Lezbo Prevention Medicine


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
A New York City doctor is administering dangerous steroids to pregnant women, trying to prevent homosexuality, as well as the fetuses’ future desire to “explore ‘male careers’”, or have “disinterest in becoming mothers.”

... Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) that causes the genitals in female babies to appear more male because of overproduction of male hormones.

In one of her research papers, New writes, “CAH women as a group have a lower interest than controls in getting married and performing the traditional child-care/housewife role. As children, they show an unusually low interest in engaging in maternal play with baby dolls, and their interest in caring for infants, the frequency of daydreams or fantasies of pregnancy and motherhood, or the expressed wish of experiencing pregnancy and having children of their own appear to be relatively low in all age groups.”

New and her colleagues believe that the risky steroid will help ensure female fetuses develop into a more feminine role.

New claims this could be the first treatment to “reduce rates of homosexuality, bisexuality, and low maternal interest.”

NYC Doctor Trying to 'Prevent Homosexuality' With Experimental Drug - Children's Health - FOXNews.com

Who are these guinea pigs? Should they even be allowed to have children? :( Should this doctor be allowed to practice?
well, addadicktomys never looked like a better prospect eh?

A New York City doctor is administering dangerous steroids to pregnant women, trying to prevent homosexuality, as well as the fetuses’ future desire to “explore ‘male careers’”, or have “disinterest in becoming mothers.”

... Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) that causes the genitals in female babies to appear more male because of overproduction of male hormones.

In one of her research papers, New writes, “CAH women as a group have a lower interest than controls in getting married and performing the traditional child-care/housewife role. As children, they show an unusually low interest in engaging in maternal play with baby dolls, and their interest in caring for infants, the frequency of daydreams or fantasies of pregnancy and motherhood, or the expressed wish of experiencing pregnancy and having children of their own appear to be relatively low in all age groups.”

New and her colleagues believe that the risky steroid will help ensure female fetuses develop into a more feminine role.

New claims this could be the first treatment to “reduce rates of homosexuality, bisexuality, and low maternal interest.”

NYC Doctor Trying to 'Prevent Homosexuality' With Experimental Drug - Children's Health - FOXNews.com

Who are these guinea pigs? Should they even be allowed to have children? :( Should this doctor be allowed to practice?


Giving experimental drugs to pregnant women, in the hopes that the kids will turn out the way the mother's picture they should be?

WTF? My only concern with my children both pre and post birth is that they remain healthy, and know that I love them. I don't care if they think or discover they are homosexuals later in life.
It's insane isn't it? There must be more to this. I'll check out that CAH and see if maybe it's fatal or something.

I believe there are extremists on both the left AND right who want to treat homosexuality like a disability. If I were gay, I would be furious.
The symptoms of CAH vary depending upon the form of CAH and the gender of the patient. Symptoms can include:

Due to inadequate mineralocorticoids:

* vomiting due to salt-wasting leading to dehydration and death

Due to excess mineralocorticoids:

* hypertension (11beta[OH] deficiency)

Due to excess androgens:

* ambiguous genitalia, in some females, such that it can be initially difficult to determine sex
* early pubic hair and rapid growth in childhood
* precocious puberty or failure of puberty to occur (sexual infantilism: absent or delayed puberty)
* excessive facial hair, virilization, and/or menstrual irregularity in adolescence
* infertility due to anovulation
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The article may have been a wee bit slanted. :cool: however, I still don't agree with experimental drug testing on fetuses. Esp. for non-fatal disorders.
A New York City doctor is administering dangerous steroids to pregnant women, trying to prevent homosexuality, as well as the fetuses’ future desire to “explore ‘male careers’”, or have “disinterest in becoming mothers.”

... Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) that causes the genitals in female babies to appear more male because of overproduction of male hormones.

In one of her research papers, New writes, “CAH women as a group have a lower interest than controls in getting married and performing the traditional child-care/housewife role. As children, they show an unusually low interest in engaging in maternal play with baby dolls, and their interest in caring for infants, the frequency of daydreams or fantasies of pregnancy and motherhood, or the expressed wish of experiencing pregnancy and having children of their own appear to be relatively low in all age groups.”

New and her colleagues believe that the risky steroid will help ensure female fetuses develop into a more feminine role.

New claims this could be the first treatment to “reduce rates of homosexuality, bisexuality, and low maternal interest.”

NYC Doctor Trying to 'Prevent Homosexuality' With Experimental Drug - Children's Health - FOXNews.com

Who are these guinea pigs? Should they even be allowed to have children? :( Should this doctor be allowed to practice?


Giving experimental drugs to pregnant women, in the hopes that the kids will turn out the way the mother's picture they should be?

WTF? My only concern with my children both pre and post birth is that they remain healthy, and know that I love them. I don't care if they think or discover they are homosexuals later in life.

Yours is a sane response to this ridiculous experiment..

