LGBT Election "Victory Fund" Fund Founding Member Arrested For Sex With Juvenile

There goes your him as he goes...
Milk was just a man little idiot, and men fuck those underage, period.
Harvey Milk was a gay man celebrated for his gay sexuality. I'm not aware of a hetero equivalent. I'm not aware of a hetero man celebrated for his sexuality which was sex with minor girls. I can think of a lot of famous people either gay or straight who were clandestine criminals having sex with minors. But I cannot find but one who is celebrated for that actual sexuality and being open about it, save Harvey Milk: LGBT deviant sex cult sexual icon.
For instance, we all know Jerry Sandusky's sexuality was sex with minors but yet he isn't celebrated for that. Really, that's quite hypocritical, isn't it? As far as I know, Sandusky didn't break any other laws and was a really well respected and loved sports enthusiast.


So Paint, other than fucking boys in the locker room, much like Harvey Milk did in his private/public life at bath houses and parks, what bad to you have to say about Jerry Sandusky?
So Paint, other than fucking boys in the locker room, much like Harvey Milk did in his private/public life at bath houses and parks, what bad to you have to say about Jerry Sandusky?
Learn the difference between rape and statutory rape. Thanks a bunch.

Answer the quetion. Sandusky's boy-victims were ages 11-17. Harvey Milk's victims were at least 16. All were minors. How are the two men different if neither one broke any other law?

Answer the question you know you cannot answer.. :cranky:
There goes your him as he goes...
Milk was just a man little idiot, and men fuck those underage, period.
Harvey Milk was a gay man celebrated for his gay sexuality. I'm not aware of a hetero equivalent. I'm not aware of a hetero man celebrated for his sexuality which was sex with minor girls.

Harvey Milk was a gay man celebrated for his work in civil rights- here let me quote it for you again:

Harvey Milk was the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in a major city, serving on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors from 1977-1978. He worked to pass a gay rights ordinance and defeated Proposition 6, commonly known as the Briggs Initiative, which would have banned gays and lesbians from teaching in public schools. Milk encouraged Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people to be visible in society and believed coming out was the only way they could achieve true social equality.

Harvey Milk’s legacy as a civil rights leader is still felt today. He was named one of TIME Magazine’s most influential people of the 20th century. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and was the subject of a movie for which Sean Penn won the Academy Award for best actor. Many Institutions and organizations are named for Harvey Milk to commemorate his life and social contributions.

Not one word about celebrating his sexuality

Elvis Presley was a heterosexual man who was celebrated for his sexuality. Elvis was an is a sexual icon.
An Analysis of Elvis Presley’s Relation to the Sexual Revolution, 1945-1960

In the midst of a postwar American society built with “a strong emphasis on relationships
and family life,” Elvis Presley, the rising son of Memphis, Tennessee, swept through the nation
with a suggestive style that made teenage girls proclaim, “everytime [sic] I hear his records I get
weak in the knees. Oooooh. . .” This young musician had an enormous cultural impact, forever
changing sexual attitudes in America. Gender roles during this era were “divided accordingly”
and “good girls did not have sex before marriage.”
When Alfred Kinsey1 published Sexual
Behavior in the Human Male in 1948, Life magazine called it an “assault on the family” and a
“celebration of licentiousness.” Presley gained mass fame through his sexually innovative
performance style, earning the nickname “Elvis the Pelvis” for the way he danced onstage.
Presley was the “master of the sexual smile, treating his guitar as both phallus and girl” while
making sounds that resembled “the male approaching an orgasm.” Elvis aroused his female
adorers and reached a god-like status among male admirers. He channeled his sex appeal in
order to reach unparalleled celebrity as the king of rock ‘n’ roll. Elvis Presley introduced sex
into the mainstream culture of mid-20th century America, sparking a moral panic among critics
that helped transcend attitudes on sexual behavior and gender leading to the sexual revolution.2, 3

Feel free to find any writing which portray Harvey Milk as a sexual icon in the way Elvis is portrayed above
So Paint, other than fucking boys in the locker room, much like Harvey Milk did in his private/public life at bath houses and parks, what bad to you have to say about Jerry Sandusky?
Learn the difference between rape and statutory rape. Thanks a bunch.

Answer the quetion. Sandusky's boy-victims were ages 11-17. Harvey Milk's victims were at least 16. All were minors. How are the two men different if neither one broke any other law?

