Levin: Repeal the 17th Amendment

The party may be doomed to fail but the demise of the US is the result of that failure. When you wake up to living in a communist system you have nobody to blame for it than you. No more individual success, no more individual decisions the government will decide for you. As if they have your best interest at heart.

I'm guessing you're too stupid to follow this logic.

We'll only be a Communist state for a few months, after that the Oathkeepers will rally more than 80% of the military against the Communist pigs.

It will be a bloodbath, but the economy will be booming shortly after when we restore Gold and Silver Coin, there will be plenty of employment opportunity in repairing the destroyed infrastructure of the United States from the Revolution for a couple of decades.
so now you're worried about what the founding fathers think? aside from being an idiotic post:lol: getdafugouttahere...:rolleyes:
Good point

In 2013, why would anyone be concerned about what the founding fathers think?

As if the passage of time transcends all of human history and experience.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
yet you advocate repeating the failures and flaws of Madison

Oh the irony :eek:
Two for two
I love you guys

You are the reason your party is doomed to fail

Well you're a little slow actually. Once the paul's can only survive by making the peter's pay their way and have the ability to vote for that outcome we are pretty much f*cked as a nation.

The party may be doomed to fail but the demise of the US is the result of that failure. When you wake up to living in a communist system you have nobody to blame for it than you. No more individual success, no more individual decisions the government will decide for you. As if they have your best interest at heart.

I'm guessing you're too stupid to follow this logic.

You fail to understand that 50% that you so despise

They once thought they had caught the American dream. They worked hard, had good benefits, we're starting to save some money...
Then something strange happened. People they didn't know made some bad investments, overextended, got greedyThe job market collapsed, once stable jobs became part time. No benefits, no insurance, you make 60% of what you used to.
Meanwhile, your bills go up. Your car breaks down, your wife gets sick. The kids want to go to college

These are the 50% that you mock

Bullshit. Greed didn't cause our financial problems over the last ten years or so. It was misguided good intentions using OTHER PEOLES MONEY. The Feds forced banks to loan money to people that NEVER had any business getting those loans. You Democraps exploited the system o soak Fannie May and Freddie Mack and stuck the tax payer with the bill. Over $ 13 TRILLION has been given to Wall Street banks since 2008, and that has been on OBAMAs watch, not Bushes.

You fucking lying bastards.
Madison despised democracy

For good reason.

YES, and the irony of people like you using populist democratic arguments to go back is hilarious. Madison is rolling over in hell

There is nothing ironic or hilarious about any of that.

2A is working on the FACT that there are still a lot of Americans who are more concerned about the fate an health of our nation than with protecting their own narrow partisan interests. The 17th Amendment has been a disaster, allowing corporations and Wall Street banks to buy Senators at the national level when they should belong to the states, not national banks and corporations.
Any party who does cater to the PARASITIC FACTION , which constitutes close to 50% of the electorate, will not "appeal to the current voter demographics"


Hey......I like that

Stay on message. Keep telling 50% of Americans that they are deadbeats and how disappointed you are with them

Sure path to victory in 2014

They'll really be deadbeats if they vote for leaders that transform us into total Communist state.

Under Communism or neoMarxism things work until they run out of other peoples money, then all hell breaks lose and we are all deadbeats.
how is moving away from an electoral process that more easily facilitated bribes= "moving away from the Constitution"? :eusa_eh: They were basically being "appointed" just like Bush II was appointed. Don't like it.
No, they were not. That is a talking point.

The people elect their State Legislation.

The State Legislation appoints the US Senators.

How is it that you can trust elected representatives to write laws that affect your every day life, but think that these same representatives are corrupt when it comes to appointing a US Senator?

The current way of electing Senators is twice as rife with corruption as the
original Constitutional method.
To paraphrase Henry: For every complex problem there iz a simple solution as wrong as it is appealing.

