LGBT Election "Victory Fund" Fund Founding Member Arrested For Sex With Juvenile

Yep. Like I said, Frigidweirdo is here on record defending that the age of consent be lowered. Not that the guy should be going to jail. Bean was 66 at the time the alleged sexual contact with the 15 year old. That means he is over 50 years older than his sex target. 50 years.

Really? That's news to me.

But as they say, shit sticks, the truth is often ignored, right? And any cheap attacks will do if you're not interested in debate.

Let's try your tactic. Silhouette is on record having said he looks at 15 year old girls.

Or maybe you could show me where I've said the age of consent should be lowered to a point where 60 years olds can legally have sex with a 15 year old.

Just get used to it- Silhouette lies.
The quotes below are from an actual published book.

The conversation below is from last page.

Both can be accessed by readers to see who is lying here and who isn't:

As usual- Silhouettes lies.
There is no record of Harvey Milk ever sodomizing anyone- let alone a minor.
In his biography the 'waif' being mentioned was 25 year old Jack Lira.
As usual- Silhouette lies.
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you noticed the word "waif" was plural...."waifS"

You see, this is the magic of language dissection in any spin, speaking of lying. It's sleight of hand. Maybe the readers won't notice the word "waifs" is plural? Maybe they'll forget about the other quotes that say Harvey Milk took 16 year old MINOR Jack Mckinley as his LOVER. Maybe they won't notice the other parts of the quote from page 180 of The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk that say Milk ALWAYS (not just one time with 25 year old Jack Lira) had a PENCHANT (sustained gravitation towards) YOUNG WAIFS (like the minor Jack Mckinly...and pluralized) with SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEMS (also incapable of consent).

Dan Savage, noted LGBT activist has spoken out to denounce the man arrested in the OP, Mr. Bean. Then he also promotes Harvey Milk as LGBT icon. You cannot do both in the same universe.

From: The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk :

"...sixteen-year-old [minor] McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)

"It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life." (page 24)

“…sixteen-year-old old McKinley was
looking for some kind of father figure
…within a few weeks, McKinley moved
into Harvey Milk’s Upper West Side apartment…and settled into a middleclass
domestic marriage..

"Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180)

[Coldly agreed with a former lover’s suicide threat]
“…the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. ‘It’s Jack McKinley,’ he said. He paused and listened
further. ‘He says he’s going to kill himself.’…‘Tell him not to make a mess,’
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up.” (Source: Randy Shilts, The Mayor of
Castro Street, p. 126)
Dan Savage's position on Mr. Bean's "fucking minors" seems to be contradictory..

It has been about a day.....meanwhile the condemnations are already starting...with prominent LGBT activists, including Dan Savage....Today, Savage published a strongly-worded response to Bean's arrest...."The Co-Founder of the Human Rights Campaign—Terry Bean—Has Been Arrested for Allegedly Fucking a 15-Year-Old Boy," is the title. "Suffice it to say," Savage writes, "fucking minors is wrong. "
"Fucking minors is wrong". His regard for the sublime sexual act between two people is charming. I think there's the genesis of the problem right there.

But then....whaaaat?
"After agreeing to don Harvey Milk’s signature ringer T-shirt and take a stroll through San Francisco’s city hall, Dan Savage gets anecdotal. “I don’t play dress-up very often,” he says, “except when my husband and I go to International Mr. Leather.” But to pay tribute to Harvey Milk — who famously aspired to offer gay youth a choice beyond suicide or the closet — Savage made an exception. “I was that kid. I read those stories. I was given hope by San Francisco and Harvey Milk,” he says. “I’ve always felt a very personal connection.” OUT100 Dan Savage Out Magazine
Last edited:
The quotes below are from an actual published book.

The conversation below is from last page.

