Lev Parnas, Key Player in Ukraine Affair, Completes Break With Trump and Giuliani

BREAKING NEWS: This just in ....Biden's great grandchildren, Becky and Bucky Biden were recently arrested in a DEA and ATF meth lab raid.....the libs issued a media blackout on this story....

Authorities seized 12 kilos of meth and coke and 100 firearms believed to be from the Fast & Furious operation..

Becky Biden declined to comment and Bucky promised that he wouldn't be going down alone......is that a threat to Joe Biden??
WASHINGTON — Lev Parnas, the Soviet-born businessman who played a central role in the campaign to pressure Ukraine to investigate political rivals of President Trump, completed his break with the White House on Wednesday, asserting for the first time in public that the president was fully aware of the efforts to dig up damaging information on his behalf.

In an interview with The New York Times on the day the House transmitted articles of impeachment against Mr. Trump to the Senate, Mr. Parnas also expressed regret for having trusted Mr. Trump and Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer and the architect of the Ukraine pressure campaign. His lawyer said he was eager to cooperate with federal prosecutors investigating Mr. Giuliani.

In the messages, Mr. Giuliani boasted of the effort to secure the visa: “It’s going to work I have no 1 in it.” Mr. Parnas said the reference to No. 1 was to Mr. Trump.

“I am betting my whole life that Trump knew exactly everything that was going on that Rudy Giuliani was doing in Ukraine,” Mr. Parnas said.

Lev Parnas, Key Player in Ukraine Affair, Completes Break With Trump and Giuliani

Come on Trump Humpers and tell us how much of a liar that Lev Parnas is and that he is just making all this up to save his own skin.
What's this digging up dirt bullcrap on a political rival, when Biden has been found alledgedly to be corrupt beyond anyone's imagination, and therefore should be disqualified maybe even jailed instead of freely running for any position in our government going forward ?? Biden, the hopes and dreams of the Democrats was caught red handed by his own boasting of a Quid-pro-quo, and now it's cover up time with all the spin and bullcrap wording to attempt to clear him.
Hopefully the investigation that is currently being done by the Justice Dept into Joe and Hunter Biden will start turning up some indictments soon....oh wait!

There isn't an investigation...…..guess we have to wait for Ukraine or China to do it for us....

Yes China and Ukraine might have to do it (joking), because it appears that almost everyone here is corrupt now (not joking). What a shame it all is. If it ain't this politician show boating, heck it's another one show boating and/or boasting to the American people about this or that (like some kind of cheap car salesmen).. Well they do well until their corruption finally gets them in trouble with the law. Problem however, is that we have this two-tiered justice system. Laws don't apply to politicians, and of course they have their spin masters covering for them at every turn, yet meanwhile the average citizen is made an example of when they dare buck the system.

A party ignoring their own bad, when trying to convict another party is just bad mojo. Remember the Republicans have been the defendents since 2015, while the Democrats have been the aggressor's. Yeah Trump said MAGA, and he defended alot of old school stuff that he remembered growing up about what made America great, but instantly nostalgia became some kind of dog whistles according to the Democrats, otherwise they figured that it would include everything under the sun good and bad, even if Trump never had any ill intent directed towards anyone in his MAGA mantra, they still applied it to him anyways. It was all just used in a way to take everything that the man said, to somehow mean something other than what he said or what he meant when saying it.

The agenda created by Obama and crew was not to be broken, and that meant that corruption probably had to be used if nessesary to seal the agenda successes and their assurances. Remember the "insurance policy" or back up plan talked about ? Simply amazing it has all been since 2015.

What period is he referring to?
Why the fuck did Trump send his personal attorney to the Ukraine? Was he on the government payroll?

I’m extremely very disappointed how these bunch amateurs handled these Ukrainian scandals especially Guilliani.

These people are supposed to be the top notch. But pure ineptness and amateurism.

Guilliani goes to Ukraine sent by Trump to dig dirt on Biden. Then he worked with well known corrupted people like Shokin. Then worked with Ukrainian parliament that are very strong ties to Putin. Called Russian separatist hardliners. The same hardliners that push the Ukraine did the hacking not the Russians.
He brought Solomon and the worthless Trump media to support him.

All of those are enemies of current president Zelensky. In Ukraine they know Trump is a corrupted disgusting dishonest person.

Guilliani comes back appear on Fox News. Broadcast what he did. That is so fucking hilarious. Is that supposed to be credible? Talking about an idiot.

Senator Graham sent Guilliani a letter to prove what he is saying. Come out and will talk this in my judiciary.

Zelensky never talk to Guilliani when he was in Ukraine as Trump requested written in his transcript.

Now Guilliani is becoming a liability. Most likely he is going to jail.
now that parnas has implicated pence in this, it looks like ukraine will be opening an investigation into a US VP after all! :113:
You wish you could take Pence out with the bullcrap, but you can dream on because it ain't happening. LOL

Parnas recent statement was just the start.

