Liar-In-Chief Slams Michigan’s Right-To-Work Law During Fiscal Cliff Speech…

I've asked this question before elsewhere, but I've never gotten a rational answer.

What gives a union member a greater right to work than a non-union member?

Because non union people are willing to settle for less. Look at the wages in right to work states vs union states.

You also need to look at the taxes and cost of living, they tend to be much lower in right-to-work states.

Because people make lower wages.

Wages come before taxes
This is a true story.

When I was in my 20's, I went to work for a Japanese manufacturer in Japan. I was officially a member of the export department, and not a member of the union, but I spent the first 8 months of my time in there in the factory.....learning how to make, inspect and pack our products.

One of the product categories has a 9 step process within the assembly line. I was stationed there for several weeks. It was EXCRUCIATINGLY boring. There were workers there who had been in that section for years. They seemed to be working efficiently.....and they were serious about the job. But.....within a few days of being there, I was killing them in production. I had moved my supplies around and adjusted my steps to save time.....and I was just moving faster.

Of course, being young and stupid.....I didn't realize that I was making waves. I knew I would only be there a short while.....and going fast was my way to challenge myself and make the job more bearable. But the others in the department did not appreciate being shown up by the young foreigner.

Management took action. And I was removed from the section ahead of time.

I upset the apple cart.....and the way they were doing things was best for the company....even if every ounce of blood and sweat was not squeezed out of the workers.

Sometimes.......shit ain't what it seems.
This is a true story.

The single laziest human being I ever worked with was a United Mine Workers member who was on strike. He took a construction labor job.

If he couldn't do it sitting down, he didn't do it. And it's tough to build a building sitting down, don't you think?

He got paid 6 bucks an hour, same as the rest of us laborers. This was in the mid-80's, and it wasn't bad money for the location. He kept threatening to get the union in to shut down the site if he didn't get a raise. The foreman/part owner was getting only 10 bucks an hour -- and that's what the lazy bastard wanted for being lazy.

Sometimes...shit is exactly what it seems.

Why are you lying?
true story:

unions have given us the 40 hour work week, paid vacation, paid holidays, maternity leave, and worker safety standard. those god damn greedy bastards.

true story.....
False sense of self-worth. They are concerned that they will be a more valuable employee than one or more other employees, but will be compensated the same. This is, of course, delusional on their part. They will happily take less as long as they can say that they get more than someone else.

If I'm a conscientious, hard-working union member, why shouldn't I get paid more than the lazy slob working beside me? The contract says we both make the same. Therefore, I have no incentive to continue being conscientious and hard-working. Why should I bust my ass when I can get paid for sitting on my ass like the guy next to me?

You must have worked in a UAW shop, their full of freeloaders.
'Twas a hypothetical. However, I have told a story about a lazy UMW slug.
This is a true story.

The single laziest human being I ever worked with was a United Mine Workers member who was on strike. He took a construction labor job.

If he couldn't do it sitting down, he didn't do it. And it's tough to build a building sitting down, don't you think?

He got paid 6 bucks an hour, same as the rest of us laborers. This was in the mid-80's, and it wasn't bad money for the location. He kept threatening to get the union in to shut down the site if he didn't get a raise. The foreman/part owner was getting only 10 bucks an hour -- and that's what the lazy bastard wanted for being lazy.

Sometimes...shit is exactly what it seems.

Why are you lying?
true story:

unions have given us the 40 hour work week, paid vacation, paid holidays, maternity leave, and worker safety standard. those god damn greedy bastards.

true story.....

Since certain people what to go back to workplace conditions pre-1930
This is a true story.

The single laziest human being I ever worked with was a United Mine Workers member who was on strike. He took a construction labor job.

If he couldn't do it sitting down, he didn't do it. And it's tough to build a building sitting down, don't you think?

He got paid 6 bucks an hour, same as the rest of us laborers. This was in the mid-80's, and it wasn't bad money for the location. He kept threatening to get the union in to shut down the site if he didn't get a raise. The foreman/part owner was getting only 10 bucks an hour -- and that's what the lazy bastard wanted for being lazy.

Sometimes...shit is exactly what it seems.

Why are you lying?
What makes you think I'm lying? NOTE: Whining "I don't LIKE it!!" is not proof.


You never worked with a guy on a construction site who refused to work standing up. That is a fucking lie.
true story:

unions have given us the 40 hour work week, paid vacation, paid holidays, maternity leave, and worker safety standard. those god damn greedy bastards.

true story.....

I have never had maturity leave through three kids. Can't remember the last time I worked only 40 hours in a week. Don't get paid holidays.
true story:

unions have given us the 40 hour work week, paid vacation, paid holidays, maternity leave, and worker safety standard. those god damn greedy bastards.

true story.....

I have never had maturity leave through three kids. Can't remember the last time I worked only 40 hours in a week. Don't get paid holidays.

What?! You!?

You never had maturity leave? Unbelievable.
true story:

unions have given us the 40 hour work week, paid vacation, paid holidays, maternity leave, and worker safety standard. those god damn greedy bastards.

true story.....

I have never had maturity leave through three kids. Can't remember the last time I worked only 40 hours in a week. Don't get paid holidays.

What?! You!?

You never had maturity leave? Unbelievable.

Probably just as well. We'd have had to name a girl Jesus.
I've asked this question before elsewhere, but I've never gotten a rational answer.

What gives a union member a greater right to work than a non-union member?

Because non union people are willing to settle for less. Look at the wages in right to work states vs union states.
Yes, let's look at that.
Consider a few top-line facts about right-to-work states. Private-sector employee compensation in right-to-work states has grown by an inflation-adjusted 12.0% between 2001-2011, according to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics. That compares with just 3.0% over the same period in states where workers can be forced to join a union as a condition of getting a job.

With growing paychecks come growing populations. Between 2000 and 2011, right-to-work states have seen an increase of 11.3% in the number of residents between the ages of 25-34 according to the Bureau of the Census. Non right-to-work states, over that same period, have seen an increase of only 0.6%.

Given these facts, it's little surprise that all but one of the top ten states on CNBC's Top States for Business 2012 was a right-to-work state. A state's right-to-work law is just one component of larger pro-growth tax and labor policies, but it ensures that the state's politics are not dominated by the incumbent unions that have been collecting privileges for themselves even if it meant stagnation and decline for the overall state's economy.​
Once again, the left is pretending inconvenient truths don't exist.
90% huh? I don't buy that.

8 of 12 states with worst unemployment numbers are right to work states. Pretty compelling.
I've asked this question before elsewhere, but I've never gotten a rational answer.

What gives a union member a greater right to work than a non-union member?

Because non union people are willing to settle for less. Look at the wages in right to work states vs union states.

That's why the right is against unions - they work for the 2%.

The left works for the working class and so, work for better working conditions and higher pay for the little guy.

Pretty simple, really and a fact made very clear by this past presidential election.
I've asked this question before elsewhere, but I've never gotten a rational answer.

What gives a union member a greater right to work than a non-union member?

Because non union people are willing to settle for less. Look at the wages in right to work states vs union states.

That's why the right is against unions - they work for the 2%.

The left works for the working class and so, work for better working conditions and higher pay for the little guy.

Pretty simple, really and a fact made very clear by this past presidential election.

That why wages were flat the last four years?
90% huh? I don't buy that.

8 of 12 states with worst unemployment numbers are right to work states. Pretty compelling.

90% of the best states for business are right to work is pretty compelling.

Actually, could be true. Crappy for the working class because business is screwing them over. That's why Kochs tried to buy the election and succeeded in buying pubpots.

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