Both can be accessed by readers to see who is lying here and who isn't:

As usual- Silhouettes lies.
There is no record of Harvey Milk ever sodomizing anyone- let alone a minor.
In his biography the 'waif' being mentioned was 25 year old Jack Lira.
As usual- Silhouette lies.
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you noticed the word "waif" was plural...."waifS"
You see, this is the magic of language dissection in any spin, speaking of lying. It's sleight of hand. Maybe the readers won't notice the word "waifs" is plural? Maybe they'll forget about the other quotes that say Harvey Milk took 16 year old MINOR Jack Mckinley as his LOVER. Maybe they won't notice the other parts of the quote from page 180 of The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk that say Milk ALWAYS (not just one time with 25 year old Jack Lira) had a PENCHANT (sustained gravitation towards) YOUNG WAIFS (like the minor Jack Mckinly...and pluralized) with SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEMS (also incapable of consent).
Dan Savage, noted LGBT activist has spoken out to denounce the man arrested in the OP, Mr. Bean. Then he also promotes Harvey Milk as LGBT icon. You cannot do both in the same universe.
From: The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk :
"...sixteen-year-old [minor] McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)
"It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life." (page 24)
“…sixteen-year-old old McKinley was
looking for some kind of father figure
…within a few weeks, McKinley moved
into Harvey Milk’s Upper West Side apartment…and settled into a middleclass
domestic marriage..
"Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180)
[Coldly agreed with a former lover’s suicide threat]
“…the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. ‘It’s Jack McKinley,’ he said. He paused and listened
further. ‘He says he’s going to kill himself.’…‘Tell him not to make a mess,’
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up.” (Source: Randy Shilts, The Mayor of
Castro Street, p. 126)


I am glad to go over this again, because it is a great example of your knowing duplicity.

“he was Harvey’s new boyfriend. That was how most people met Jack Lira. Drunk. Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems

Jack Lira was 25 years old. That is who the author was referring to as a 'young waif'- a 25 year old.

As I pointed out before:

There is no record of Harvey Milk ever sodomizing anyone- let alone a minor.
There is no record of Harvey Milk ever having sex with a minor.
No one has ever accused Harvey Milk of having sex with a minor.
There is no one who has written of having sex with Harvey Milk while they were a minor.

Unlike for example- Elvis Presley.

Elvis Presley- heterosexual sex icon- whose image is on a U.S. postage stamp, and who just last year had a day proclaimed in his honor.

Elvis Presley- with a penchant for 14 year old virgins- and who his wife has written that they did everything sexual except actual intercourse when she was a minor.

Where is the heterosexual outrage towards Elvis Presley? I have mentioned him three times so far in this thread, and you haven't condemned him once.

Because Elvis was a heterosexual.
And Milk was not
Terry Bean, 66, was arrested in Portland, ... for sex crimes against a juvenile male, police said...Bean has raised over $146,000 for the Barrack Obama’s 2012 presidential re-campaign. He is a founding member of the Victory Fund and the Human Rights Campaign, two national organizations active in gay-rights. He has also personally donated close to $20,000 to Oregon politicians since 2007 including Gov. John Kitzhaber, Secretary of State Kate Brown and Portland Mayor Charlie Hales.... GoLocalPDX Former Lover of Terry Bean Kiah Lawson Arrested for Sex Crimes


Human rights for all!...Except children...


Terry Bean is one of Barack Obama’s biggest Oregon fundraisers and is recognized as one of the Obama campaign bundlers. In addition, Bean has given thousands of dollars to state and local politicians across Oregon....Bean has made a national reputation for himself as fundraiser for the National Democratic Party and as an activist fighting for gay rights.....Despite Bean’s efforts on behalf of national and Oregon Democrats and gay and lesbian campaign, no elected officials would comment on Bean’s arrest or the allegations made against him....

Bean was arrested Wednesday on sexual assault charges relating to an incident with a juvenile male in Lane County, according to the Portland Police Bureau. However, Bean’s lawyer released a statement protesting his innocence. GoLocalPDX Terry Bean Arrested for Sex Crimes is One of America s Top Democratic Fundraisers


Follow the money.. [last link]


Bean bundled over $500,000 for President Obama’s 2012 campaign, according to He has personally donated $146,186 for federal candidates, parties and PACs since 1990.
The Victory Fund
Bean was also one of the founding board members of The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a political action committee wielding significant power across the country. The group has donated or directed millions of dollars to gay and lesbian candidates, as well as candidates that supported gay and lesbian issues.


