Lib Fran Leibowitz suggests Biden “dissolve” the SCOTUS


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
Needless to say, Biden has no such power, and not even the most leftist of liberals believes otherwise.
That's not to say they don't agree with her -- they would dissolve a 6-3 conservative court in an instant, if they could.

This is why we do not give an inch on the 2nd Amendment.
The Supreme Court is a direct threat to the corrupt Democrat Party's neo-marxist totalitarianism.
Lebowitz is just another dumb liberal bigot who can't stand freedom.
Just in time for Halloween.


Funny, the Left wing communists would not be whining if Obama appointed 7 justices and the court was 7-2 left wing communist.

No fucking way in hell the left wing cult fucks would claim that was UNFAIR.

It is only UNFAIR whenever Lefties are not in power.

Fascists to the BONE.
Does anybody doubt trump would be trying to dissolve the SC if the situation were reversed?
The GOP is already freaking out about Harris appointing a new justice. I think they know trump is toast.

"Mitch McConnell, the former Senate Majority Leader, are already suggesting a policy of obstruction, refusing to commit to even allowing an up or down confirmation vote on any of Vice President Kamala Harris's potential Supreme Court nominees if she wins the White House and should the GOP take back control of the Senate"


Ok. So she’s a moron. And ignorant.

The problem is that so is Biden. And he might not realize that he has no such authority or power.
The Regime and their supporters are always "pushing the envelope" on ways to wreck the United States.

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