Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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Yeah, I am.

I have a 9 year old daughter.

Let's start making fun of everyone's underage daughters shall we?

Yeah, that is so funny.

A 62 year old man saying someone's daughter was raped, is a prostitute, and their mother is slutty.

Wow - all that women's liberation work has sure brought this nation a long way has it not?

For once in your life grow up and stand for something - or at the very least, stand against this kind of disgusting shrek calling itself television humor.

No more Letterman in my home. NEVER.

This was way too far, and the more I think of it the more it pisses me off.

And you should turn him off, take a stand. Just don't come in here acting like Democrats should care about what Letterman has to say about the Palins.

It's too silly for words.

here we are with the hypocrisy again,, this,,, you say,,,,, after pinning everything that comes out of Limbaugh's mouth on Republicans We mock you cupcake.. :lol:

It isn't as if David Letterman is the leader of the Democratic party. :eusa_whistle:
I'm not saying that it was funny, or not sleazy, but it was a joke, nobady got hurt, and I would hate for there to be some sort of law the limited one making jokes even in poor taste. I hate PC, but I think its funny that the Rightwingers are going ape shit over a tv comedy show and a joke in poor taste when the Rightwingers are so adamant about defending the freedom of speech and being against PC.

I tell you what - George Carlin would kick Letterman in the teeth for bringing an underage daughter into a shitty comedy monologue based upon the subjects of rape and prostitution.


Yeah, right.
Carlin, Johnny Carson, Eddie Murphy, Robin Williams, Billy Crystal.....All big libs.

None of whom would stoop to such sleaze.

But Jamie Foxx would....

Odd it's always liberal comedians attacking right wing kids, isn't it?

The Superficial - Jamie Foxx apologizes to Miley Cyrus
i'm not saying that it was funny, or not sleazy, but it was a joke, nobady got hurt, and i would hate for there to be some sort of law the limited one making jokes even in poor taste. I hate pc, but i think its funny that the rightwingers are going ape shit over a tv comedy show and a joke in poor taste when the rightwingers are so adamant about defending the freedom of speech and being against pc.

it's the double fuckin standard.

Parody against liberals is called hateful and hurtful by many in the media.

We have a sexual joke about a 14 year old daughter.

Where is the outrage? Where is the condemnation?

No, we get defense of this kind of humor.


Condemn it.

Anyone joke on my daughter like that...

Fuck 'em. They got a serious issue coming there way.

Jokin' about 14 year old rape and prostitution.

Fuck that.

And fuck you.

Mother fucking liberal pile of shit.

Child rape is funny??????????

You think it's "funny" people are going "ape shit" over that????

Fuck you.
it's the double fuckin standard.

Parody against liberals is called hateful and hurtful by many in the media.

We have a sexual joke about a 14 year old daughter.

Where is the outrage? Where is the condemnation?

No, we get defense of this kind of humor.


Condemn it.

Anyone joke on my daughter like that...

Fuck 'em. They got a serious issue coming there way.

Jokin' about 14 year old rape and prostitution.

Fuck that.

And fuck you.

Mother fucking liberal pile of shit.

Child rape is funny??????????

You think it's "funny" people are going "ape shit" over that????

Fuck you.

Damn, you are pissed aren't you?! Let me just clear up my meaning as much as I can to make it clearer for you, since you're so blinded by your anger.

#1. I don't think the joke is funny.
#2. I think its a slimy, sleazy joke.
#3. Nobody was hurt, it was just words. Right? Or would you categorize it as "Hate Speech"?
#4. I don't defend the humor, I defend the right to make bad jokes.
#5. Who is it that wants PC again? Liberals? Nope, well, not just liberals, but also reactionary rightwingers such as yourself.
#6. Don't like the show, don't watch it.
#7. I would never make jokes about someone's 14 year old daughter, not because it's "wrong" but because it's insensitive and in bad taste. And I wouldn't want to get my nose or teeth broken by someone who reacts as violently as you do. So, don't associate or equate me with Letterman's writers or people who find underage sex amusing.

Does that help you understand my stance?

Have a great afternoon!:eusa_angel:
Who cares? It's not as though she was injured or hurt, and as with generally irreverent and dark humor, it's precisely the taboo nature of the subject that makes it funny.
And you should turn him off, take a stand. Just don't come in here acting like Democrats should care about what Letterman has to say about the Palins.

It's too silly for words.

here we are with the hypocrisy again,, this,,, you say,,,,, after pinning everything that comes out of Limbaugh's mouth on Republicans We mock you cupcake.. :lol:

It isn't as if David Letterman is the leader of the Democratic party. :eusa_whistle:

Who is?

Oh that's right, the parties don't HAVE leaders.

didn't think anything could lower my opinion of David Letterman. I was wrong:
Moonbattery: Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin


One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.
He said this about a 14-year-old girl.