Answer the question you know you cannot answer.. :cranky:
Learn the difference between rape and statutory rape.
So Paint, other than fucking boys in the locker room, much like Harvey Milk did in his private/public life at bath houses and parks, what bad to you have to say about Jerry Sandusky?
Learn the difference between rape and statutory rape. Thanks a bunch.

Answer the quetion. Sandusky's boy-victims were ages 11-17. Harvey Milk's victims were at least 16. All were minors. How are the two men different if neither one broke any other law?

Answer the question you know you cannot answer.. :cranky:

Elvis's victims were 14-16 years old.

How were Milk and Elvis different if they both broke the laws- other than we have evidence that Elvis had sex with a minor, and we don't have any evidence that Milk did?
So Paint, other than fucking boys in the locker room, much like Harvey Milk did in his private/public life at bath houses and parks, what bad to you have to say about Jerry Sandusky?
Learn the difference between rape and statutory rape. Thanks a bunch.

Answer the quetion. Sandusky's boy-victims were ages 11-17. Harvey Milk's victims were at least 16. All were minors. How are the two men different if neither one broke any other law?

Answer the question you know you cannot answer.. :cranky:

Elvis's victims were 14-16 years old.

How were Milk and Elvis different if they both broke the laws- other than we have evidence that Elvis had sex with a minor, and we don't have any evidence that Milk did?
They both fucked "kids" in this case. At least get past that much. And both did it only with willing partners, as far as we know.
So Paint, other than fucking boys in the locker room, much like Harvey Milk did in his private/public life at bath houses and parks, what bad to you have to say about Jerry Sandusky?
Learn the difference between rape and statutory rape. Thanks a bunch.

Answer the quetion. Sandusky's boy-victims were ages 11-17. Harvey Milk's victims were at least 16. All were minors. How are the two men different if neither one broke any other law?

Answer the question you know you cannot answer.. :cranky:

Elvis's victims were 14-16 years old.

How were Milk and Elvis different if they both broke the laws- other than we have evidence that Elvis had sex with a minor, and we don't have any evidence that Milk did?
They both fucked "kids" in this case. At least get past that much. And both did it only with willing partners, as far as we know.

Like I said- we know Elvis 'fucked' kids- no one has claimed Milk did.

Who would know? Well Milk- and he never said that he did. Jack McKinley? He never said that he did.

Both were dead when Milk's biography was being written. We can speculate that Milk had sex with a minor like Elvis did- but it is only speculation.
So Paint, other than fucking boys in the locker room, much like Harvey Milk did in his private/public life at bath houses and parks, what bad to you have to say about Jerry Sandusky?
Learn the difference between rape and statutory rape. Thanks a bunch.

Answer the quetion. Sandusky's boy-victims were ages 11-17. Harvey Milk's victims were at least 16. All were minors. How are the two men different if neither one broke any other law?

Answer the question you know you cannot answer.. :cranky:

Elvis's victims were 14-16 years old.

How were Milk and Elvis different if they both broke the laws- other than we have evidence that Elvis had sex with a minor, and we don't have any evidence that Milk did?
They both fucked "kids" in this case. At least get past that much. And both did it only with willing partners, as far as we know.

Like I said- we know Elvis 'fucked' kids- no one has claimed Milk did.

Who would know? Well Milk- and he never said that he did. Jack McKinley? He never said that he did.

Both were dead when Milk's biography was being written. We can speculate that Milk had sex with a minor like Elvis did- but it is only speculation.
These are males we're talking about, no speculation is required. Just run with it, it's disingenuous not to.
There goes your him as he goes...
Milk was just a man little idiot, and men fuck those underage, period.
Harvey Milk was a gay man celebrated for his gay sexuality. I'm not aware of a hetero equivalent. I'm not aware of a hetero man celebrated for his sexuality which was sex with minor girls. I can think of a lot of famous people either gay or straight who were clandestine criminals having sex with minors. But I cannot find but one who is celebrated for that actual sexuality and being open about it, save Harvey Milk: LGBT deviant sex cult sexual icon.

For instance, we all know Jerry Sandusky's sexuality was sex with minors but yet he isn't celebrated for that. Really, that's quite hypocritical, isn't it? As far as I know, Sandusky didn't break any other laws and was a really well respected and loved sports enthusiast.

Why would there be a heterosexual equivalent?

