Levin: Repeal the 17th Amendment

When 50% of the people are parasites and will vote for keeping themselves in that group does it really matter?

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I love you guys

You are the reason your party is doomed to fail

Well you're a little slow actually. Once the paul's can only survive by making the peter's pay their way and have the ability to vote for that outcome we are pretty much f*cked as a nation.

The party may be doomed to fail but the demise of the US is the result of that failure. When you wake up to living in a communist system you have nobody to blame for it than you. No more individual success, no more individual decisions the government will decide for you. As if they have your best interest at heart.

I'm guessing you're too stupid to follow this logic.

No, we are not fucked, since there are plenty of options remaining, but they are mostly less preferable to the ballot box.
Areas don't have rights. People do. The rural guy gets one vote, the city guy gets one vote...

...any other system is undemocratic. If you believe there is a greater good achieved when the system is made undemocratic, fine,

make that case. Just don't deny that it's undemocratic.

And by that statement you should want to eliminate the Senators completely. Why should a small state get the same number of Senators as a state that is 100 times it's poplulation???????????

Liberals and Dems are always fighting for MINORITY RIGHTS. When they agree with it........If they don't agree, aka Rural areas then get lost................

The very argument you are making is against the founders principles aka the election of the Senate.

I.e.......Rural areas near New York City who disagree with the city folks are so outweighed in the numbers game that they must believe their vote for a Senator is a waste of time.

Compare it to the current electoral college for the POTUS. 4 States carry the Lions share of the votes.

One person one vote is democratic. Anything else is undemocratic. Admit that it's undemocratic,

then make your case for why something undemocratic should be allowed in a democratic system.

We have a republic you stupid f*cker. We have that to keep uneducated morons like you in check.
And by that statement you should want to eliminate the Senators completely. Why should a small state get the same number of Senators as a state that is 100 times it's poplulation???????????

Liberals and Dems are always fighting for MINORITY RIGHTS. When they agree with it........If they don't agree, aka Rural areas then get lost................

The very argument you are making is against the founders principles aka the election of the Senate.

I.e.......Rural areas near New York City who disagree with the city folks are so outweighed in the numbers game that they must believe their vote for a Senator is a waste of time.

Compare it to the current electoral college for the POTUS. 4 States carry the Lions share of the votes.

One person one vote is democratic. Anything else is undemocratic. Admit that it's undemocratic,

then make your case for why something undemocratic should be allowed in a democratic system.

And hallelujah it is NOT democratic, dumbshit.


When are you butt-licking morons going to get that?

Dumbocrats like Rightwinger and NYcarbineer will never get that because they are uneducated. They have no clue about how their own government is intended to run and have never read the Constitution. It's just a sad fact....
Kudos to G5000 for starting this thread.

(Can't believe I just wrote that....)

Like you, I rarely agree with g5000. And like you, I think he started a good thread here. Partly because of the topic, and partly because it taught me a lot about why 75% of the time I think g5000 needs therapy.

With the exception of Ron Paul, there is no bigger unhinged loon than Mark Levin. As pretty much everyone on this board knows, I am a die-hard constitutional conservative. Levin is not a conservative - he is a lunatic and a quasi-anarchist. He's actually gone on rants that Ron Paul is a "fake Republican". Dude, when Ron fucking Paul isn't far enough off the political scale to the right for you, you've got serious fucking issues.

When you go beyond the Constitution to the right, you are every bit as disturbed and dangerous as progressives who go beyond the Constitution to the left. I can handle less than 3 minutes off Levin before I have to turn the channel - and I'm genuinely concerned about anyone who listens to him.

Dude, Paul and Levin are not to the right of the Constitution; THERE IS NO RIGHT BEYOND THE CONSTITUTION! IF it is unconstitutional, that is all it is; unfuckingconstitutional.
Areas don't have rights. People do. The rural guy gets one vote, the city guy gets one vote...

...any other system is undemocratic. If you believe there is a greater good achieved when the system is made undemocratic, fine,

make that case. Just don't deny that it's undemocratic.

And by that statement you should want to eliminate the Senators completely. Why should a small state get the same number of Senators as a state that is 100 times it's poplulation???????????

Liberals and Dems are always fighting for MINORITY RIGHTS. When they agree with it........If they don't agree, aka Rural areas then get lost................

The very argument you are making is against the founders principles aka the election of the Senate.

I.e.......Rural areas near New York City who disagree with the city folks are so outweighed in the numbers game that they must believe their vote for a Senator is a waste of time.

Compare it to the current electoral college for the POTUS. 4 States carry the Lions share of the votes.

One person one vote is democratic. Anything else is undemocratic. Admit that it's undemocratic,

then make your case for why something undemocratic should be allowed in a democratic system.