Put people in high places and the Agenda moves forward... last link


This year the Victory Fund plans to back over 200 LGBT candidates for public office.
In the 2008 general election, 80 of the 111 candidates endorsed by The Victory Fund won their races - including Secretary of State Kate Brown and former Mayor of Portland Sam Adams.


Well heck, the 66 year old Bean's 25 year old boyfriend is said to be extorting him. So? Who knows what's what?

Bean is due to face indictment in Lane County sometime soon.

Money=free speech....even tainted speach
Because Elvis was a heterosexual.
And Milk was not

Elvis, also young, had obtained permission from the girl's parents to MARRY her. He was roughly her age too. Mr. Bean, aged 66 of Oregon did not get the boy's parents permission to marry him, which he did not do since all his use was for that boy, aged 15, allegedly was to sodomize him and then move on.
Because Elvis was a heterosexual.
And Milk was not

Elvis, also young, had obtained permission from the girl's parents to MARRY her. He was roughly her age too. Mr. Bean, aged 66 of Oregon did not get the boy's parents permission to marry him, which he did not do since all his use was for that boy, aged 15, allegedly was to sodomize him and then move on.
Men fuck children. In the old days they married them. Like Clinton and Milk, he should have kept it in his pants.
Because Elvis was a heterosexual.
And Milk was not

Elvis, also young, had obtained permission from the girl's parents to MARRY her. He was roughly her age too. Mr. Bean, aged 66 of Oregon did not get the boy's parents permission to marry him, which he did not do since all his use was for that boy, aged 15, allegedly was to sodomize him and then move on.
Men fuck children. In the old days they married them. Like Clinton and Milk, he should have kept it in his pants.

Elvis was known and celebrated for his musical talents. Clinton was known and celebrated for his skills as a leader. Milk is celebrated by LGBTs for his being open about his sexuality while holding a public office. His sexuality included sodomizing minors. So, LGBTs, properly, celebrate those who sodomize minors for the act of sodomizing minors and not being afraid to be open about it. As Harvey Milk was. Everyone who knew him knew the boy in his home he was playing daddy to, also was his sex toy. It's all in his biography.
Because Elvis was a heterosexual.
And Milk was not

Elvis, also young, had obtained permission from the girl's parents to MARRY her. He was roughly her age too. Mr. Bean, aged 66 of Oregon did not get the boy's parents permission to marry him, which he did not do since all his use was for that boy, aged 15, allegedly was to sodomize him and then move on.
Men fuck children. In the old days they married them. Like Clinton and Milk, he should have kept it in his pants.

Elvis was known and celebrated for his musical talents. Clinton was known and celebrated for his skills as a leader. Milk is celebrated by LGBTs for his being open about his sexuality while holding a public office. His sexuality included sodomizing minors. So, LGBTs, properly, celebrate those who sodomize minors for the act of sodomizing minors and not being afraid to be open about it. As Harvey Milk was. Everyone who knew him knew the boy in his home he was playing daddy to, also was his sex toy. It's all in his biography.
Milk fucked a teenage street hustler, and he shouldn't have. That's as far as it goes, and nobody but gives a fuck. We weren't that uptight then.
Milk fucked a teenage street hustler, and he shouldn't have. That's as far as it goes, and nobody but gives a fuck. We weren't that uptight then.
So if a boy is in dire straits, a man twice his age can sodomize him eh?

Milk sodomized a minor boy who was mentally ill, living on the streets and on drugs. All three are felony offenses. Exacerbating circumstances are that Milk enticed the boy to think of him also as a father figure/guardian while this was going on.

