LGBT Election "Victory Fund" Fund Founding Member Arrested For Sex With Juvenile

Terry Bean, 66, was arrested in Portland, ... for sex crimes against a juvenile male, police said...Bean has raised over $146,000 for the Barrack Obama’s 2012 presidential re-campaign. He is a founding member of the Victory Fund and the Human Rights Campaign, two national organizations active in gay-rights. He has also personally donated close to $20,000 to Oregon politicians since 2007 including Gov. John Kitzhaber, Secretary of State Kate Brown and Portland Mayor Charlie Hales.... GoLocalPDX Former Lover of Terry Bean Kiah Lawson Arrested for Sex Crimes


Human rights for all!...Except children...

As with all child molesters- if he is guilty, I hope he is convicted and sentenced to the maximum sentence provided for by law.

There's not a sentence strong enough on the books for people like him.
Give it a rest. If we put every man who fucked an underage kid in jail we'd have to wall off Texas and call it a prison instead of it just being one.

I didn't say put the child molesters in jail did I dickhead?
Hey dickhead, that's what a "sentence" usually entails.
The boy's circumstances do not erase the fact that he was still a boy.
That was no boy, not by then. He'd been a hooker and hustler for years. Get a reality.
So a child who is a hooker is not at-risk and is open game for adults to continue exploiting? Well we need to rewrite those laws then. Considering that one of the main symptoms of childhood sexual assault is promiscuity and "hooking", along with mental illness and substance abuse (Mckinley, Harvey Milk's minor sex toy, suffered from all of these), all that has to happen to a child is to be molested by a man and then he's a "worthless piece of shit that any man can fuck with impunity and without repurcussions".

You do realize that is your position? Oh, well-known LGBT advocate here at USMB...You admit Jack Mckinley's youth was ruined and as such you use that as the justification to keep hurting him.

Years after Harvey Milk discarded Mckinley for his steady supply of market-age meat (young and fresh), McKinley jumped to his death, after many attempts to reunite with Milk. Here's an excerpt from one of those attempts:

“…the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. ‘It’s Jack McKinley,’ he said. He paused and listened
further. ‘He says he’s going to kill himself.’…‘Tell him not to make a mess,’
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up.” (Source: Randy Shilts, The Mayor of
Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, p. 126)

There goes your him as he goes...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
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The boy's circumstances do not erase the fact that he was still a boy.
That was no boy, not by then. He'd been a hooker and hustler for years. Get a reality.
So a child who is a hooker is not at-risk and is open game for adults to continue exploiting? Well we need to rewrite those laws then. Considering that one of the main symptoms of childhood sexual assault is promiscuity and "hooking", along with mental illness and substance abuse (Mckinley, Harvey Milk's minor sex toy, suffered from all of these), all that has to happen to a child is to be molested by a man and then he's a "worthless piece of shit that any man can fuck with impunity and without repurcussions".

You do realize that is your position? Oh, well-known LGBT advocate here at USMB...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
My position is Milk should have kept his pants on, but calling his partner a boy is like calling Traci Lords a girl. When teenagers fuck and do drugs like adults they more or less are.
My position is Milk should have kept his pants on, but calling his partner a boy is like calling Traci Lords a girl. When teenagers fuck and do drugs like adults they more or less are.

No, the fact that teenagers have sex and do drugs is THE REASON statutory rape laws exist. To keep this turbulent time of their experimental lives from becoming the fodder of exploitation and undue influence from those that would harness them down a dark path for the rest of their lives by exploiting them.... from the very ranks of those they should come to grow to trust and emulate: sober, non-exploitive, civilized ADULTS.

At that age and with that behavior, society has to DOUBLE-DOWN on protecting them from harm.
My position is Milk should have kept his pants on, but calling his partner a boy is like calling Traci Lords a girl. When teenagers fuck and do drugs like adults they more or less are.

No, the fact that teenagers have sex and do drugs is THE REASON statutory rape laws exist. To keep this turbulent time of their experimental lives from becoming the fodder of exploitation and undue influence from those that would harness them down a dark path for the rest of their lives by exploiting them.... from the very ranks of those they should come to grow to trust and emulate: sober, non-exploitive, civilized ADULTS.

