Letter to Tampa Bay Times...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
Found this in yesterday's TBT...

Givers and takers

On Saturday we were treated to a story about a single mother of four with another baby on the way who was complaining about the state of her Tarpon Springs public housing. The Sunday Times followed up with a story about babies born to drug-addicted mothers, one of whom had already had three children removed from her custody yet was pregnant with another. The costs of both these situations is incalculable given the myriad of public programs it takes to support and care for these individuals. To make matters worse, we see that the program for tutoring the "poor" is riddled with fraud and waste yet nothing is done about it.

I challenge the Times to add up the dollar value of all these programs provided for these individuals. Let us see how much a working person would have to earn to maintain the lifestyle of the takers. Please include Medicaid, cash welfare benefits, food stamps, SSI, free school lunches, tutoring, free child care, Section 8 housing, etc. Then tell us if the growing number of these takers or babymakers is 47 percent or more. We all know why they voted the way they did.

Helen Richard, Clearwater

Wow, not hard to start thinking racism when you come across such a rant. But once you start thinking about the costs - all the costs - that others with nothing whatsoever to do with such situations have to pay for with our tax dollars, year after growing year, it's pretty easy to get pissed off at those who perpetuate such irresponsible behavior. Because they can neither keep their zippers up, nor knees together, the rest of us become the ongoing victims of their out-of-control lifestyles.

Hope the Times takes Helen up on her challenge. Nothing wrong with letting folks know what the takers are costing everyone else.
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Forced sterilization!!!!

Get the GOP to propose it!
Found this in yesterday's TBT...

Givers and takers

On Saturday we were treated to a story about a single mother of four with another baby on the way who was complaining about the state of her Tarpon Springs public housing. The Sunday Times followed up with a story about babies born to drug-addicted mothers, one of whom had already had three children removed from her custody yet was pregnant with another. The costs of both these situations is incalculable given the myriad of public programs it takes to support and care for these individuals. To make matters worse, we see that the program for tutoring the "poor" is riddled with fraud and waste yet nothing is done about it.

I challenge the Times to add up the dollar value of all these programs provided for these individuals. Let us see how much a working person would have to earn to maintain the lifestyle of the takers. Please include Medicaid, cash welfare benefits, food stamps, SSI, free school lunches, tutoring, free child care, Section 8 housing, etc. Then tell us if the growing number of these takers or babymakers is 47 percent or more. We all know why they voted the way they did.

Helen Richard, Clearwater

Wow, not hard to start thinking racism when you come across such a rant. But once you start thinking about the costs - all the costs - that others with nothing whatsoever to do with such situations have to pay for with our tax dollars, year after growing year, it's pretty easy to get pissed off at those who perpetuate such irresponsible behavior. Because they can neither keep their zippers up, nor knees together, the rest of us become the ongoing victims of their out-of-control lifestyles.

Hope the Times takes Helen up on her challenge. Nothing wrong with letting folks know what the takers are costing everyone else.

Did the author propose a solution or was he just bitching for the sake of it?
Found this in yesterday's TBT...

Givers and takers

On Saturday we were treated to a story about a single mother of four with another baby on the way who was complaining about the state of her Tarpon Springs public housing. The Sunday Times followed up with a story about babies born to drug-addicted mothers, one of whom had already had three children removed from her custody yet was pregnant with another. The costs of both these situations is incalculable given the myriad of public programs it takes to support and care for these individuals. To make matters worse, we see that the program for tutoring the "poor" is riddled with fraud and waste yet nothing is done about it.

I challenge the Times to add up the dollar value of all these programs provided for these individuals. Let us see how much a working person would have to earn to maintain the lifestyle of the takers. Please include Medicaid, cash welfare benefits, food stamps, SSI, free school lunches, tutoring, free child care, Section 8 housing, etc. Then tell us if the growing number of these takers or babymakers is 47 percent or more. We all know why they voted the way they did.

Helen Richard, Clearwater

Wow, not hard to start thinking racism when you come across such a rant. But once you start thinking about the costs - all the costs - that others with nothing whatsoever to do with such situations have to pay for with our tax dollars, year after growing year, it's pretty easy to get pissed off at those who perpetuate such irresponsible behavior. Because they can neither keep their zippers up, nor knees together, the rest of us become the ongoing victims of their out-of-control lifestyles.

Hope the Times takes Helen up on her challenge. Nothing wrong with letting folks know what the takers are costing everyone else.

Did the author propose a solution or was he just bitching for the sake of it?

No, he issued a challenge to a newspaper who should have the resources to compile the cost to the tax payers of keeping these baby factories fed and housed.
You know... he/she asked the TBT to do its job.
Found this in yesterday's TBT...

Givers and takers

On Saturday we were treated to a story about a single mother of four with another baby on the way who was complaining about the state of her Tarpon Springs public housing. The Sunday Times followed up with a story about babies born to drug-addicted mothers, one of whom had already had three children removed from her custody yet was pregnant with another. The costs of both these situations is incalculable given the myriad of public programs it takes to support and care for these individuals. To make matters worse, we see that the program for tutoring the "poor" is riddled with fraud and waste yet nothing is done about it.

I challenge the Times to add up the dollar value of all these programs provided for these individuals. Let us see how much a working person would have to earn to maintain the lifestyle of the takers. Please include Medicaid, cash welfare benefits, food stamps, SSI, free school lunches, tutoring, free child care, Section 8 housing, etc. Then tell us if the growing number of these takers or babymakers is 47 percent or more. We all know why they voted the way they did.