Letterman also referred to Sarah Palin as "slutty." This from a creep who only recently married the mother of his 5-year-old son.

By now entertainment industry moonbats must have noticed that the election is over, so they can climb out of the sewer for awhile. But apparently they like it down there.

She is a slut, Letterman is a personality who milks things like that for a laugh, and anyone who takes TV too seriously is a moron.
didn't think anything could lower my opinion of David Letterman. I was wrong:
Moonbattery: Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin


One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.
He said this about a 14-year-old girl.

Letterman also referred to Sarah Palin as "slutty." This from a creep who only recently married the mother of his 5-year-old son.

By now entertainment industry moonbats must have noticed that the election is over, so they can climb out of the sewer for awhile. But apparently they like it down there.

She is a slut, Letterman is a personality who milks things like that for a laugh, and anyone who takes TV too seriously is a moron.

:lol: TYVM..
here we are with the hypocrisy again,, this,,, you say,,,,, after pinning everything that comes out of Limbaugh's mouth on Republicans We mock you cupcake.. :lol:

It isn't as if David Letterman is the leader of the Democratic party. :eusa_whistle:

Who is?

Oh that's right, the parties don't HAVE leaders.


Oh your party has a leader. One who all Republicans look to for guidance and all the right answers.. The one who would have shit his ample pants if the president would have accepted his challenge to a debate.

We are laughing at repubs who are attempting to make us care what Letterman has to say about the Palins. It isn't going to happen.
and integrity of the liberal left, THEY HAVE NONE. To attack Sarah Palin and her daughter like this shows no empathy and is totally disrespectful to every woman EVERYWHERE.

This statement was despicable, shows absolutely no class or dignity and is repulsive in nature. Yet, this is what has become of the liberal left in this country and we the normal people have come to expect it.

Obviously, the liberal left is still scared to death of Sarah Palin as they can't seem to stop attacking her at every turn. She can't even go to a baseball game in the lower 48 without stirring up the hate mongering that will be slung at her. Boy, it takes a REAL MAN, such as Letterman isn't, to say something like this.

He needs to MAN UP and give a sincere apology to Sarah and her daughter. I doubt that will happen because he isn't a real man. Real men don't attack women and children, now do they????
I wouldn't fuck Willow Palin with RetiredGySgt's dick, Sinatra pushing and Dude going to jail for statutory rape. :cool:
and integrity of the liberal left, THEY HAVE NONE. To attack Sarah Palin and her daughter like this shows no empathy and is totally disrespectful to every woman EVERYWHERE.

This statement was despicable, shows absolutely no class or dignity and is repulsive in nature. Yet, this is what has become of the liberal left in this country and we the normal people have come to expect it.

Obviously, the liberal left is still scared to death of Sarah Palin as they can't seem to stop attacking her at every turn. She can't even go to a baseball game in the lower 48 without stirring up the hate mongering that will be slung at her. Boy, it takes a REAL MAN, such as Letterman isn't, to say something like this.

He needs to MAN UP and give a sincere apology to Sarah and her daughter. I doubt that will happen because he isn't a real man. Real men don't attack women and children, now do they????

Anyone who takes media personalities too seriously, like Rush Limbaugh or David Letterman, are morons.

Palin for her and her family to be targets for comedians, period, by becoming a public figure. If you can't take the heat, stay the fuck out of the kitchen.
I wouldn't fuck Willow Palin with RetiredGySgt's dick, Sinatra pushing and Dude going to jail for statutory rape. :cool:

Yeah...but Bristol...have you noticed her bristols? :eusa_eh:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_8lFCiV4xM]YouTube - Bristol Palin has HUGE tits !!![/ame]
Your name implies that you are of the female gender, you should be incensed over a comment like that directed at a 14 year old girl. I can't believe that anyone would defend a statement like that, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR POLITICS ARE.
and integrity of the liberal left, THEY HAVE NONE. To attack Sarah Palin and her daughter like this shows no empathy and is totally disrespectful to every woman EVERYWHERE.

This statement was despicable, shows absolutely no class or dignity and is repulsive in nature. Yet, this is what has become of the liberal left in this country and we the normal people have come to expect it.

Obviously, the liberal left is still scared to death of Sarah Palin as they can't seem to stop attacking her at every turn. She can't even go to a baseball game in the lower 48 without stirring up the hate mongering that will be slung at her. Boy, it takes a REAL MAN, such as Letterman isn't, to say something like this.

He needs to MAN UP and give a sincere apology to Sarah and her daughter. I doubt that will happen because he isn't a real man. Real men don't attack women and children, now do they????

Sure, all us Democrats were quite scared of her last November.. :razz:
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