The Great Global Pushback

My first thought has to do with the utter dishonesty of the news article.

Common sense and rejection of the Stalinist left IS NOT far right, even if the Globalist media is trying to characterize it as such.
It would be (very) wrong to look at other important parts of the world right now, and not draw some possible parallels.

Seems (to me) that those parallels are pretty clear: A pushback against what is perceived as anti-nationalism (or, the dilution of nations by immigration and cultural norms). And to get more specific, it's immigration without expectation/requirements of assimilation. There are other issues as well, mostly centering around cultural topics.

We can pretend this isn't happening, or we can consider the possibility that there is a significant number of people who feel this way. To ignore it would be a mistake. To mock it would be a mistake. To attack and punish it would CONTINUE to be a mistake.

Seems to me the concerns are reasonable, even if they are advanced in (very) counterproductive ways. THIS is REAL.


These people always do well when we have a period of stagnation. Luckily they are usually as thick as shit, They have no answers.

Consider the arc playing out in UK. The same sort of nutters have had a chance and are being rejected.

It will happen in Europe as they fail one by one.

The rag bag of neo nazis just voted in are not an homogenous group, There are many splits in their group,not least over putin

Its just a protest vote nothibg more.

The EU elections are often seen as peripheral and ripe for a protest.
Mac1958 cant help himself

Intellectually he wants to be non partisan

But emotionally he is consumed by hate and revulsion for trump and the MAGAs who support trump

And in the end its the emotion that drives mac1958 instead of rational thought
In 2016, his rallying cry was against "Regressives". That was because Bernie was a threat to the Democrat political establishment. Now that the establishment, itself, is authoritarian woke left, he hobnobs with all the posters he used to call "Regressive".

It is funny how they are all too stupid to notice.
My first thought has to do with the utter dishonesty of the news article.

Common sense and rejection of the Stalinist left IS NOT far right, even if the Globalist media is trying to characterize it as such.

I noticed that distortion of reality, whilst glancing through the mainstream this morning. Europe has shown a drift to the right, and NOT the far right. (Whatever that means)

You’re right, the utter shameful dishonesty the media comes out with these days.
Yes, I appreciate your civility and (most of all) your curiosity.

And no, I absolutely think the Right should drop all its ridiculous paranoia about collaboration. They have been convinced by the voices they trust that ANY communication, ANY cooperation, ANY collaboration is tantamount to abject surrender. And right now, I think the Left is better-equipped intellectually and mentally to collaborate and innovate. At this moment, if one end of the spectrum has more capacity to be "the adult in the room", it's the Left. But it has to get past being wary of doing it. Before the 2016 elections, I would have said "neither" side had the capacity.

I think the reason for the current political climate is a political/electoral "system" that incentivizes and rewards the very worst impulses of its participants. As with any relationship (business, personal, political, marital), the end of communication starts the clock on the end, period.
Oh shut the fuck up. You're just another far left nutjob masquerading as a worthless "centrist". This is a war for the country and yes, compromise does equal capitulation/surrender to the enemy.
Oh shut the fuck up. You're just another far left nutjob masquerading as a worthless "centrist". This is a war for the country and yes, compromise does equal capitulation/surrender to the enemy.
How does not compromising with centrists slow your demographic replacement? Obstructionsm is fine for me as a strategy because I want you replaced. For you it don't make much sense. It's not like you're doing anything else in the meantime.
See. Look at this idiot. At least the actual capitalists know better. Politicians might cry about immigration for propaganda reasons but they're never going to do anything about the cheap labor they and their business associates get to exploit.
You like cheap labor?

Low living standards that rival 3rd world countries?

Thats what you get when the border is wide open
The people are FED UP with the left's shit!
Very much so. And the sham prosecution of President Trump will push more people to vote for him. This should make the Reagan-MonDULL 1984 race seem close by comparison. Not to mention from what I understand, Alvin FAGG is in hot water with the House right now. Ignoring a Congressional subpoena is a big fat no-no.
Oh shut the fuck up. You're just another far left nutjob masquerading as a worthless "centrist". This is a war for the country and yes, compromise does equal capitulation/surrender to the enemy.

Uh, yep. True dat. The proof is in the postings. He rushes to any and all TDS threads to join in with the STAIN (every time). But, He won't ever be found on an Obiden crime thread with 100s of millions bribe money being split up between all of them. The mushu middle gang (GaterBlackMac and cheese) are all the same. They are OK with surgery on 12 yr old kids based on some LW nutjob counselor in the kids JHS.
You like cheap labor?

Low living standards that rival 3rd world countries?

Thats what you get when the border is wide open
What I love is that your betters are okay replacing you for short term momentary gain because that benefits my long term political and social goals. Yes, it amuses me greatly that what's going to do you in is free market capitalism. :laugh:
How does not compromising with centrists slow your demographic replacement? Obstructionsm is fine for me as a strategy because I want you replaced. For you it don't make much sense. It's not like you're doing anything else in the meantime.
Get lost, ghetto trash. People like you aren't worth the oxygen. Now go get shot in one of your favorite urban shitholes, fucking drug user.
I can't fix your kind of stupid. That's beyond even my considerable capabilities.... :laugh:
so you are just making shit up and lying. got it. GOP couldn't give two shits what someone does at their own house. Why is it you feel the need to publicize your mental disorder? I couldn't give 2 shits what you do with whomever, but you need to broadcast it to the world! hmmmmmm makes you even more mental.
Get lost, ghetto trash. People like you aren't worth the oxygen. Now go get shot in one of your favorite urban shitholes, fucking drug pusher.
There there Bingo. :itsok: :laugh:

Lashing out impotently doesn't address your replacement problem. :funnyface:
See. Look at this idiot. At least the actual capitalists know better. Politicians might cry about immigration for propaganda reasons but they're never going to do anything about the cheap labor they and their business associates get to exploit.
and yet you and your demofks aren't for school choice to better prepare low income families.
so you are just making shit up and lying. got it. GOP couldn't give two shits what someone does at their own house. Why is it you feel the need to publicize your mental disorder? I couldn't give 2 shits what you do with whomever, but you need to broadcast it to the world! hmmmmmm makes you even more mental.
You claim I'm making shit up but then go on to express the very bigotry I accuse you of. You are one of the dumbest MAGAts and that's saying something. :laugh:
It would be (very) wrong to look at other important parts of the world right now, and not draw some possible parallels.

Seems (to me) that those parallels are pretty clear: A pushback against what is perceived as anti-nationalism (or, the dilution of nations by immigration and cultural norms). And to get more specific, it's immigration without expectation/requirements of assimilation. There are other issues as well, mostly centering around cultural topics.

We can pretend this isn't happening, or we can consider the possibility that there is a significant number of people who feel this way. To ignore it would be a mistake. To mock it would be a mistake. To attack and punish it would CONTINUE to be a mistake.

Seems to me the concerns are reasonable, even if they are advanced in (very) counterproductive ways. THIS is REAL.


You voted for Biden/Harris.

You wanted this.

Don't lie about it now.

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