LGBT Staff Won't Serve Christians

They would have to consecrate the marriage. In other words… Fuck. That would make them faggots.

Sure buddy, now ask yourself this question. Was I born stupid?

Consumation of marriage is self declaratory in nature. If asked, all the parties have to do is say Yes.

I know it’s probably a fantasy of yours that there are government agents that go around watching married couples having their first sexual encounters, but there ain’t.

Sure buddy, now ask yourself this question. Was I born stupid?

Consumation of marriage is self declaratory in nature. If asked, all the parties have to do is say Yes.

I know it’s probably a fantasy of yours that there are government agents that go around watching married couples having their first sexual encounters, but there ain’t.

there may not be government agency's watching but there are some shady websites who will.
it was the main reason. I don't care if someone worships a pile of horse dung that's their right and privilege.

I don't either, but there is no law that makes it legal to discriminate against Christians. The clause didn't prevent states from establishing a preferred sect, either, but it also didn't allow states to persecute other sects; many states had established sects, complete with taxing powers. Massachusetts didn't dis-establish theirs until 1834 or so, over 50 years as a country; demographic changes voted it out, not any Supreme Court ruling.
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If they say they did, but did not, how would you know?

I get this movie in my head of some guy getting hauled in front of a judge and the prosecutor says, show us proof you consumated your marriage!

And the defendant says, show me proof you consumated yours, cuz damn, your kind of ugly.
Sure buddy, now ask yourself this question. Was I born stupid?

Consumation of marriage is self declaratory in nature. If asked, all the parties have to do is say Yes.

I know it’s probably a fantasy of yours that there are government agents that go around watching married couples having their first sexual encounters, but there ain’t.

Nope. It wouldn’t make them married. It would make them frauds. They would only appear married in the eyes of the State. But for some that’s the only God whose acknowledgment matters in this life… So fleeting…
Nope. It wouldn’t make them married. It would make them frauds. They would only appear married in the eyes of the State. But for some that’s the only God whose acknowledgment matters in this life… So fleeting…

So a woman marries a soldier on the docks, or airfield just moments before flying or sailing off to war. He is killed in action. No way possible for them to physically consumate the marriage. Are you telling me they aren’t married in gods eyes?

I don’t know which God you worship, but i’d want no part of it.
So a woman marries a soldier on the docks, or airfield just moments before flying or sailing off to war. He is killed in action. No way possible for them to physically consumate the marriage. Are you telling me they aren’t married in gods eyes?

I don’t know which God you worship, but i’d want no part of it.
It doesn’t sound like a problem you have to worry about just yet…
Oh wait--you love it when service is refused now? Cool, then the Christian baker was right. We knew this
I had no issue with the Christian baker refusing to bake the cake for the gay couple. They should have willingly taken their business elsewhere.
It was the state of CO that had the issue. Take it up with them.
So a woman marries a soldier on the docks, or airfield just moments before flying or sailing off to war. He is killed in action. No way possible for them to physically consumate the marriage. Are you telling me they aren’t married in gods eyes?

I don’t know which God you worship, but i’d want no part of it.
It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house
You might want to educate yourself about atrocities that have been committed in the name of Allah by Muslims around the world.

Sure... if you want to also include all attrocities committed by Christians... like World War I, World War II, etc.

But I was SPECIFICALLY TALKING about which group was trying to change laws in THIS COUNTRY RIGHT NOW.

Muslims aren't doing that. They'd just be happy to be left alone and not need iron gates around their mosques.
Top Chef star Brittanny Anderson's co-owned restaurant canceled reservation for Christian group’s private event citing staff ‘dignity’ and the group’s opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion rights

So they weren't discriminated against because they were Christian.

They were refused service for their homophobic and misogynistic views. That actually sounds... kind of reasonable.

Sounds like she needs some unflattering Yelp reviews. ;)

Just checked, Yelp is blocking reviews.

Yes, Yelp does that now whenever a small business finds itself as part of an unflattering news story. It kind of defeats the purpose if people who never ate there can leave unflattering reviews.
I'll go even finer with you.

The Masterpiece Cakeshop etc was about the event/message, not about the PERSON. In every case the owner was not saying "we don't serve gays" but rather "we won't serve events that violate our conscience".

If that were the case, then he shouldn't make wedding cakes at all.

Wedding cakes are a Roman Pagan tradition that migrated to Christianity along with dozens of stolen holidays and fake saints that were based on local gods.

I mean, if we really wanted to be traditional, we should do what the Romans did and make the cakes in the shape of sex organs to celebrate fertility.

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