LGBT Election "Victory Fund" Fund Founding Member Arrested For Sex With Juvenile

I believe that those like Sil who are endangering children's futures should be placed under a civil injunction that incorporates prison time and a large fine.

This could be done by local and state officials in their courts.

Sil is a menace to child welfare and their futures.
I would LOVE that to happen. Do you know how I would spend my time in prison? I would spend it talking to my civil rights attorney for your violation of my right to free speech and how much money we would countersue you for in front of a jury. Then I would expose your tyranny on every major media outlet known to mankind, and maybe a few on Mars When I was done with the likes of you, your LGBT label would be synonymous with "the Nazi Party".

Then I would write a book and when I got out early on good behavior, I would sell it and make zillions of dollars off the millions or so who "liked" the "Boycott A&E" Facebook page in protest of squelching Phil Robertson's right to free speech. Then I would take that money and donate it to traditional family advocates so that each election cycle on people's local TV stations we could run ads around the clock showing the details of Harvey Milk's sex life and who supports him and defends his lifestyle even to this day.

So, do you feel lucky punk? Well, do you? :muahaha:
15 years old cannot morally or legally consent, thus the adult should always take a hard fall for having sex with a child that age.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be guilty of what they have done. However what they have done is nowhere near as serious as being with, say, a 10 year old.

And maybe buggering a 10 year old isn't as serious as a 5 year old, right? All children, especially below the age of 16, are incapable of understanding the full and lasting impact of sexual decisions. It's why we protect them from predatory adults who can't hack it with men and women their own age so they look for softer, safer targets.
All children below the age of 23 are fools and need guidance. Your state sets the age of consent. It's usually around 18. In New York where Harvey Milk began sodomizing 16 year old Jack Mckinley, the age of consent was 17. He took the boy across state lines (violating the federal MANN Act) and continued to sodomize him illegally until he turned 18 in California.

The age of consent is set state by state via that state's best judgment on when a hormone infused child is old enough and "wise" enough to make heat of the moment decisions for themselves. Best pay attention to that age or you will go to jail.
I'm not saying someone shouldn't necessarily be punished for it. However there is clearly a difference between forcing yourself onto a 15 year old and a 15 year old willingly having sex, and the law should provide for that.

Underaged children are that way for a reason, idiot. At 15 a child is no more equipped to make proper decisions for himself that may have lifelong consequences than a 10 year old. In fact, BECAUSE 15 year olds are hormone-charged children, they often make WORSE decisions in this regard than 10 year olds. It isn't if the child is able to have sex or wants to have sex. It's if they SHOULD have sex or not. And most especially WITH A 66 YEAR OLD MAN. Adults around hormone-charged children need to be twice as vigilant to protect their innocence.

You've no doubt heard about by now the alarming and rising HIV statistics in boys ages 13-24 in recent years, just the same years the activist judges have been giving the LGBT cult a leg up on forcing their repugnant lifestyles "as normal" upon an unwilling public via the vehicle of "marriage" under the guise of "civil rights":

Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
These virginal kids aren't getting HIV from each other. They are getting it from older gays infected already and preying on them sexually. The laws of consent aren't limited to minors, they also apply to people under the influence of drugs (drug rape) and the mentally ill. None are capable of consent, though all may desire to have sex and may even push themselves on people. That doesn't change the law.

You'll be happy to know that Harvey Milk while sodomizing the minor boy Jack McKinley, knew at the time that McKinley was suicidal (mentally ill), on drugs (incapable of consent) and a minor (incapable of consent). In fact, his biographer noted that Milk "always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180). In other words, Milk preferred to have sex with/sodomize boys that were three times incapable of consent with him.

Those people you hear speaking out against Mr. Bean of this thread's OP are the same people who promote and defend Harvey Milk's sexuality as the LGBT messiah.

Oh, well done. You managed an insult with the 9th word. That's as far as I got.
Oh, well done. You managed an insult with the 9th word. That's as far as I got.

