LGBT Staff Won't Serve Christians

You're right. Overbearing government is nothing new. It's always been shit. Yet you want ever more.

Use whatever euphemisms you want - you want to force others to conform to your preferences. Some of you seem to think that's the purpose of government.

Yes, government setting basic standards for businesses is one of the purposes of government.

If people don't like those standards, they can elect people to rescind those standards - but individual businesses can not choose which government regulations they will abide and which they will not.

If left up to you, restaurants would not have to conform to government health & sanitization regulations and every time anyone ate at a restaurant they'd be taking a huge chance of getting poisoned.
Yes, government setting basic standards for businesses is one of the purposes of government.

If people don't like those standards, they can elect people to ...
The standard fallback of the majoritarian douchebag -- "Do what the majority demands, or bend over and take one for the team"

If left up to you, restaurants would not have to conform to government health & sanitization regulations ...

Yep. There are better ways to deal with those kinds of problems than coercive legislation.
The standard fallback of the majoritarian douchebag -- "Do what the majority demands, or bend over and take one for the team"

Yep. There are better ways to deal with those kinds of problems than coercive legislation.
So, what you're saying is that there should be no laws...

Can you truly be that stupid?
An LGBT activist in Moldova was outraged because the mayor of Chisinau posted a New Year's photo with his wife and children. It is unacceptable that the mayor demonstrates his heterosexuality.
"He can sleep with whomever he wants, but not flaunt it. I'm not against heterosexuals, but let him have sex at home under a blanket," a representative of Gender Doc–M wrote.
If after reading this you thought, "But there is something in her statement ..." then you are a fully developed progressive personality.
An LGBT activist in Moldova was outraged because the mayor of Chisinau posted a New Year's photo with his wife and children. It is unacceptable that the mayor demonstrates his heterosexuality.
"He can sleep with whomever he wants, but not flaunt it. I'm not against heterosexuals, but let him have sex at home under a blanket," a representative of Gender Doc–M wrote.
If after reading this you thought, "But there is something in her statement ..." then you are a fully developed progressive personality.

So, was the person really outraged or were they just mocking the gay bashing people that make these sorts of comments about gay couples?
Do you still doubt that the LGBT crowd is half-witted?

No more so than the straight crowd. This tweet was, in my opinion, clearly making fun of the anti gay people that make these sorts of comments on a regulars basis about gay couples.

That you missed the sarcasm is on you.
The University of Southern California has removed the word "field" from the curriculum and academic reference books because it allegedly has "racist" overtones and may offend the descendants of slaves.

The university has announced that phrases such as "field of study" will be replaced with "practicum" in order to promote the cause of combating racism.

"This change supports the anti—racist practice of social work by replacing formulations that can be regarded as anti-black or anti-immigrant with inclusive ones," the letter explaining the decision says.

"Language can have a strong impact and phrases such as "go to the field" or "work in the field" may have an unfriendly connotation for the descendants of slaves and immigrant workers," the letter adds.

It is obvious that throughout the history of mankind, only black slaves and immigrant workers have ever worked in the field. Farmers and local agricultural workers presumably never existed.

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