Milk is celebrated by the LGBT community at large and broadly for being open about his sexuality while holding a public office. Ergo, his sexual behavior is intrinsic to why LGBTs celebrate him. They require school children in California to hold events honoring him. That would be like requiring women to hold events recognizing a rapist for his "being open about raping women".

Page 180 from Milk's biography:
"Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems".
Terry Bean, 66, was arrested in Portland, ... for sex crimes against a juvenile male, police said...Bean has raised over $146,000 for the Barrack Obama’s 2012 presidential re-campaign. He is a founding member of the Victory Fund and the Human Rights Campaign, two national organizations active in gay-rights. He has also personally donated close to $20,000 to Oregon politicians since 2007 including Gov. John Kitzhaber, Secretary of State Kate Brown and Portland Mayor Charlie Hales.... GoLocalPDX Former Lover of Terry Bean Kiah Lawson Arrested for Sex Crimes


Human rights for all!...Except children...

As with all child molesters- if he is guilty, I hope he is convicted and sentenced to the maximum sentence provided for by law.

There's not a sentence strong enough on the books for people like him.
Terry Bean, 66, was arrested in Portland, ... for sex crimes against a juvenile male, police said...Bean has raised over $146,000 for the Barrack Obama’s 2012 presidential re-campaign. He is a founding member of the Victory Fund and the Human Rights Campaign, two national organizations active in gay-rights. He has also personally donated close to $20,000 to Oregon politicians since 2007 including Gov. John Kitzhaber, Secretary of State Kate Brown and Portland Mayor Charlie Hales.... GoLocalPDX Former Lover of Terry Bean Kiah Lawson Arrested for Sex Crimes


Human rights for all!...Except children...

As with all child molesters- if he is guilty, I hope he is convicted and sentenced to the maximum sentence provided for by law.

There's not a sentence strong enough on the books for people like him.
Give it a rest. If we put every man who fucked an underage kid in jail we'd have to wall off Texas and call it a prison instead of it just being one.
Because Elvis was a heterosexual.
And Milk was not

Elvis, also young, had obtained permission from the girl's parents to MARRY her. He was roughly her age too. Mr. Bean, aged 66 of Oregon did not get the boy's parents permission to marry him, which he did not do since all his use was for that boy, aged 15, allegedly was to sodomize him and then move on.

Hmmm I think the best way to respond to that is with quotes from yourself:

Underaged children are that way for a reason, idiot. At 15 a child is no more equipped to make proper decisions for himself that may have lifelong consequences than a 10 year old. In fact, BECAUSE 15 year olds are hormone-charged children, they often make WORSE decisions in this regard than 10 year olds. It isn't if the child is able to have sex or wants to have sex. It's if they SHOULD have sex or not.

All children below the age of 23 are fools and need guidance. Your state sets the age of consent. It's usually around 18

The age of consent is set state by state via that state's best judgment on when a hormone infused child is old enough and "wise" enough to make heat of the moment decisions for themselves. Best pay attention to that age or you will go to jail.

I forgot, the right to sling insults in order to disrupt threads is reserved only to the LGBT posters here. Well done. When you muster the courage to approach the points I made about age of consent and doubling down on hormone infused children being protected from adult predators, let me know, OK?

So after telling everyone how consent laws are to protect children- and how children don't have the mental capacity to have then tell us its okay when Elvis did it to underage Priscilla?

Yeah- I love the hypocrisy.

I am not surprised- after all- it took you 2 days to get around to responding to my pointing out Elvis and his penchant for 14 year old virgins.

Just one more example of your hypocrisy when it comes to homosexuals.
Because Elvis was a heterosexual.
And Milk was not

Elvis, also young, had obtained permission from the girl's parents to MARRY her. He was roughly her age too. Mr. Bean, aged 66 of Oregon did not get the boy's parents permission to marry him, which he did not do since all his use was for that boy, aged 15, allegedly was to sodomize him and then move on.

