If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

It is the govt (aka the American people) telling you what you can charge for a top NECESSITY of basic survival for millions of people, who, if the rent is too high
1. they could (and do) go homeless.
You talk out of both sides of your mouth. Is housing not a necessity for the illegal immigrants that you have previously blamed for the rent increases? Run along. This ain't China and rent is what the market will bear. You will never live in the Biltmore for $50 a month.; Moron
If protectionist has his way, property owners will be bulldozing rental properties in favor of something more profitable.

But the idea that he wants the gov't to keep his rent low and the fact that he claims to be a conservative is laughable.
If protectionist has his way, property owners will be bulldozing rental properties in favor of something more profitable.

But the idea that he wants the gov't to keep his rent low and the fact that he claims to be a conservative is laughable.
I wonder why it's so important for him to keep up the pretense that he's a "conservative". This is all straight up progressive stuff. Why not just own it?
Do you really think Republican Florida will vote for rent control?
Not "will". DID (past tense) in June 2023 (HB 1417).. And overwhelmingly. Of course. They are renters and business owners themselves, and are losing a fortune in sale$$ because of extreme, high rents.

Not reading the thread I see. This was all covered a month ago.
Post #s 608......613......640......647......and yesterday > 751.
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Charging a rent that is commensurate with what the market will bear is not gouging either. It is capitalism. If you don't like it move to China.
For the 10th time, "market" only applies with NON-necessities. With necessities (especially shelter), prices have to be held to affordable levels.
Otherwise millions of people become homeless or lose their ability to pay for other needs (food, utilities, gas, car payments, etc)

And why should business owners suffer major reductions in sales of their products, just so landlords can raise their prices to absurd levels, never heard of before, Mr UNconcerned American ?
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You talk out of both sides of your mouth. Is housing not a necessity for the illegal immigrants that you have previously blamed for the rent increases? Run along. This ain't China and rent is what the market will bear. You will never live in the Biltmore for $50 a month.; Moron
No, rent is what renters can afford. The "market" is not a consideration with housing. If landlords can't accept that, don't be a landlord.

As for illegal aliens, they disrespect US laws, and thereby us as well. They should stay in their home countries, and strive to make it better.
So now you favor illegal aliens too, huh ? Yeah, you're a Biden supporting leftist. I knew it.
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For the 10th time, "market" only applieswith NON-necessities. With necessities (especially shelter), prices have to be held to affordable levels.
Otherwise millions of people become homeless or lose their ability to pay for other needs (food, utilities, gas, car payments, etc)

And why should business owners suffer major reductions in sales of their products, just so landlords can raise their prices to absurd levels, never heard of before, Mr UNconcerned American ?

Yet, property taxes keep going up in Florida. Who do you expect to pay them?
If protectionist has his way, property owners will be bulldozing rental properties in favor of something more profitable.

But the idea that he wants the gov't to keep his rent low and the fact that he claims to be a conservative is laughable.
What is laughable is you thinking a landlord needs to raise a rent from $700/mo to $2000 (186% inflation), to be profitable. What kind of idiot would think that ? Thousands of buildings in New York City have been under rent control for 100 years, and they're still there now, occupied, in good shape. I was raised in one of them. Lived there from 1946 to 1967, and visited there until 1977. No bulldozers. :laugh:

Rent control IS conservative. It represents business owners who are in trouble because of high rents, That's why the Florida legislature has been voting for it (HB1417-June 2023). You don't know anything.

You think conservatives have to support ONE type of business, against the good of thousands of other types to be conservative ? o_O:rolleyes: Strange.
I wonder why it's so important for him to keep up the pretense that he's a "conservative". This is all straight up progressive stuff. Why not just own it?
10 years of far right conservative posting in this forum (on Islam, guns, economy, Trump, illegal immigration, LGBT lunacy, crime, etc) is not a "pretense", you damn fool.

NO, rent control is not "progressive". You think the term "conservative" is owned by landlords ? What stupidity, They are only ONE entity vs thousands of other businesses whom their high rents are killing.

Maybe you could have got away with post 783, a few years ago, before the onslaught of skyrocketing rents (2021-2024). That's changed now. Republicans have been voting overwhelmingly FOR rent control, to support the business community. You dont know anything. Try harder to keep up.
10 years of far right conservative posting in this forum (on Islam, guns, economy, Trump, illegal immigration, LGBT lunacy, crime, etc) is not a "pretense", you damn fool.
Fascism isn't "conservative".
NO, rent control is not "progressive". You think the term "conservative" is owned by landlords ? What stupidity, They are only ONE entity vs thousands of other businesses whom their high rents are killing.
Rent control is commonly cited, by socialists, as one of the "inroads" used to undermine capitalism. Do you ever read books?
You talk out of both sides of your mouth. Is housing not a necessity for the illegal immigrants that you have previously blamed for the rent increases? Run along. This ain't China and rent is what the market will bear. You will never live in the Biltmore for $50 a month.; Moron
I never said anything about $50 a month, jerk.
Fascism isn't "conservative".

Rent control is commonly cited, by socialists, as one of the "inroads" used to undermine capitalism. Do you ever read books?
(Currently) Not ones written before 2021. HA HA HA.

And we dont need coaching about what is conservative, especially from dum dums who can't keep up with the times. You're the one who needs to do some reading, and what I suggest is my 10 years of OPs. You can start with those listed in Post # 664.

Or you can remain ignorant. Your choice. Not my problem.

Here's a list of authors whose books I have in my library. I've read all of them + thousands of their footnoted articles. I recommend you read them too.

Brigitte Gabriel - 2
Lou Dobbs
Hugh Hewitt
Glenn Beck - 2
Steven Emerson
Robert Spencer
Donald Trump
Andrew C. McCarthy
Ann Coulter - 7
Patrick Buchanan
Dick Morris - 3
Greg Gutfeld
Tom Tancredo
Paul Sperry
P. David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
David A. Stockman
Gerald Posner
Michael Savage
Eric Bolling
Clark Kent Ervin
Kimberly Guilfoyle
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