Liberal bastion in California collapsing

At least 40% of residents say they've had enough and plan to move.

A VAST MAJORITY are overwhelmed by crime & homelessness.

I find this HILARIOUS. You get what you voted for.
Well, you're a drunk, and besides that your thread is a damn lie. Now, sober up and go to an AA meeting today.
Triggered with head in sand is your new name.
Better than having my head in the bottle.
You know the sign of an idiot who has no valid argument? All they offer are personal attacks.

Wrong, I save them for assholes. They get what they give.

At least 40% of residents say they've had enough and plan to move.

A VAST MAJORITY are overwhelmed by crime & homelessness.

I find this HILARIOUS. You get what you voted for.
Well, you're a drunk, and besides that your thread is a damn lie. Now, sober up and go to an AA meeting today.
Triggered with head in sand is your new name.
Better than having my head in the bottle.
You know the sign of an idiot who has no valid argument? All they offer are personal attacks.

Wrong, I save them for assholes. They get what they give.
You have failed to address the topic 3 times now. Your juvenile tantrums and insults are pointless clutter. Off to ignore with the rest of the trolls you go
These 40% will leave California for other states, probably republican and will vote for Democrats there.
I do not know how to express my thought more clearly... Except for such an example - the Democrats shit their state, move to a clean place and continue to shit there.
LOL, what a ludicrous comment. It contributes nothing other than fear and hate. Typical of neo fascism.
This is completely natural. But what right do the democrats, who supported the politicians with their vote, who created a situation in which it is necessary to flee from the state, to leave these states? They should stay there and enjoy the fruits of their idiocy.
i dont buy that....when i was delivering mail there when i would get address changes many people were just moving to other parts of the state.....and the ones who were moving out of state would not vote for the shit happening in California today....many of them were republicans......and besides....its payback....i remember when S.Cal was as close to great living as you can get.....then it started changing.....that nice balance was starting to tilt left.....all the lefties moving in to get their piece of the pie....
This is completely natural. But what right do the democrats, who supported the politicians with their vote, who created a situation in which it is necessary to flee from the state, to leave these states? They should stay there and enjoy the fruits of their idiocy.
i dont buy that....when i was delivering mail there when i would get address changes many people were just moving to other parts of the state.....and the ones who were moving out of state would not vote for the shit happening in California today....many of them were republicans......and besides....its payback....i remember when S.Cal was as close to great living as you can get.....then it started changing.....that nice balance was starting to tilt left.....all the lefties moving in to get their piece of the pie....
Define "lefties", please.
At least 40% of residents say they've had enough and plan to move.
A VAST MAJORITY are overwhelmed by crime & homelessness.
I find this HILARIOUS. You get what you voted for.

  1. The exodus of all those white people will lower property values.
  2. Now all the poor and minorities in other areas can move in.
Part of the bourgeois ideology, which disguises itself as anti-bourgeois movement and really plays the role of a provocateur and a traitor. Its main role is to distract the working people from the class struggle, to the "struggle for the rights of various minorities". For the rights of people with disabilities, for the rights of blacks, for the rights of women, for the rights of youth, rights of homosexuals etc. For anything, just to distract from the class struggle of all workers, regardless of skin color, nationality, etc. for the destruction of an exploitative society.
This is completely natural. But what right do the democrats, who supported the politicians with their vote, who created a situation in which it is necessary to flee from the state, to leave these states? They should stay there and enjoy the fruits of their idiocy.
i dont buy that....when i was delivering mail there when i would get address changes many people were just moving to other parts of the state.....and the ones who were moving out of state would not vote for the shit happening in California today....many of them were republicans......and besides....its payback....i remember when S.Cal was as close to great living as you can get.....then it started changing.....that nice balance was starting to tilt left.....all the lefties moving in to get their piece of the pie....
Define "lefties", please.
someone who is pretty one time the state had a nice balance between the "moderate" left and it is pretty much left.....

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