Letterman has child killer on his "Late Show". Do you approve?

What is it that you believe the U.S. could have done to prevent that genocide?
Take personal charge of it instead of pimping the job out to the feckless UN.

Really? And considering the fact that we had no military forces in the region, nor any logistics, no bases, or even temporary use of bases in the region, what is it, exactly, that you would have taken charge of?
And yet the UN established a military presence, even if they didn't use it to prevent a genocide. If the incompetent UN could do it, we sure as hell could too.

The UN had been there for several years. Do you really think the UN would have allowed us to use their forces, their logistical train, or any bases they might have had there when they had no intention of doing anything about it themselves? If it was a failure, it was the UN's failure, not Clinton's.
Your argument is asinine. We've been setting up theaters of operation since the Spanish American war. And we certainly did so in Somalia. The question was never about ability. If that's the best you got, we're done here.

Rwanda is not Somalia. And in Somalia we did so with a UN task force. We did not do it unilaterally.
How the American right wing can worship a child killing pedophile like David Koresh is beyond me
How the American right wing can worship a child killing pedophile like David Koresh is beyond me

Really ? When was koresh convicted with any such crime? Do you have any evidence at all to support your preposterous claim?
How the American right wing can worship a child killing pedophile like David Koresh is beyond me

Really ? When was koresh convicted or even charged with any such crime? Do you have any evidence at all to support your preposterous claim?

We don't try dead people

Koresh killed 4 Federal Agents, raped young girls in his compound, set fires that killed 80 people and refused to allow them to leave the burning compound. He shot the children rather than let them leave

This is the monster you worship
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Bill Clinton burned 80 people alive at waco including 25 kids. Then he had the survivors thrown in prison so they wouldn't talk. But Letterman never mentioned that. He wants the psychopath back in the WH.

2016 Election Bill talks life at the White House - CNNPolitics.com

may 13 2015
CNN)Bill Clinton says he might move back to the White House — but this time, because of Hillary.

He appeared on David Letterman's CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman" that aired Tuesday night and talked about the work he's been doing with The Clinton Foundation, until Letterman asked, "Put it in a percentage, what's the chance of you moving back to 1600 Pennsylvania?"

The crowd clapped as Bill Clinton paused to respond, with a smile.

"First of all, Hillary has to win the nomination. If she wins the nomination, then she has to win the election," Clinton said. "If she wins the election, the chances are 100 percent I move back ... If I'm asked."

"I hope I will be invited. It will be a good thing for America if she won. I hope she does."
How many children do you think George Bush senior and George Bush junior killed? Thousands. If anyone should be accused of being child killers, it is those two,
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How the American right wing can worship a child killing pedophile like David Koresh is beyond me

Really ? When was koresh convicted or even charged with any such crime? Do you have any evidence at all to support your preposterous claim?

We don't try dead people

Koresh killed 4 Federal Agents, raped young girls in his compound, set fires that killed 80 people and refused to allow them to leave the burning compound. He shot the children rather than let them leave

This is the monster you worship
You're an ass. Janet Reno deliberately put out those rumors because her siege was losing public support, aside from the fact that any cloister that shuns all outside contact breeds unfounded rumors among the ignoble. Intelligent people aren't duped by such tactics.
How the American right wing can worship a child killing pedophile like David Koresh is beyond me
Truly, it is nearly beyond belief. It's all about their obsession with guns and a twisted paranoiac belief they need to defend themselves, with arms, against their own government. They rewrite in their minds the truth about Koresh and fashion him into a hero.
How the American right wing can worship a child killing pedophile like David Koresh is beyond me
Truly, it is nearly beyond belief. It's all about their obsession with guns and a twisted paranoiac belief they need to defend themselves, with arms, against their own government. They rewrite in their minds the truth about Koresh and fashion him into a hero.

HW Bush went into Panama to remove a democratically elected president (Noriega). Panamanians say the people bush murdered were way beyond the official body count. Never heard the so called right to life repubs criticize that adventure. Then of course, his son, bush jr. How many innocents murdered in Iraq because bush jr used the political capital he liked to brag about, to get the bush's former business partner Saddam.
Bill Clinton burned 80 people alive at waco including 25 kids. Then he had the survivors thrown in prison so they wouldn't talk. But Letterman never mentioned that. He wants the psychopath back in the WH.

2016 Election Bill talks life at the White House - CNNPolitics.com

may 13 2015
CNN)Bill Clinton says he might move back to the White House — but this time, because of Hillary.

He appeared on David Letterman's CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman" that aired Tuesday night and talked about the work he's been doing with The Clinton Foundation, until Letterman asked, "Put it in a percentage, what's the chance of you moving back to 1600 Pennsylvania?"

The crowd clapped as Bill Clinton paused to respond, with a smile.

"First of all, Hillary has to win the nomination. If she wins the nomination, then she has to win the election," Clinton said. "If she wins the election, the chances are 100 percent I move back ... If I'm asked."

"I hope I will be invited. It will be a good thing for America if she won. I hope she does."

