If State Legislators/Governor Won't Enact Rent Control, Vote Them Out

(Currently) Not ones written before 2021. HA HA HA.

And we dont need coaching about what is conservative, especially from dum dums who can't keep up with the times. You're the one who needs to do some reading, and what I suggest is my 10 years of OPs. You can start with those listed in Post # 664.

Or you can remain ignorant. Your choice. Not my problem.

Here's a list of authors whose books I have in my library. I've read all of them + thousands of their footnoted articles. I recommend you read them too.

Brigitte Gabriel - 2
Lou Dobbs
Hugh Hewitt
Glenn Beck - 2
Steven Emerson
Robert Spencer
Donald Trump
Andrew C. McCarthy
Ann Coulter - 7
Patrick Buchanan
Dick Morris - 3
Greg Gutfeld
Tom Tancredo
Paul Sperry
P. David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
David A. Stockman
Gerald Posner
Michael Savage
Eric Bolling
Clark Kent Ervin
Kimberly Guilfoyle

Lolol. You read Spencer, guilfoyle, savage.. You fill your head with garbage.

While these well-known stores have other problems besides disappearing disposable income in their communities, resulting from gigantic housing rent increases, they have had those problems for many years, but managed to still be profitable.

It is notable that only now in 2024, after 3.5 years of the Biden inflation (by far the worst being housing rents), are these stores finally cracking, and unable to survive the transfer of sales money from them to skyrocketed housing rents.
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While these well-known stores have other problems besides disappearing disposable income in their communities, resulting from gigantic housing rent increases, they have had those problems for many years, but managed to still be profitable.

It is notable that only now in 2024, after 3.5 years of the Biden inflation (by far the worst being housing rents), are these stores finally cracking, and unable to survive the transfer of sales money from them to skyrocketed housing rents.

I posted a link to rentals all over the Tampa area, with many under $1,000 a month.
For the 10th time, "market" only applies with NON-necessities. With necessities (especially shelter), prices have to be held to affordable levels.
Otherwise millions of people become homeless or lose their ability to pay for other needs (food, utilities, gas, car payments, etc)

And why should business owners suffer major reductions in sales of their products, just so landlords can raise their prices to absurd levels, never heard of before, Mr UNconcerned American ?
Hey comrade. That means business owners will have to increase their prices to reflect their costs and people will have to get jobs that cover the cost of their housing or move and commute. You can't live where people vacation and are willing to pay the prices that beach reasorts charge---economics 101. You are a stinking liberal that was raised in NYC where the commie liberals have demanded rent control. Move your ass back to NYC and live in AOC's district. Cry me a river.
Hey comrade. That means business owners will have to increase their prices to reflect their costs and people will have to get jobs that cover the cost of their housing or move and commute. You can't live where people vacation and are willing to pay the prices that beach reasorts charge---economics 101. You are a stinking liberal that was raised in NYC where the commie liberals have demanded rent control. Move your ass back to NYC and live in AOC's district. Cry me a river.
You are doing something very stupid. You might get a LITTLE support from a FEW jimokes in this thread (Winter Born - only because he hates me, doesnt matter the subject), and surada (one of the forum's flaming liberals, always at odds with my conservative postings), BUT by trying to call me a liberal, when my 10 year record here is 100% conservative, all you wind up doing is making yourself look foolish, and it becomes a victory for me, every time you post. Ho hum. Post # 664. :biggrin:

Why don't you go to NYC so you could be with the illegal aliens whim you seem to like so much ?
ESAD, you're an idiot NYer that never learned any better.
Coming apart at the seams, I see. Well, some people can handle losing a debate better than others. Ho hum
Now you can run along and feed your little puppy dog, Winter Born, who's tagging along at your heels, and throw him a bone.
Proliberal is a lazy sucker who was raised on communist rent control in NYC. You'll never convince him of anything logical. Typical AOC voter.
In all the years that I lived in New York, I never saw rent increases of 100-200% ANYWHERE in America. Never saw it until ut a few years ago. Really odd that you support it. Still too gutless cowardly to tell us why (what your vested interest is). My guess is you're a landlord, and a greedy one.

As for voting, I'm a registered Republican, and voted for Trump 3 times, And plenty of people raised with rent control in New York City are conservatives > Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, and all those MAGA hat folks at the Bronx Trump rally last week. :biggrin:
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I posted a link to rentals all over the Tampa area, with many under $1,000 a month.2
under $1000/month is $999/mo. That's the base rent I pay now. And 2.5 years ago paid $600/mo. That apartment is now $1400/mo
You are doing something very stupid. You might get a LITTLE support from a FEW jimokes in this thread (Winter Born - only because he hates me, doesnt matter the subject), and surada (one of the forum's flaming liberals, always at odds with my conservative postings), BUT by trying to call me a liberal, when my 10 year record here is 100% conservative, all you wind up doing is making yourself look foolish, and it becomes a victory for me, every time you post. Ho hum. Post # 664. :biggrin:

Why don't you go to NYC so you could be with the illegal aliens whim you seem to like so much ?

LMAO! Hate you? I don't have that much invested in this conversation.
You should stop telling people who are smarter than you, what they should do.,,,,that's what YOU should do. :laugh:

Smarter? You, presumably, worked your entire life, and did not save anything for your retirement. Now you are trying to live on Social Security, and are mad it doesn't cover your higher rents. The fault is yours for not preparing for retirement.
In all the years that I lived in New York, I never saw rent increases of 100-200% ANYWHERE in America. Never saw it until ut a few years ago. Really odd that you support it. Still too gutless cowardly to tell us why (what your vested interest is). My guess is you're a landlord, and a greedy one.

As for voting, I'm a registered Republican, and voted for Trump 3 times, And plenty of people raised with rent control in New York City are conservatives > Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, and all those MAGA hat folks at the Bronx Trump rally last week. :biggrin:
Trump is stupid too.
You are doing something very stupid. You might get a LITTLE support from a FEW jimokes in this thread (Winter Born - only because he hates me, doesnt matter the subject), and surada (one of the forum's flaming liberals, always at odds with my conservative postings), BUT by trying to call me a liberal, when my 10 year record here is 100% conservative, all you wind up doing is making yourself look foolish, and it becomes a victory for me, every time you post. Ho hum. Post # 664. :biggrin:

Why don't you go to NYC so you could be with the illegal aliens whim you seem to like so much ?
Your stance on rent control is about as conservative as Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. You wouldn't make a mole on a real conservative's ass.

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