More porn, rape porn, in a school library as parents once again take it and read it to the school board.....

I prefer to not be led off cliffs.
Yet you follow the lemmings in so many things, like this topic. You won't even see the cliff before you take the tumble. Such 'books' should not be made available to children without direct parental consent for high schoolers, and not at all for anyone younger. Libraries are not smut peddlers, particularly school libraries.
Yet you follow the lemmings in so many things, like this topic. You won't even see the cliff before you take the tumble. Such 'books' should not be made available to children without direct parental consent for high schoolers, and not at all for anyone younger. Libraries are not smut peddlers, particularly school libraries.

That you see highly regarded works as smut is the issue. Many of these books have been available to decades.
Available to children without parental consent? Most of these 'books' aren't even decades old, try again.

Nowhere does it state they are available to "children". Teens are not "children" as you want to portray.

What this is all about it $7.8 trillion in new debt under Trump so the Republicans have to try and find something else to run on.

It's funny, Republicans complain about Michelangelo's David. They complain about award winning books, but then cheer a guitar player that adopted a teen so he could have sex with her.

They cheer a guy that bragged about walking in on teen's changing because he owned the pageant they were at and well, he can just do that.
Nowhere does it state they are available to "children". Teens are not "children" as you want to portray.

What this is all about it $7.8 trillion in new debt under Trump so the Republicans have to try and find something else to run on.

It's funny, Republicans complain about Michelangelo's David. They complain about award winning books, but then cheer a guitar player that adopted a teen so he could have sex with her.

They cheer a guy that bragged about walking in on teen's changing because he owned the pageant they were at and well, he can just do that.
They are children until they are adults, which is age 18 in America. Try again, your pro-groomer stance is rather disturbing.
When I was a yute, schools didn’t provide any porn. The selfish bastiges. Little boys, back in those olden days, had to settle for the Sears catalog.

That sucked.
They are children until they are adults, which is age 18 in America. Try again, your pro-groomer stance is rather disturbing.

I'm not the one who adopted a teen to have sex with her. That's dear old Ted who just pimped for the Trump.

Books, bad. Sex is fine I suppose.
I'm not the one who adopted a teen to have sex with her. That's dear old Ted who just pimped for the Trump.

Books, bad. Sex is fine I suppose.
What sort of stupid derailment is this? You are the one supporting pro-groomer, pro-pedo books being make available to children. Stick to the issue at hand.
What sort of stupid derailment is this? You are the one supporting pro-groomer, pro-pedo books being make available to children. Stick to the issue at hand.

It's your warped mind that sees it that way.
It's your warped mind that sees it that way.
That's highly unlikely, since is the fags that are trying to sneak this into schools to infest the minds of children with their filth. If it was 'normal' or in anyway appropriate it would be done openly, with no need for underhanded nonsense.
I had no idea what this book was about so I read a few reviews and from the author. The story is based upon a true story of friends of hers and it was written to help people address these kinds of issues and how to get past them.
It's not an educational piece for children. Any children. Take it home and read all you want, but keep it away from kids.
I know little about the book but from the descriptions, what we have here is not pornography. Graphic depictions of what sadly happens to kids far too often? Yes. Pornography? No.
Doesn't really matter if it is "pornography" or not. The point is that this is not appropriate for a school library.
That you see highly regarded works

Highly regarded BY WHO? Leftard pedophiles? Grow a fucking brain!

Who cares if they're "highly regarded"?

Fucking dumbass leftards....

as smut is the issue. Many of these books have been available to decades.

You're a complete fucking liar.

But then again, you're a leftard so it's not news.

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