Lets Vision The 2016 State Of The Union. Will It Become More Like An SNL Comedy Sketch?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:banana::boobies::mm: The 2016 SOTU Address is likely to become the most laughable one of all time. Our President will not be able to point to any national or foreign success/accomplishment that he did on his own.
What will our President say about the debt and deficit? How will our President explain a 19 Trillion Dollar deficit when it was around 9/10 Trillion when he took office?
Or the 80 to 90 something unemployed?
The mess with Russia and Iran?
You could easily make a list of least 20 issues you would want to hear from the President,,,but odds are he wont bring it up being all 20 have failed.
So what will Obama speak of and gloat about come Jan/Feb 2016?
That the economy is roaring and we still have peace in the middle east?:poke:
:banana::boobies::mm: The 2016 SOTU Address is likely to become the most laughable one of all time. Our President will not be able to point to any national or foreign success/accomplishment that he did on his own.
What will our President say about the debt and deficit? How will our President explain a 19 Trillion Dollar deficit when it was around 9/10 Trillion when he took office?
Or the 80 to 90 something unemployed?
The mess with Russia and Iran?
You could easily make a list of least 20 issues you would want to hear from the President,,,but odds are he wont bring it up being all 20 have failed.
So what will Obama speak of and gloat about come Jan/Feb 2016?
That the economy is roaring and we still have peace in the middle east?:poke:

It will be a visionary speech about climate change. You know, how he funded Solendra or whatever the name of that company was. Oh wait. That failed too. Never mind. Scratch that.
He'll borrow a line from the cacklesaurus....."what difference does........." about all the other stuff; after, of course, the gloom and doom climate forecast.
i wonder if obama will bring up global warming when there will be about two feet of snow inDC and 76 below 0 as he speaks.
Obama was a historic president

He own the Greatest foreign policy blunder since "peace in our lifetime", "The 80's called, they want their foreign policy back

And " if you like your plan..."is the biggest political lie ever
Obama was a historic president

He own the Greatest foreign policy blunder since "peace in our lifetime", "The 80's called, they want their foreign policy back

And " if you like your plan..."is the biggest political lie ever

Yeah, Obie has made the world a safer place.
Whoa!.....CNN and FOX just announced China and Russia have launched.........
:banana::boobies::mm: The 2016 SOTU Address is likely to become the most laughable one of all time. Our President will not be able to point to any national or foreign success/accomplishment that he did on his own.
What will our President say about the debt and deficit? How will our President explain a 19 Trillion Dollar deficit when it was around 9/10 Trillion when he took office?
Or the 80 to 90 something unemployed?
The mess with Russia and Iran?
You could easily make a list of least 20 issues you would want to hear from the President,,,but odds are he wont bring it up being all 20 have failed.
So what will Obama speak of and gloat about come Jan/Feb 2016?
That the economy is roaring and we still have peace in the middle east?:poke:
How will our President explain a 19 Trillion Dollar deficit when it was around 9/10 Trillion when he took office?
Or the 80 to 90 something unemployed?

Let me get straight to the point...You're a f...ing idiot...

The libs cut back on the "Bush fault" excuse so that Obama can blame his whole presidency, including the fact that he got elected, on Bush.

It is going to be the longest "Bush fault" speech in the history of liberal BS!! In fact, if Jeb is elected, Obama is going to say "Expect another Obama in 4 to 8 years, courtesy of Bush!!"


The libs cut back on the "Bush fault" excuse so that Obama can blame his whole presidency, including the fact that he got elected, on Bush.

It is going to be the longest "Bush fault" speech in the history of liberal BS!! In fact, if Jeb is elected, Obama is going to say "Expect another Obama in 4 to 8 years, courtesy of Bush!!"


Level with me, Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbecile - do you hold Babs' Mutant responsible for ANY part of the wreckage he caused?
us conservatives can also only hope that by the 2016 SOTU address,,,we would already have gone thru the first half of the winter from hell,,and then lets see Obama blame it in Globbal Warming.
actually i can just see "Bert and Ernie" sitting with the first lady,,,but holding their noses.
Obama could at least apologize for allowing James Taylor to sing in France and embarrass all 300 Million Americans thanks to Jon Kerry.

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