You seem concerned that there is one group which has been vilified for, well the whole of Christianity, and another group which has been promoted for all this time, and that people in the one where they have been downtrodden are standing up to be accepted and the ones who have been on top are not standing up to be accepted when they were already accepted.

Did you complain when black people were standing up for what was right?
Elvis's victims were 14-16 years old.

How were Milk and Elvis different if they both broke the laws- other than we have evidence that Elvis had sex with a minor, and we don't have any evidence that Milk did?
Victims...with an "s"? Or just Priscilla? Elvis Presley sought permission from the girl's parents to marry her. So he did. He married her. In New Hampshire, he could've done that when she was 13.

I'm not saying I approve of that. But at least the states have a right to set the age of consent. Did Harvey Milk marry Jack Mckinley? Or did he even commit to him? No, he discarded him as the boy aged and got public hair on his face and body. Just like all the other boys Milk wound up with. When they started to look like men, it was hasta la vista baby!

"Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems".

Noted, again, you are advocating fiercely for the age of consent for adults to have sex with minors to be lower and lower and lower... How low is too low? Paint here said that he thinks if kids are old enough to have offspring, they're old enough for adults to have sex with them. Some kids pass puberty at age 9. Is 9 too young? 12? 14? 16? When does mental maturity enter into the "consent" equation?

Each state decides that. Let me guess. Now you'll be for a federal mandate on lowering the age of consent to...? years old across the 50 states.

...Baby steps.. that will come next, just after polygamy marriage...
Terry Bean, 66, was arrested in Portland, ... for sex crimes against a juvenile male, police said...Bean has raised over $146,000 for the Barrack Obama’s 2012 presidential re-campaign. He is a founding member of the Victory Fund and the Human Rights Campaign, two national organizations active in gay-rights. He has also personally donated close to $20,000 to Oregon politicians since 2007 including Gov. John Kitzhaber, Secretary of State Kate Brown and Portland Mayor Charlie Hales.... GoLocalPDX Former Lover of Terry Bean Kiah Lawson Arrested for Sex Crimes


Human rights for all!...Except children...

As with all child molesters- if he is guilty, I hope he is convicted and sentenced to the maximum sentence provided for by law.

There's not a sentence strong enough on the books for people like him.
Give it a rest. If we put every man who fucked an underage kid in jail we'd have to wall off Texas and call it a prison instead of it just being one.

I didn't say put the child molesters in jail did I dickhead?
Hey dickhead, that's what a "sentence" usually entails.

That's why I said there isn't one strong enough for people like that. I didn't say sentence them. That's too easy. Child molesters need to be dealt with worse than any sentence ever could. Try reading next time dumbass.
Elvis's victims were 14-16 years old.

How were Milk and Elvis different if they both broke the laws- other than we have evidence that Elvis had sex with a minor, and we don't have any evidence that Milk did?
Victims...with an "s"? Or just Priscilla? Elvis Presley sought permission from the girl's parents to marry her. So he did. He married her. In New Hampshire, he could've done that when she was 13.

I'm not saying I approve of that. But at least the states have a right to set the age of consent. Did Harvey Milk marry Jack Mckinley? Or did he even commit to him? No, he discarded him as the boy aged and got public hair on his face and body. Just like all the other boys Milk wound up with. When they started to look like men, it was hasta la vista baby!

Fascinating isn't it how you rationalize for Elvis but condemn Milk- even though we have first hand testimony that Elvis had sexual contact with a minor, but there is no evidence that Harvey Milk had evidence with a minor.

Elvis met Priscilla when she was 14 years old and he was 24 years old and in the Army. It would have been illegal for Elvis to have any sexual contact with her then.

But thats okay with you because he wasn't a homosexual, having sex with a boy.

Elvis had the option to marry Priscilla- and did so promptly in 1967.....a mere 7 years after they started dating and being sexual.
Milk and McKinley of course did not have the legal option to marry- something you would still deny gay men.

Now- about your fantasies about McKinley and Milk- McKinley was 16 years old when he met Milk- and this is probably a shock to you but boys of 16 have pubic hair. Milk and McKinley were together for 7 years.....until McKinley was 23.

And of course there is no evidence that Milk had any other 'boys'- unlike Elvis which was known for preferring 14 year old virgins.

And finally- McKinley left Milk- Milk followed McKinley to San Francisco, and then when McKinley decided to move back to New York, Milk decided not to follow him.

So much for Milk discarding McKinley.

