Lev Parnas Says Trump Knew Everything In Ukraine Scandal

He's just the point man on the ground in Ukraine who was pressuring the Zelensky admin to make the announcement.
He said he sat in meetings with Barr where this was discussed.

Decidedly not limited.

limited to that aspect,,,
but it seems if barr was involved there he was involved in the rest of it,,,

There is no "rest of it".

Barr has already said in a nationally televised interview that he never contacted the Ukrainian govt to investigate and that Trump never asked him to.

Justice Department: Trump never asked Barr to talk to Ukraine

who said he contacted anyone???
but as parnas said he was involved,,,that was a big complaint of the TDSers that he wasnt involved,,,

Well then what is "the rest of it" that you said Barr was involved with in Ukraine?

you dont know???

sorry at this point if you dont know you should educate yourself cause I'm tired of educating others

Apparently you don't know either as you are unable to explain your own posts.

The former associate of Rudy Giuliani said in an MSNBC interview that the president was aware of “all my movements.”

Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani at the center of the Ukraine scandal that led to President Donald Trump’s impeachment, said both men were fully aware “of all my movements” and that the president knew “exactly what was going on” as he waged a pressure campaign to dig up dirt on a presidential campaign rival.

“President Trump knew exactly what was going on,” Parnas told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in an interview set to air Wednesday. “He was aware of all my movements. I wouldn’t do anything without the consent of Rudy Giuliani or the president. I have no intent, I have no reason to speak to any of these officials.”

The explosive comments come the same day the House voted to send two articles of impeachment against the president to the Senate for trial. The House voted largely along party lines to impeach Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress last month. He is just the third American president to be impeached.

The pressure campaign in Ukraine was a central fixture of the House impeachment vote after a parade of current and former Trump administration officials detailed an effort by the White House to pressure Ukraine to announce an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter in exchange for political favors.


Rachel Maddow interviewing Parnas is awesome! If you haven't seen it - you should.

Part 2 tomorrow night.
The problem with all of this is Trump wasn't digging up dirt.....he was trying to find out who committed crimes.
That's what he's supposed to do.
You idiots seem to think that once a Democrat announces they are running for president THEY ARE HEREBY ABOVE THE LAW.

What crimes?

That's not what Parnas says he was doing.
What crimes?

  • Espionage
  • Money laundering
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Perjury in a FISA application
  • Violation of the Logan act
  • Criminal conspiracy
This is like a bad Netflix series. 100% partisan and boring and we know the outcome.
It's only 100% partisan because one side refuses to even look at the now overwhelming evidence.

evidence of what???

a second ago you ddnt know what else was happening,,,,

stop being a dumb fuck and grow up,,,

evidence of what??

Case in point.

He was talking in general, dope. Not about your clueless posts about Barr.
if y
This is like a bad Netflix series. 100% partisan and boring and we know the outcome.
It's only 100% partisan because one side refuses to even look at the now overwhelming evidence.

evidence of what???

a second ago you ddnt know what else was happening,,,,

stop being a dumb fuck and grow up,,,

evidence of what??

Case in point.

He was talking in general, dope. Not about your clueless posts about Barr.

if you didnt edit my post it would show your a dumbass and a liar,,,
if y
This is like a bad Netflix series. 100% partisan and boring and we know the outcome.
It's only 100% partisan because one side refuses to even look at the now overwhelming evidence.

evidence of what???

a second ago you ddnt know what else was happening,,,,

stop being a dumb fuck and grow up,,,

evidence of what??

Case in point.

He was talking in general, dope. Not about your clueless posts about Barr.

if you didnt edit my post it would show your a dumbass and a liar,,,

Your posts are intact and there for you to use as you wish. If you were competent that is.
This is like a bad Netflix series. 100% partisan and boring and we know the outcome.
It's only 100% partisan because one side refuses to even look at the now overwhelming evidence.

Says you. The other side says otherwise. Hell one Democrat switched to GOP and another voted "present". Plus you're a Leftist. I remember your prior comments. You're biased too.