At that age and with that behavior, society has to DOUBLE-DOWN on protecting them from harm.
There's nothing scientific about a consent age of 18. Biology shows an adult female is almost 27 and a male almost 29. You use "protecting the children" as an excuse for your homophobia, nothing more.
There's nothing scientific about a consent age of 18. Biology shows an adult female is almost 27 and a male almost 29. You use "protecting the children" as an excuse for your homophobia, nothing more.

Biology isn't what we're talking about. If it was, some children at age 9 should be able to have sex with adults according to your logic. What we're talking about is psychology. When you find a link at the APA discussing that one study about how adults having sex with minors could be a "positive experience", post it here.. You know the one...the one that Congress voted to officially censure. The first time Congress ever did that to a professional outfit.

There you have it folks. If you are into protecting minors from adult sex predators, you are a "homophobe". It's that catch-all label that sends all the good debates running for the hills..."OH 'mgosh! I just got called a HOMOPHOBE!!" I retract everything I just said...pppplease.....ppplease don't prosecute me, glitter bomb me or sue me in civil court!!" :crybaby:

NOT. :lmao:

If protecting the rights of children and minors to be free from adult exploitation brings on reverse-bullying or lawsuits or any other blackmail repurcussion from the ranks of the LGBT cult. Sign me the fuck up! I cannot wait to put something like that in the public eye. :muahaha:
The boy's circumstances do not erase the fact that he was still a boy.
That was no boy, not by then. He'd been a hooker and hustler for years. Get a reality.
So a child who is a hooker is not at-risk and is open game for adults to continue exploiting? ]

So a child who is a 14 year old virgin living at home with her parents is not at risk and is open game for adults to exploit.

See, I happen to agree that grown men should not be having sex with minors. I happen to agree that there is a valid reason for age of consents.

BUT I also believe that sex with a minor is as serious when it happens to a girl as when it happens to a boy.

Once again let me point out the key differences between Milk and Elvis:
Milk: no one has ever accused Milk of having sexual contact with a Minor
Elvis: His own wife has written about their sexual exploits while she was an unmarried minor.

Yet two days after I first pointed this out- and you have still not condemned Elvis in the way you condemn Milk.

Where are the threads by you condemning the heterosexual worship of Elvis- sexual icon- whose home is a tourist attraction(by the way one of the biggest must see's is his huge circular bed.......because of course Elvis was known only for his music....)

Milk is only an excuse for attacking homosexuals.

You don't even hold yourself to the same standards you demand Dan Savage met.

My position is Milk should have kept his pants on, but calling his partner a boy is like calling Traci Lords a girl. When teenagers fuck and do drugs like adults they more or less are.

No, the fact that teenagers have sex and do drugs is THE REASON statutory rape laws exist. To keep this turbulent time of their experimental lives from becoming the fodder of exploitation and undue influence from those that would harness them down a dark path for the rest of their lives by exploiting them.... from the very ranks of those they should come to grow to trust and emulate: sober, non-exploitive, civilized ADULTS.

At that age and with that behavior, society has to DOUBLE-DOWN on protecting them from harm.
There's nothing scientific about a consent age of 18. Biology shows an adult female is almost 27 and a male almost 29. You use "protecting the children" as an excuse for your homophobia, nothing more.
There you have it folks. If you are into protecting minors from adult sex predators, you are a "homophobe". It's that catch-all label that sends all the good debates running for the hills..."OH 'mgosh! I just got called a HOMOPHOBE!!" I retract everything I just said...pppplease.....ppplease don't prosecute me, glitter bomb me or sue me in civil court!!" :crybaby:

NOT. :lmao:

If protecting the rights of children and minors to be free from adult exploitation brings on reverse-bullying or lawsuits or any other blackmail repurcussion from the ranks of the LGBT cult. Sign me the fuck up! I cannot wait to put something like that in the public eye. :muahaha:
You are a homophobe. You think Milk's underage fucking makes him Satan but Elvis was just fine, all because he fucked girls instead. Deal with it.
My position is Milk should have kept his pants on, but calling his partner a boy is like calling Traci Lords a girl. When teenagers fuck and do drugs like adults they more or less are.