Elvis Presley s sex secrets exposed Daily Mail Online

That first night with Elvis, ‘he made love to her in every way short of penetration. It was as if Priscilla’s virginity was another thing that Elvis strangely and sorely needed to maintain’.

She stayed in his bed those six months he was in Germany.

‘He taught her how to make love in various ways short of full intercourse’…and wrote in her book, Elvis and Me, that she begged for the consummation of his love but he refused.

‘He worked his art of foreplay without penetration. In lovemaking, as in entertaining, Elvis’ outstanding talent was oral.’

Priscilla was 14 years old- Elvis was 24 years old when they started dating in Germany.

That is what you call 'roughly the same age'- and apparently okay to have sex with a minor.
Milk fucked a teenage street hustler, and he shouldn't have. That's as far as it goes, and nobody but gives a fuck. We weren't that uptight then.
So if a boy is in dire straits, a man twice his age can sodomize him eh?

Milk sodomized a minor boy who was mentally ill, living on the streets and on drugs. All three are felony offenses. Exacerbating circumstances are that Milk enticed the boy to think of him also as a father figure/guardian while this was going on.

Except as I keep pointing out- there is absolutely no evidence that Milk ever sodomized a minor boy- or had sex with a minor boy.

Unlike Elvis having sex with a minor girl.

And introducing her to drugs.

It was during this visit, while on a trip to Las Vegas, that Priscilla first took amphetamines and sleeping pills to keep up with Elvis' lifestyle
Because Elvis was a heterosexual.
And Milk was not

Elvis, also young, had obtained permission from the girl's parents to MARRY her. He was roughly her age too. Mr. Bean, aged 66 of Oregon did not get the boy's parents permission to marry him, which he did not do since all his use was for that boy, aged 15, allegedly was to sodomize him and then move on.
Men fuck children. In the old days they married them. Like Clinton and Milk, he should have kept it in his pants.

Elvis was known and celebrated for his musical talents.
Milk is celebrated by LGBTs for his being open about his sexuality while holding a public office..

What total BS.

Elvis was known and celebrated for his musical talents- AND for being a sexual icon. Girls were not swooning at his concerts because they thought he was a musical genius.

Elvis is listed as the #4 Sexual icon of the 1950's and 1960's.
#3 sexiest male rock star of all time:
Top 20 Sexiest Male Musicians of All Time The Complete List Page 18 West Coast Sound Los Angeles Los Angeles News and Events LA Weekly

Oh, Elvis Aaron. We still swoon over your drowsy eyes and electric limbs, your pillowy lower lip, the raw charisma that moved millions with hits like "Hound Dog" and "Heartbreak Hotel." You busted genres long before it was fashionable, surfing from hard-edged rockabilly to straight-up R&B. Your voice invites us to rob a bank, steal third in the backseat or just sneak out and bask in the heat of the night. You are the reason why wannabes like Mick Jagger feign a southern accent in song. You are a creature of the flesh, restless and all-American.

And this is after we all knew about his sex with underage Priscilla

Milk, on the other hand, was celebrated for advancing civil rights for a repressed minority- he was not any kind of sexual icon to anyone ever.
Terry Bean, 66, was arrested in Portland, ... for sex crimes against a juvenile male, police said...Bean has raised over $146,000 for the Barrack Obama’s 2012 presidential re-campaign. He is a founding member of the Victory Fund and the Human Rights Campaign, two national organizations active in gay-rights. He has also personally donated close to $20,000 to Oregon politicians since 2007 including Gov. John Kitzhaber, Secretary of State Kate Brown and Portland Mayor Charlie Hales.... GoLocalPDX Former Lover of Terry Bean Kiah Lawson Arrested for Sex Crimes


Human rights for all!...Except children...

As with all child molesters- if he is guilty, I hope he is convicted and sentenced to the maximum sentence provided for by law.

There's not a sentence strong enough on the books for people like him.
Give it a rest. If we put every man who fucked an underage kid in jail we'd have to wall off Texas and call it a prison instead of it just being one.

I didn't say put the child molesters in jail did I dickhead?

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