LGBT Election "Victory Fund" Fund Founding Member Arrested For Sex With Juvenile

Child molestation is disproportionately done by homosexuals. They see nothing wrong with it, since they're already engaging in perverted behavior, having sex with a child isn't anything they see as wrong either.

What homophobic Bull shit

Child molestation is disproportionately done by men- to girls.

And that is the fact.

I wouldn't call that 'heterosexual', but if you want to start making BS claims about homosexuals, then yes we could say that men- all men- disproportionately are child molesters.

So do you think that is because men don't see as sex with a child as anything wrong?
And I see you have failed to provide a link to your claim as well as that creepy litttle closet faggot, Jackee did.

As I said, homos DISPROPORTIONATELY do most of the molesting of children, the sex of which is being molested is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is, homos are the biggest child molesters on the planet. I will do what neither of you two jerks offs have been able to do, I will provide link to the truth...

The 10 percent fallacy:
Studies indicate that, contrary to the inaccurate but widely accepted claims of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, homosexuals comprise between 1 to 3 percent of the population.

Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.

Some homosexual activists defend the historic connection between homosexuality and pedophilia: Such activists consider the defense of "boy-lovers" to be a legitimate gay rights issue.

Pedophile themes abound in homosexual literary culture: Gay fiction as well as serious academic treatises promote "intergenerational intimacy."

Family Research Council

How is either research team to account for the fact that 23% of the 671 gays in the Bell and Weinberg study in San Francisco6 said that half or less” of their partners “were 16 or younger when the respondent was 21 or older”? Might this mean that about a quarter of gays have engaged in pedophilia? Certainly, in California in 1970, the activity theyadmitted to met the definition of ‘illegal sexual contact with the underage’ [the age of consent was 18 yr.]. Then, some might have only had sex with those aged 16. How many had sex with boys aged 15 or less? Bell et al didn’t ask. But in the original Kinsey study7it was 27% of gays (Kinsey’s standard was having sex with the underage ‘when you were aged 18 or older’). And how many had sex with boys aged 13 or less — an age that is defined as ‘protected by immaturity’ in almost all of the nations in the world8at this time? The original Kinsey data suggests that that figure must be somewhere around 14% of gays under his ‘aged 18 or older’ standard (7, p. 512). 14% is about a seventh of gays! Add-in the fact that a disproportionate number of homosexuals have sex with animals (most studies, including the two from the Kinsey Institute, have reported proportionately 4 to 6 times as frequently as among heterosexuals [in the Bell et al study in San Francisco,9 respondents were asked whether or not they had engaged in sex with animals. Among men, 134 (19.5 percent) of 685 homosexual men answered yes, as opposed to 18 (5.4 percent) of 334 heterosexual men. Among women, 19 (6.5 percent) of 292 lesbians said they had engaged in sex with animals, while none of the heterosexual women said they had done so [1981, p. 161]), and homosexuals are more apt to engage in sadomasochism [26% of the gays v 4.5% of the heterosexual men and 9.6% of the lesbians. 2.7% of the heterosexual women had engaged in sexual sadism (9, p. 161)] and you get a picture of people who more frequently sexualize the players and parts in life — people who are if you will, ‘omnisexual.’

Family Research Institute Blog Archive Pro-Gay Bias In Study of Pedophilia

Quoting the Family Research Council when it comes to homosexuals is like quoting Stormfront when talking about African Americans.
So it all seems like he likes having sex (shock horror) but then decides to film it, which isn't right. Also he happened to have sex with someone who he may or may not have known whether they were underage or not.

For the record (in case any significant someones are reading this thread) we have two large representatives of the LGBT culture here, Syriusly and Frigidweirdo, at this thread DEFENDING suspected or admitted pedophiles (Bean and Milk respectively).

Bean and Milk... sounds like a diarrhea-burrito to me...

And of course this is a lie- but Silhouette- you always lie.

