LGBTQ horde force Amazon to remove book

June 29:

Vladimir Putin: The problem is that this part of society is aggressively imposing their view on the majority. We have to be more loyal to each other, more open and transparent. We have to respect everyone, that is true, but we must not impose our points of view on others. Meanwhile, representatives of the so-called liberal idea are simply forcing their ideas on others. They dictate the need for the so-called sex education. Parents are against it, and they are practically imprisoned for that. This is what I was talking about.

Yes, people are fed up with that, and this may actually account for the Trump phenomenon, when he won the election, and people’s discontent underlies it in many countries of Western Europe, when they walk out into the streets.

Vladimir Putin’s news conference
Since thousands years LGBTQ & Co sat at best in prisons or lunatic asylums, since twenty years in all western parliaments, presstitute MSM and courts trying to transform the world in a psychiatric hospital. LGBTQ & Co shall be obliged to receive medical treatment by psychiatrist again. LGBTQ & Co sucks
June 29:

Vladimir Putin: The problem is that this part of society is aggressively imposing their view on the majority. We have to be more loyal to each other, more open and transparent. We have to respect everyone, that is true, but we must not impose our points of view on others. Meanwhile, representatives of the so-called liberal idea are simply forcing their ideas on others. They dictate the need for the so-called sex education. Parents are against it, and they are practically imprisoned for that. This is what I was talking about.

Yes, people are fed up with that, and this may actually account for the Trump phenomenon, when he won the election, and people’s discontent underlies it in many countries of Western Europe, when they walk out into the streets.

Vladimir Putin’s news conference

this MENTALLY ILL part of society

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