I forgot, the right to sling insults in order to disrupt threads is reserved only to the LGBT posters here. Well done. When you muster the courage to approach the points I made about age of consent and doubling down on hormone infused children being protected from adult predators, let me know, OK?

I know, I want to avoid that topic at all costs because you just "came out" in favor of lowering the age of consent..a thing we all knew was the ultimate goal of the LGBT cult anyway. And here you are, right on the verge of forcing gay marriage down the throats of the Governed without their consent and you went and let that little cat out of the bag...poor dear.. :itsok:
Sil, like the Duke who threatened Elizabeth I's early reign, boasts that she will be remembered and encourage others.

But Walsingham's reply is appropriate for Sil as it was to the Duke: "No, you will simply be forgotten."
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Sil, you and your cohort will lose this battle, probably before summer is high next year. Your ilk was be cast into our history with the citizens' councils, the KKK, those who opposed freedom and liberty for Americans.

You will not be remembered, only forgotten.
Oh, well done. You managed an insult with the 9th word. That's as far as I got.

I forgot, the right to sling insults in order to disrupt threads is reserved only to the LGBT posters here. Well done. When you muster the courage to approach the points I made about age of consent and doubling down on hormone infused children being protected from adult predators, let me know, OK?

I know, I want to avoid that topic at all costs because you just "came out" in favor of lowering the age of consent..a thing we all knew was the ultimate goal of the LGBT cult anyway. And here you are, right on the verge of forcing gay marriage down the throats of the Governed without their consent and you went and let that little cat out of the bag...poor dear.. :itsok:

I don't insult and I won't. You either debate or you throw insults.

It's not about rights here, it's about being respectful and using your brain instead of something else.
Those people you hear speaking out against Mr. Bean of this thread's OP are the same people who promote and defend Harvey Milk's sexuality as the LGBT messiah.

The only one who ever brings up Milk on these boards is you.

To attack homosexuals.

To that end you lie about Harvey Milk in order to attack all homosexuals.
You'll be happy to know that Harvey Milk while sodomizing the minor boy Jack McKinley, knew at the time that McKinley was suicidal (mentally ill), on drugs (incapable of consent) and a minor (incapable of consent). In fact, his biographer noted that Milk "always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180). In other words, Milk preferred to have sex with/sodomize boys that were three times incapable of consent with him.\h.

As usual- Silhouettes lies.

There is no record of Harvey Milk ever sodomizing anyone- let alone a minor.

In his biography the 'waif' being mentioned was 25 year old Jack Lira.

As usual- Silhouette lies.
Hey Jake, how do you feel about Harvey Milk's sexual relationship with 16 year old Jack McKinley in New York?

IF there were evidence that Harvey Milk ever had sex with a minor, I would be as appalled as I am about Elvis Presley having sex with a minor.
Now that Bill Crosby is going to get found out, anyone who likes comedy, watches comedy etc will be guilty of sexual crimes, just like all people are guilty if a gay activist does some illegal.
Now that Bill Crosby is going to get found out, anyone who likes comedy, watches comedy etc will be guilty of sexual crimes, just like all people are guilty if a gay activist does some illegal.

Forget about Bill Cosby- what about Elvis?

Clearly anyone who has a hound dog or is a hunka hunka burnin love is also guilty....
Now that Bill Crosby is going to get found out, anyone who likes comedy, watches comedy etc will be guilty of sexual crimes, just like all people are guilty if a gay activist does some illegal.

If only those girls were 15, you'd be defending Cosby. Sicko.

Yep. Like I said, Frigidweirdo is here on record defending that the age of consent be lowered. Not that the guy should be going to jail. Bean was 66 at the time the alleged sexual contact with the 15 year old. That means he is over 50 years older than his sex target. 50 years.
Now that Bill Crosby is going to get found out, anyone who likes comedy, watches comedy etc will be guilty of sexual crimes, just like all people are guilty if a gay activist does some illegal.