Helen Richard, Clearwater

Wow, not hard to start thinking racism when you come across such a rant. But once you start thinking about the costs - all the costs - that others with nothing whatsoever to do with such situations have to pay for with our tax dollars, year after growing year, it's pretty easy to get pissed off at those who perpetuate such irresponsible behavior. Because they can neither keep their zippers up, nor knees together, the rest of us become the ongoing victims of their out-of-control lifestyles.

Hope the Times takes Helen up on her challenge. Nothing wrong with letting folks know what the takers are costing everyone else.

Did the author propose a solution or was he just bitching for the sake of it?

No, he issued a challenge to a newspaper who should have the resources to compile the cost to the tax payers of keeping these baby factories fed and housed.
You know... he/she asked the TBT to do its job.

How exactly is it a newspaper's job to compile statistics like this?
Bring back orphanages. It's a better life for the kids then in a crackhouse. And these kind of people would stop popping out kids for profit.
BOOM Problem solved.
Bring back orphanages. It's a better life for the kids then in a crackhouse. And these kind of people would stop popping out kids for profit.
BOOM Problem solved.

Welfare basically pays an additional $50 per child.

There's not much profit in that.

As far as orphanges are concerned, are you aware of the definition of an orphan?
Bring back orphanages. It's a better life for the kids then in a crackhouse. And these kind of people would stop popping out kids for profit.
BOOM Problem solved.

Welfare basically pays an additional $50 per child.

There's not much profit in that.

As far as orphanges are concerned, are you aware of the definition of an orphan?

Yeah.... it's what they would be after the gov takes away the ho's rights to her kids.
So three hundred extra a month on top of what she already gets isnt much?
Especially when you consider how little of it actually gets spent on the child.
Bring back orphanages. It's a better life for the kids then in a crackhouse. And these kind of people would stop popping out kids for profit.
BOOM Problem solved.

Welfare basically pays an additional $50 per child.

There's not much profit in that.

As far as orphanges are concerned, are you aware of the definition of an orphan?

Yeah.... it's what they would be after the gov takes away the ho's rights to her kids.
So three hundred extra a month on top of what she already gets isnt much?
Especially when you consider how little of it actually gets spent on the child.

Lots of macho talk, but very little substance.
Found this in yesterday's TBT...

Givers and takers

On Saturday we were treated to a story about a single mother of four with another baby on the way who was complaining about the state of her Tarpon Springs public housing. The Sunday Times followed up with a story about babies born to drug-addicted mothers, one of whom had already had three children removed from her custody yet was pregnant with another. The costs of both these situations is incalculable given the myriad of public programs it takes to support and care for these individuals. To make matters worse, we see that the program for tutoring the "poor" is riddled with fraud and waste yet nothing is done about it.

I challenge the Times to add up the dollar value of all these programs provided for these individuals. Let us see how much a working person would have to earn to maintain the lifestyle of the takers. Please include Medicaid, cash welfare benefits, food stamps, SSI, free school lunches, tutoring, free child care, Section 8 housing, etc. Then tell us if the growing number of these takers or babymakers is 47 percent or more. We all know why they voted the way they did.

Helen Richard, Clearwater

Wow, not hard to start thinking racism when you come across such a rant. But once you start thinking about the costs - all the costs - that others with nothing whatsoever to do with such situations have to pay for with our tax dollars, year after growing year, it's pretty easy to get pissed off at those who perpetuate such irresponsible behavior. Because they can neither keep their zippers up, nor knees together, the rest of us become the ongoing victims of their out-of-control lifestyles.

Hope the Times takes Helen up on her challenge. Nothing wrong with letting folks know what the takers are costing everyone else.

I wonder what's the cost of not helping them at all? You know, like the cost of "free" healthcare at the emergency room or, lacking that, the cost of an indigent burial? Or, the cost of incarcerating those kids because they never got an eduction and couldn't make a living? Or, the cost of policing them for a lifetime? Or, the cost of dealing with communicable diseases like the flu spread by them because they couldn't afford healthcare? Or, the cost of repeated jailings for panhandling or sleeping on the streets or using library bathrooms etc, etc, etc.

The point is that there's also costs associated with ignoring them.
Did the author propose a solution or was he just bitching for the sake of it?

No, he issued a challenge to a newspaper who should have the resources to compile the cost to the tax payers of keeping these baby factories fed and housed.
You know... he/she asked the TBT to do its job.

How exactly is it a newspaper's job to compile statistics like this?

The media has built cases against Ford Pinto and George Bush out of nothing in the name of investigative journalism. Why not try going for truth, for once?
Come on now! You and I both know why the Tampa Bay Tribune won't take up the challenge. I mean if Watergate happened in the obama White House, it would have been lost on the police blotter, Section C page 11.
No, he issued a challenge to a newspaper who should have the resources to compile the cost to the tax payers of keeping these baby factories fed and housed.
You know... he/she asked the TBT to do its job.

How exactly is it a newspaper's job to compile statistics like this?

The media has built cases against Ford Pinto and George Bush out of nothing in the name of investigative journalism. Why not try going for truth, for once?
Come on now! You and I both know why the Tampa Bay Tribune won't take up the challenge. I mean if Watergate happened in the obama White House, it would have been lost on the police blotter, Section C page 11.

Journalists can investigate what they want to investigate. It's not their job to do the bidding of every person who writes a letter to the editor.

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