No, the fact that teenagers have sex and do drugs is THE REASON statutory rape laws exist. To keep this turbulent time of their experimental lives from becoming the fodder of exploitation and undue influence from those that would harness them down a dark path for the rest of their lives by exploiting them.... from the very ranks of those they should come to grow to trust and emulate: sober, non-exploitive, civilized ADULTS.

At that age and with that behavior, society has to DOUBLE-DOWN on protecting them from harm.
There's nothing scientific about a consent age of 18. Biology shows an adult female is almost 27 and a male almost 29. You use "protecting the children" as an excuse for your homophobia, nothing more.
There you have it folks. If you are into protecting minors from adult sex predators, you are a "homophobe".

No you are a homophobe because you only care about 'protecting minors from adult sex predators' when you can label their predators homosexuals.

When it is someone like simply don't care.
My position is Milk should have kept his pants on, but calling his partner a boy is like calling Traci Lords a girl. When teenagers fuck and do drugs like adults they more or less are.

No, the fact that teenagers have sex and do drugs is THE REASON statutory rape laws exist. To keep this turbulent time of their experimental lives from becoming the fodder of exploitation and undue influence from those that would harness them down a dark path for the rest of their lives by exploiting them.... from the very ranks of those they should come to grow to trust and emulate: sober, non-exploitive, civilized ADULTS.

At that age and with that behavior, society has to DOUBLE-DOWN on protecting them from harm.

And that is the reason why you excused Elvis's relationship with 14 year old Priscilla of course.....
Paint, you haven't adequately addressed this:

The boy's circumstances do not erase the fact that he was still a boy.
That was no boy, not by then. He'd been a hooker and hustler for years. Get a reality.
So a child who is a hooker is not at-risk and is open game for adults to continue exploiting? Well we need to rewrite those laws then. Considering that one of the main symptoms of childhood sexual assault is promiscuity and "hooking", along with mental illness and substance abuse (Mckinley, Harvey Milk's minor sex toy, suffered from all of these), all that has to happen to a child is to be molested by a man and then he's a "worthless piece of shit that any man can fuck with impunity and without repurcussions".

You do realize that is your position? Oh, well-known LGBT advocate here at USMB...You admit Jack Mckinley's youth was ruined and as such you use that as the justification to keep hurting him.
Years after Harvey Milk discarded Mckinley for his steady supply of market-age meat (young and fresh), McKinley jumped to his death, after many attempts to reunite with Milk. Here's an excerpt from one of those attempts:

“…the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. ‘It’s Jack McKinley,’ he said. He paused and listened
further. ‘He says he’s going to kill himself.’…‘Tell him not to make a mess,’
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up.” (Source: Randy Shilts, The Mayor of
Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, p. 126)

There goes your him as he goes...

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Do you Paint (not the page-bleeder troll Syriusly) believe that a child of breeding age, be it 9 or 15 should be able to have legal sex with an adult?

And/or do you believe that a non-virginal child age (what was that magic age again Paint?) who is a "street hustler" should be able to have legal sex with an adult?
There goes your him as he goes...
Milk was just a man little idiot, and men fuck those underage, period.
Harvey Milk was a gay man celebrated for his gay sexuality. I'm not aware of a hetero equivalent. I'm not aware of a hetero man celebrated for his sexuality which was sex with minor girls. I can think of a lot of famous people either gay or straight who were clandestine criminals having sex with minors. But I cannot find but one who is celebrated for that actual sexuality and being open about it, save Harvey Milk: LGBT deviant sex cult sexual icon.

For instance, we all know Jerry Sandusky's sexuality was sex with minors but yet he isn't celebrated for that. Really, that's quite hypocritical, isn't it? As far as I know, Sandusky didn't break any other laws and was a really well respected and loved sports enthusiast.
There goes your him as he goes...
Milk was just a man little idiot, and men fuck those underage, period.
Harvey Milk was a gay man celebrated for his gay sexuality. I'm not aware of a hetero equivalent. I'm not aware of a hetero man celebrated for his sexuality which was sex with minor girls. I can think of a lot of famous people either gay or straight who were clandestine criminals having sex with minors. But I cannot find but one who is celebrated for that actual sexuality and being open about it, save Harvey Milk: LGBT deviant sex cult sexual icon.