Meanwhile- Elvis cheated on Priscilla the entire time they were married.

So once again- why is okay for your for a heterosexual to have sex with a minor- but not a homosexual?

I mean other than your homophobia?
Each state decides that. Let me guess. Now you'll be for a federal mandate on lowering the age of consent to...? years old across the 50 states....

LOL- you are the one okay with Elvis having sex with a 14 year old- arguing that it was okay because he could have married Priscilla at 13 in New Hampshire......

do you think it would have been okay for Elvis to have sex with 13 year old Priscilla?
That's why I said there isn't one strong enough for people like that. I didn't say sentence them. That's too easy. Child molesters need to be dealt with worse than any sentence ever could. Try reading next time dumbass.

I'm not trying to be cheeky here, but an American Psychological Association paper asserts that adults having sex with minors can have a "positive effect" for the minor. Maybe that will be what Mr. Bean will cite in his defense?


For the first time ever in U.S. history, Congress officially condemned a study published in a major scientific journal.The study was published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin, the flagship journal of the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA), and it was condemned the next year.The APA apologized for printing the article, resulting in a three-year controversy that threatened to split the organization in half. Some claimed the study was pseudo-scientific propaganda, while others charged that Congress’s and the APA’s actions amounted to censorship and would have a chilling effect on scientific research....

...The study was a review of 59 studies of college students assessing the effects of childhood and adolescent sexual experiences with adults.During the peer review process (in which the APA reviewers critique the article and suggest or require changes before publication), the action editor asked Rind and his colleagues to discuss the implications of the studies’ findings that willing minors often experienced such activity as neutral or positive, and evidence of psychological harm often could not be found.As a result of this request, the authors wrote in their article that using definitions of “abuse” and “consent” based on legal or moral rather than scientific considerations resulted in poor predictive validity, and impeded an understanding of the phenomenon and its effects.Thus they recommended that more neutral terminology (“adult-minor sex” rather than “abuse”) be used for interaction experienced positively and resulting in no sign of harm...

...Congress continued to pressure the APA to condemn the report. Eventually, as the House vote neared, the APA responded to the pressure by writing a letter to one of the sponsors of the bill, saying that “clearly, the article included opinions of the authors that are inconsistent with APA's stated and deeply held positions on child welfare and protection issues,” and promising that the Rind report would be reviewed again by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.The APA also promised to consider whether future articles are in the interest of public policy before publishing them. The House accordingly passed an amended version of the bill, which condemned the report itself but not the APA....

In a letter to the APA, 12 past and current presidents of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex strongly objected to the APA’s response to the controversy, saying that it “cast a chill on all such research”and that in order to solve serious social problems, the search for accurate information must be protected from political considerations and pressures.Nationally respected sexuality researcher Leonore Tiefer also sent a letter to the APA calling its position “contemptible” and describing Rind’s work as “clear-eyed and comprehensive.”....

The Rind Controversy


1. The APA brazenly publishes an article that paints out adult-child sex as "neutral or positive"...knowing full well that many other organizations look to their conclusions to base policy on, including pediatrics and the AMA.

2. Congress outraged, demands the APA retract such conclusions as completely unacceptable. The APA's ranks are split down the middle on the report representing APA principles.

3. The "half" of the APA that favored the new view of adult-child sex as "positive", or at least the publishing of such information that others might rely upon to form their own policies as 'a good idea', was outraged that the APA retracted, sort of, the study's conclusions.

So at least 1/2 of the APA would support a 66 year old man having sex with a 15 year old least in theory they might suggest it might have been a "positive" experience for the boy.

Oh, and BTW, the APA employs a new type of "science" that arrives at conclusions by rejecting data in favor of "audited group think"...just exactly as cults do. They long ago ejected their old official stance of only publishing conclusions that had been arrived at scientifically, using data and numbers. This new method is called "CQR". When you get a minute, google it. It's a hoot.
That's why I said there isn't one strong enough for people like that. I didn't say sentence them. That's too easy. Child molesters need to be dealt with worse than any sentence ever could. Try reading next time dumbass.

I'm not trying to be cheeky here, but an American Psychological Association paper asserts that adults having sex with minors can have a "positive effect" for the minor. Maybe that will be what Mr. Bean will cite in his defense?


