Letting Bill Be Bill..

Bringing in Clinton was a good idea. This is all about unifying the party.

I loved the way Obama walked off and left the news conference to Clinton proclaiming he has better things to do than deal with this Bull Shit. And that's what it is. The bill will pass. Democrats in the House are just using this opportunity to demonize the Republicans and express their ire that the President for the first time in two years is willing to compromise with the opposition.

This is all about unifying the party.......Democrats in the House are just using this opportunity to demonize the Republicans

yea what a way to bring the Country together.....demonize the other side.....your a typical Party guy Flopper....the party is more important than the country....

I loved the way Obama walked off and left the news conference to Clinton proclaiming he has better things to do than deal with this Bull Shit.

which also shows what kind of a leader he is....

It was good actually. :)
Obama is in over his head, I know it, he knows it. He should resign to run for King of the UN
And Sarah Palin endures the constant 24/7 media flak and shitstorm and never once thought to have the former Mayor of Wasilla speak for her.

She's a quintillion times the leader Obama is
good grief, you just gotta laugh..

the OBAMA is a "superhero" to some lefties and he is here to SAVE AMERCIA..

the HERO worship of a Politician by some is....:lol::cuckoo:
Say what you want about Bush.....The man was a true leader.....God help us if we face a catastrophe of the likes of 9/11 with Obama leading the way.

Bush was a leader....until Iraq......he let the Country split apart much more then it has been in my lifetime....and let people around him manipulate him....he then started being a leader, basically, for those who agreed with him.....the guy had 90% of the Country and World behind him,and lost all that in 6 months..... thats not leadership....

When Bush made the decision to invade Iraq the Dems were mostly with him. The ones just left of center anyway. The length of time and the amount of involvment and the bad intelligence screwed Bush over and the Dems lock stepped away like they never had anything to do with voting yes to an invasion of Iraq.
And Sarah Palin endures the constant 24/7 media flak and shitstorm and never once thought to have the former Mayor of Wasilla speak for her.

She's a quintillion times the leader Obama is

She never shuts up long enough for anyone to speak for her.
OMG, it's the Obama's BABY. he brought the parties together.

that is why the commie-Progressive Bernie Sanders railed on for 8 friggen hours yesterday about why they shouldn't pass this.

what a JOKE, wake us when it ends, please.

If they all vote for the tax cut extension as is in the end, I predict you will have a revelation. The Democrats are doing this for a reason.

What is that reason?
For 20 mins. (after Obama split) we had someone at the podium with leadership qualities. The contrast was stark!
Once again, Obama does not like his job.

Again, you all said the same thing about Clinton. You're all a bunch of judgemental hypocrites.

Sorry, but leaving the country's explanation to someone who isn't even in office anymore, who is supposed to explain YOUR fucked up compromise to the people just so that you can go to a fucking CHRISTMAS PARTY, and then tell everyone that you're scared of pissing off your wife?

Fucker doesn't want the job, he just wants to party and travel.

^^^ This? Spot on.
And Sarah Palin endures the constant 24/7 media flak and shitstorm and never once thought to have the former Mayor of Wasilla speak for her.

She's a quintillion times the leader Obama is

She never shuts up long enough for anyone to speak for her.

Obama is a world class embarrassment, he's too small a man for POTUS. Maybe he can take some time off and run a zoning board somewhere first and train up to the job.
Who will speak for Obama next, Justin Bieber?


Hope Change Tax cuts
OMG, it's the Obama's BABY. he brought the parties together.

that is why the commie-Progressive Bernie Sanders railed on for 8 friggen hours yesterday about why they shouldn't pass this.

what a JOKE, wake us when it ends, please.

If they all vote for the tax cut extension as is in the end, I predict you will have a revelation. The Democrats are doing this for a reason.

What is that reason?

The two year extension of tax cuts for the rich places the republicans on the wrong side of this debate. Democrats really like dragging the argument out so there's never a question that they only conceded because this is the best deal they're going to get before greedy Repubs take over.

I think you all know that and it's the reason for all of these diversionary comments about Obama actually allowing Bill Clinton to have an opinion on this. :eek::lol:
No Harry, the Republicans were the reason for the divide. THEY were the party of no, the hater teapartiers and they made the decision not to participate for two years. Obama is a leader. He is working with Bill Clinton and others to get this country moving again after years of neglect by corrupt Rs.

Indes like what Obama just did, Rs hate it so I've come to the conclusion that he's doing something right.

Just sit back and relax, Harry, there's more to come.

Sarah....if he was a GOOD leader....he would have had at least the Liberal and Moderate Republicans at least giving him the benefit of the doubt.....there were a LOT of Conservative Democrats who were not with him .....the FAR Right crowd will never give him a chance,thats a given.....but if he could not at least had the Moderates and Liberal Republicans saying and some of his own party saying "ok will give you a chance,lets see if your idea's work"....then he aint much of a leader.....you dont say things that PISS OFF the other side and expect them to support you....good sound leaders bring or keep the troops together.....not widen the gap between them....and this includes people with diverse ideas.....when your elected President of the US ....your now the leader of everyone here from the Far Right to the Far Left.....not just your party and its members....if you think since he has been the President he has Brought this Country closer together.....then your some where else Sarah.....its getting to a point where you cant see the other side standing on the edge on their side.....before Bush came along....you were able to talk to the other side.....Bush widened it to where you had to yell to the other side......now you can hardly see the other side and need a cell phone to talk to them.....he is not a good leader Sarah....
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If they all vote for the tax cut extension as is in the end, I predict you will have a revelation. The Democrats are doing this for a reason.