Wait they they revealed how the money illegally transferred to Trump campaign finances. That’s a big one.
Don’t tell me Trump is not aware of these illegal activities.
now that parnas has implicated pence in this, it looks like ukraine will be opening an investigation into a US VP after all! :113:

Yeah, you go with that. Parnas has already changed his story. Your drunken fantasy ISN’T happening.
WASHINGTON — Lev Parnas, the Soviet-born businessman who played a central role in the campaign to pressure Ukraine to investigate political rivals of President Trump, completed his break with the White House on Wednesday, asserting for the first time in public that the president was fully aware of the efforts to dig up damaging information on his behalf.

In an interview with The New York Times on the day the House transmitted articles of impeachment against Mr. Trump to the Senate, Mr. Parnas also expressed regret for having trusted Mr. Trump and Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer and the architect of the Ukraine pressure campaign. His lawyer said he was eager to cooperate with federal prosecutors investigating Mr. Giuliani.

In the messages, Mr. Giuliani boasted of the effort to secure the visa: “It’s going to work I have no 1 in it.” Mr. Parnas said the reference to No. 1 was to Mr. Trump.

“I am betting my whole life that Trump knew exactly everything that was going on that Rudy Giuliani was doing in Ukraine,” Mr. Parnas said.

Lev Parnas, Key Player in Ukraine Affair, Completes Break With Trump and Giuliani

Come on Trump Humpers and tell us how much of a liar that Lev Parnas is and that he is just making all this up to save his own skin.

Did they give back their rings?
WASHINGTON — Lev Parnas, the Soviet-born businessman who played a central role in the campaign to pressure Ukraine to investigate political rivals of President Trump, completed his break with the White House on Wednesday, asserting for the first time in public that the president was fully aware of the efforts to dig up damaging information on his behalf.

In an interview with The New York Times on the day the House transmitted articles of impeachment against Mr. Trump to the Senate, Mr. Parnas also expressed regret for having trusted Mr. Trump and Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer and the architect of the Ukraine pressure campaign. His lawyer said he was eager to cooperate with federal prosecutors investigating Mr. Giuliani.

In the messages, Mr. Giuliani boasted of the effort to secure the visa: “It’s going to work I have no 1 in it.” Mr. Parnas said the reference to No. 1 was to Mr. Trump.

“I am betting my whole life that Trump knew exactly everything that was going on that Rudy Giuliani was doing in Ukraine,” Mr. Parnas said.

Lev Parnas, Key Player in Ukraine Affair, Completes Break With Trump and Giuliani

Come on Trump Humpers and tell us how much of a liar that Lev Parnas is and that he is just making all this up to save his own skin.

"I am betting my whole life that Trump knew exactly everything that was going on that Rudy Giuliani was doing in Ukraine,”

We got here a gambler who's placing bets. He has no direct knowledge, he's just guessing.

I would like to know how much they're paying him to say what they want him to say.
WASHINGTON — Lev Parnas, the Soviet-born businessman who played a central role in the campaign to pressure Ukraine to investigate political rivals of President Trump, completed his break with the White House on Wednesday, asserting for the first time in public that the president was fully aware of the efforts to dig up damaging information on his behalf.

In an interview with The New York Times on the day the House transmitted articles of impeachment against Mr. Trump to the Senate, Mr. Parnas also expressed regret for having trusted Mr. Trump and Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer and the architect of the Ukraine pressure campaign. His lawyer said he was eager to cooperate with federal prosecutors investigating Mr. Giuliani.

In the messages, Mr. Giuliani boasted of the effort to secure the visa: “It’s going to work I have no 1 in it.” Mr. Parnas said the reference to No. 1 was to Mr. Trump.

“I am betting my whole life that Trump knew exactly everything that was going on that Rudy Giuliani was doing in Ukraine,” Mr. Parnas said.

Lev Parnas, Key Player in Ukraine Affair, Completes Break With Trump and Giuliani

Come on Trump Humpers and tell us how much of a liar that Lev Parnas is and that he is just making all this up to save his own skin.

"I am betting my whole life that Trump knew exactly everything that was going on that Rudy Giuliani was doing in Ukraine,”

We got here a gambler who's placing bets. He has no direct knowledge, he's just guessing.

I would like to know how much they're paying him to say what they want him to say.

Probably 130K.
now that parnas has implicated pence in this, it looks like ukraine will be opening an investigation into a US VP after all! :113:
You wish you could take Pence out with the bullcrap, but you can dream on because it ain't happening. LOL

Parnas recent statement was just the start.

Wait they they revealed how the money illegally transferred to Trump campaign finances. That’s a big one.
Don’t tell me Trump is not aware of these illegal activities.

yep, manafort - who is in prison now, was donny's campaign manager & steered him in the direction of pence for VP ( to win over the evangelisticals ) & just as interesting is that pence was head of the trump's transition team after he 'won' the election.
now that parnas has implicated pence in this, it looks like ukraine will be opening an investigation into a US VP after all! :113:

Yeah, you go with that. Parnas has already changed his story. Your drunken fantasy ISN’T happening.

parnas needs to be cross examined under oath. why won't the (R)s wanna do that? why are they afraid? has trump's drunken press secretary said why?


how'z about matt gaetz?