For the first time ever in U.S. history, Congress officially condemned a study published in a major scientific journal.The study was published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin, the flagship journal of the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA), and it was condemned the next year.The APA apologized for printing the article, resulting in a three-year controversy that threatened to split the organization in half. Some claimed the study was pseudo-scientific propaganda, while others charged that Congress’s and the APA’s actions amounted to censorship and would have a chilling effect on scientific research....

...The study was a review of 59 studies of college students assessing the effects of childhood and adolescent sexual experiences with adults.During the peer review process (in which the APA reviewers critique the article and suggest or require changes before publication), the action editor asked Rind and his colleagues to discuss the implications of the studies’ findings that willing minors often experienced such activity as neutral or positive, and evidence of psychological harm often could not be found.As a result of this request, the authors wrote in their article that using definitions of “abuse” and “consent” based on legal or moral rather than scientific considerations resulted in poor predictive validity, and impeded an understanding of the phenomenon and its effects.Thus they recommended that more neutral terminology (“adult-minor sex” rather than “abuse”) be used for interaction experienced positively and resulting in no sign of harm...

...Congress continued to pressure the APA to condemn the report. Eventually, as the House vote neared, the APA responded to the pressure by writing a letter to one of the sponsors of the bill, saying that “clearly, the article included opinions of the authors that are inconsistent with APA's stated and deeply held positions on child welfare and protection issues,” and promising that the Rind report would be reviewed again by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.The APA also promised to consider whether future articles are in the interest of public policy before publishing them. The House accordingly passed an amended version of the bill, which condemned the report itself but not the APA....

In a letter to the APA, 12 past and current presidents of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex strongly objected to the APA’s response to the controversy, saying that it “cast a chill on all such research”and that in order to solve serious social problems, the search for accurate information must be protected from political considerations and pressures.Nationally respected sexuality researcher Leonore Tiefer also sent a letter to the APA calling its position “contemptible” and describing Rind’s work as “clear-eyed and comprehensive.”....

The Rind Controversy


1. The APA brazenly publishes an article that paints out adult-child sex as "neutral or positive"...knowing full well that many other organizations look to their conclusions to base policy on, including pediatrics and the AMA.

2. Congress outraged, demands the APA retract such conclusions as completely unacceptable. The APA's ranks are split down the middle on the report representing APA principles.

3. The "half" of the APA that favored the new view of adult-child sex as "positive", or at least the publishing of such information that others might rely upon to form their own policies as 'a good idea', was outraged that the APA retracted, sort of, the study's conclusions.

So at least 1/2 of the APA would support a 66 year old man having sex with a 15 year old least in theory they might suggest it might have been a "positive" experience for the boy.

Oh, and BTW, the APA employs a new type of "science" that arrives at conclusions by rejecting data in favor of "audited group think"...just exactly as cults do. They long ago ejected their old official stance of only publishing conclusions that had been arrived at scientifically, using data and numbers. This new method is called "CQR". When you get a minute, google it. It's a hoot.

Considering that you have no problem with 24 year old Elvis having a sexual relationship with 14 year old Priscilla.......what is your point again?
As with all child molesters- if he is guilty, I hope he is convicted and sentenced to the maximum sentence provided for by law.

There's not a sentence strong enough on the books for people like him.
Give it a rest. If we put every man who fucked an underage kid in jail we'd have to wall off Texas and call it a prison instead of it just being one.

I didn't say put the child molesters in jail did I dickhead?
Hey dickhead, that's what a "sentence" usually entails.

That's why I said there isn't one strong enough for people like that. I didn't say sentence them. That's too easy. Child molesters need to be dealt with worse than any sentence ever could. Try reading next time dumbass.
So essentially you're a moron who doesn't believe in a rational legal system and is so nuts you want to start hanging people because they fucked a kid, got it.
That's why I said there isn't one strong enough for people like that. I didn't say sentence them. That's too easy. Child molesters need to be dealt with worse than any sentence ever could. Try reading next time dumbass.

I'm not trying to be cheeky here, but an American Psychological Association paper asserts that adults having sex with minors can have a "positive effect" for the minor. Maybe that will be what Mr. Bean will cite in his defense?


For the first time ever in U.S. history, Congress officially condemned a study published in a major scientific journal.The study was published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin, the flagship journal of the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA), and it was condemned the next year.The APA apologized for printing the article, resulting in a three-year controversy that threatened to split the organization in half. Some claimed the study was pseudo-scientific propaganda, while others charged that Congress’s and the APA’s actions amounted to censorship and would have a chilling effect on scientific research....