Therein lies the problem. It will never work because there aren't enough idiots to agree to his treatment.
A New York City doctor is administering dangerous steroids to pregnant women, trying to prevent homosexuality, as well as the fetuses’ future desire to “explore ‘male careers’”, or have “disinterest in becoming mothers.”

... Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) that causes the genitals in female babies to appear more male because of overproduction of male hormones.

In one of her research papers, New writes, “CAH women as a group have a lower interest than controls in getting married and performing the traditional child-care/housewife role. As children, they show an unusually low interest in engaging in maternal play with baby dolls, and their interest in caring for infants, the frequency of daydreams or fantasies of pregnancy and motherhood, or the expressed wish of experiencing pregnancy and having children of their own appear to be relatively low in all age groups.”

New and her colleagues believe that the risky steroid will help ensure female fetuses develop into a more feminine role.

New claims this could be the first treatment to “reduce rates of homosexuality, bisexuality, and low maternal interest.”

NYC Doctor Trying to 'Prevent Homosexuality' With Experimental Drug - Children's Health - FOXNews.com

Who are these guinea pigs? Should they even be allowed to have children? :( Should this doctor be allowed to practice?

Wow. That article was a fabulous hack job that was obviously written by someone that didn't know what the hell they were talking about.

First off, CAH is an enzymatic block in the adrenal glands that causes a shunt in the synthesis of cholesterol to necessary hormones like aldosterone (regulates blood pressure) and androgen (testosterone and estrogen). Depending on which of the enzymes is deficient people will have an excess of one type of hormone and a deficit of another with regular symptoms (high/low blood pressure and virulization of females). Unlike sexual attraction, there is a discrete pathology here that should be treated if at all possible. It is absolutely appropriate to try and find a way to treat this. Furthermore, dexamethasone is a hormone that has been used for a long time to diagnose many conditions in the adrenals. It's not "experimental", though maybe it's use for this indication is novel.

It would be absurd to say that this has anything to do with "lezbos" or homosexuality and I'd be surprised to find if that is what the Doctor was really exploring in her research (in fact, you can read her words and see that is not her primary concern). The issue at hand is inappropriate virulization of women due to an excess of testosterone. While these woman have a more male phenotype and more male behavior, it's due to an deficiency of estrogen relative to testosterone. In other words, the majority of lesbians don't have CAH. Human sexuality is much more complicated than that.

Good lord.
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The symptoms of CAH vary depending upon the form of CAH and the gender of the patient. Symptoms can include:

Due to inadequate mineralocorticoids:

* vomiting due to salt-wasting leading to dehydration and death

Due to excess mineralocorticoids:

* hypertension (11beta[OH] deficiency)

Due to excess androgens:

* ambiguous genitalia, in some females, such that it can be initially difficult to determine sex
* early pubic hair and rapid growth in childhood
* precocious puberty or failure of puberty to occur (sexual infantilism: absent or delayed puberty)
* excessive facial hair, virilization, and/or menstrual irregularity in adolescence
* infertility due to anovulation
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The article may have been a wee bit slanted. :cool: however, I still don't agree with experimental drug testing on fetuses. Esp. for non-fatal disorders.

Ya think? Virulization is the least concerning thing about this condition. There are a plethora of other pathological findings associated with it (hypertension) that make it worth treating.
Interesting. Well at least this condition is getting attention even if the writer may be a whackjob.
Interesting. Well at least this condition is getting attention even if the writer may be a whackjob.

I feel bad for Dr. New. Probably a relatively unsuspecting endocrinologist who is going to start getting hate mail from people who don't know any better.

There are bunch of enzymes in the adrenals that modulate these pathways. 95% of the cases are one enzyme that causes virulization and hypotension and mineral wasting in the urine that can really cause problems for the body. Other enzyme blocks can cause children to become pseudohermaphrodytes and other things.

If there was a high positive correlation between CAH and homosexuality in females then it would have been figured out a long time ago. There would be associated findings like hyper/hypertension, electrolyte deficiencies, extreme virulization (male distribution of fat and hair, cliteromegly, etc). That is not the case.

I believe what Dr. New is addressing is young women who are overloaded with testosterone who otherwise would not have male tendencies.

At any rate, this is a discrete pathological condition that should be treated if possible.

Also, though less common, this can mess with male secondary sex characteristics too. This article is just poorly written.
A New York City doctor is administering dangerous steroids to pregnant women, trying to prevent homosexuality, as well as the fetuses’ future desire to “explore ‘male careers’”, or have “disinterest in becoming mothers.”

... Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) that causes the genitals in female babies to appear more male because of overproduction of male hormones.

In one of her research papers, New writes, “CAH women as a group have a lower interest than controls in getting married and performing the traditional child-care/housewife role. As children, they show an unusually low interest in engaging in maternal play with baby dolls, and their interest in caring for infants, the frequency of daydreams or fantasies of pregnancy and motherhood, or the expressed wish of experiencing pregnancy and having children of their own appear to be relatively low in all age groups.”