I prefer representative democracy to that dreaded popular democracy, but state houses appointing US Senators is a terrible idea pushed by small minded academics and fools

Like the Founding Fathers? XXXXXXX
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yet you advocate repeating the failures and flaws of Madison

Oh the irony :eek:

Madison didn't fail, Nimrod. Repealing Madison was the failure.
The infallibility of Madison has been ruled 'bullshit'

No one said he was infallible, dumbass, but he was a genius who helped design a system to keep individual factions from dominating the system, and idjits like you have cleared the way for the Wall Street thieves to take everything over.

And you don't even realize it because you are an arrogant fool.
For good reason.

YES, and the irony of people like you using populist democratic arguments to go back is hilarious. Madison is rolling over in hell

There is nothing ironic or hilarious about any of that.

2A is working on the FACT that there are still a lot of Americans who are more concerned about the fate an health of our nation than with protecting their own narrow partisan interests. The 17th Amendment has been a disaster, allowing corporations and Wall Street banks to buy Senators at the national level when they should belong to the states, not national banks and corporations.
People like you cant help demonizing others before you can even find common ground, and THAT is one reason you and your argument cannot be trusted. You need enemies, whereas some of us view others as opponents.

Why in the world would people who agree things need fixing or tweaking, trust you with something so serious as constitutional amendments?
YES, and the irony of people like you using populist democratic arguments to go back is hilarious. Madison is rolling over in hell

There is nothing ironic or hilarious about any of that.

2A is working on the FACT that there are still a lot of Americans who are more concerned about the fate an health of our nation than with protecting their own narrow partisan interests. The 17th Amendment has been a disaster, allowing corporations and Wall Street banks to buy Senators at the national level when they should belong to the states, not national banks and corporations.
People like you cant help demonizing others before you can even find common ground, and THAT is one reason you and your argument cannot be trusted. You need enemies, whereas some of us view others as opponents.

Why in the world would people who agree things need fixing or tweaking, trust you with something so serious as constitutional amendments?

You can take your rhetorical bullshit and blow it out your ass.

The number of people getting sick to death of elitist shits like you dismembering the Constitution based o your political talking points, that crowd is growing exponentially and there isn't jack shit you can do to stop it.
Madison didn't fail, Nimrod. Repealing Madison was the failure.
The infallibility of Madison has been ruled 'bullshit'

No one said he was infallible, dumbass, but he was a genius who helped design a system to keep individual factions from dominating the system, and idjits like you have cleared the way for the Wall Street thieves to take everything over.

And you don't even realize it because you are an arrogant fool.
Fool? Okay clueless one, on constitutional and governing issues aas well as political ones, I side mostly with Washington, Hamilton, Adams, and Chief Justice Marshall.

See? Duelling Framers. LOL
To paraphrase Henry: For every complex problem there iz a simple solution as wrong as it is appealing.

I prefer representative democracy to that dreaded popular democracy, but state houses appointing US Senators is a terrible idea pushed by small minded academics and fools

Like the Founding Fathers, yeah, go fuck yourself, stupid ****.

Your category of "small minded academics and fools" would include the FF since they wrote the Constitution in the first place moron.
Like the Founding Fathers, yeah, go fuck yourself, stupid ****.

Your category of "small minded academics and fools" would include the FF since they wrote the Constitution in the first place moron.

I realize 'reading and comprehension' is not your strong suit, but come on...the ff are not here arguing to go back in time. They left us a document and history worth defending and amending, but I doubt they wanted the USC to be considered a sacred text written in stone by a deity.

Madison even argued that one should not look to the framers (the founders are a different grouping) for interpretation and meaning, but to look to 'the people' who ratified the text and what they who gave it power tbought they were ratifying.

imagine that
In keeping with the idea I proposed in a topic about Mark Levin's proposed constitutional amendmeent that each is worthy of a topic alone, I decided to start with one that I believe will be the least emotionally-laden.

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Levin proposes returning the election of US Senators to the way the process worked at the beginning of our republic. Back then, US Senators were elected by their respective state legislatures instead of by the people.

