If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

Rent control is simply the gov't telling me what I can charge for something I own. I bought it. I paid taxes on it. And now the gov't is going to restrict what I can earn from it?

That is absolutely NOT capitalism.
I agree with you WinterBorn. This is a serious problem with Democrats that they do not operate to cause their tenant to pay less, it is more.
I'm getting ready to sell my mom's former properties (now mine) and I'm already 3K out of pocket for various odds and ends that I can't do myself.

Nothing is even reasonable cost wise and everyone from the town/county/state has their hand out for fees and surcharges.

And guess what? All those expenses will be figured into the selling price and passed on to the buyer. That is the way of the world when you try staying on the winning end of things.

It never ceases to amaze me that renters with no skin in the ownership game bitch about a modest rent increase when they have no idea of the real costs involved.....And don't want to know.

In the real Game of Life there are no equal outcomes....There are always winners and losers.
If they demanded Biden cut prices, then they might have a leg to stand on but they report that of course Biden has their vote again. So Rent is all that matters to them. Not repairs to the property, the rest of the maintenance and having been on both ends, including giving up my last office when the rent got raised and I went to where rent was reasonable. Then this guy raised the rent a hundred bucks. I did not get to the forum bitching the rent went up. It has to when you have presidents like Biden.
Listen, business enemy. There are many things in US laws that are not in the Constitution. Something doesnt have to be in the Constitution to be a law.

2. "all kinds of things that could be claimed as a necessity" are not equal to SHELTER (#1 element of human survival according to anthropologists).

3. No, the landlord has no obligation to provid us with shelter. But when he is doing that, then YES, he Does have an obligation to make it be accessible to people of average incomes, and not just sell it to the rich. If somebody want to sell jewelry or violins, or yachts to the rich fine, buy not shelter. Not housing on a mass scale, thereby keeping average incomes from renting those units.

4. Oh you're not a landlord, huh ? So then what is your dog in this fight ? What's your vested interest that has you coming in here, in direct opposition to millions of renters and business owners ? You just happen to love landlords, because they're so cute and cuddly, is that it ?
You have some attachment to this, but you're too much of a gutless coward to stand up straight and tall and say what it is.

5. As for "parasites", the worst ones in America, are the rent-gouging landlords, sucking every penny they can out of renters, and destroying millions of businesses at the same time, taking away their sale$$ and their money.

6. I put your words in blue, since you are so negative against the business community. Got your Biden button yet ?

7. HA HA.You got a Winner from Winter Born. :laugh: Now go get your medal from Kamala Harris.
You're a communist fool.
I'm a CAPITALIST, owner of 2 businesses, and that's WHY I'm for rent control. That's why the Florida heavily Republican legislature voted for a rent control bill in 2023.

You dont get it do you ? You are not tuned in to what's going on here. Neither are these other jimokes.

You own 2 businesses and you cannot pay rent?

I would advise you to sell the businesses.
I have been both the renter and the landlord. I had my rent increased by $100 per month 3 years ago. I did not whine. I paid the rent. I have notified Renters in the past their rent went up. Landlords also have increasing expenses.
They dont have increasing expenses of $1250/mo. That is the typical rent increase in the Tampa Bay area over the past 2 years.

Ex. $750/mo - 2022
$2000/mo - 2024

Commenting about large rent increases isn't whining. It is freedom of speech. If you dont like it, move to Syria.
You're a communist fool.
You know that's not true, and you are a fool for posting what everybody knows is ridiculous. and I have been posting far right conservative stuff on every topic for 10 years. See the OP list I posted earlier. (Post # 664)

I'm a business owner, and you might as well be a communist, for how much you hate business owners, by being in cahoots with landlords (one of business owner worst enemies)

Next to me, you look like Nancy Pelosi. :biggrin:
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Join the military? The same could be said to you. You'll get free housing. Go ahead and join up.
I joined in 1964. Have service connected disabilities and have been getting 100% free medical care + a VA pension for decades.

I just had a surgery March 27, and was hospitalized for 3 days. Didnt cost me a dime.

I dont know about free housing. I never heard of that. Except for illegal aliens.
"3. No, the landlord has no obligation to provid us with shelter. But when he is doing that, then YES, he Does have an obligation to make it be accessible to people of average incomes, and not just sell it to the rich. If somebody want to sell jewelry or violins, or yachts to the rich fine, buy not shelter. Not housing on a mass scale, thereby keeping average incomes from renting those units."

No, he does not have an obligation to make it accessible to people of average incomes. Who ever told you talk lied to you.
I didn't need anyone to tell it to me. It's common sense. Unfortunately, a lot of people dont have that.
Rent control is simply the gov't telling me what I can charge for something I own. I bought it. I paid taxes on it. And now the gov't is going to restrict what I can earn from it?

That is absolutely NOT capitalism.
NO it is NOT "simply" what you can charge for something you own. It is the govt (aka the American people) telling you what you can charge for a top NECESSITY of basic survival for millions of people, who, if the rent is too high
1. they could (and do) go homeless.
2. millions of businesses could (and do) suffer huge losses, if not close down entirely

The purpose of government is to PROTECT the people and with rent control, that's exactly what it does. Rent control is a form of socialism, but in case you never noticed, the USA is not a 100% capitalist country.
It is a combination of capitalism and socialism. That's the way it is, and that's the way it has been for 100 years. If anybody doesnt like it, they could leave and go live somewhere else.

As in the cases of Vioxx and the Ford Pinto, that I cited previously, govt has taken action to protect the people. It does that with rent control and extreme landlords too.
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I agree with you WinterBorn. This is a serious problem with Democrats that they do not operate to cause their tenant to pay less, it is more.
Republicans are not only supportive of rent control, they have been VOTING FOR IT in state legislatures. See Post # 647.
It never ceases to amaze me that renters with no skin in the ownership game bitch about a modest rent increase when they have no idea of the real costs involved.....And don't want to know.
I'm talking about rent increases of 100-200%. Like from $700/mo. to $2000 month. Not exactly "modest"
If they demanded Biden cut prices, then they might have a leg to stand on but they report that of course Biden has their vote again. So Rent is all that matters to them. Not repairs to the property, the rest of the maintenance and having been on both ends, including giving up my last office when the rent got raised and I went to where rent was reasonable. Then this guy raised the rent a hundred bucks. I did not get to the forum bitching the rent went up. It has to when you have presidents like Biden.
I voted for Trump 3 times. And will again, as long as DeSantis is not on the ticket. I like Vivek as a VP choice,
They dont have increasing expenses of $1250/mo. That is the typical rent increase in the Tampa Bay area over the past 2 years.

Ex. $750/mo - 2022
$2000/mo - 2024

Commenting about large rent increases isn't whining. It is freedom of speech. If you dont like it, move to Syria.

Do you really think Republican Florida will vote for rent control?
NO it is NOT "simply" what you can charge for something you own. It is the govt (aka the American people) telling you what you can charge for a top NECESSITY of basic survival for millions of people, who, if the rent is too high
1. they could (and do) go homeless.
2. millions of businesses could (and do) suffer huge losses, if not close down entirely

The purpose of government is to PROTECT the people and with rent control, that's exactly what it does. Rent control is a form of socialism, but in case you never noticed, the USA is not a 100% capitalist country.
It is a combination of capitalism and socialism. That's the way it is, and that's the way it has been for 100 years. If anybody doesnt like it, they could leave and go live somewhere else.

As in the cases of Vioxx and the Ford Pinto, that I cited previously, govt has taken action to protect the people. It does that with rent control and extreme landlords too.

So you think the gov't should protect you from your own purchases?

There are cheaper places to rent. You just have to find them.

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