Liberal Analyst: Republicans Are Doing “Work with ISIS” when They Say “Radical Islam” (Video)

Obama drone strikes is just creating more Jihadists

It's creating a DISASTER not just for us but for other countries around the world. How anyone can still defend this man and administration after they accused BUSH of "creating more terrorist" with Iraq. this is sick.

whereas he intentionally did this by bombing the hell out the countries over in the middle east. There was no reason to bomb half of them and he gave no reason for it while going above OUR CONGRESS to do. He needs to be REMOVED from office.

Wait, weren't you applauding France bombing Raqqa?
Obama drone strikes is just creating more Jihadists

It pains me to see you sully Duane Allman by using him as your avi.
Its like seeing Kim Davis pigging out on the appetizers at a gay wedding reception...those Repugs want to put their words in the mouth of the POTUS is not happening...

You Obama Fluffers we'e telling us "Bush is only creating more terrorists!! You can't fight an ideology with bullets and bombs!!!!" But that was before you were assigned your Obama Hope N Change Kneepads

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That idiot person is from the Hufferpufferpost. that should be enough reason to NOT give that site any of your support. do not go there, do not click on any of their links. they want to run down Republicans in this country with such nasty stupidity. then tell them to go to hell. Maybe they'll get a clue on who they send to Represent them.

I read more Leftist nonsense than I do Republican material. It's good to know what the enemy is thinking.


Looks like that reprogramming is coming along nicely.

Yes, enemy. How are they not? They disdain everything about the United States, and undermine the rule of law whenever and wherever possible.

Reprogramming? I'm from the 60s, just like Hillary. I was at Woodstock, a Lefty-fest if there ever was one.

She wasn't, so there. :p
Last time I saw this level of GOP hysteria we were facing "Ebola Armageddon".............
I'll bet if you were in Hitler controlled Nazi Germany circa 1944, you'd be making jokes about jews being afraid of the Nazis too. In fact, why don't you tell the French how STUPID they are now to be wary of muslims... go ahead...

Your ignorance is EPIC. Stay clueless, dumbass.
I'll bet if you were a jew in Hitler controlled Nazi Germany, you'd be making jokes about jews being afraid of the Nazis too. In fact, why don't you tell the French how STUPID they are now to be wary of muslims... go ahead...
Anti-Muslim Protesters Chased Away From France Vigil ...
View attachment 54899▶ 0:42

Anti-Muslim protesters tried to disrupt a silent vigil in memory of the victims of the Paris attacks
. ...


Try watching the raw vid with sound. The crowd was cheering them.
I'll bet if you were a jew in Hitler controlled Nazi Germany, you'd be making jokes about jews being afraid of the Nazis too. In fact, why don't you tell the French how STUPID they are now to be wary of muslims... go ahead...
Anti-Muslim Protesters Chased Away From France Vigil ...
View attachment 54899▶ 0:42

Anti-Muslim protesters tried to disrupt a silent vigil in memory of the victims of the Paris attacks
. ...

Pointing to other stupidity doesn't excuse stupidity.

If we all listened to ignorant progs like you, we'd all be dead. You people are clueless.
If we want to defeat radical Islam, we have to have moderate Islam on our side.
No more STUPID statement has ever been made on this board.

MUSLIMS don't WANT to be on ANYONE'S "SIDE" but their OWN, PERIOD. Their goal is to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.

What part about that don't the progtards understand?
Last time we saw this level of concern among conservatives was when Obama was massing Federal Troops in operation "Jade Helms" . The operation aimed at having cowboys be forced to gay marry illegal Gay grooms so they , the grooms, could stay in the US and vote Democrat.... the marriages would be supervised by large muscular women with fishnet stocking stiletto heels and whips ...wild wild are correct sir !!!

Yes, that was a little known operation within the Jade Helm called Brokeback Entry. This is believed to be the first phase of of a multi phased operation employing the so called, " rainbow attrition" strategy designed to wear down pockets of steadfast resistance to the gay agenda. Although unconfirmed, the transformation of an American hero is believed to be perhaps a second phase now being referred to as "Jenneration xy/xx" or "Jennernation next".
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Here's how muslims act when they get enough numbers in one place... IN AMERICA...

Here's your MODERATE muslims...



Following the lead of the Regressive Left, I'm trying to equate Islam and Christianity, but I'm having a difficult time finding signs that say CHRISTIANITY WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD on Google Images™.

Still working on it.
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If we want to defeat radical Islam, we have to have moderate Islam on our side.
No more STUPID statement has ever been made on this board.

MUSLIMS don't WANT to be on ANYONE'S "SIDE" but their OWN, PERIOD. Their goal is to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.

What part about that don't the progtards understand?
If you know their "goal" it`s safe to assume you attend their meetings. What else did you learn?
If we want to defeat radical Islam, we have to have moderate Islam on our side.
No more STUPID statement has ever been made on this board.

MUSLIMS don't WANT to be on ANYONE'S "SIDE" but their OWN, PERIOD. Their goal is to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.

What part about that don't the progtards understand?
If you know their "goal" it`s safe to assume you attend their meetings. What else did you learn?
If you don't know their goal, then it's safe to assume you're fucking RETARDED. You haven't learned anything.

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