Ya but they're all in heaven now so it's ok. ;)
David Koresh was no hero. But, all his followers were dead the minute they signed on. The raid was just one method. If not that it would have been something else. The nature of these cult leaders who imagine themselves god is ultimately demand that their followers die for them. Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, that's always the way. It will be that way for obama too.
Bill Clinton burned 80 people alive at waco including 25 kids. Then he had the survivors thrown in prison so they wouldn't talk. But Letterman never mentioned that. He wants the psychopath back in the WH.

2016 Election Bill talks life at the White House - CNNPolitics.com

may 13 2015
CNN)Bill Clinton says he might move back to the White House — but this time, because of Hillary.

He appeared on David Letterman's CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman" that aired Tuesday night and talked about the work he's been doing with The Clinton Foundation, until Letterman asked, "Put it in a percentage, what's the chance of you moving back to 1600 Pennsylvania?"

The crowd clapped as Bill Clinton paused to respond, with a smile.

"First of all, Hillary has to win the nomination. If she wins the nomination, then she has to win the election," Clinton said. "If she wins the election, the chances are 100 percent I move back ... If I'm asked."

"I hope I will be invited. It will be a good thing for America if she won. I hope she does."
No one approves of your lies and stupidly.
And yet the GOP controlled congress investigated and found no wrongdoing on the part of the administration :tinfoil:
Bill Clinton burned 80 people alive at waco including 25 kids. Then he had the survivors thrown in prison so they wouldn't talk. But Letterman never mentioned that. He wants the psychopath back in the WH.

2016 Election Bill talks life at the White House - CNNPolitics.com

may 13 2015
CNN)Bill Clinton says he might move back to the White House — but this time, because of Hillary.

He appeared on David Letterman's CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman" that aired Tuesday night and talked about the work he's been doing with The Clinton Foundation, until Letterman asked, "Put it in a percentage, what's the chance of you moving back to 1600 Pennsylvania?"

The crowd clapped as Bill Clinton paused to respond, with a smile.

"First of all, Hillary has to win the nomination. If she wins the nomination, then she has to win the election," Clinton said. "If she wins the election, the chances are 100 percent I move back ... If I'm asked."

"I hope I will be invited. It will be a good thing for America if she won. I hope she does."

George Bush burned hundreds of thousands of women and children in Iraq you didnt bitch when he went on Letterman.
Bill Clinton burned 80 people alive at waco including 25 kids. Then he had the survivors thrown in prison so they wouldn't talk. But Letterman never mentioned that. He wants the psychopath back in the WH.

2016 Election Bill talks life at the White House - CNNPolitics.com

may 13 2015
CNN)Bill Clinton says he might move back to the White House — but this time, because of Hillary.

He appeared on David Letterman's CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman" that aired Tuesday night and talked about the work he's been doing with The Clinton Foundation, until Letterman asked, "Put it in a percentage, what's the chance of you moving back to 1600 Pennsylvania?"

The crowd clapped as Bill Clinton paused to respond, with a smile.

"First of all, Hillary has to win the nomination. If she wins the nomination, then she has to win the election," Clinton said. "If she wins the election, the chances are 100 percent I move back ... If I'm asked."

"I hope I will be invited. It will be a good thing for America if she won. I hope she does."

Ya but they're all in heaven now so it's ok. ;)
Yes they are. That doesn't make it ok.
David Koresh was no hero. But, all his followers were dead the minute they signed on. The raid was just one method. If not that it would have been something else. The nature of these cult leaders who imagine themselves god is ultimately demand that their followers die for them. Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, that's always the way. It will be that way for obama too.

You are lumping a sitting president in with Koresh and Jim Jones? Irrational much? That kind of a mindless hatred is difficult to understand. Do you ever challenge your own words. Are they even your own words? I doubt it. No rational person could make that association using facts.
David Koresh was no hero. But, all his followers were dead the minute they signed on. The raid was just one method. If not that it would have been something else. The nature of these cult leaders who imagine themselves god is ultimately demand that their followers die for them. Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, that's always the way. It will be that way for obama too.

You are lumping a sitting president in with Koresh and Jim Jones? Irrational much? That kind of a mindless hatred is difficult to understand. Do you ever challenge your own words. Are they even your own words? I doubt it. No rational person could make that association using facts.
obama has been told he's God so many times, he believes it. He is president only to those that worship him. He is exactly the same kind of person as David Koresh and Jim Jones. The same kind of egotistical madness.
David Koresh was no hero. But, all his followers were dead the minute they signed on. The raid was just one method. If not that it would have been something else. The nature of these cult leaders who imagine themselves god is ultimately demand that their followers die for them. Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, that's always the way. It will be that way for obama too.

You are lumping a sitting president in with Koresh and Jim Jones? Irrational much? That kind of a mindless hatred is difficult to understand. Do you ever challenge your own words. Are they even your own words? I doubt it. No rational person could make that association using facts.
obama has been told he's God so many times, he believes it. He is president only to those that worship him. He is exactly the same kind of person as David Koresh and Jim Jones. The same kind of egotistical madness.

Really? You REALLY believe there are actual people that approach Obama and tell him he is god? Where are the secret service when all this is going on?

Is your mind really this brainwashed? Seriously, did you ever try to think your glib statement through? NOBODY approaches the president of the United States you simpleton. NOBODY! That is your make believe god worshipers included.

I can't believe there are people in our country that are this stupid. Then I see some of the elected representatives in DC and there is the proof.

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