James Madison made the following argument for electing by state legislatures in Federalist Paper No. 62:

It is equally unnecessary to dilate on the appointment of senators by the State legislatures. Among the various modes which might have been devised for constituting this branch of the government, that which has been proposed by the convention is probably the most congenial with the public opinion. It is recommended by the double advantage of favoring a select appointment, and of giving to the State governments such an agency in the formation of the federal government as must secure the authority of the former, and may form a convenient link between the two systems.

In other words, Madison was saying this method reinforced the authority of the states over the federal government.

So why did our country feel it necessary to change that?

First, it was widely believed that state legislators were easily bought. There were several cases of such corruption which fed into this belief. And one only has to pick up a local newspaper to see this is still true today.

Second, just ponder how often the US Senate is deadlocked today by partisans. The same was true of state legislatures.

Between 1891 and 1905, 46 elections were deadlocked, in 20 different states; in one extreme example, a Senate seat for Delaware went unfilled from 1899 until 1903. The business of holding elections also caused great disruption in the state legislatures, with a full third of the Oregon House of Representatives choosing not to swear the oath of office in 1897 due to a dispute over an open Senate seat. The result was that the legislature was unable to pass legislation that year.

By the time the 17th amendment was a viable proposal, 33 states had already changed their election laws so that their Senators were chosen by popular vote. 31 state legislatures had passed resolutions calling for a Constitutional amendment allowing popular vote, and ten Republicans who opposed an amendment lost their seats. 27 states were calling for a constitutional convention, with 31 being the threshold.

But there is yet more to this than meets the eye. Much more.

You see, in the past voter district lines were based on geography, not population. Voting districts were given equal geographic size, the result of which was rural votes were seriously overweighted. There might be 20 times as many people in an urban voting district, but they were given one representative in the state legislature, and the rural district was also given one representative in the state legislature even though it had much fewer people in it.

In such a scheme, one can see how the votes of rural voters, who tend to be conservatives, greatly outweigh the votes of urban voters (who tend to be liberal).

Three Supreme Court decisions changed all that. These are known as the "one man, one vote" decisions. District lines are now based on population.

But...US Senate districts (the states) are still based on geography. And there are still more rural states than heavily urbanized states.

You can see where this is going.

This means, on the Senate district level, rural states' votes continue to be more heavily weighted than urbanized states with the result that 27 state legislatures are Republican controlled, while only 17 state legislatures are Democratic controlled. The rest are split.

Consequently, the immediate result of repealing the 17th amendment would result in 54 GOP Senators, 34 Democratic Senators, with the rest being a tossup. The Republicans would gain a majority in the Senate.

I believe that is the real purpose of the drive to repeal the 17th amendment, with the restoring-states-authority-over-the-federal-government argument just the thinnest of smokescreens.

Have at it.

heres whats wrong with that Idea and both sides of the Isle should be concerned with your opinion and why its bad one ... depending how rich you are, one could buy their seat, as many did back then ... or one can load the senate with the majority of them democrats or the majority of republicans .... thats why it was bad idea back then and a bad Idea now I quite fine with the idea of electing the senate seats
Two for two
I love you guys

You are the reason your party is doomed to fail

Well you're a little slow actually. Once the paul's can only survive by making the peter's pay their way and have the ability to vote for that outcome we are pretty much f*cked as a nation.

The party may be doomed to fail but the demise of the US is the result of that failure. When you wake up to living in a communist system you have nobody to blame for it than you. No more individual success, no more individual decisions the government will decide for you. As if they have your best interest at heart.

I'm guessing you're too stupid to follow this logic.

You fail to understand that 50% that you so despise

They once thought they had caught the American dream. They worked hard, had good benefits, we're starting to save some money...
Then something strange happened. People they didn't know made some bad investments, overextended, got greedy
The job market collapsed, once stable jobs became part time. No benefits, no insurance, you make 60% of what you used to.
Meanwhile, your bills go up. Your car breaks down, your wife gets sick. The kids want to go to college

These are the 50% that you mock

1% here, 99% there, 50% this, 50% that.. what we should be is the 100%. But I fear the days of being united are behind us. This exchange exemplifies how much hatred one American can throw at another and vise versa.

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