The Founding Fathers created a Republic. Not a pure Democracy. Their purposes were VERY CLEAR. To install as many checks and balances on Gov't to prevent future abuse of power. In doing so they gave the people the reigns in the house to represent the populace. And for State Rights they gave it to the states in the Senate. Thus the Senate was to be the Representative of the State Legislature and Government. All of which had to be elected by the people.

And on and on. It was done to give the States a Direct Vote irregardless of the States party, on the Federal Gov't. It also gave them the power to get rid of the Senator and Replace him if he chose the path not represented by the Legislature. Aka A Senator with a Leash so to say, in order to ensure he pursues the believes and concerns of the States.

You don't lose your vote. It worked until Woodrow Wilson was in Office, who happened to be one of the most Progressive Presidents in American History.
When 50% of the people are parasites and will vote for keeping themselves in that group does it really matter?

Two for two
I love you guys

You are the reason your party is doomed to fail

Well you're a little slow actually. Once the paul's can only survive by making the peter's pay their way and have the ability to vote for that outcome we are pretty much f*cked as a nation.

The party may be doomed to fail but the demise of the US is the result of that failure. When you wake up to living in a communist system you have nobody to blame for it than you. No more individual success, no more individual decisions the government will decide for you. As if they have your best interest at heart.

I'm guessing you're too stupid to follow this logic.

You fail to understand that 50% that you so despise

They once thought they had caught the American dream. They worked hard, had good benefits, we're starting to save some money...
Then something strange happened. People they didn't know made some bad investments, overextended, got greedy
The job market collapsed, once stable jobs became part time. No benefits, no insurance, you make 60% of what you used to.
Meanwhile, your bills go up. Your car breaks down, your wife gets sick. The kids want to go to college

These are the 50% that you mock
Two for two
I love you guys

You are the reason your party is doomed to fail

Well you're a little slow actually. Once the paul's can only survive by making the peter's pay their way and have the ability to vote for that outcome we are pretty much f*cked as a nation.

The party may be doomed to fail but the demise of the US is the result of that failure. When you wake up to living in a communist system you have nobody to blame for it than you. No more individual success, no more individual decisions the government will decide for you. As if they have your best interest at heart.

I'm guessing you're too stupid to follow this logic.

You fail to understand that 50% that you so despise

They once thought they had caught the American dream. They worked hard, had good benefits, we're starting to save some money...
Then something strange happened. People they didn't know made some bad investments, overextended, got greedy
The job market collapsed, once stable jobs became part time. No benefits, no insurance, you make 60% of what you used to.
Meanwhile, your bills go up. Your car breaks down, your wife gets sick. The kids want to go to college

These are the 50% that you mock

Actually that's the 50% that the cause of their problem was the government and think the solution to the problem caused by government is more government. It's not my problem you morons can't see the forest for the hand out trees.

Nothing strange happened here. It was predicted long ago what was going to happen by people that pay attention to these laws as well as anyone with some common f*cking sense.

I mock 50% of the people too f*cking stupid to know a housing economy can't go up 50% a f*cking year without a bubble. I mock them for thinking they could qualify for a home when they make a fraction of the money a month to actually pay for it. I mock 50% of the people that now think the government should take care of them.

I have no problem mocking them.

The government caused the failure, the idiots went all in and now like a bunch of undereducated morons they will throw themselves behind even more government to fix their problem with the f*cking idea they will get it for free.

They deserve to be mocked.
I agree. Its a conservative plot to pack the senate w/ conservatives because there would be less people to bribe and it would therefore be cheaper for the money men who currently own Washington to buy elections

my rw friend listens to Levin but I don't listen to talk radio
Isn't it interesting that for progressive-ism to thrive, they must move away from the Constitution, and that any return to Constitutional principles equals a plot to install conservatives.

What exactly do you oppose? Conservatives gaining control of the country through legal means, or progressives gaining control through illicit means?

how is moving away from an electoral process that more easily facilitated bribes= "moving away from the Constitution"? :eusa_eh: They were basically being "appointed" just like Bush II was appointed. Don't like it.
No, they were not. That is a talking point.

The people elect their State Legislation.

The State Legislation appoints the US Senators.

How is it that you can trust elected representatives to write laws that affect your every day life, but think that these same representatives are corrupt when it comes to appointing a US Senator?

The current way of electing Senators is twice as rife with corruption as the
original Constitutional method.
It all goes back to your assertion that the 14th binds us in slavery rather than in freedoms. Tell me, how can an amendment that enumerates our rights, by your own admission, through extending them to the states as well as the federal government cause us to be slaves. The concept is still foreign to me.

