked you what is it the mental cases don't get that I get? I owe them no respect for their behavior. I agree with their right to do it. What else do you need? Again, I don't owe them shit.
The election of the right wing in Europe is called democracy in action. The political pendulum swings back and forth. That is as it should be.

The only constant is that no matter who is in power they respect elections and the political process. Unlike in the US, where the right wing is at war with our democracy and the whole notion of elections, the right in Europe has not sought to undermine the system, at least, not in public. The troubling aspect of the right in Europe as in the US is their infatuation with the war criminal Putin.
The election of the right wing in Europe is called democracy in action. The political pendulum swings back and forth. That is as it should be.

The only constant is that no matter who is in power they respect elections and the political process. Unlike in the US, where the right wing is at war with our democracy and the whole notion of elections, the right in Europe has not sought to undermine the system, at least, not in public. The troubling aspect of the right in Europe as in the US is their infatuation with the war criminal Putin.
I like it when demofks lose and that somehow democracy was lost. So, it's only democracy when everyone only votes for them!!! And they say republicans cry!!!!! It is quite obvious demofks don't know what democracy actually is.
That's because I'm informed enough to know that school choice, when it involves private schools is more about the schools getting to choose it's students.
There is nothing wrong with that

Colleges are not open admissions

Each school decides who gets in and who doesent
That's because I'm informed enough to know that school choice, when it involves private schools is more about the schools getting to choose it's students.
why shouldn't the money intended for those kids go to whatever school? you didn't answer the question cuck, you posted your hate at freedom!
All I can do is shake my head here. Because you try making the response the problem. The French have colonized other countries, they have no right to bitch about immigration or assimilation. No country in Europe does. They destabilize nations then bitch when what their policies created cause people to migrate there. That's lunacy.
To paraphrase a great movie line, the africans didnt know what a urinal was till the euro’s taught them

They were often living in the Stone Age and going nowhere fast

Now the euros are gone and communist china is becoming their new colonial master
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You are a good example of why minorities like you are not desirable immigrants

Better to keep angry foreigners as far away from our country as possible

As far as legal immigrants as opposed to illegal aliens , they are as different as having an account at a bank that you withdraw from or sticking a gun in the teller’s face and saying “gimme the money or I’ll shoot”
i did not report you for racially attacking anyone, but you did it.
You are a good example of why minorities like you are not desirable immigrants

Better to keep angry foreigners as far away from our country as possible

As far as legal immigrants as opposed to illegal aliens , they are as different as having an account at a bank that you withdraw from or sticking a gun in the teller’s face and saying “gimme the money or I’ll shoot”

Curried Goats is a good, KKK supporting DemoKKKrat.
Covid had nothing to do with Trump running up massive debt. This has been discussed repeatedly. Stop lying about it.
what the fk are you saying here? what debt was that? didn't creepy double what Trump handed out to save small business from demofk's lockdowns? You know, so jobs didn't totally disappear?
you can't explain why we need to give money to ukraine?
Sure I can. Just like I could show you global temperatures sorted by longitude and latitude. I just don't know why I should.

You claimed Democrats aren't interested in negotiations. I showed you they aren't just willing but actually pretty bad at it, in allowing Republicans to write legislation although they are the minority, in exchange for unpopular policies for a part of their base.

Now you are bitching that negotiations mean Republicans had to give something in return. "No shit Sherlock" comes to mind. That's literally the definition of negotiations. And it's telling about your position on compromise.
It would be (very) wrong to look at other important parts of the world right now, and not draw some possible parallels.

Seems (to me) that those parallels are pretty clear: A pushback against what is perceived as anti-nationalism (or, the dilution of nations by immigration and cultural norms). And to get more specific, it's immigration without expectation/requirements of assimilation. There are other issues as well, mostly centering around cultural topics.

We can pretend this isn't happening, or we can consider the possibility that there is a significant number of people who feel this way. To ignore it would be a mistake. To mock it would be a mistake. To attack and punish it would CONTINUE to be a mistake.

Seems to me the concerns are reasonable, even if they are advanced in (very) counterproductive ways. THIS is REAL.



A lot of that is a a major housing crisis in Europe with some massive numbers of refugees... Germany has taken in over a million Ukrainians, this is causing stuff to come a part at the seams a little...

This is more opportunistic populism...

Each one has a story...

Germany it is sheer numbers and winning the war would be real benefit for that... I will point out that there is a lot of parties in Germany and AfD are polling at 16%, a long way off governing.

In France Marcon is just not popular and never really was... Le Penn is a sanitised NAZI her father was a more blatant NAZI... She is more of a danger due to Marcon being unpopular... Her policies are nuts, she wants to borrow less but supports more spending, she is talking out both sides for her mouth...

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