New and her colleagues believe that the risky steroid will help ensure female fetuses develop into a more feminine role.

New claims this could be the first treatment to “reduce rates of homosexuality, bisexuality, and low maternal interest.”

NYC Doctor Trying to 'Prevent Homosexuality' With Experimental Drug - Children's Health - FOXNews.com

Who are these guinea pigs? Should they even be allowed to have children? :( Should this doctor be allowed to practice?


Giving experimental drugs to pregnant women, in the hopes that the kids will turn out the way the mother's picture they should be?

WTF? My only concern with my children both pre and post birth is that they remain healthy, and know that I love them. I don't care if they think or discover they are homosexuals later in life.
NYC Doctor Trying to 'Prevent Homosexuality' With Experimental Drug - Children's Health - FOXNews.com

Who are these guinea pigs? Should they even be allowed to have children? :( Should this doctor be allowed to practice?


Giving experimental drugs to pregnant women, in the hopes that the kids will turn out the way the mother's picture they should be?

WTF? My only concern with my children both pre and post birth is that they remain healthy, and know that I love them. I don't care if they think or discover they are homosexuals later in life.


Giving experimental drugs to pregnant women, in the hopes that the kids will turn out the way the mother's picture they should be?

WTF? My only concern with my children both pre and post birth is that they remain healthy, and know that I love them. I don't care if they think or discover they are homosexuals later in life.

I was applauding Radioman's concern for his children. Do you disagree with that?
I was applauding Radioman's concern for his children. Do you disagree with that?

Yes. It shows a real misunderstanding of CAH. The Dr. is treating the babies in an attempt to help them come out with fully developed and functioning female reproductive parts and non-life threatening salt wasting.

As I said, there is a discrete pathology here. It is medical and not sociological like the article implies.

This is what we are really talking about here:


Despite the articles best attempts to portray it as such, this is not an attempt to "prevent lesbianism". As I said earlier, the vast majority of lesbians don't have CAH.
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I was applauding Radioman's concern for his children. Do you disagree with that?

Yes. It shows a real misunderstanding of CAH. The Dr. is treating the babies in an attempt to help them come out with fully developed ovaries and not testes stuck in their labia majora.

As I said, there is a discrete pathology here. It is medical and not sociological like the article implies.

"My only concern with my children both pre and post birth is that they remain healthy, and know that I love them. I don't care if they think or discover they are homosexuals later in life."

Yes, the article was poorly written. Yes, CAH is worthy of study and treatment. Radioman's statement is a general statement about love and acceptance.
I was applauding Radioman's concern for his children. Do you disagree with that?

Yes. It shows a real misunderstanding of CAH. The Dr. is treating the babies in an attempt to help them come out with fully developed ovaries and not testes stuck in their labia majora.

As I said, there is a discrete pathology here. It is medical and not sociological like the article implies.

"My only concern with my children both pre and post birth is that they remain healthy, and know that I love them. I don't care if they think or discover they are homosexuals later in life."

Yes, the article was poorly written. Yes, CAH is worthy of study and treatment. Radioman's statement is a general statement about love and acceptance.

That works for me. However, it doesn't apply to this Dr.'s work. She isn't trying to "cure" lesbianism. She is trying to find a work around for a well-known enzymatic block.

You can see my above edit if you want to more info (I screwed up my pathology a bit. Whoops).
Yes. It shows a real misunderstanding of CAH. The Dr. is treating the babies in an attempt to help them come out with fully developed ovaries and not testes stuck in their labia majora.

As I said, there is a discrete pathology here. It is medical and not sociological like the article implies.

"My only concern with my children both pre and post birth is that they remain healthy, and know that I love them. I don't care if they think or discover they are homosexuals later in life."

Yes, the article was poorly written. Yes, CAH is worthy of study and treatment. Radioman's statement is a general statement about love and acceptance.

That works for me. However, it doesn't apply to this Dr.'s work. She isn't trying to "cure" lesbianism. She is trying to find a work around for a well-known enzymatic block.

You can see my above edit if you want to more info (I screwed up my pathology a bit. Whoops).
No worries. Yes, this condition is worthy of study and treatment. I hope Dr. New is successful.

"My only concern with my children both pre and post birth is that they remain healthy, and know that I love them. I don't care if they think or discover they are homosexuals later in life."

Yes, the article was poorly written. Yes, CAH is worthy of study and treatment. Radioman's statement is a general statement about love and acceptance.

That works for me. However, it doesn't apply to this Dr.'s work. She isn't trying to "cure" lesbianism. She is trying to find a work around for a well-known enzymatic block.

You can see my above edit if you want to more info (I screwed up my pathology a bit. Whoops).
No worries. Yes, this condition is worthy of study and treatment. I hope Dr. New is successful.

I hope her inbox isn't flooded with e-mails on Tuesday. However, I bet it will be.

Whatever she is doing, it has been approved by the institutional review board to ensure it is safe and ethical.
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