The former associate of Rudy Giuliani said in an MSNBC interview that the president was aware of “all my movements.”

Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani at the center of the Ukraine scandal that led to President Donald Trump’s impeachment, said both men were fully aware “of all my movements” and that the president knew “exactly what was going on” as he waged a pressure campaign to dig up dirt on a presidential campaign rival.

“President Trump knew exactly what was going on,” Parnas told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in an interview set to air Wednesday. “He was aware of all my movements. I wouldn’t do anything without the consent of Rudy Giuliani or the president. I have no intent, I have no reason to speak to any of these officials.”

The explosive comments come the same day the House voted to send two articles of impeachment against the president to the Senate for trial. The House voted largely along party lines to impeach Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress last month. He is just the third American president to be impeached.

The pressure campaign in Ukraine was a central fixture of the House impeachment vote after a parade of current and former Trump administration officials detailed an effort by the White House to pressure Ukraine to announce an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter in exchange for political favors.


Rachel Maddow interviewing Parnas is awesome! If you haven't seen it - you should.

You are so dumb.

You can't dig up what isn't there.

. . . and if it IS there? It is the president's job to clean up corruption.

If it isn't? Sure, impeach Trump. But anyone that is into this? Knows it is there, we saw the film and Hunter Biden admitted it in an interview. On top of that, the Ukrainian PM has denied that any undue influence was placed upon them.

Not a lot else to this story.

Eat up!
I'm still waiting for you to answer my question.

I'll repeat it for you.

Do you believe that because lev said jabba the hutt barr was part of the team that makes it a legal investigation?

thats the same question I asked,,,
So what conclusion did you come to, is it legal?
I'm still waiting for you to answer my question.

I'll repeat it for you.

Do you believe that because lev said jabba the hutt barr was part of the team that makes it a legal investigation?

thats the same question I asked,,,
So what conclusion did you come to, is it legal?

if I knew that I wouldnt have asked the question,,,
I already stated no. Now you know.

so the AG isnt allowed to look into corruption???
And...when it's found that the AG is part of the corruption?
thats the same question I asked,,,
So what conclusion did you come to, is it legal?
thats the same question I asked,,,
So what conclusion did you come to, is it legal?

if I knew that I wouldnt have asked the question,,,
I already stated no. Now you know.

so the AG isnt allowed to look into corruption???
And...when it's found that the AG is part of the corruption?

dont you mean investigation???
So President Trump was aware that Rudy was trying to get the Ukrainians to investigate the Biden's.

So what? Isn't this "oppo research"? Not illegal at all. Democrats do it all the time...did it extensively against Trump.

So what?
"So What"? Why am I not surprised to see CRC trumpanzees get to that point.
Adam Schiffhead has to be pissed he didn't know this before he closed his "rush" investigation.

Cause it might have made a case out of a non-case.
Who says he didn't know? And now Speaker Pelosi holding off handing over the Impeachment paperwork for a while makes perfect sense.
Drain the whole damn dirty white house Swamp! Then do a sage burning ceremony or exorcism of the whole darn white House and the offices of all of his cabinet and admin... to cleanse the evil spirit swamp ghosts still lingering around.

We've got the MOB running the country out of the white house from behind the resolute desk....HOLY SMOKES!

WHY can't you SEE THIS? It could not be any clearer... sigh.... :(

crooked donald has got to go.... he's killing this Nation, with his unbridled corruption... so sad to see this...a shameful disgrace of a president...

if only you, his trumper acolytes had bridled him, and not excused his every awful,unlawful, or dirty deed for the past 3 years, it would not have gotten to this point of no return when it comes to his lawlessness, his high crimes and misdemeanors, his abuse of power, his bold corruptness....

YOU did this to him.... your blind eye allowed his becoming more bold with his corruption.

It's getting harder and harder for the Republican Senators to even be able to acquit the president.... without some super inhuman Gumby type contortion.....