From my very first post I said that if Bean is guilty, I hope he is convicted and sentenced to the longest term provide for by law.

Milk is dead- and is neither a suspected or admitted pedophile- but you knew that.

I don't defend Milk- I defend the truth- and point out that you lie about him.
Oh are you a moderator- oh snap- no you aren't. I don't really care about what you think about how I post....Randy Shilt's did a fine job of writing the biography of Milk- I would know, unlike yourself, I have read it....And nowhere in that book does it ever say that Milk had sex with a minor. No one has ever accused him of having sex with a minor....Oh and I can call you a liar because not a post goes by without you lying.

Are you saying these lines do not exist on pages 30-31 of Milk's biography?

"...sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)

I am saying that nowhere in Milk's biography does it say that Milk ever had sex with a minor.

IF you can show us otherwise, please go ahead and do so- I can however show where Priscilla Presley said that she and Elvis had sexual contact when she was underage.....I notice you have never started a thread about Elvis- or have you responded to my pointing out the accusations against Elvis.

So I'll await Dan Savage's strongly-worded response to the LGBT cult enshrining in California Harvey Milk (who "fucked" minors) as their messiah. I'll bet Dan Savage uses Harvey Milk postage stamps too. If "fucking minors is wrong", the LGBT cult sure has a funny way of picking their icons...


"After agreeing to don Harvey Milk’s signature ringer T-shirt and take a stroll through San Francisco’s city hall, Dan Savage gets anecdotal. “I don’t play dress-up very often,” he says, “except when my husband and I go to International Mr. Leather.” But to pay tribute to Harvey Milk — who famously aspired to offer gay youth a choice beyond suicide or the closet — Savage made an exception. “I was that kid. I read those stories. I was given hope by San Francisco and Harvey Milk,” he says. “I’ve always felt a very personal connection.” OUT100 Dan Savage Out Magazine

When did the heterosexual cult reject their icon?

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You remember Elvis Presley- sexual icon- 4th highest sex symbol of the 50's and 60's- Elvis the Pelvis?
Top 10 Sex Symbols of the 50s 60s -

Who liked 14 year old virgins?
Elvis Presley s sex secrets exposed Daily Mail Online

That first night with Elvis, ‘he made love to her in every way short of penetration. It was as if Priscilla’s virginity was another thing that Elvis strangely and sorely needed to maintain’.

She stayed in his bed those six months he was in Germany.

‘He taught her how to make love in various ways short of full intercourse’…and wrote in her book, Elvis and Me, that she begged for the consummation of his love but he refused.

‘He worked his art of foreplay without penetration. In lovemaking, as in entertaining, Elvis’ outstanding talent was oral.’

Where is the condemnation from the heterosexual community?

Unlike Milk- Elvis was an actual heterosexual sex icon- and unlike Milk, there are women who have come forth and told of their underage sexual assignations with Elvis.

Yet Elvis is still celebrated- openly embraced

As the world celebrates the King of Rock 'n' Roll on his birthday, Memphis and Shelby County officials have also proclaimed January 8 to be Elvis Presley Day. During today's ceremony on the front lawn outside the Graceland mansion, Memphis Mayor AC Wharton and Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell spoke about Elvis' lasting legacy and impact on pop culture. Stay tuned to for a complete recap of the 2013 Birthday Celebration here at Graceland!

So why are you so hung up on Milk- and not Elvis?

Why haven't you even started threads about Elvis?

Well we all know why- because Milk is just another tool you use to attack homosexuals.

All of Silhouette's outrage against 'child molesters' long as Silhouette can call them homosexuals.

But Elvis?

The LGBT fund gives generously to Public radio, which promptly gives homosexual issues positive coverage. Anyone notice that? NPR used to be neutral in all things. I notice. What happened to that little thing called neutrality? Fairness? I had other words for it, but money talks , and democracy is poor apparently.
007, you are a loser on this and have always been so.

Your perversion of patriotism is not tolerated, never will be.

You don't like it, who cares.