For instance, we all know Jerry Sandusky's sexuality was sex with minors but yet he isn't celebrated for that. Really, that's quite hypocritical, isn't it?
He was celebrated for being openly gay, that's all. And I can't even begin to list the names of men celebrated for how many women they fucked but you can start with King Solomon I guess.
He was celebrated for being openly gay, that's all. And I can't even begin to list the names of men celebrated for how many women they fucked but you can start with King Solomon I guess.
Yes, but "openly gay" meant "a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" least one of which was the 16 year old minor Jack McKinley.
Years after Harvey Milk discarded Mckinley for his steady supply of market-age meat (young and fresh), McKinley jumped to his death, after many attempts to reunite with Milk. Here's an excerpt from one of those attempts:

McKinley jumped to his death 2 years after Milk was assassinated.

I have seen comments by friends that they believed his suicide was a result of depression from Milk's assasination.

Harvey Milk and Jack McKinley were together from 1963-1969.
Compare that to the marriage of Elvis and Priscilla who 1967-1973....the exact same length of time.
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He was celebrated for being openly gay, that's all. And I can't even begin to list the names of men celebrated for how many women they fucked but you can start with King Solomon I guess.
Yes, but "openly gay" meant "a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" least one of which was the 16 year old minor Jack McKinley.
No, it didn't. That's just in your tiny mind.
He was celebrated for being openly gay, that's all. And I can't even begin to list the names of men celebrated for how many women they fucked but you can start with King Solomon I guess.
Yes, but "openly gay" meant "a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" least one of which was the 16 year old minor Jack McKinley.

He was celebrated for promoting equal rights- here let me remind you:

Harvey Milk was the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in a major city, serving on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors from 1977-1978. He worked to pass a gay rights ordinance and defeated Proposition 6, commonly known as the Briggs Initiative, which would have banned gays and lesbians from teaching in public schools. Milk encouraged Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people to be visible in society and believed coming out was the only way they could achieve true social equality.

Harvey Milk’s legacy as a civil rights leader is still felt today. He was named one of TIME Magazine’s most influential people of the 20th century. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and was the subject of a movie for which Sean Penn won the Academy Award for best actor. Many Institutions and organizations are named for Harvey Milk to commemorate his life and social contributions.

My position is Milk should have kept his pants on, but calling his partner a boy is like calling Traci Lords a girl. When teenagers fuck and do drugs like adults they more or less are.

No, the fact that teenagers have sex and do drugs is THE REASON statutory rape laws exist. To keep this turbulent time of their experimental lives from becoming the fodder of exploitation and undue influence from those that would harness them down a dark path for the rest of their lives by exploiting them.... from the very ranks of those they should come to grow to trust and emulate: sober, non-exploitive, civilized ADULTS.

At that age and with that behavior, society has to DOUBLE-DOWN on protecting them from harm.

And that is the reason why you excused Elvis's relationship with 14 year old Priscilla of course.....

I just want to point out again- that Silhouette is soooooo concerned about men who 'molested' underage minors 40 or 50 years ago.....that even after me pointing out that Elvis did exactly what she accused Milk of doing two days ago- she still has yet to condemn Elvis.

Instead she has just made excuse for why it was okay for Elvis to shtup an underage minor.
Years after Harvey Milk discarded Mckinley for his steady supply of market-age meat (young and fresh), McKinley jumped to his death, after many attempts to reunite with Milk. Here's an excerpt from one of those attempts:

McKinley jumped to his death 2 years after Milk was assassinated.

Harvey Milk and Jack McKinley were together from 1963-1969.
Compare that to the marriage of Elvis and Priscilla who 1967-1973....the exact same length of time.
Did Harvey Milk have a 16 year old lover

Jack Galen McKinley (Born 1947- Died 1980)

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