Lib Justice


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Protect the perp jail the victim .....
Cant wait for these big cities to implode as the sane leave and the garbage rule
Protect the perp jail the victim .....
Cant wait for these big cities to implode as the sane leave and the garbage rule

Well damn! I just meant to post a trailer, but it's the whole thing! :aargh:
Protect the perp jail the victim .....
Cant wait for these big cities to implode as the sane leave and the garbage rule

The older I get, the more I realize why those Islamic shitheads chose NYC of all places, for their 9/11 attack.
Protect the perp jail the victim .....
Cant wait for these big cities to implode as the sane leave and the garbage rule
Anybody know what was in the bag, I mean, was it stolen things or not. The article doesn't say. It does say he took the man outside, so appears the man went. Only half the story is represented. The parking lot attendant had not called the police to have the man arrested for stealing or anything, or at least it wasn't mentioned. It didn't even say the attendant saw him taking anything out of a car. If I was stopped and somebody wanted to look through what I was carrying, I might not cooperate either, and if assaulted and they tried to grab my bag of whatever, I might shoot the guy also, depending on if I could not protect myself and my property without shooting the guy. It could be exactly as portrayed, then again it could be some asshole, minimum wage parking attendant, jumping the gun, so to speak. Who knows?
The older I get, the more I realize why those Islamic shitheads chose NYC of all places, for their 9/11 attack.
You can also realize why Muslims living in traditional societies don't want the sewer of American popular culture dumped on them.
You can also realize why Muslims living in traditional societies don't want the sewer of American popular culture dumped on them.

I can see their point, in a way. Love us or hate us, we're the most decadent motherfuckers on this planet. :laughing0301:
I can see their point, in a way. Love us or hate us, we're the most decadent motherfuckers on this planet. :laughing0301:
Take a random sample of 1000 Americans. Drop them into Afghanistan, with placards around their necks stating their religious beliefs. Atheists will be executed at once.

Contrary to popular opinion, orthodox Muslims recognize Christians and Jews as 'people of the book', and allow them a (very dimenished) place in their system. (Of course, if you're a former Muslim who converted to Judaism or Christianity, you'll also be executed instantly.)

How many people could correctly answer this question: how many Jews are there in the Iranian parliament?
[ 'Peaceful existence': Jews in Iran freely observe their religion, communal leader says - Jewish Telegraphic Agency ]

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