Liability insurance before you can purchase, or own,

a firearm?

Monday Letters: Another Cook County attack on gun rights - Chicago

Does anyone think this ordinance will pass?

If it does, will the Crips, Bloods, etc open their own insurance offices, or will they, as they do with other laws, just ignore it?

Most homeowners and renters policies already provide med pay and liability coverage for injury or death caused by firearms in the home or away from the home so long as the injury or death was not intentional. There is no liability insurance available anywhere for people who intentionally use a firearm to threaten, injure, or kill somebody. Further you can't collect twice if two different insurance policies cover the same thing--one or the other will apply or they will split the liability.

And since no insurance policy is going to cover deliberate harm caused from discharging a firearm, unless the government is stupid enough to issue such policies, forcing gang members or criminals to buy insurance with their gun is a pretty useless piece of legislation. In my opinion, it would just create a much bigger black market for firearms than already exists.
Obama is just the idiot who would suggest or even insist WE PAY insurance for others rights to bear arms. Crips and Bloods won't pay because they are poor. YOU will.
Shall not infringe means something, this law will be over turned.

You are assuming that we have a government and court system that knows and follows the Constitution. Alas, we do not.
It would violate the 14th Amendment. Probably the 5th as well....
a firearm?

Monday Letters: Another Cook County attack on gun rights - Chicago

Does anyone think this ordinance will pass?

If it does, will the Crips, Bloods, etc open their own insurance offices, or will they, as they do with other laws, just ignore it?
Will it pass? Who knows, we are talking about Chicago, right?
Will the street gang thugs obide by it? Maybe a better question is, Will they even know about it, let alone care?
Answer to the last three: no, no, no.
Answer to the first: does it matter, other than the litigation bill for the taxpayers of Cook county? No. If it passes, I, an average Joe, could defeat it in court. Any lawyer could do it in their sleep. It's a no brainer.

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