Letterman has child killer on his "Late Show". Do you approve?

No one ever called obama the messiah?

Google obama the mad king, see what you come up with. He's not human. He's a demonic entity. In his mind he's god.
Letterman cracked jokes about sexual abuse of a little girl so what's surprising about anything else he might do?
Bill Clinton burned 80 people alive at waco including 25 kids. Then he had the survivors thrown in prison so they wouldn't talk. But Letterman never mentioned that. He wants the psychopath back in the WH.

2016 Election Bill talks life at the White House - CNNPolitics.com

may 13 2015
CNN)Bill Clinton says he might move back to the White House — but this time, because of Hillary.

He appeared on David Letterman's CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman" that aired Tuesday night and talked about the work he's been doing with The Clinton Foundation, until Letterman asked, "Put it in a percentage, what's the chance of you moving back to 1600 Pennsylvania?"

The crowd clapped as Bill Clinton paused to respond, with a smile.

"First of all, Hillary has to win the nomination. If she wins the nomination, then she has to win the election," Clinton said. "If she wins the election, the chances are 100 percent I move back ... If I'm asked."

"I hope I will be invited. It will be a good thing for America if she won. I hope she does."

You are a moron. I believe Janet Reno made those decisions.
Janet Reno was nothing more than clintons insurance policy, and a joke.
David Koresh was no hero. But, all his followers were dead the minute they signed on. The raid was just one method. If not that it would have been something else. The nature of these cult leaders who imagine themselves god is ultimately demand that their followers die for them. Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, that's always the way. It will be that way for obama too.

Every religion you disapprove of is a cult.
And yet the GOP controlled congress investigated and found no wrongdoing on the part of the administration :tinfoil:

Just like they support the obozo amnesty. And just like the dems let Bush get away with 9-11 and invading iraq. Both parties are the same.
Bill Clinton burned 80 people alive at waco including 25 kids. Then he had the survivors thrown in prison so they wouldn't talk. But Letterman never mentioned that. He wants the psychopath back in the WH.

2016 Election Bill talks life at the White House - CNNPolitics.com

may 13 2015
CNN)Bill Clinton says he might move back to the White House — but this time, because of Hillary.

He appeared on David Letterman's CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman" that aired Tuesday night and talked about the work he's been doing with The Clinton Foundation, until Letterman asked, "Put it in a percentage, what's the chance of you moving back to 1600 Pennsylvania?"

The crowd clapped as Bill Clinton paused to respond, with a smile.

"First of all, Hillary has to win the nomination. If she wins the nomination, then she has to win the election," Clinton said. "If she wins the election, the chances are 100 percent I move back ... If I'm asked."

"I hope I will be invited. It will be a good thing for America if she won. I hope she does."
So he set the fire himself?
The death toll climbs higher still. In an interview, Bill Clinton admitted his one regret about his administration is not doing more to assist in Rwanda. He stood by while the corrupt and incompetent UN botched their handling of the Tutsi Hutu ethnic cleansing that killed 800,000. That was unforgivable.

That's not clinton's fault. Not even i would say that.
I would say the Branch Dividians put the children in harms way by their actions....and used them as pawns....
obama has been told he's God so many times, he believes it. He is president only to those that worship him. He is exactly the same kind of person as David Koresh and Jim Jones. The same kind of egotistical madness.

HAHAHA. that's silly. Obozo knows he's an affirmative action baby and totally unqualified to be prez. I doubt if he can even read.
And yet the GOP controlled congress investigated and found no wrongdoing on the part of the administration :tinfoil:

Just like they support the obozo amnesty. And just like the dems let Bush get away with 9-11 and invading iraq. Both parties are the same.
Dude, lay off the

Cause if you are straight gibbering this nonsense
I would say the Branch Dividians put the children in harms way by their actions....and used them as pawns....

The BD sent tanks in to flatten the buildings???
And???? That kept the children inside during the how many days until they flattened the bldg.? They could have let them leave at anytime.. No need to involve the kids in a stand off unless you plan on using them as pawns...
The Clintons are awful in so many ways.

Yup - that story should have been huge but the press buried it. The clinton gang admitted on TV they killed 500,000 kids in a country that never did anything to us - and nobody cared.

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