Fucking idiot.

but.....but.....but.... Biden.

Well your party held both houses & still have the senate so tell them to investigate Biden. They have not because they know you are a lying fuck & there is nothing to your Biden lies.

You assfucks get dumber every fucking day.
Desperate and Angry is no way to go through life.
Neither is being a lying fuck who worships frauds , business cheats liars & woman abusers.
now that parnas has implicated pence in this, it looks like ukraine will be opening an investigation into a US VP after all! :113:

Yeah, you go with that. Parnas has already changed his story. Your drunken fantasy ISN’T happening.

parnas needs to be cross examined under oath. why won't the (R)s wanna do that? why are they afraid? has trump's drunken press secretary said why?


how'z about matt gaetz?


Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and so many who follow him are helping him to destroy the nation as they unwittingly do his work "freely" for him.

The nation loses by this focussing on the past, and not on the future of the country going foward instead. Judge by one's current actions, current job performance, and their current character moving forward, and if encounter something wrong in those actions, then call them on it. It's the only way to move foward, and keep moving foward in a positive light.

The past is dead, but the future is alive and well...Satan's follower's are out to destroy the future by way of the past because that is what they do for him.. Don't follow Satan, and instead seek to be free from his chains in life. It's all people can do.
Wait.....Aunt Nancy and Adam have been saying for weeks the evidence against the President is overwhelming!!

So....why would they need this new evidence?

Fucking idiot.

but.....but.....but.... Biden.

Well your party held both houses & still have the senate so tell them to investigate Biden. They have not because they know you are a lying fuck & there is nothing to your Biden lies.

You assfucks get dumber every fucking day.
Desperate and Angry is no way to go through life.
Neither is being a lying fuck who worships frauds , business cheats liars & woman abusers.

s0n.....once again, you're being suckered with more fakery. Parnas changes nothing and the Senate knows it. They've been sitting in him for months....

You got suckered during Kavanaugh and Russia every time a new "Ahh...haa!!" moment was pushed by the DUMS and the msm! Here we go again!!

Grab some KY while it's still on the shelves....every day moves us closer to Big Bumpy day for DUMS all across the country!! I cant wait for those threads to start.....been a board member for 10 years and nothing will come near this for levels of hysterical laughter and football spiking!:2up:
Guaranteed gonna be a mini series about this trump character and his merry band of miscreants, misfits, and convicts when his so called presidency has thankfully ended.
now that parnas has implicated pence in this, it looks like ukraine will be opening an investigation into a US VP after all! :113:

Yeah, you go with that. Parnas has already changed his story. Your drunken fantasy ISN’T happening.

parnas needs to be cross examined under oath. why won't the (R)s wanna do that? why are they afraid? has trump's drunken press secretary said why?


how'z about matt gaetz?


Pathetically grasping for straws (probably for your next round). If these idiots had ANYTHING, why didn’t your stupid Dims call them as witnesses? Why were you afraid?
Guaranteed gonna be a mini series about this trump character and his merry band of miscreants, misfits, and convicts when his so called presidency has thankfully ended.
Best president we've had in years, but your self serving blindness because of your demo brainwashing has got you hating the man as if he was going to end liberalism and the Democrat's forever. Unbelievable.

You cats have got to get more faith in your party, because Trump caused y'all to flat lose it when he became president. What part of 4 to 8 years do you not understand about the time limit term of being president ? It's not forever nor the end of the world for Democrat's, so why act as if it was ?? It's really weird how the Democrats lost their gum when Trump became president, as if there was something bad going on prior to him running or becoming president.
Think of the glee which will come for Trump supporters when he gets acquitted soon.....an ePiC spike the football moment in time. Especially if it comes to pass that the Biden kid and Schiff get hauled into the trial! I'd pay $ to watch Dershowitz do the grilling of both. Imagine the level of stingy butthurt from the left? A full tube of KY wont help! This forum is going to be more of a hoot than ever before....unless one is a lefty.

now that parnas has implicated pence in this, it looks like ukraine will be opening an investigation into a US VP after all! :113:

Yeah, you go with that. Parnas has already changed his story. Your drunken fantasy ISN’T happening.

parnas needs to be cross examined under oath. why won't the (R)s wanna do that? why are they afraid? has trump's drunken press secretary said why?


how'z about matt gaetz?


Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and so many who follow him are helping him to destroy the nation as they unwittingly do his work "freely" for him.

The nation loses by this focussing on the past, and not on the future of the country going foward instead. Judge by one's current actions, current job performance, and their current character moving forward, and if encounter something wrong in those actions, then call them on it. It's the only way to move foward, and keep moving foward in a positive light.

The past is dead, but the future is alive and well...Satan's follower's are out to destroy the future by way of the past because that is what they do for him.. Don't follow Satan, and instead seek to be free from his chains in life. It's all people can do.

all that satan talk - is that an AA thing?

' Judge by one's current actions, current job performance, and their current character moving forward, and if encounter something wrong in those actions, then call them on it. '



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