Although unlikely more than likely will the president be found guilty and removed from office, but the chances are getting a little more likely, than Dec 18th, the day he was impeached imo

Republican Senators are different than R congress critters, they don't move lockstep...
They. Don't. Care. (In other words, this is what they've been asking for for decades, the destruction of the United States as a progressive democratic republic)
Drain the whole damn dirty white house Swamp! Then do a sage burning ceremony or exorcism of the whole darn white House and the offices of all of his cabinet and admin... to cleanse the evil spirit swamp ghosts still lingering around.

We've got the MOB running the country out of the white house from behind the resolute desk....HOLY SMOKES!

WHY can't you SEE THIS? It could not be any clearer... sigh.... :(

crooked donald has got to go.... he's killing this Nation, with his unbridled corruption... so sad to see this...a shameful disgrace of a president...

if only you, his trumper acolytes had bridled him, and not excused his every awful,unlawful, or dirty deed for the past 3 years, it would not have gotten to this point of no return when it comes to his lawlessness, his high crimes and misdemeanors, his abuse of power, his bold corruptness....

YOU did this to him.... your blind eye allowed his becoming more bold with his corruption.

It's getting harder and harder for the Republican Senators to even be able to acquit the president.... without some super inhuman Gumby type contortion.....

Although unlikely more than likely will the president be found guilty and removed from office, but the chances are getting a little more likely, than Dec 18th, the day he was impeached imo

Republican Senators are different than R congress critters, they don't move lockstep...

Great example of how you guys will lock your lips on the dicks of anyone who will tell you what you want to hear.

Trump is president. For five more years.

Thanks, in part, to you.

Suck on it.
So you admit the Russian fix is in on the 2020 election.
Drain the whole damn dirty white house Swamp! Then do a sage burning ceremony or exorcism of the whole darn white House and the offices of all of his cabinet and admin... to cleanse the evil spirit swamp ghosts still lingering around.

We've got the MOB running the country out of the white house from behind the resolute desk....HOLY SMOKES!

WHY can't you SEE THIS? It could not be any clearer... sigh.... :(

crooked donald has got to go.... he's killing this Nation, with his unbridled corruption... so sad to see this...a shameful disgrace of a president...

if only you, his trumper acolytes had bridled him, and not excused his every awful,unlawful, or dirty deed for the past 3 years, it would not have gotten to this point of no return when it comes to his lawlessness, his high crimes and misdemeanors, his abuse of power, his bold corruptness....

YOU did this to him.... your blind eye allowed his becoming more bold with his corruption.

It's getting harder and harder for the Republican Senators to even be able to acquit the president.... without some super inhuman Gumby type contortion.....

Although unlikely more than likely will the president be found guilty and removed from office, but the chances are getting a little more likely, than Dec 18th, the day he was impeached imo

Republican Senators are different than R congress critters, they don't move lockstep...
They. Don't. Care. (In other words, this is what they've been asking for for decades, the destruction of the United States as a progressive democratic republic)

we've never been a progressive dem republic,,,
Parnas has documents to back up his words.

So did Adam Shiff. So did Stormy Daniels as well as many other from Russia to porn land. So far everyone who had the good on trump has either been tossed in the slammer, owing Trump a shit ton of money, or has had to walk off the stage. This dude was wrapped up months ago. If he had the goods, Adam Shiff would have had them. I almost can't wait to see what Trump gets impeached for in 2022. Your team lost. Your team is going to lose again. You will feel better if you accept it and move on.

Funny. Trump* already lost. He is impeached - FOREVER.


He'll only be PRESIDENT for the next five years.
If you believe that the fix is in.
Parnas has documents to back up his words.

So did Adam Shiff. So did Stormy Daniels as well as many other from Russia to porn land. So far everyone who had the good on trump has either been tossed in the slammer, owing Trump a shit ton of money, or has had to walk off the stage. This dude was wrapped up months ago. If he had the goods, Adam Shiff would have had them. I almost can't wait to see what Trump gets impeached for in 2022. Your team lost. Your team is going to lose again. You will feel better if you accept it and move on.

Funny. Trump* already lost. He is impeached - FOREVER.


He'll only be PRESIDENT for the next five years.
If you believe that the fix is in.

It's folks like you who make the Internet awesome!

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