Liberal arguments for supporting gun ownership rights

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Regression is fairly simple, you have a set of data, you think that you found something that can be expressed via an equation in the data (in simple cases the example would be linear). Stupid example : "Number of murders = Base crime rate* Sexual frustration factor - gun control factor * number of guns present"

Now you try to see how good your modell (basically your equation) fits both your own data and the data of others. You now start to analyse the robustness (if you change this parameter within reasonable boundaries, does the outcome stay within reasonable boundaries) of your parameters. If everything is fine (so, your modell fits your data, it fits equivalent data from someone else and your parameters are fairly robust), you can now apply your equation to the future and say things like:
"According to my modell, having lots of sex reduces violence more than gun control."

Statistics are fairly straght forward, if you are not afraid of math that is.

I'm terrified of maths but I appreciate the explanation :D

The point being made Chris, is that from a logical stand point it makes little sense to prioritize guns ahead of other objects that statistically are involved in even more deaths, like cars. If fewer deaths really is your goal I would like to see your thread demanding we more heavily regulate automobiles by, say, imposing a national 30 mph speed limit. I mean the goal is to reduce deaths right? That would most certainly accomplish that.
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The point being made Chris, is that from a logical stand point it makes little sense to prioritize guns ahead of other objects that statistically are involved in even more deaths, like cars. If fewer deaths really is your goal I would like to see your thread demanding we more heavily regulate automobiles by, say, imposing a national 30 mph speed limit. I mean the goal is to reduce deaths right? That would most certainly accomplish that.

Thanks for proving my point.

Cars are regulated for safety.

Guns should be regulated as well.
So far ... ALL arguments supporting gun control still prove nothing. All they show is that criminals get more creative when they don't have guns but also get braver. Honestly, a shot to the head is much more pleasant than having your throat slit, faster and less painful. Also having them wondering who might pull a gun right back does make them less likely to "open fire" without provocation.
Thanks for proving my point.

Cars are regulated for safety.

Guns should be regulated as well.

ROFL... Cars are regulated for safety, yet they kill millions upon MILLIONS... and DESPITE your chronic crying about guns deaths... deaths caused by REGULATED GUNS BTW... you can't find the intellectual honesty to advance the same irrational demand about cars that you are constantly bringing on guns.

The simple fact is that you're an imbecile and you're doing what one expects an imbecile to do.

It is the right of every human being to own and use firearms... this despite your idiot feelings to the contrary.
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ROFL... Cars are regulated for safety, yet they kill millions upon MILLIONS... and DESPITE your chronic crying about guns deaths... deaths caused by REGULATED GUNS BTW... you can't find the intellectual honesty to advance the same irrational demand about cars that you are constantly bringing on guns.

The simple fact is that you're an imbecile and you're doing what one expects an imbecile to do.

It is the right of every human being to own and use firearms... this despite your idiot feelings to the contrary.

I would like to add, not just a right but a patriotic DUTY.
Thanks for proving my point.

Cars are regulated for safety.

Guns should be regulated as well.

They already are regulated to the extent the constitution allows. after all there is no amdendment that says the right to own a car shall not be infringed upon.
ROFL... Cars are regulated for safety, yet they kill millions upon MILLIONS... and DESPITE your chronic crying about guns deaths... deaths caused by REGULATED GUNS BTW... you can't find the intellectual honesty to advance the same irrational demand about cars that you are constantly bringing on guns.

The simple fact is that you're an imbecile and you're doing what one expects an imbecile to do.

It is the right of every human being to own and use firearms... this despite your idiot feelings to the contrary.

Cars are not the issue.

Nice try at deflection and insults.

When you have no facts on your side deflections and insults are all you have.
States with lax gun laws had higher rates of handgun killings, fatal shootings of police officers, and sales of weapons that were used in crimes in other states, according to a study underwritten by a group of more than 300 U.S. mayors.

Report Links State Gun Laws To Rates of Slayings, Trafficking -

True Story (you find the link if you want it, search Seattle newspapers):

A man was shot while threatening police with a Katana! Of all things, you do know that those are FAR more dangerous than even an automatic weapon. Of course everyone was made at the cops for protecting themselves and doing their job protecting the public, but regardless, no one mentioned a ban on swords and knives for that. Almost all of our fatal crimes not gang related have weapons that you can pick up at any knife shop or even just in your own kitchen. Seriously, the only reason he wasn't stopped before the cops got there was because no one else had a gun, he could have killed or worse and they still would have had to wait for the police to show up. The neighbors were damned lucky.
Prove the stats wrong.

I dare you.

geezus Chris...over in Political forum there is a guy much like you,only the topic there is about pot,should it be regulated and legal......look Chris for every link you put out saying this,someone has put out a link saying the opposite,this can go on till the fucking cows come home Chris,and continue the next day.....if you wanna reduce or stop gun violence then tell our fucking judges to start enforcing the 20 thousand gun laws that are already there,at least the ones that actually punish people for committing a crime with one or for being careless with them......personally Chris i think you like to argue,just for the sake of arguing,just like your counter part over in the that other place,were censorship is the name of the game......anyone got any pot? to relax,talking to Chris MAKES you wanna shoot something....:eek:
Still, you show a drop in gun related deaths but no link showing an actual drop in TOTAL deaths. Also you fail to notice that most gun wounds are not fatal, people just wish they were after being shot. Get a bullet in the arm, you live just hurting, get your arm cut but a sharp blade and the chances of hitting an artery is so high that you will likely bleed to death.

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