How about you read the links I provided you? Do you want another 100,000 character post?
I believe the rightwingers support this looney idea because they have some sort of weird affection for the original Constitution, some sort of religious attachment to it (not unlike Christian fundamentalists and the Bible)

where except in the extreme cases where even they aren't crazy enough to defend the original, on issues such as slavery or women's suffrage,

they feel this need to deify the founders in one way or another, and one way to do that is to heap praise on as much of their original ideas as possible,

including this crazy one.

Tell me, who is crazier, the Constitutionalists, who adhere to the Constitution, or the Libtards, that are responsible for the extermination of 54,000,000 fetuses? More than 60% of them are black, Hitler would be proud --- I mean Marget Sanger --- who developed the Negro Project.
Federalist 62 says this about it:

"...on the appointment of senators by the State legislatures. Among the various modes which might have been devised for constituting this branch of the government, that which has been proposed by the convention is probably the most congenial with the public opinion."

Ok, so it was supported back then because of public opinion? Fair enough.

Where's the current 'public opinion' for changing it NOW??

And now ask yourself, why was the public, who experienced hard-core tyranny and revolution first-hand, most supportive of this mode?
Repeal of the 17th amendment allows Republicans to get Senate seats without having to deal with the pesky voters

Other than that, make voting more difficult. Cut down on polling places and hours. Make people stand on line. Demand increasingly difficult ID.

The Electoral College is now unwinable for a GOP candidate. Get Republican controlled blue states to split their electoral votes while red states remain all or nothing

Gerrymander, gerrymander, gerrymander to make sure Republicans control the House even though they get fewer votes

This is the political future of the GOP

In other words you're afraid of the system working as intended, a Republic, not a Corporate Oligarchy.
The law of unintended consequences aside, the 17th addressed an issue of the day. Conservatives and others always want to go back to the future. It is what happens when there is a vacuum of leadership and an empty chasm of ideas.

Madison's arguments addressed a reality that existed in a different time politically, economically, socially...you name it.

Thomas Jefferson imagined a past that never existed and he is still quoted as an authority for ideas too. Americans are amusing

Ok, now we have someone dismissing the author of the Declaration of Independence, we know the Libtards have really fallen.
Republicans have realized that their agenda no longer appeals to current voter demographics. Now, the logical solution would be to change your agenda. But the Republican solution is to keep your agenda and change the rules to allow you to either rule from a minority position or at least block the other guys agenda

Any party who does cater to the PARASITIC FACTION , which constitutes close to 50% of the electorate, will not "appeal to the current voter demographics"


Hey......I like that

Stay on message. Keep telling 50% of Americans that they are deadbeats and how disappointed you are with them

Sure path to victory in 2014

They'll really be deadbeats if they vote for leaders that transform us into total Communist state.
Isn't it interesting that for progressive-ism to thrive, they must move away from the Constitution, and that any return to Constitutional principles equals a plot to install conservatives.

What exactly do you oppose? Conservatives gaining control of the country through legal means, or progressives gaining control through illicit means?

how is moving away from an electoral process that more easily facilitated bribes= "moving away from the Constitution"? :eusa_eh: They were basically being "appointed" just like Bush II was appointed. Don't like it.
No, they were not. That is a talking point.

The people elect their State Legislation.

The State Legislation appoints the US Senators.

How is it that you can trust elected representatives to write laws that affect your every day life, but think that these same representatives are corrupt when it comes to appointing a US Senator?

The current way of electing Senators is twice as rife with corruption as the
original Constitutional method.
To paraphrase Henry: For every complex problem there iz a simple solution as wrong as it is appealing.

I prefer representative democracy to that dreaded popular democracy, but state houses appointing US Senators is a terrible idea pushed by small minded academics and fools
The law of unintended consequences aside, the 17th addressed an issue of the day. Conservatives and others always want to go back to the future. It is what happens when there is a vacuum of leadership and an empty chasm of ideas.

Madison's arguments addressed a reality that existed in a different time politically, economically, socially...you name it.

Thomas Jefferson imagined a past that never existed and he is still quoted as an authority for ideas too. Americans are amusing

Ok, now we have someone dismissing the author of the Declaration of Independence, we know the Libtards have really fallen.
Deifying Madison is silly
One person one vote is democratic. Anything else is undemocratic. Admit that it's undemocratic,

then make your case for why something undemocratic should be allowed in a democratic system.

We are admitting it's undemocratic, because this country is NOT a Democracy; Article IV, Section 4 clearly states that we are a REPUBLIC.

True Democracy = smoke and mirrors for an Oligarchy.
Hey......I like that

Stay on message. Keep telling 50% of Americans that they are deadbeats and how disappointed you are with them

Sure path to victory in 2014

When 50% of the people are parasites and will vote for keeping themselves in that group does it really matter?

Two for two
I love you guys

You are the reason your party is doomed to fail

The only ones doomed to fail are the ones disarming themselves, that's been proven to be true 100% of the time throughout all of human history.

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