If only those girls were 15, you'd be defending Cosby. Sicko.

Oh, would I? Do you know me better than I know me? Or do you just like making cheap and easy attacks.

Let's try this. I'm going to sling some dirt at you.

If those girls were 10, you'd be defending Cosby. Pervert and pedophile that you are.

Like this? Does this add to the debate?
Yep. Like I said, Frigidweirdo is here on record defending that the age of consent be lowered. Not that the guy should be going to jail. Bean was 66 at the time the alleged sexual contact with the 15 year old. That means he is over 50 years older than his sex target. 50 years.

Really? That's news to me.

But as they say, shit sticks, the truth is often ignored, right? And any cheap attacks will do if you're not interested in debate.

Let's try your tactic. Silhouette is on record having said he looks at 15 year old girls.

Or maybe you could show me where I've said the age of consent should be lowered to a point where 60 years olds can legally have sex with a 15 year old.
As usual- Silhouettes lies.

There is no record of Harvey Milk ever sodomizing anyone- let alone a minor.

In his biography the 'waif' being mentioned was 25 year old Jack Lira.

As usual- Silhouette lies.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you noticed the word "waif" was plural...."waifS"

You see, this is the magic of language dissection in any spin, speaking of lying. It's sleight of hand. Maybe the readers won't notice the word "waifs" is plural? Maybe they'll forget about the other quotes that say Harvey Milk took 16 year old MINOR Jack Mckinley as his LOVER. Maybe they won't notice the other parts of the quote from page 180 of The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk that say Milk ALWAYS (not just one time with 25 year old Jack Lira) had a PENCHANT (sustained gravitation towards) YOUNG WAIFS (like the minor Jack Mckinly...and pluralized) with SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEMS (also incapable of consent).

Dan Savage, noted LGBT activist has spoken out to denounce the man arrested in the OP, Mr. Bean. Then he also promotes Harvey Milk as LGBT icon. You cannot do both in the same universe.

From: The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk :
"...sixteen-year-old [minor] McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)

"It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life." (page 24)

“…sixteen-year-old old McKinley was
looking for some kind of father figure
…within a few weeks, McKinley moved
into Harvey Milk’s Upper West Side apartment…and settled into a middleclass
domestic marriage..

"Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180)

[Coldly agreed with a former lover’s suicide threat]
“…the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. ‘It’s Jack McKinley,’ he said. He paused and listened
further. ‘He says he’s going to kill himself.’…‘Tell him not to make a mess,’
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up.” (Source: Randy Shilts, The Mayor of
Castro Street, p. 126)
As usual- Silhouettes lies.

There is no record of Harvey Milk ever sodomizing anyone- let alone a minor.

In his biography the 'waif' being mentioned was 25 year old Jack Lira.

As usual- Silhouette lies.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you noticed the word "waif" was plural...."waifS")


I am glad to go over this again, because it is a great example of your knowing duplicity.

“he was Harvey’s new boyfriend. That was how most people met Jack Lira. Drunk. Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems

Jack Lira was 25 years old. That is who the author was referring to as a 'young waif'- a 25 year old.

As I pointed out before:

There is no record of Harvey Milk ever sodomizing anyone- let alone a minor.
There is no record of Harvey Milk ever having sex with a minor.
No one has ever accused Harvey Milk of having sex with a minor.
There is no one who has written of having sex with Harvey Milk while they were a minor.

Unlike for example- Elvis Presley.

Elvis Presley- heterosexual sex icon- whose image is on a U.S. postage stamp, and who just last year had a day proclaimed in his honor.

Elvis Presley- with a penchant for 14 year old virgins- and who his wife has written that they did everything sexual except actual intercourse when she was a minor.

Where is the heterosexual outrage towards Elvis Presley? I have mentioned him three times so far in this thread, and you haven't condemned him once.

Because Elvis was a heterosexual.
And Milk was not.

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