...The study was a review of 59 studies of college students assessing the effects of childhood and adolescent sexual experiences with adults.During the peer review process (in which the APA reviewers critique the article and suggest or require changes before publication), the action editor asked Rind and his colleagues to discuss the implications of the studies’ findings that willing minors often experienced such activity as neutral or positive, and evidence of psychological harm often could not be found.As a result of this request, the authors wrote in their article that using definitions of “abuse” and “consent” based on legal or moral rather than scientific considerations resulted in poor predictive validity, and impeded an understanding of the phenomenon and its effects.Thus they recommended that more neutral terminology (“adult-minor sex” rather than “abuse”) be used for interaction experienced positively and resulting in no sign of harm...

...Congress continued to pressure the APA to condemn the report. Eventually, as the House vote neared, the APA responded to the pressure by writing a letter to one of the sponsors of the bill, saying that “clearly, the article included opinions of the authors that are inconsistent with APA's stated and deeply held positions on child welfare and protection issues,” and promising that the Rind report would be reviewed again by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.The APA also promised to consider whether future articles are in the interest of public policy before publishing them. The House accordingly passed an amended version of the bill, which condemned the report itself but not the APA....

In a letter to the APA, 12 past and current presidents of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex strongly objected to the APA’s response to the controversy, saying that it “cast a chill on all such research”and that in order to solve serious social problems, the search for accurate information must be protected from political considerations and pressures.Nationally respected sexuality researcher Leonore Tiefer also sent a letter to the APA calling its position “contemptible” and describing Rind’s work as “clear-eyed and comprehensive.”....

The Rind Controversy


1. The APA brazenly publishes an article that paints out adult-child sex as "neutral or positive"...knowing full well that many other organizations look to their conclusions to base policy on, including pediatrics and the AMA.

2. Congress outraged, demands the APA retract such conclusions as completely unacceptable. The APA's ranks are split down the middle on the report representing APA principles.

3. The "half" of the APA that favored the new view of adult-child sex as "positive", or at least the publishing of such information that others might rely upon to form their own policies as 'a good idea', was outraged that the APA retracted, sort of, the study's conclusions.

So at least 1/2 of the APA would support a 66 year old man having sex with a 15 year old least in theory they might suggest it might have been a "positive" experience for the boy.

Oh, and BTW, the APA employs a new type of "science" that arrives at conclusions by rejecting data in favor of "audited group think"...just exactly as cults do. They long ago ejected their old official stance of only publishing conclusions that had been arrived at scientifically, using data and numbers. This new method is called "CQR". When you get a minute, google it. It's a hoot.

Considering that you have no problem with 24 year old Elvis having a sexual relationship with 14 year old Priscilla.......what is your point again?
Oh but that's okay with her, because he wasn't a faggot.
There's not a sentence strong enough on the books for people like him.
Give it a rest. If we put every man who fucked an underage kid in jail we'd have to wall off Texas and call it a prison instead of it just being one.

I didn't say put the child molesters in jail did I dickhead?
Hey dickhead, that's what a "sentence" usually entails.

That's why I said there isn't one strong enough for people like that. I didn't say sentence them. That's too easy. Child molesters need to be dealt with worse than any sentence ever could. Try reading next time dumbass.
So essentially you're a moron who doesn't believe in a rational legal system and is so nuts you want to start hanging people because they fucked a kid, got it.

Again, you're not reading dumbass. I didn't say he/she shouldn't get a trial. You ASSume too many things. I bet you're one of those perverts who, as an adult, couldn't get any unless it was with a kid. That I got.
Give it a rest. If we put every man who fucked an underage kid in jail we'd have to wall off Texas and call it a prison instead of it just being one.

I didn't say put the child molesters in jail did I dickhead?
Hey dickhead, that's what a "sentence" usually entails.

That's why I said there isn't one strong enough for people like that. I didn't say sentence them. That's too easy. Child molesters need to be dealt with worse than any sentence ever could. Try reading next time dumbass.
So essentially you're a moron who doesn't believe in a rational legal system and is so nuts you want to start hanging people because they fucked a kid, got it.

Again, you're not reading dumbass. I didn't say he/she shouldn't get a trial. You ASSume too many things. I bet you're one of those perverts who, as an adult, couldn't get any unless it was with a kid. That I got.
What you got ain't brains asswipe. You're a moron who wants to just start shooting people. ISIS approves.

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