Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!!

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind


Not only that.............CA held an election in 2020 to bring back A.A. and it was REJECTED by the voters in CA.
More proof that the Pedocrats aren't only fuktards of the lowest calibur, they don't know how to read!!!
Great topic, AND you've figured out how to post visible Tweets!

You do you then.

The conservative need to antagonize and attack those willing to support and caucus with them due to the bizarre conservative perception of insufficiant purity is but one of many reasons conservatism is doomed.

I thanked and complimeted you for a good thread; you responded with repeated attacks.

But you keep doing you; the dinosaurs are watching from the extinction gallery.

The conservative need to antagonize and attack those willing to support and caucus with them due to the bizarre conservative perception of insufficiant purity is but one of many reasons conservatism is doomed.

I thanked and complimeted you for a good thread; you responded with repeated attacks.

But you keep doing you; the dinosaurs are watching from the extinction gallery.


Oh, were you being NICE?????

So hard to tell on here anymore. If so, my bad.
I'm used to getting attacked by the imbeciles on here.

Very few people on here that can actually hold a conversation, much less respond in a civilized manner.
Oh, were you being NICE?????

So hard to tell on here anymore. If so, my bad.
I'm used to getting attacked by the imbeciles on here.

Very few people on here that can actually hold a conversation, much less respond in a civilized manner.
I'm a genuine independent, so both (often artificially defined/divided) sides are often upset with me.

But a genuinely good thread, and you even solved the invisible Tweet problem. :)
I'm a genuine independent, so both (often artificially defined/divided) sides are often upset with me.

But a genuinely good thread, and you even solved the invisible Tweet problem. :)

Ok, I got your personality specs now. So next time hopefully I remember!!!! LOL

I consider myself independent as well, but not the political party Independent. If that makes sense.

I vote based on the person running. Their personality, body language, tone, etc..... I will research them and then make a decision.

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