What is that reason?

The two year extension of tax cuts for the rich places the republicans on the wrong side of this debate. Democrats really like dragging the argument out so there's never a question that they only conceded because this is the best deal they're going to get before greedy Repubs take over.

I think you all know that and it's the reason for all of these diversionary comments about Obama actually allowing Bill Clinton to have an opinion on this. :eek::lol:

Your assumptions are false. Stick to your own opinions, you suck at telling other people what they think and know by virtue of the fact that you even think that's a valid way to address another.
No Harry, the Republicans were the reason for the divide. THEY were the party of no, the hater teapartiers and they made the decision not to participate for two years. Obama is a leader. He is working with Bill Clinton and others to get this country moving again after years of neglect by corrupt Rs.

Indes like what Obama just did, Rs hate it so I've come to the conclusion that he's doing something right.

Just sit back and relax, Harry, there's more to come.

Sarah....if he was a GOOD leader....he would have had at least the Liberal and Moderate Republicans at least giving him the benefit of the doubt.....there were a LOT of Conservative Democrats who were not with him .....the FAR Right crowd will never give him a chance,thats a given.....but if he could not at least had the Moderates and Liberal Republicans saying and some of his own party saying "ok will give you a chance,lets see if your idea's work"....then he aint much of a leader.....you dont say things that PISS OFF the other side and expect them to support you....good sound leaders bring or keep the troops together.....not widen the gap between them....and this includes people with diverse ideas.....when your elected President of the US ....your now the leader of everyone here from the Far Right to the Far Left.....not just your party and its members....if you think since he has been the President he has Brought this Country closer together.....then your some where else Sarah.....its getting to a point where you cant see the other side standing on the edge on their side.....before Bush came along....you were able to talk to the other side.....Bush widened it to where you had to yell to the other side......now you can hardly see the other side and need a cell phone to talk to them.....he is not a good leader Sarah....
It first started to show with his "police acted stupidly" BS.........A leader has facts in place before opening their mouth on any issue.......Obama has a tendency to not think before he speaks......That can be quite dangerous.
Obama does know how to lead, he made the right decision for America with the tax cuts and has talked about fights that will soon be taken up.

I'm sure Bill understands the battle weary Obama and he really agrees with this particular policy. I just saw BC talking policy and engaging the press in his way. It was good watching him again.

if he knew how to lead Sarah the Country would not be as far apart as he has let it get.....you dont lead by saying things that alienate half the Country....leadership is about more than just policy decisions....its also about keeping the ship from mutinying...when Clinton was in, there was a divide,but really no worse then those before him.....Bush(another not very good leader) let it become a huge Gorge.....now its the Grand Canyon....and its not getting any better.....Obama is no leader.....

No Harry, the Republicans were the reason for the divide. THEY were the party of no, the hater teapartiers and they made the decision not to participate for two years. Obama is a leader. He is working with Bill Clinton and others to get this country moving again after years of neglect by corrupt Rs.

Indes like what Obama just did, Rs hate it so I've come to the conclusion that he's doing something right.

Just sit back and relax, Harry, there's more to come.

Is Obama going to invite Carter to run a press conference in the White House?
No Harry, the Republicans were the reason for the divide. THEY were the party of no, the hater teapartiers and they made the decision not to participate for two years. Obama is a leader. He is working with Bill Clinton and others to get this country moving again after years of neglect by corrupt Rs.

Indes like what Obama just did, Rs hate it so I've come to the conclusion that he's doing something right.

Just sit back and relax, Harry, there's more to come.

Sarah....if he was a GOOD leader....he would have had at least the Liberal and Moderate Republicans at least giving him the benefit of the doubt.....there were a LOT of Conservative Democrats who were not with him .....the FAR Right crowd will never give him a chance,thats a given.....but if he could not at least had the Moderates and Liberal Republicans saying and some of his own party saying "ok will give you a chance,lets see if your idea's work"....then he aint much of a leader.....you dont say things that PISS OFF the other side and expect them to support you....good sound leaders bring or keep the troops together.....not widen the gap between them....and this includes people with diverse ideas.....when your elected President of the US ....your now the leader of everyone here from the Far Right to the Far Left.....not just your party and its members....if you think since he has been the President he has Brought this Country closer together.....then your some where else Sarah.....its getting to a point where you cant see the other side standing on the edge on their side.....before Bush came along....you were able to talk to the other side.....Bush widened it to where you had to yell to the other side......now you can hardly see the other side and need a cell phone to talk to them.....he is not a good leader Sarah....
It first started to show with his "police acted stupidly" BS.........A leader has facts in place before opening their mouth on any issue.......Obama has a tendency to not think before he speaks......That can be quite dangerous.

Another clear sign was when he let some low level staffer take the hit for the AFOne over NYC fiasco. A real leader takes the blame for things like that. Instead Obama let some poor smuck take the hit.

He breaks literally every rule of leadership they teach in OCS.

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