Letter to the editor.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Bein a resident of this fare city I got to spew forth with an opinyun. New hamsher wuz once known as a place ware thare wuz more cows than people. Up till the last elekshun based on the way the peeple have been votin, NH wuz becomin known as a place ware the cows is smarter than the people. Now we got ourselfs a new president and thare is a problem. In the last elekshun one of the candudates was caut red-handed violatin national security. The fedril gummint then swung into ackshun and is launchin a big investigashun into the new president who wuzn’t doin nothin.

I got to say that I sleep better now that I seen how effecktive the fedril gummint is. That fedril gummint is lookin out for us so good that they look the other way when thay ketch a reel crook and go after the rat who stole the eleckshun from the peeple they like better. I tern on my TV and see all theze big egos that has been waitin all thare lifes for a chance to strut thare fethers from coste to coste. Boy, those fedril senitors and congrusmen shore kin pile it high and deep. Thay keep tryin to put people that is smarter than thay are in the hot seet and thay keep failin.

Maybe thay shood put Hillary Clinton in the hot seet cuz she aint that smart. Her brain wuznt workin when she wuz brodcastin national secrets from her bathroom. The fedril gummint bent over backwerds to miss what she was doin and thay deployed a guy from the FBI to dance a jig and sing a song of not knownin anything. It wuz an entertainen show.

It wuzn’t haff as entertainen as watchin the fedril gummint on TV. Thay all got stern looks on thare faces as if thay got some idea of what thare doin. It’s kinda sad watchin dum peeple tryn to intarigate smarter peeple. You see the smarter peeple ackshully have reel jobs unlike thoze in the fedril gummint who just pile it high and deep.

Most of the investagaters in the fedril gummint is accusin the president of covortin with the rooskies but thay woodn’t know a rushun if one fell of a roof and landed on em carryin a hammer and sickle.

It’s a good thing the fedril gummint aint investigatin Hillary Clinton. By the time thay got dun thay’d probly make her the new president.

-Elmer Doolittle

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