To the OP: all perverts who abuse or plan to abuse children need to be put in prison until they die.
Sorry, little creature, but you're a liar, and I have proven you a liar.

Tolerate that, nipple head.

I know it sux to be you, and you and I both know what this is so. Tough, bud. You get treated the way you did others. Hmmm?
Deflection noted. Once again you've illustrated for all here to see that you're nothing more than a weird, creepy little jerk off full of lies and hyperbole. You've pwned, now move along. No one here likes you.
An excellent description of your creepy far right weird self. Not being liked by your type shows I am on the right path.
Child abuse? Doesn't sound like it. A 15 year old can often appear as a 20 year old.

The weird thing is he put a secret camera in his bedroom and recorded. Er.... what?

He claims this is part of an extortion plot, who knows whether it is or isn't?

So it all seems like he likes having sex (shock horror) but then decides to film it, which isn't right. Also he happened to have sex with someone who he may or may not have known whether they were underage or not.

I agree with the statutory rape laws as written that hold the rapist accountable even if they "didn't know". This imposes upon the rapist an exclusive duty to make sure that who they're having sex with is of legal age, regardless of how they appear. The law reflects the simple reality that younger children are unable to consent to an adult activity with consequences far beyond their ability to anticipate, an ability borne of experience. This is true regardless of how old they appear, they are still mentally immature.

Everyone who rapes a child as defined by law should be punished to the full extent of the law.

I agree
Fully agree. No child has the legal or the moral right to consent to sex.
The LGBT fund gives generously to Public radio, which promptly gives homosexual issues positive coverage. Anyone notice that? NPR used to be neutral in all things. I notice. What happened to that little thing called neutrality? Fairness? I had other words for it, but money talks , and democracy is poor apparently.
Not so at all.
Quoting the Family Research Council when it comes to homosexuals is like quoting Stormfront when talking about African Americans.

The Family Research Council, like many conservative family groups, fails to distinguish consciencious same sex couples from wild living libertines who have multiple partners, do drugs, and are moribund in a self destructive lifestyle. I spoke in detail about this important distinction here A Moral Framework for Same Sex Unions - General Christian Forum - Christianity Board Christian Forum on a Christian board I post on. It met with mixed results among those who responded with many unable to grasp the difference, trapped in the belief that all gay people are the same. If you take the time to read through the responses, you'll see the ingrained recalcitrance among evangelical Christians to the idea that homosexuals can be virtuous human beings incapable of molesting children or otherwise bringing them to harm.

I'm not giving up on this by any means. I've seen how gay couples can be and I'll do all I can to help others see it too.
Public radio gets funding from the LGBT, and the PEW Hispanic charitable trust. I remember when Public radio used to be fair and represent America at it's best, not being bought out like cheap whores.
No surprise that a homosexual pedophile would support Obama's campaign.
Pederast, not homosexual.

No Saint Mike, Whitehall is right. Here are the classifications from the Mayo Clinic:

Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia).3,6,10,29 The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men

It also notes the higher proportion of homosexual pedophiles per capita. Gay pedophiles comprise up to 40% of all molestations of the total human population. Gay men make about 2% of the total adult male population. So you can clearly see how gay pedophiles are incredibly prevalent within the overall gay subpopulation; while hetero pedophiles are much more rare, relative to the huge numbers of adult straight men overall. (98% of all adult males)

To render it into easier terms to understand, if you bump into a straight guy, he almost certainly wouldn't be into molesting little girls. If you bump into a gay guy, there's a pretty sound chance he would be into molesting little boys.
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No surprise that a homosexual pedophile would support Obama's campaign.
Pederast, not homosexual.

