Liberal arguments for supporting gun ownership rights

With more guns sold and registered per capita than anywhere in the U.S., Nevada is a gun state - always has been.

It also is the gun-death state. According to the Center for Disease Control, since 2000, Nevada has led the nation with an average of 26 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people.

War-torn Iraq averaged 32 gun deaths per 100,000 people last year, according to the same study.

Nevada leads in gun deaths, ownership |
my point is that by that time it's too late. sooner is when they should leave and being afraid of financial things is still fear...emotion.

Yeah, right.

How emotional of those women to fear being killed or losing their kids.

on the first threat or slap/hit it should be a warning or a walk away. staying is when it escalates.

Hitting is the last stage of power and control freakism, amigo.

excuse me if I think you need to STFU until you know what you are talking about

No, actually I probably won't excuse you for being childishly and pointlessly rude, but hey, I'm sure neither of us are going to lose sleep over it Dev.
You want to really limit gun ownership problems?

Easy as pie.

Get the insurance companies involved.

What are you talking about, editec?!

Statistically speaking, (I suspect) those who have guns in their homes are more likely to die by the gun that those who do not.

I suspect that insurance actuaries could easily devise rationalizations for why any person who owns a gun would be forced to pay more in homeowners' insurance, medical insurance and life insurance, too.

I'm actually surprised, now that I've just thought of this, that this hasn't already happened, to be honest.

I don't mean that I'm ADVOCATING that this be done, merely that I'm surprised it hasn't ALREADY been done.

You know why people who own guns are statistically more likely to encounter gun violence? It's because statistically, they're more likely to live in neighborhoods with high crime rates. In other words, you have the cause and effect completely backwards.

As for insurance, maybe you should ask THEM why they don't charge more for homeowners' insurance if the homeowner has a gun.
Such a move will result in no insurance and most likely an armed rebellion. People are not stupid enough not to see it. Remember the attempt to tax or ban ammo, ya that went well.

The only way the Government gets our guns is by force and that means war.

If insurance companies aren't already doing this, it's because there's a good reason, probably several, for them not to. One good reason is that a lot of the people who have guns in the home - although certainly by no means all - live in high crime areas, so the gun actually makes that home SAFER, rather than more dangerous. Another might be that they, unlike editec the dunce, are smart enough not to assume that the statistics automatically mean that mere possession of a gun increases a person's likelihood of experiencing gun violence, or that the statistics on "children" being shot means that ACTUAL children in a home with a gun are automatically at more risk.
As long as guns are kept out of the hands of spouse abusers, I can live with anyone else owning a licensed firearm.

A domestic violence charge on your record, against spouse OR child, automatically precludes you from owning or carrying a gun, at least in my state. I believe that is the case elsewhere, as well.
Actually, in some states, firearms are removed when there is a restraining order for DV.

The reason some folks stay in abusive relationships is being studied now by psychologists. The phenomena is being labelled 'trauma bonding'. It occurs among women and men who were abused as children. They later grow up and find themselves in abusive adult relationships that they have difficulty leaving. It's not unlike 'stockholm syndrome' which describes the condition in which captives or hostages become bonded to their captors.

There's also the fact that your typical abuser is usually extremely good at both choosing someone who can be manipulated into accepting abuse, and in then manipulating that person. Unless one has either been in that position or dealt closely with someone who is, it can be hard to understand just how damaged an abuse victim's psyche and self-image really are. What seems obvious to a normal person - this treatment is wrong, I deserve better, I should leave - literally does not appear that way to them at all.

In short, being a victim of abuse is a mental and emotional disorder, and is no more subject to "cure" by logic and common sense than any other disorder. You can't just pull yourself up by your bootstraps from it, and if you had enough healthy self-esteem to simply protect yourself and walk out, your abuser likely wouldn't have chosen you in the first place.
Okay for openers there is no gun control plank in the Republican party's platform. There has been one for years in the Democratic party platform.

2nd this christian gives to more than his church and my church has food pantries and the like all over the country.

3rd editec research in fact shows that houses containing a gun are much safer crime wise. Five gallon buckets are more dangerous to toddlers than hand guns by a factor of almost ten to one.

4th I explained to a young woman sometime back that if she was going to leave an abusive relationship her first purchase ought to be a hand gun and enough ammunition to become proficient in it's use. She said she had a restraining owner I told her to get back to me when they printed them on kevlar...

Or include a free cop of your very own with each one filed.
Reporting from Washington -- Thousands convicted of a misdemeanor for threatening or assaulting a spouse or girlfriend could once again own guns because of a flaw in the federal law.

That prospect grew more likely Monday after the Supreme Court gave a skeptical hearing to a government lawyer who argued that a crime of domestic violence should result in a loss of gun rights.

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence said a ruling for Hayes "could re-arm thousands of convicted domestic violence abusers." About 14% "of all police officer deaths occur during a response to domestic violence calls," the group said.

On the other side, the Second Amendment Foundation said the "fundamental right" to own a gun should not be taken away over a misdemeanor.

Domestic violence abusers could get gun rights - Los Angeles Times
Yeah, right.

How emotional of those women to fear being killed or losing their kids.

Hitting is the last stage of power and control freakism, amigo.

No, actually I probably won't excuse you for being childishly and pointlessly rude, but hey, I'm sure neither of us are going to lose sleep over it Dev.

political correctness? you have your talking point facts. jesus, I bet you drive people crazy with your butting in attitude. am I right? do couples shut up or run away when they see you coming?

are you a professional do-gooder or it is a hobby?
Because they'd like to have more of it???

Lott-Mustard the most comprehensive study of Guns and gun violence ever conducted demonstrates conclusively that in the US State with the most liberal conceal and carry laws have over all lower crime rates than state with out such conceal and carry laws.
Because they'd like to have more of it???

Lott-Mustard the most comprehensive study of Guns and gun violence ever conducted demonstrates conclusively that in the US State with the most liberal conceal and carry laws have over all lower crime rates than state with out such conceal and carry laws.

That's because the high crime rates cause states to restrict guns, dummy.

Not the other way around.
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Report Links State Gun Laws To Rates of Slayings, Trafficking

By Cheryl W. Thompson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 5, 2008; Page A10

States with lax gun laws had higher rates of handgun killings, fatal shootings of police officers, and sales of weapons that were used in crimes in other states, according to a study underwritten by a group of more than 300 U.S. mayors.

The report, which was obtained by The Washington Post, found that 10 states, including Virginia, supplied 57 percent of the guns that were recovered in crimes in other states in 2007. The 38-page report is based on an analysis of annual crime-gun data compiled by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The analysis tracks guns used in crimes back to the retailers that first sold them.

Report Links State Gun Laws To Rates of Slayings, Trafficking -
Yes, one can buy a car without proof of having training, or even a drivers license. And the carnage on our highways is proof of that. A gun is a tool with only one purpose, that is to kill. Handled carelessly, it does just that.

Diuretic attempted to make this ludicrous argument as well. An inanimate object does not have a purpose. Purpose derived from from the individuals intent, not the tool used to carry out the intent.
Heck gun control, are you kidding, they should be sold everywhere, given as presents and used for target practice anywhere at all, in the best of worlds they would rival cellphones as people walking the streets twirled them and compared their collection to their neighbor's. Oh what a wonderful world it would be if everyone were armed - oh by the way peace on earth and good will to man too this holiday season. bang bang.

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