No Saint Mike, Whitehall is right. Here are the classifications from the Mayo Clinic:

Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia).3,6,10,29 The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men

It also notes the higher proportion of homosexual pedophiles per capita. Gay pedophiles comprise up to 40% of all molestations of the total human population. Gay men make about 2% of the total adult male population. So you can clearly see how gay pedophiles are incredibly prevalent within the overall gay subpopulation; while hetero pedophiles are much more rare, relative to the huge numbers of adult straight men overall. (98% of all adult males)

Once again- Silhouette lies- of course stating Silhouette lies is kind of redundent- it is like saying Silhouette posts.

These are no 'classifications' from the Mayo Clinic- something which has been explained to Sil over and over, but she continues to lie about that simple little distinction.

This is an article by Dr. Hall and Dr. Hall, which was published in the Mayo Clinic publications.

And what is typical of Silhouette- is how how she dishonestly edits her quote- the entire quote from Dr. Halls:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range
and/or sex of child.

Research categorizes male pedophiles
by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual
pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),
or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia).3,6,10,29

The percentage of homosexual pedophiles
ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20
times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other
adult men (using a prevalence rate of adult homosexuality
of 2%-4%).5,7,10,19,29,30

This finding does not imply that homosexuals
are more likely to molest children, just that a
larger percentage of pedophiles are homosexual or bisexual
in orientation to children

Silhouette always leaves that sentence out.

Because Silhouette is a) dishonest and b) just attempting to harm homosexuals.
To render it into easier terms to understand, if you bump into a straight guy, he almost certainly wouldn't be into molesting little girls. If you bump into a gay guy, there's a pretty sound chance he would be into molesting little boys.

And that is the essential lie Silhouette promotes.

Her own article contradicts this

This finding does not imply that homosexuals
are more likely to molest children, just that a
larger percentage of pedophiles are homosexual or bisexual
in orientation to children.19

But Silhouette chooses to both quote a source- and then lie about what that source says.

Yes- Silhouette lies when it comes to homosexuals- she lies in almost every post- all with the intent to attack homosexuals- and she doesn't give a damn about children.
Public radio gets funding from the LGBT, and the PEW Hispanic charitable trust. I remember when Public radio used to be fair and represent America at it's best, not being bought out like cheap whores.

LOL...public radio gets funding from many sources- the largest sources are:
  • individuals
  • corporations
What exactly is your issue with individuals or corporations?
Public Radio Finances NPR
The LGBT fund gives generously to Public radio, which promptly gives homosexual issues positive coverage. Anyone notice that? NPR used to be neutral in all things. I notice. What happened to that little thing called neutrality? Fairness? I had other words for it, but money talks , and democracy is poor apparently.

Feel free to show us what percentage 'the LGBT" is of public radio financing.

Appears to me that you just don't like NPR reporting issues fairly and equally.
Public radio gets funding from the LGBT, and the PEW Hispanic charitable trust. I remember when Public radio used to be fair and represent America at it's best, not being bought out like cheap whores.

LOL...public radio gets funding from many sources- the largest sources are:
  • individuals
  • corporations
What exactly is your issue with individuals or corporations?
Public Radio Finances NPR
I have listened to NPR for over twenty plus years, and they used to be really truly be a voice of independent thought. I look at their sponsors and their editorial focus, they are neither independent nor insightful. Sorry. I still listen to them though. Kinda like Fox news.
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Public radio gets funding from the LGBT, and the PEW Hispanic charitable trust. I remember when Public radio used to be fair and represent America at it's best, not being bought out like cheap whores.

LOL...public radio gets funding from many sources- the largest sources are:
  • individuals
  • corporations
What exactly is your issue with individuals or corporations?
Public Radio Finances NPR
I have listened to NPR for over twenty plus years, and they used to be really truly be a voice of independent thought. I look at their sponsors and their editorial focus, they are neither independent nor insightful. Sorry. I still listen to them though. Kinda like Fox news.

As I pointed out- their major contributors are individuals and corporations.

NPR consistently has the most in depth news on the radio. I will agree that NPR slants to the left, but that is less about the sponsors than the staff and listeners.

IF you know of a more independent, more insightful source of radio news, please share it with us.

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